Top 16 Quotes About Multisensory

#1. As people become multisensory, they begin to realize that their lives are meaningful, that there's a purpose to all of their experiences - to the people that they meet, to the challenges that they have, that nothing is random.

Gary Zukav

Quotes About Multisensory #688972
#2. We are evolving
from five-sensory humans into multisensory humans ...
The perceptions of the multi-sensory human
extend beyond physical reality
to the larger dynamical systems of which our physical reality is a part.

Gary Zukav

Quotes About Multisensory #753791
#3. Medieval and ancient sensibility now dominates our time as acoustic and multisensory awareness displaces the merely visual.

Marshall McLuhan

Quotes About Multisensory #1379736
#4. We are determined to improve the economic environment by getting foreign investors in and by cutting red tape.

Igor Luksic

Quotes About Multisensory #122369
#5. What, indeed, had I done in all my thirty years of conscious life? Not only had I failed to live my life for the sake of all, but I had not even lived it for myself. I had lived as a parasite, and once I asked myself why I had lived, the answer I received was: for nothing.

Leo Tolstoy

Quotes About Multisensory #310427
#6. When you truly love yourself, you do not accept abusive relationships, because you know you deserve better.

Stephen Richards

Quotes About Multisensory #316968
#7. I must not quarrel with the will
Of highest dispensation, which herein,
Haply had ends above my reach to know.

John Milton

Quotes About Multisensory #394811
#8. My position is the lack of a position, but, of course, you can't even talk about it; the minute you talk, you spoil the whole game.

Marcel Duchamp

Quotes About Multisensory #430528
#9. I'm just constantly trying to be a good dad.

David Charvet

Quotes About Multisensory #703628
#10. Raw in the fields the rude militia swarms, Mouth without hands; maintained at vast expense, In peace a charge, in war a weak defence.

John Dryden

Quotes About Multisensory #1176971
#11. No conclusions can be more agreeable to scepticism than such as make discoveries concerning the weakness and narrow limits of human reason and capacity.

David Hume

Quotes About Multisensory #1196873
#12. The musicals that leave us kind of staggering on our feet are the ones that really reach for a lot.

Lin-Manuel Miranda

Quotes About Multisensory #1262251
#13. I might have remembered what my father once wrote to Henry George, I never do anything by halves, and am half hearted in no cause that I embrace.

Cecil B. DeMille

Quotes About Multisensory #1365086
#14. I feel good. I think everything went good.

Hal Sutton

Quotes About Multisensory #1586372
#15. Another brittle hug from Adele - it was like being embraced by a Ryvita

Jill Mansell

Quotes About Multisensory #1747392
#16. As when, O lady mine,
With chiselled touch
The stone unhewn and cold
Becomes a living mould,
The more the marble wastes,
The more the statue grows.

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Quotes About Multisensory #1832175

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