Top 85 Quotes About Lifestyle Change

#1. When you need a lifestyle change due to [health issues], a dietary change is usually the first thing you need to take control of.

Mark Spitz

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #208229
#2. Being inspired is fine for a week, and being motivated might work for a month or so, but to make any lifestyle change last a lifetime, you need dedication.

John Bingham

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #182729
#3. Life is meant for living.. I know that sounds simplistic, but how many days do you let slip by without really doing something, accomplishing something, making a life change, a lifestyle change?

Ivana Trump

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1568761
#4. Journeying is a lifestyle change.

S. Kelley Harrell

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1508947
#5. I've made major cutbacks. I used to love soda. So I've cut out soda completely, and I'll drink iced tea or water for what I drink throughout my day. I just made that like a lifestyle change.

Khloe Kardashian

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1392677
#6. The solution to losing weight is a whole foods, plant-based diet, coupled with a reasonable amount of exercise. It is a long-term lifestyle change, rather than a quick-fix fad, and it can provide sustained weight loss while minimizing risk of chronic disease.

T. Colin Campbell

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1389006
#7. I went from a very pessimistic person to a very optimistic person sort of overnight, which is very weird. It's not even the success of my shows. I think it's the lifestyle change, I really do.

Norman Reedus

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1300267
#8. Making a lifestyle change is challenging, especially when you want to transform many things at once, you better start with one, when you see the change you'll have an automatic motivation entering into your life.

Auliq Ice

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1253654
#9. Christianity is not primarily about lifestyle change; it is about knowing God.

Michael Reeves

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1193718
#10. Lifestyle change and changes in diet work faster, better and more cheaply than any medication and are as effective or more effective than gastric bypass without any side effects or long-term complications.

Mark Hyman

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #473288
#11. Working with my new coach has helped a lot. I've been a lot more focused and I'm doing all the little things in order to get faster. It's been a total lifestyle change really.

Tyler Christopher

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #417172
#12. It's more about balance for me. I used to be an all or nothing person. And now I would rather have a lifestyle change - rather than use the word 'diet' - where 90 percent of the time spend my life that way and 10 percent of the time have fun and do what my body feels like it needs or craves.

Julianne Hough

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #362512
#13. To progress isn't a little step, it's a pretty dramatic lifestyle change.

Auliq Ice

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #277834
#14. A lifestyle change begins with a vision and a single step.

Jeff Galloway

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #226670
#15. Words are like food. They contain information that either releases and liberates and creates possibilities and development or locks you into unhealthy patterns you can't change.

Thorbjorg Hafsteinsdottir

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1462327
#16. Americans believe cotton is best, but we've invented new fabrics that will change your lifestyle.

Tadashi Yanai

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #988514
#17. Each and every minute spent reviewing one's lifestyle is never wasted. A better life comes when one takes time to re-order his/her steps, having learnt lessons worth applying!

Israelmore Ayivor

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1398045
#18. up to five hundred genes change their output when a person makes positive lifestyle changes, such as improved diet, moderate exercise, meditation, and stress management.

Deepak Chopra

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1364884
#19. To change our eating habits, we must learn to eat mindfully, being more aware of chewing and tasting what we eat so that the brain can register the incoming nutrients.

John M. Poothullil

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1339882
#20. Death is just a change in lifestyles.

Stephen Levine

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1301734
#21. If we have a chance coming to the Top and no have luck For stay there, the way down can be very Scary for the change in our Life style.

Jan Jansen

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1301093
#22. Today's sin is tomorrow's alternative lifestyle.

Marty Rubin

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1297223
#23. In this world it is not possible that everyone will follow your steps. You can't change some one and some one will not change their lifestyle because of you.

Nutan Bajracharya

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1281086
#24. Health is not a diet plan, but a lifestyle. Understand your body, your strengths, and your limits and use this knowledge to make a change. Stop dieting, start living.

Manuel Villacorta

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1264972
#25. If you change your lifestyle, remember it's not a wind sprint, but it's a marathon you're embarked on, and you'll be able to stay there.

Mehmet Oz

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1229686
#26. I can't just say one time of the year I'm going to do something different. I have to commit to a lifestyle behavioral change and just try to be a little bit better today than I was yesterday.

Gabrielle Union

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1226683
#27. To sit on the stile would be to continue a familiar existence. To cross the stile would be to begin something new.

Fennel Hudson

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1216551
#28. Churchgoers in America are notorious for jumping into movements, even ideas that are hard to listen to. But when they actually have to change their lifestyle and do something about it, it rarely translates into action.

Francis Chan

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1195414
#29. The Hollywood lifestyle was just overwhelming. A party here, an interview there, magazine and modeling shoots daily, your face everywhere and girls throwing themselves at you. As great as it felt at the time, I still felt something missing, and that I needed to change.

Kirk Cameron

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1145031
#30. One day I looked in the mirror, and I wasn't happy. If you're not feeling good mentally, emotionally and physically, you're just a mess - and that's the point I felt like. It was a change in attitude and a shift in lifestyle. There's no crazy diet; I train six days a week, and I eat really well.

Ricki-Lee Coulter

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1091473
#31. I'd like to provide information, inspiration, and access to whatever goods and services are needed to make it super easy for everyone to change their lifestyle to a sustainable one.

Daryl Hannah

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1035167
#32. The first thing I tell clients is get off the couch! Just start making some small lifestyle changes such as walking to work instead of driving or taking the stairs instead of the lift. The small things you can change all add up.

Jessie Pavelka

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1862858
#33. If you are not happy with the work you do, change it

Anamika Mishra

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1537250
#34. Changing a Habit is Never Difficult.
Difficult is to Address Your Unwillingness to do it

Vineet Raj Kapoor

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1839495
#35. I've been writing as usual, but this is not a healthy lifestyle. I tried to change and work during the day, but found that the morning sun saps my energy. So what am I going to do ... ?

Kyousuke Motomi

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1831880
#36. We're halfway through another great time of the year. You should start to make little improvements to your lifestyle and thinking, your late. Start making a change now.

Auliq Ice

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1830178
#37. A person's Acts of #Kindness far outlives their lifespan,for they leave behind a true, meaningful legacy.

Michael Levy

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1804229
#38. It was easy to make a difference to other people's lives, so easy to change the little room in which people lived their life.

Alexander McCall Smith

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1749463
#39. The digital detox isn't what you think it is. It's like a diet. Once you go on it, you feel better until you log into social media again. If you want real change, figure out what works best for your lifestyle.

J.R. Rim

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1654238
#40. One-third of Americans have already been forced to change their lifestyle because their disposable income is gone. A guy can't go to the corner bar after a rough day at work to have a beer, that's gone to oil!

Terry McAuliffe

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1589796
#41. Money is ... I'm very conscious of it because I have it. It's powerful, man. It can change you ever so slightly, ever so slowly, and all of a sudden you're addicted to a million-dollar lifestyle and you've got no choice but to make a bad movie.

Penn Badgley

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1561258
#42. Know that once we have received Jesus, we can't continue to live our old sinful lifestyle. Now that we have His Holy Spirit living in us, guiding us, and transforming us, we have no excuse.

Stormie O'martian

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1467226
#43. If I can help one person realize their potential by removing fear and inadequacies from their mind, I am not only a success- I am a change agent.

Lasean Rinique

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1535589
#44. Welcome and embrace closed doors, as they are gateways to new opportunities.

Lasean Rinique

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1526312
#45. The core of a scientific lifestyle is to change your mind when faced with information that disagrees with your views, avoiding intellectual inertia, yet many of us praise leaders who stubbornly stick to their views as "strong."

Max Tegmark

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1521001
#46. When I make a change, like when I found out I had high cholesterol, I just changed my lifestyle.

Amanda Peet

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1488975
#47. We need to assume that aspirations of people in villages are nothing less than the aspirations of people in the cities. They need a change in their lifestyle.

Narendra Modi

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1479727
#48. If you tidy up in one shot, rather than little by little, you can dramatically change your mind-set. A change so profound that it touches your emotions will irresistibly affect your way of thinking and your lifestyle habits.

Marie Kondo

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1479335
#49. A man may accommodate himself to a disagreeable situation in a few months. The intolerable may take a little longer.

Joyce Carol Oates

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #1471066
#50. One of the most common reasons people renovate their homes is a change in their lifestyle - an upcoming wedding, a new baby, or grown children moving away.

Candice Olson

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #246509
#51. Futurists and common sense concur that a substantial change, worldwide, in life-style and moral guidelines will soon become an absolute necessity.

Roger Wolcott Sperry

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #460751
#52. Yoga should not be just an exercise, but a means to connect with the world and with nature. It should bring a change in our lifestyle and create awareness within us.

Narendra Modi

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #460057
#53. One of the things that strikes me is so many of the critics are people whose lifestyle doesn't change when the price of fuel changes, or if they keep a Wal-Mart store out of their area.

Lee Scott

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #395676
#54. I enjoy my life. I think I have a very good life. And I think I'm very satisfied with the direction of my career and just my lifestyle and everything like that. So I wouldn't change a single thing.

Macaulay Culkin

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #391396
#55. Who you are when you have no power to say anything, and who you become when you have power to say everything will determine whether you are a leader or not.

Israelmore Ayivor

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #353082
#56. Seek a slower, simpler life.

Fennel Hudson

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #349459
#57. If I have to change my lifestyle, I don't want to live.

Robert Mapplethorpe

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #348000
#58. If you make lots of little changes to your lifestyle, you'll need to make time to have some fun too, otherwise life can get a little boring.

Auliq Ice

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #286369
#59. After my bypass surgery I knew I had to change my lifestyle, and then it occured to me - I don't have a lifestyle.

David Letterman

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #463037
#60. People don't like change when it comes to changing their own lifestyle habits.

Jonathan Balcombe

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #214307
#61. What I learned in jail is that I can't change. I can't live a different lifestyle - this is it. This is the life that they gave and this is the life that I made.

Tupac Shakur

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #204983
#62. ... move from emphasis on personal lifestyle issues toward creating political paradigms and radical models of social change that emphasize collective as well as individual change.

Bell Hooks

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #145382
#63. Repentance means to have a hearty, thorough, change of mind and it includes the idea of rejecting and renouncing the sinful, filthy lifestyle you've been living. And for the most part, fags cannot repent because they're proud of their sin.

Fred Phelps

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #111300
#64. Achieving control over change, in respect to lifestyle, demands an engagement with the outer social world rather than a retreat from it.

Anthony Giddens

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #100564
#65. No way of life so entrenched will ever 'wither away' - it must be helped, with dynamite, if need be.

Joyce Carol Oates

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #79261
#66. If you knew you could change your lifestyle and diet and avoid heart disease and other things, you should do it.

Laila Ali

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #67499
#67. How to be happy starts with self love, being proud of who you are and making happiness a daily choice.

Robert Moment

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #48319
#68. The number one element on the list for changing and improving one's lifestyle is definitely in the area of health for most people. Good health paves the way for even more awesomeness to happen all-the-way-around.

Sereda Aleta Dailey

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #659980
#69. Life experience is the new work experience.

Richie Norton

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #958593
#70. We want to bring better products to Vietnam. My hope is through changes in lifestyle and the products we consume, it will affect the people and change the way they are thinking.

Pham Nhat Vuong

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #861660
#71. Permanent results only come from permanent changes in lifestyle and diet style. You don't get permanently well unless you permanently change the way you live.

Joel Fuhrman

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #853193
#72. When I left Barcelona, staying in Spain was an important factor in my decision to join Madrid. I did not have to change country or learn a new language, adopt a different sort of lifestyle, and so on.

Luis Figo

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #803433
#73. I am Western and I see no need or reason to change that. The Western lifestyle has many things to offer, as do the Eastern methods of self discovery. I think blending the two is very desirable.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #799275
#74. Be content, Be grateful, Be loving, Be happy, and this lifestyle will not only change YOUR life, it will change OUR world. I finally grasped the true meaning of let go- let God. (An excerpt from Finding Inner Peace)

Alice Hocker

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #783687
#75. If you want things to change, you must change. If you want things to get better, you must get better.

Ted Atoka

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #759991
#76. At the end of the day, love is such a normal thing, and everyone deals with it. Just because it's a different lifestyle doesn't change the meaning of what I've been raised on, which is fairy tales.

Selena Gomez

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #734509
#77. Your lifestyle - how you live, eat, emote, and think - determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live.

Brian Carter

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #966462
#78. If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.

Fred DeVito

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #634810
#79. We must reduce all the emissions that are destroying the planet. However, that requires a change in lifestyle, a change in the economic model: We must go from capitalism to socialism.

Hugo Chavez

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #620395
#80. Create an opportunity for change to have way in your attitude and lifestyle. Sometimes, it not us, but our perceptions scare away change!

Israelmore Ayivor

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #606554
#81. Successful weight management really means a permanent change in lifestyle - and success in this arena provides that person with a great opportunity to model that behavior for friends and family.

Francis Collins

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #601443
#82. Only you can change yourself, no one else can.

Thabang Gideon Magaola

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #595110
#83. I find the difference, for me, between having no money and having quite a bit is that the bills get bigger. And that's it. The lifestyle doesn't change.

Douglas Adams

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #578248
#84. Being able to say, "No," is a necessary ingredient in a healthy lifestyle.

David W. Earle

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #557289
#85. When we make a true commitment to walk in love, it usually causes a huge shift in our lifestyle. Many of our ways - our thoughts, our conversation, our habits - have to change.

Joyce Meyer

Quotes About Lifestyle Change #541736

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