Top 9 Quotes About Reality Sinking In

#1. What do you buy a woman to get back on her good side when you've made her really, really angry? Cake? Fudge?"
The wrinkles on the old man's face scrunched together as he frowned.
"How angry did you make her boy?"
"She set my car on fire.

Alanea Alder

Quotes About Reality Sinking In #209360
#2. He woke once more to external reality, looked round him, knew what he saw- knew
it, with a sinking sense of horror and disgust, for the recurrent delirium
of his days and nights, the nightmare of swarming indistinguishable sameness.

Aldous Huxley

Quotes About Reality Sinking In #288881
#3. A phone call should be a convenience to the caller, not an inconvenience to the called.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Quotes About Reality Sinking In #570109
#4. The hellish instruments of war must be smoked out while there is still peace. The Trade Union Movement must be compelled not to allow their old resolutions to fade in the files.

Carl Von Ossietzky

Quotes About Reality Sinking In #971508
#5. Torak's dead."
"Really?" Aunt Pol said. "Have you seen his grave? Have you opened the grave and seen his bones?

David Eddings

Quotes About Reality Sinking In #1309441
#6. We are both disciples of the Louis Jordan song 'What's the Use of Getting Sober (When You're Gonna Get Drunk Again).

C.J. Box

Quotes About Reality Sinking In #1375512
#7. Taking refuge means that you align and orient your life toward Buddha's example and toward enlightenment.

Reb Anderson

Quotes About Reality Sinking In #1417923
#8. She still craved the fantasy while reality was busy sinking in its sharp teeth.

Belle Malory

Quotes About Reality Sinking In #1787495
#9. Law students have taken over Hollywood. To them it's all about making money. They know people want to see what they've seen before. Also, remakes are places to showcase the new stars of tomorrow.

Tobe Hooper

Quotes About Reality Sinking In #1825842

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