Top 45 Quotes About Paychecks
#2. I've never seen American Idol but I am grateful to them. That show is one of Fox's biggest moneymakers, and some of that money goes to pay for shows like Prison Break. Simon Cowell's been signing my paychecks and for that I say thanks.
Wentworth Miller
#3. The iPad was my first splurge after I got my first paychecks. I paid off the debt, and I now bring the iPad with me to auditions.
Katie Leclerc
#4. Show true cost of FICA-double what is shown on paychecks.
Newt Gingrich
#5. The most successful computer programmers aren't the ones who approach programming as a task they have to carry out in order to get their paychecks. They're the ones for whom programming is a joyful game.
#6. Dex The Dick. Dex The Kind Grump was shoving his tongue down my throat. My boss. Dex. Charlie. The guy who signed my paychecks.
Mariana Zapata
#7. I've often said in the past that I thought MTV was sort of evil incarnate and signified the beginning of the end. And I don't know if I'm entirely wrong about that, but they did sign my paychecks a year ago, so I guess I'm part of the problem.
Martha Plimpton
#8. To win in November, Republican candidates must show they are in touch with voter concerns about growth, jobs, paychecks, government spending and debt. The only way to do this is by offering specific, persuasive ideas.
Karl Rove
#9. Now workers should have the right to join unions. But unions should not be forced upon workers. And unions should not have the power to take money our of their members' paychecks to buy the support of politicians that are favored by the union bosses.
Mitt Romney
#10. That's why we live in a world that is so messed up, because most of us go along, simply because going along is connected to our paychecks.
Adam Bucko
#11. Debt deflation is when there's less money that people have to spend out of their paychecks on goods and services, because they're paying the FIRE sector. Oil going down is a function of the supply and demand of oil in the market. It's a separate phenomenon.
Michael Hudson
#12. At one point people in al Qaeda were actually drawing monthly paychecks when they were based in Sudan.
Peter L. Bergen
#13. This violence is attributed in no small part to the gangs that prey on illegals who don't use banks. Pockets stuffed with cashed paychecks make inviting targets on a Friday night. Though
Mitty Walters
#14. My first job out of college was six weeks of picking fruit alongside a dozen or so men from Mexico. The orchard was in Emmett, Idaho. The men spent almost nothing on themselves. Their paychecks went directly to their families back home.
Will Hobbs
#15. What made him most anxious, he told me, was not the big questions - the mercilessness of fate, the possibility of heaven. He was too exhausted, he said, to wrestle with those. But he'd become impatient with the way people wasted their lives, squandered their chances like paychecks.
Wally Lamb
#16. I didn't toss aside my plan to steer clear of meaningless rebound flings because I can't resist a French maid costume. I didn't say yes to bedding my boss, the woman signing my paychecks, because you showed up at my door looking like a male fantasy. I couldn't resist you." "You
Sara Jane Stone
#17. We must solve the problem in health care by curbing out-of-control costs that erode paychecks for working families and push quality coverage out of reach for millions of Americans.
Paul Ryan
#18. Government aid programs have been endlessly expanded, and the government has sought to maximize the number of people willing to accept handouts ... Roughly half of all Americans are dependent on the government, either for handouts, pensions, or paychecks.
James Bovard
#19. If you don't allow yourself to change from book to book - take chances - it turns into a dullish job with no health benefits or pension plan and only intermittent paychecks.
Daniel Woodrell
#20. I've done pretty well in my career, and I've watched colleagues who have spent most of the paychecks they receive on shoes and cars rather than bricks and mortar, and that's not me.
Anthony Warlow
#21. They hadn't even gotten their first paychecks yet, ... My biggest thing was giving them a sense of reality and what costs would be. We outlined costs and a budget, and by the time we finished they said they could take maybe one vacation a year. They started to understand reality versus their dreams.
Ron Pearson
#22. There aren't any small parts, only small paychecks.
Joe Pantoliano
#23. A budget matters to people who worry about protecting and saving critical programs like Medicare and Social Security. A budget matters to younger workers who fear that more and more money will be taken from their paychecks to fund another generation's spending spree.
Susan Brooks
#24. We are going to have the candidate of food stamps, the finest food-stamp president in the American history, in Barack Obama, and we are going to have a candidate of paychecks.
Newt Gingrich
#25. [ ... ] we are on the payrolls of two dozen different companies as consultants, but we do absolutely nothing for our paychecks, just like normal consultants.
Kevin Hearne
#26. I will go to the NAACP convention, and explain to the African-American community why they should demand paychecks instead of food stamps.
Newt Gingrich
#27. If we continue to print new paychecks at the rate we've been adding them, that mitigates a lot of the damage of higher gasoline prices.
Jerry A. Webman
#28. We all need to learn a new language for love - a language that speaks not in socks, pancakes, and paychecks, but in shared fascination with physics or poetry, delight in each other's uniqueness, and mutual practical and emotional support.
Barbara Sher
#29. That's how you tell a merc is dead; he just stops collecting paychecks.
Mercedes Lackey
#30. If there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say.
Ernie Hudson
#31. I laughed from the time I arrived at the studio until I left at night. I was almost ashamed to take a paycheck.
Patsy Kelly
#32. The fastest way to disengage an employee is to tell him his work is meaningful only because of the paycheck.
Shawn Achor
#33. When it comes right down to it, someone else may be signing your paycheck but you are the person who fills in the amount.
Don Ward
#34. How is Hillary Clinton going to lecture me about living paycheck to paycheck? I was raised paycheck to paycheck.
Marco Rubio
#35. First paycheck I get, I thought, I'm going to get myself a room near the downtown L.A. Public Library.
Charles Bukowski
#36. The size of your paycheck shouldn't determine your child's future.
Barack Obama
#37. There's nothing wrong with getting a steady paycheck, unless it interferes with your ability to earn what you're worth. There's the rub. It usually does.
T. Harv Eker
#38. And you're stuck like a hook through the roof of your mouth
Tired of living for your sick days
Every day makes you sick
Tired of living just get paid
When you're dying to live
but you can't
Dominic Owen Mallary
#39. Never serve oysters in a month that has no paycheck in it.
P. J. O'Rourke
#40. The size of the promised paycheck is inversely proportional to the likelihood of surviving to collect it.
Howard Tayler
#41. Why would you take money out of your paycheck at the beginning of the month when you don't know how much money you'll need?
Dan Ariely
#42. Your paycheck is not your employer's responsibility, it's your responsibility. Your employer has no control over your value, but you do.
Jim Rohn
#43. There is no paycheck that can equal the feeling of contentment that comes from being the person you are meant to be.
Oprah Winfrey
#44. I never got along in school really - I already knew what I wanted to do. I have never in my life got a paycheck from anywhere in the world that asked if I went to school.
John Waters
#45. You get a bigger paycheck if you are the hero. There is something good about it.
Dolph Lundgren
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