Top 100 Quotes About Mend
#1. I finally found the product that helps mend my damaged hair and prevent breakage. Avon's Advance Techniques Damage Repair 3D Rescue Leave-In Treatment makes it look and feel healthier.
#2. Better to makes changes for oneself that try to mend holes torn by the decisions of others.
Kate Morton
#3. Blessed are the powers that grant me magic.
I promise to use their gift well.
To help mend my world.
To help mend all worlds.
And should I forget to mend,
Should I refuse to mend,
Still I will remember
To do no harm.
Janni Lee Simner
#4. Broken wings don't mend that way; the way you think broken wings do. Once that wing has taken time to mend; that bird has forgotten how to fly
S.L. Northey
#5. God's Mercy and Forgiveness is available for everyone however, your part is to accept it and mend your ways
Josephine Akhagbeme
#6. Golly, he's just a pest and your worst best friend,
Who mend and rip space-time fabric like polyester blend.
Daniel Dumile
#7. There are boys here who have to mend their shoes whatever way they can. There are boys in this class with no shoes at all. It's not their fault and it's no shame. Our Lord had no shoes. He died shoeless. Do you see Him hanging on the cross sporting shoes? Do you, boys?
Frank McCourt
#8. Buck found it to be cheaper to mend his ways than to retaliate.
Jack London
#9. If God does not mend your broken dreams,
it's because He wants to replace them.
If He mends your broken dreams,
it's because He wanted to build them Himself.
Matshona Dhliwayo
#10. Better to hunt in fields, for health unbought,
Than fee the doctor for a nauseous draught.
The wise, for cure, on exercise depend;
God never made his work for man to mend.
John Dryden
#11. He'd torn her heart to sherds, and it was too late to gather the pieces and mend it.
C.J. Archer
#12. Batter my heart, three-personed God, for you As yet but knock; breathe, shine, and seek to mend; That I may rise, and stand, o'erthrow me, and bend Your force to break, blow, burn, and make me new.
John Donne
#13. People - especially men - don't always know what they want. You try, and if it doesn't work, then you may quit."
With a broken heart. As if she'd read her mind, Abuelita frowned and scolded, "Hearts mend, but lost chances are gone forever.
Cherise Sinclair
#14. All I know is that you are the only person that has ever made me feel this way. Break my heart and mend it at the same time, make my breathing feel inadequate. You, Clara, make me want more.
Len Webster
#16. Young men mend not their sight by using old men's spectacles.
John Donne
#17. In the end it seems we're just toys, easy to break and hard to mend.
Mark Lawrence
#18. A man who leaves home to mend himself and others is a philosopher; but he who goes from country to country, guided by the blind impulse of curiosity, is a vagabond.
Oliver Goldsmith
#19. If the electrician who comes to mend my fuse blows it instead, so I should stop having electricity? I should cut off my light? Socialism is my light, can you understand that?
Arnold Wesker
#20. If my eyes have pain, I close them; If my body aches, I rest it; If my heart breaks, I mend it; If my soul is lost, I pray for it
Jeremy Aldana
#22. I'm a woman. That means I break hard. And mend like a motherfucker; all sexy and full of heartbreakingly beautiful scars.
Staceyann Chin
#23. I want to cry because something terrible happened, and I saw it, and I could not see a way to mend it.
Veronica Roth
#24. Pride has a greater share than goodness in the reproofs we give other people for their faults; and we chide them not so much to make them mend those faults as to make them believe that we ourselves are without fault.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld
#26. Make faithfulness and truth thy masters: have no friends unlike thyself: be not ashamed to mend thy faults.
#27. It is very true. But even a traitor may mend. I have known one who did.
C.S. Lewis
#28. But like the crusaders, who in the name of piety had carried out that dreadful massacre in Jerusalem, there were many citizens who failed to hear in those penitential sermons a call to mend their ways, and instead learnt to hate all those who didn't share their faith.
E.H. Gombrich
#31. I'm convinced that whatever contains human emotions is composed of the most fragile material, for it can shatter unpredictably and without effort. And yet it is a resilient marvel as well, able to mend instantly as though never affected.
Richelle E. Goodrich
#32. It is only with true love and compassion that we can begin to mend what is broken in the world. It is these two blessed things that can begin to heal all broken hearts.
Steve Maraboli
#33. He was a practical man: give him a sensitive technical instrument, and he could maintain it; something broken, and he could mend it, meditatively, efficiently. But confronted by his grieving wife, he felt useless.
M.L. Stedman
#34. So weary with disasters, tugg'd with fortune,
That I would set my life on any chance,
To mend, or be rid on't.
William Shakespeare
#35. Love will break your heart,[ ... ] but love can also mend it. Not many things in life are both the cause and the cure.
Lisa Kleypas
#36. Sometimes we get our hearts broken, only to have the right person come along to mend them.
Adriana Trigiani
#37. I am far from denying that newspapers in democratic countries lead citizens to do very ill-considered things in common; but without newspapers there would be hardly any common action at all. So they mend many more ills than they cause.
Alexis De Tocqueville
#38. Memoir ... satisfies our need for gossip and intimacy, for testimony and confessional, and in this world of spin, offers a truthful account of what it means to succeed or fail, to love and lose, to break your heart and mend it again.
Jeanette Winterson
#39. I can't cut out a piece of cloth and make a lovely dress, but I can mend tears in shirts and sew on buttons.
Joanna Lumley
#40. When we qualify for the help of the Lord, we can build boys, we can mend men, we can accomplish miracles in His holy service. Our opportunities are without limit.
Thomas S. Monson
#41. The best way to mend a broken heart is time and girlfriends.
Gwyneth Paltrow
#42. Mankind
Men, said the Devil,
are good to their brothers:
they don't want to mend
their own ways, but each other's.
Piet Hein
#43. Truly as the sun can rot or mend, love can make one bestial or make a beast a man.
Marianne Moore
#44. I fretted myself about the mistakes of government, like other people; but finding myself every day grow more angry, and the government growing no better, I left it to mend itself.
Oliver Goldsmith
#45. And he has to be hard and cold and maybe a little bit forbidding, a little bit bad with a broken heart I have to mend or one encased in ice I have to melt or better yet, both!
Kristen Ashley
#46. For give the dry fool drink, then is the fool not dry. Bid the dishonest man mend himself. If he mend, he is no longer dishonest. If he cannot, let the botcher mend him. Anything
William Shakespeare
#48. Tell me, Sarah Booth, is it your body that's hurt or your heart?"
"Whatever it is, it'll mend.
Carolyn Haines
#49. I don't care if you are religious or not and I think the message is that at the end of the day, everybody has to mature and everybody has to heal and mend their own injuries, emotional injuries, on their own pace.
Boris Kodjoe
#50. I don't despise you for what you allowed to happen to me. I despise you because when I was released, you refused to be found and I needed you more than anything in my life. Not to mend my broken bones, Arjuro. I needed my brother to mend my broken spirit.
Melina Marchetta
#51. The business of church is ultimately people. You're trying to heal people, grow people, teach people, and mend people. And when leaders spend all of their time helping and growing other people, they ignore their own growth.
Henry Cloud
#52. God showed us how to heal instead of kill, how to mend instead of destroy, how to love instead of hate, how to live instead of long for more. When we nailed God to a tree, God forgave. And when we buried God in the ground, God got up.
Rachel Held Evans
#53. Patients have been cured almost instantaneously of ... lupus ... ,cancer ... ,ulcers ... , tuberculosis ... In a few seconds, at most a few hours, the symptoms disappear and the anatomic lesions mend. The miracle is characterized by extreme acceleration of the normal process of healing.
Alexis Carrel
#54. Are you sure I can't mend a shirt or darn a sock for you in trade? Anything?"
"You can quit your yammerin' and carry this table downstairs so I can get back to minding my own business instead of messing around in yours.
Karen Witemeyer
#55. It is so much easier to be nice, to be respectful, to put yourself in your customers' shoes and try to understand how you might help them before they ask for help, than it is to try to mend a broken customer relationship.
Mark Cuban
#56. While no other success of ours can compensate for our failures within or outside our homes, there is a success that can compensate when we cannot, after we conscientiously do all we can. That success is the Atonement of Jesus Christ, which can mend what for us is beyond repair.
Bruce C. Hafen
#57. Broken hearts mend but souls forever fight the battle.
Jay Long
#58. Physicians mend or end us, Secundum artem; but although we sneer - In health - when ill we call them to attend us, Without the least propensity to jeer
Lord Byron
#59. Go up to the mountain, go up to the glen, where silence will touch you, and heartbreak will mend.
Van Morrison
#61. The disposition of all power is to abuses, nor does it at all mend the matter that its possessors are a majority.
James F. Cooper
#62. But even a traitor may mend. I have known one that did.
C.S. Lewis
#65. The world is full of broken people. Splints, casts, miracle drugs, and time can't mend fractured hearts, wounded hearts, wounded minds, torn spirits.
Dean Koontz
#66. Sometimes when you mend a chain, the place where you fix it is strongest of all ... Never was a chain that couldn't be broken. Sometimes its even a good idea.
Bruce Coville
#67. Nurses nurse
and teachers teach
and tailors mend
and preachers preach
and barbers trim
and chauffeurs haul
and parents get to do it all.
Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz
#68. But the nearer the dawn the darker the night, And by going wrong all things come right. Things have been mended that were worse, and the the worse, the nearer they are to mend.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
#69. He that lacks time to mourn, lacks time to mend:
Eternity mourns that. 'Tis an ill cure
For life's worst ills to have no time to feel them.
Henry Taylor
#70. Despite all our desperate, eternal attempts to separate, contain and mend, categories always leak.
Trinh T. Minh-ha
#71. I've gained so much confidence as a woman from figuring out that I don't want to be destructive. I don't want to stomp through the world and be number one. I just want to tread really lightly and not destroy anything. Hopefully, I can try to mend some things. That's my goal.
Alicia Silverstone
#72. The greatest thing about you is that you made me hungry.
The greatest thing about you is that you made sure you remain the only hunger. '
' We should never break things we have to mend ourselves
Sheenginee B.
#73. We aren't guaranteed the time we think we
need to mend fences with those we love.
Eileen Wilks
#74. Abbott Labs absolutely are on the mend. You were able to buy 15 percent growth over the last five, 10 and 20 years at 13 or 14 times earnings, ... It's a great opportunity. Buy on this dip. We think a year from now the chart's going to be a mirror image on the up side.
David L. Katz
#75. Not yet," he wailed, as raw as the earth. "But you lay as though already dead, and I cannot go on without you. Do not leave me; do not die!" And I felt a grief from him to melt the mountain ice. Grief to drown in. Grief to both rend my heart and mend it at once.
Tosca Lee
#76. The most sure, but at the same time the most difficult expedient to mend the morals of the people, is a perfect system of education.
Catherine The Great
#78. Broken hearts don't need medical treatment, they need a lover to mend them.
Dixie Waters
#79. The days diminished. Light lasted just six hours, and it was a feeble light. Mabel organized her hours into patterns - wash, mend, cook, wash, mend, cook - and tried not to imagine floating beneath the ice like a yellow leaf.
Eowyn Ivey
#80. Sometimes I feel I know strangers Better than I know my friends Why must a beginning Be the means to an end? The stones from my enemies These wounds will mend But I cannot survive The roses from my friends.
Ben Harper
#81. I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken - and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.
Margaret Mitchell
#82. You underestimate the healing power of love. Love mends many things; it could mend the brokenness inside of you." "Bloody hell, did you get
Quinn Loftis
#83. Mullahs from the TNSM preached that the earthquake was a warning from God. They said it was caused by women's freedom and obscenity. If we did not mend our ways and introduce sharia or Islamic law, they shouted in their thundering voices, more severe punishment would come.
Malala Yousafzai
#84. When the mechanic has to mend a watch he lets the wheels run out; but the living watchworks of the state have to be repaired while they act, and a wheel has to be exchanged for another during its revolutions.
Friedrich Schiller
#85. So now, whenever I despair, I no longer expect my end, but some bit of luck, some commonplace little miracle which, like a glittering link, will mend again the necklace of my days.
#86. Some things don't need to be mended.
Some things are not meant to be mended. Some things are not for you to mend.
Merrie Haskell
#87. Truth was the only superglue that could mend the cracks in her family.
DiAnn Mills
#88. You can only mend the vase so many times before you have to chuck it away.
Christine McVie
#90. It turns out that running 26.2 miles, and training body and soul to do it, is useful for heartbreak," she wrote. "It does not mend anything, your muscles are all broken, and that becomes the point. Everything is weary and strained and exhausted like your heart.
Celia Viggo Wexler
#91. You brought the needle & I brought the thread. We meant to mend our two broken hearts, but we ended up stitching them together.
Amanda Lovelace
#92. Since I was young, I have always known this: Life damages us, every one. We can't escape that damage. But now, I am also learning this: We can be mended. We mend each other
Veronica Roth
#93. Forgiveness is the needle that knows how to mend.
#96. To wake the soul by tender strokes of art,
To raise the genius, and to mend the heart
Alexander Pope
#97. Unfortunately, we are a species with schizoid tendencies, and like an old lady who has to share her house with a growing and destructive group of teenagers, Gaia grows angry, and if they do not mend their ways she will evict them.
James E. Lovelock
#98. Honestly, I had no idea that the heart could cause such trouble and strife. It could be broken and still mend. It could be wounded and still heal. It could be given away still returned, lost and found. It could do all that and still you lived, though according to some, only just.
Sally Gardner
#99. My long sickness Of health and living now begins to mend, And nothing brings me all things.
William Shakespeare
#100. It is bad enough to have a bear in your house, but it does not seem to me to mend matters if you call in a pack of ferocious wolves as well.
Arthur Conan Doyle