Top 100 Quotes About Near And Far

#1. I love you, always forever
Near and far, close and together
Everywhere, I will be with you
Everything, I will do for you.

Donna Lewis

Quotes About Near And Far #95435
#2. When Western civilization invaded the Near and Far East and what is now called the Third World it imposed its own ideas of a proper environment and a rewarding life. Doing this, it disrupted the delicate patterns of adaptation and created problems that had not existed before.

Paul Feyerabend

Quotes About Near And Far #194970
#3. Once a bustling logging town, Sandpoint has embraced its natural beauty to become an amazing resort town drawing people near and far to enjoy its beauty and recreational possibilities. It's truly a small town with a huge backyard.

Nate Holland

Quotes About Near And Far #250890
#4. I come from the ocean with songs of the sea
No lesson for learning, just play upon me
Now go make your music in lands near and far
Orion protects you wherever you are

Jimmy Buffett

Quotes About Near And Far #312815
#5. A globalized world is by now a familiar fact of life. Building walls or moats may sound appealing, but the future belongs to those who tend to their people and then boldly engage the rest of the world, near and far.

Jon Meacham

Quotes About Near And Far #448465
#6. Water has its own archaeology, not a layering but a leveling, and thus is truer to our sense of the past, because what is memory but near and far events spread and smoothed beneath the present's surface.

Ron Rash

Quotes About Near And Far #449856
#7. Baby's fishing for a dream, fishing near and far. His line a silver moonbeam is, his bait a silver star.

Alice Riley

Quotes About Near And Far #533806
#8. The lessons near and far have taught us that our truth is Kuwait, and our involvement with this fact is what created for us, with God's graciousness, our victory set.

Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah

Quotes About Near And Far #619962
#9. We do not realize the full extent of the difference between near and far futures. Yet

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Quotes About Near And Far #677606
#10. I was very fortunate to have learned the transforming power of music early in life. As an adult I want to share that power by inspiring people to care about their neighbors near and far. Being a UNICEF Ambassador allows me this kind of opportunity.


Quotes About Near And Far #951599
#11. We are so caught up in our media, in our jobs, in our gossip, and in our consuming that we genuinely feel like we don't have the time or energy to bother ourselves with the tribulations of nations near and far.


Quotes About Near And Far #1031125
#12. Before it had awoke to die on the instant of its waking, a score of bells and clocks had shouted midday and for a minute after its death, from near and far the clappers in their tents of rusted iron clanged across Gormenghast.

Mervyn Peake

Quotes About Near And Far #1070251
#13. The surprises, liberations, and clarifications of travel can sometimes be garnered by going around the block as well as going around the world, and walking travels both near and far.

Rebecca Solnit

Quotes About Near And Far #1488866
#14. If we all counted our blessings and then shared them with our neighbors, near and far, all our lives would be richer.

Janet Autherine

Quotes About Near And Far #1515648
#15. We dedicate ourselves to working with our neighbors, near and far, day in and day out, to building that peaceful society in which the tragedies we have known are a bad memory and a continuing warning.

Betty Williams

Quotes About Near And Far #1832317
#16. Instar implies something both celestial and ingrown, something heavenly and disastrous, and perhaps change is commonly like that, a buried star, oscillating between near and far.

Rebecca Solnit

Quotes About Near And Far #1851301
#17. He who loves the coming of the Lord is not he who affirms that it is far off, nor is it he who says it is near, but rather he who, whether it be far off or near, awaits it with sincere faith, steadfast hope, and fervent love.

Augustine Of Hippo

Quotes About Near And Far #12908
#18. Autumn Dusk
I saw above a sea of hills
A solitary planet shine,
And there was no one, near or far,
to keep the world from being mine.

Sara Teasdale

Quotes About Near And Far #31067
#19. I control my life and I have never let success run away with me - I've taken it and ran. And the only thing that could threaten my stability is me - I'm my only threat and my own worst enemy. Beyond that, I don't feel successful. I'm nowhere near where I plan to be as far as my goals.

Chaka Khan

Quotes About Near And Far #75853
#20. At sunset, if I am near the water - and it is hard to be very far from it here -I pause to watch the splendid disc set the brine aflame and then douse itself in it's own fiery broth.

Geraldine Brooks

Quotes About Near And Far #122945
#21. I guess the more you start to love someone, the more you ache when they're gone, and maybe it's that middle ground that hurts the most, when you can see them and still not feel like you're near enough. So close and yet so far.

Robin Benway

Quotes About Near And Far #136295
#22. Whoever fears God stands above all manner of fear. He has become a stranger to all the fear of this world and placed it far from himself, and no manner of trembling comes near him.

Ephrem The Syrian

Quotes About Near And Far #141238
#23. Life's like a book: What matters is the hook.
Be it short or long, just live it strong.
Whether it's five stars, or how near or far, just soar!

Ana Claudia Antunes

Quotes About Near And Far #174694
#24. I am haunted by numberless islands, many a Danaan shore,
Where Time would surely forget us, and Sorrow come near us no more;Soon far from the rose and the lily and fret of the flames would we be,
Were we only white birds, my beloved, buoyed out on the foam of the sea!

William Butler Yeats

Quotes About Near And Far #200347
#25. I rise, I fall
Always trying.
I succeed, I fail
Seldom crying.

You've been so far
Yet near to my heart.
I remember you
Seldom crying.

You've left me
I've been so lonely.
I try to laugh and end up,
Seldom crying.


Quotes About Near And Far #270975
#26. And then
we no longer distinguish far nor near

They sleep
gather branches
for this fire
the cloud brews

against the powerless day -

Long line of fugitives
beneath the snow

Deborah Heissler

Quotes About Near And Far #298777
#27. Give, and thou shalt receive. Give thoughts of cheer,Of courage and success, to friend and stranger.And from a thousand sources, far and near,Strength will be sent thee in thy hour of danger.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Quotes About Near And Far #325876
#28. If it was the warmth of the sun, and not its light, that produced this operation, it would follow, that, by warming the water near the fire about as much as it would have been in the sun, this very air would be produced; but this is far from being the case..

Jan Ingenhousz

Quotes About Near And Far #327646
#29. Alone! Alone! No beacon, far or near! No chart, no compass, and no anchor stay!

Ada Cambridge

Quotes About Near And Far #351490
#30. Nowhere is far for the man who thinks everywhere is near and nowhere is near for the man who thinks everywhere is far! All jobs are first finished in the head!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes About Near And Far #392624
#31. The plague of gold strikes far and near.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Quotes About Near And Far #402266
#32. I started shooting when I was much too far away. That was merely a trick of mine. I did not mean so much as to hit him as to frighten him, and I succeeded in catching him. He began flying curves and this enabled me to draw near.

Manfred Von Richthofen

Quotes About Near And Far #417171
#33. I could be tiny and near the ground, unable to move very fast or far, but with a simple lift of a camera, that lens let me go places I couldn't even imagine.

Anne Eliot

Quotes About Near And Far #431283
#34. And despite the insignificance of the instant we have so far occupied in cosmic time, it is clear that what happens on and near Earth at the beginning of the second cosmic year will depend very much on the scientific wisdom and the distinctly human sensitivity of mankind.

Carl Sagan

Quotes About Near And Far #441275
#35. Princes have big ears which hear far and near.

Elizabeth I

Quotes About Near And Far #508239
#36. Home may be near, Home may be far - But it is anywhere love And a few plain household treasures are.

Grace Noll Crowell

Quotes About Near And Far #510928
#37. Are these the duties I required? I called for the heart and spirit and you bring nothing but the carcass of duty. Should I receive this?" "The Lord says These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." Isaiah 29:13

Thomas Watson

Quotes About Near And Far #523700
#38. To keep the fire burning brightly there's one easy rule: Keep the two logs together, near enough to keep each other warm and far enough apart - about a finger's breadth - for breathing room. Good fire, good marriage, same rule.

Marnie Reed Crowell

Quotes About Near And Far #540224
#39. The wise man looks back into the past, and does not grieve over what is far off, nor rejoice over what is near; for he knows that time is without end.


Quotes About Near And Far #544997
#40. The paucity of near-future U.S. scifi is about the country becoming pessimistic, not being able to see the future clearly. There's a trend in U.S. scifi towards militarism and far-future stuff.

Charles Stross

Quotes About Near And Far #569422
#41. If two lives join, there is oft a scar. They are one and one, with a shadowy third; One near one is too far.

Robert Browning

Quotes About Near And Far #576840
#42. And far and near kokilas hail the day

Toru Dutt

Quotes About Near And Far #587614
#43. Hard work always pays off in the eyes of a God that never sleeps ... Who's always near and never far

Edna Stewart

Quotes About Near And Far #605475
#44. Alchemy is the art of far and near, and I think poetry is alchemy in that way. It's delightful to distort size, to see something that's tiny as though it were vast.

Robert Morgan

Quotes About Near And Far #653839
#45. Eric Helzer and David Pizarro asked students at Cornell University to fill out surveys about their political attitudes while standing near (or far from) a hand sanitizer dispenser. Those told to stand near the sanitizer became temporarily more conservative.27

Jonathan Haidt

Quotes About Near And Far #656718
#46. Far or forgot to me is near;
Shadow and sunlight are the same;
The vanished gods to me appear;
And one to me are shame and fame.They reckon ill who leave me out;
When me they fly, I am the wings;
I am the doubter and the doubt,
And I the hymn the Brahmin sings.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quotes About Near And Far #705986
#47. Sometimes the near seemed far, far away and the faraway was right beneath your feet.

Lou Berney

Quotes About Near And Far #722599
#48. Go forward while you can, but if your strength fails you, sit down near the road and gaze without anger or envy at those who pass by. They don't have far to go, either.

Ivan Turgenev

Quotes About Near And Far #732220
#49. Outside the box is an overused cliche which goes nowhere near far enough. In fact, there are so many politicians and salesmen thinking outside the box these days that I am convinced that all of their boxes are completely empty!

Lance Greenfield

Quotes About Near And Far #744872
#50. The moon was out and I saw some sheep.
I saw some sheep take a walk in their sleep.
By the light of the moon, by the light of a star,
They walked all night from near to far.
I would never walk, I would take a car.

Dr. Seuss

Quotes About Near And Far #772920
#51. 'T is sweet to think that where'er we rove We are sure to find something blissful and dear; And that when we 're far from the lips we love, We 've but to make love to the lips we are near.

Charles Lamb

Quotes About Near And Far #803921
#52. You don't want to be hanging around this village. You don't want to be anywhere near here. Do you understand me? I shouldn't be talking to you like this. But if you know what's good for you, you'll get away. You'll go as far away as you can and you won't come back.

Anthony Horowitz

Quotes About Near And Far #813886
#53. The white man had invented glasses which made objects too near or too far, cameras, telescopes, spyglasses, objects which put glass between living and vision. It was the image he sought to possess, not the texture, the living warmth, the human closeness.

Anais Nin

Quotes About Near And Far #842390
#54. We are as near to heaven as we are far from self, and far from the love of a sinful world.

Samuel Rutherford

Quotes About Near And Far #847073
#55. Thou art every where, Whom no place encompasseth! and Thou alone art near, even to those that remove far from Thee. Let them then be turned, and seek Thee; because not as they have forsaken their Creator, hast Thou forsaken Thy creation.

Augustine Of Hippo

Quotes About Near And Far #854544
#56. Far help seldom solves near troubles.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Quotes About Near And Far #867746
#57. It was a far more terrifying idea to imagine how much control he really had over how his life turned out. Easier to believe that he was a gallant ship tossed by fate than to captain it himself.
He would steer it now, and if there were rocks near shore, so be it.

Maggie Stiefvater

Quotes About Near And Far #868816
#58. Many people make their own God; and he is much what the French may mean when they talk of le bon Dieu,
very indulgent, rather weak, near at hand when we want anything, but far away out of sight when we have a mind to do wrong. Such a God is as much an idol as if he were an image of stone.

Julius Charles Hare

Quotes About Near And Far #927896
#59. With a short lens I can reveal the hidden things near at hand, with a long lens the hidden things far away. The telephoto lens provides a new visual sensation for people: it widens their horizons. And, conversely, the things under our nose invariably look good when blown up really big.

Andreas Feininger

Quotes About Near And Far #976026
#60. The good past is so far away and the near past is so horrible and the future is so perilous, that the present has a chance to expand into a golden eternity of here and now.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Quotes About Near And Far #996670
#61. All space is relative. There is no such thing as size. The telescope and the microscope have produced a deadly leveling of great and small, far and near. The only little thing is sin, the only great thing is fear!
("The Jelly-Fish")

David H. Keller

Quotes About Near And Far #1011838
#62. The global importance of the Middle East is that it keeps the Far East and the Near East from encroaching on each other.

Dan Quayle

Quotes About Near And Far #1050522
#63. Near or far, there are burdens and terrors in sisterhood, and perhaps the nearer, the more complicated.

Helen Yglesias

Quotes About Near And Far #1131800
#64. Always imagine him close to you when you pray,' she explained. 'If you think of Him as near, then that's where you will find Him. And if you think of Him as far away, then that's where He will be.

Ayad Akhtar

Quotes About Near And Far #1136129
#65. I am only mortal, desperate, urgent. Spirits have endless ages in which to do nothing, if they so choose, but humans have death to hurry them on. Near or far, the end is always in sight. We have no time to stand and stare. Make your choice, Fernanda.

Jan Siegel

Quotes About Near And Far #1143735
#66. When I was far away, when I prayed every night, I felt I was very near with my heart, with my brain, to my sisters and my mom.

Riccardo Tisci

Quotes About Near And Far #1149205
#67. Not as all other women are
Is she that to my soul is dear;
Her glorious fancies come from far,
Beneath the silver evening star,
And yet her heart is ever near.

James Russell Lowell

Quotes About Near And Far #1182985
#68. God is equally near to everything and every place and is equally ready to give himself, so far as in him lies, and therefore a person shall know him aright who knows how to see him the same, under all circumstances.

Meister Eckhart

Quotes About Near And Far #1191085
#69. Act after having made assessments. The one who first knows the measure of far and near wins - this is the rule of armed struggle.

Sun Tzu

Quotes About Near And Far #1193550
#70. We are too near the scene of tragedy to realize that this canker or untouchability has traveled far beyond its prescribed limits and has sapped the very foundation of the whole nation.

Mahatma Gandhi

Quotes About Near And Far #1204744
#71. The Lord says: These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.


Quotes About Near And Far #1208922
#72. I can't play anywhere near like I used to, and I was a hot drummer. It doesn't bother me, because frankly, if you get to that point where you can't hold a drumstick properly, there are many other things in life which are far more important, like cutting a loaf of bread or a piece of cheese.

Phil Collins

Quotes About Near And Far #1209715
#73. To go far you must begin near, and the nearest step is the most important one.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Quotes About Near And Far #1220709
#74. Each one of you carries the potential to blossom like flowers. When you blossom, petals of your mind open and the fragrance spread far and near.

Banani Ray

Quotes About Near And Far #1252506
#75. Nothing is far and nothing is near, if one desires. The world is little, people are little, human life is little. There is only one big thing - desire. And before it, when it is big, all is little.

Willa Cather

Quotes About Near And Far #1270196
#76. And then the death will come. The great parting, but the least painful of all the goodbyes we ever knew. For in death, only one shall grieve. And so far we have always, at every parting, grieved together.

Ivo Andric

Quotes About Near And Far #1273151
#77. You are so near to my thoughts and my heart yet so far from my body and my arms ... I once loved the whole world because you were in it.

Brunhilda Of Austrasia

Quotes About Near And Far #1284154
#78. Young leaves The sound of a waterfall Heard from far and near.

Yosa Buson

Quotes About Near And Far #1291886
#79. Stand not too near the rich man lest he destroy thee - and not too far away lest he forget thee.

Aneurin Bevan

Quotes About Near And Far #1293201
#80. Her whole face twisted in agony and one tear fell from the corner of her eye, and I wanted to die right there. I wanted to die before I had to watch another one slip from her eyes.

Nicole Williams

Quotes About Near And Far #1303469
#81. Being near you for a day was at the top of my bucket list of the greatest life achievements, so this has by far exceeded my expectations and everyday has been magic.

Crystal Woods

Quotes About Near And Far #1322081
#82. Robin Goodfellow is a very old faerie. Not only that, he has ballads, poems, and stories written about him, so he is very near immortal, as long as humans remember them. Not to say he is immune to iron and technology-far from it. Puck is strong, but even he cannot resist the effects.

Julie Kagawa

Quotes About Near And Far #1336521
#83. The Tao is near and people seek it far away.


Quotes About Near And Far #1369932
#84. For when two beings who are not friends are near each other there is no meeting, and when friends are far apart there is no separation.

Simone Weil

Quotes About Near And Far #1401308
#85. There were two ways of looking at it: imagining that it was far away and big, in the first place; in the second, that it was small and near. But at any rate, a stupid, hard, brown mountain. How she hated nature sometimes.

Clarice Lispector

Quotes About Near And Far #1410235
#86. How wholesome winter is, seen far or near; how good, above all mere sentimental, warm-blooded, short-lived, soft-hearted, moral goodness, commonly so called. Give me the goodness which has forgotten its own deeds,
which God has seen to be good, and let be.

Henry David Thoreau

Quotes About Near And Far #1436717
#87. Believer, come near the cross this morning, and humbly adore the King of glory as having once been brought far lower, in mental distress and inward anguish, than anyone among us; and mark his fitness to become a faithful High Priest, who can be touched with a feeling of our infirmities.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Quotes About Near And Far #1481198
#88. At moments of wonder, it is easy to avoid small thinking, to entertain thoughts that span the universe, that capture both thunder and tinkle, thick and thin, the near and the far.

Yann Martel

Quotes About Near And Far #1514198
#89. From the east to the west blow the trumpet to arms! Through the land let the sound of it flee; Let the far and the near all unite, with a cheer, In defense of our Liberty Tree.

Thomas Paine

Quotes About Near And Far #1550890
#90. Time's relativity
is considered and abandoned,
for the more revelatory
experiences of starlight
in strands, and pearly
floors that span as far as
absolute compassion...

Kristen Henderson

Quotes About Near And Far #1597526
#91. Kes wasn't safe. He wasn't a sensible choice. He made my heart race, and swoop, and die a little. When I was near him, I burned. When he was far away, my blood moved sluggishly, reluctantly, cooling without his heat. Maybe we'd burn together. But maybe, just maybe, we'd fly.

Jane Harvey-Berrick

Quotes About Near And Far #1649028
#92. Archaeologists use datasets from NASA and commercial satellites, processing the information using various off-the-shelf computer programs. These datasets allow us to see beyond the visible part of the light spectrum into the near, middle, and far infrared.

Sarah Parcak

Quotes About Near And Far #1679027
#93. Man goes far away or near but God never goes far-off; he is always standing close at hand, and even if he cannot stay within he goes no further than the door.

Meister Eckhart

Quotes About Near And Far #1688291
#94. On this earth, though far and near, without love, there's only fear.

Pearl S. Buck

Quotes About Near And Far #1751383
#95. It is something great and greatening to cherish an ideal; to act in the light of truth that is far-away and far above; to set aside the near advantage, the momentary pleasure; the snatching of seeming good to self; and to act for remoter ends, for higher good, and for interests other than our own.

Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

Quotes About Near And Far #1773592
#96. The dearest days in one's life are those that seem very far and very near at once.

Abraham Cahan

Quotes About Near And Far #1774891
#97. I grew up near the sea in British Columbia and San Francisco, and lived in Malibu and Fiji for years. I get uncomfortable being too far inland.

Raymond Burr

Quotes About Near And Far #1783620
#98. Ultimately, we all have to decide what our own life is for. I will die one day, and, whether my day is near or far, I choose to look back on my time and know that I walked through the doors that inspired me.

Shaun Chamberlin

Quotes About Near And Far #1794837
#99. There was no near sound - no steam-engine at work with beat and pant - no click of machinery, or mingling and clashing of many sharp voices; but far away, the ominous gathering roar, deep-clamouring.

Elizabeth Gaskell

Quotes About Near And Far #1795620
#100. My greatest good fortune in a life of brilliant experiences has been to find you, and to lead my life with you. I don't feel far away from you out here at all. I feel very near in my heart; and also I feel that the nearer I get to honour, the nearer I am to you.

Winston Churchill

Quotes About Near And Far #1798826

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