Top 100 Quotes About Kenneth
#1. I love you," Kenneth said, with terrible dispassion, "but I would not burn the Library of Alexandria for you"; and Anita, drily sobbing, cried, "You son of a bitch.
Jincy Willett
#2. Kenneth MacAlpin unifies the Picts and the Scots.
#3. For me, Twitter is a public persona. It's UbuWeb or Kenneth Goldsmith (as opposed to Kenny Goldsmith). I don't interact. It's a lousy form for conversation and opinion (what can you really say in 140 characters?), but a wonderful propaganda and sloganeering tool. I use it as a one-way street.
Kenneth Goldsmith
#4. Today the United States has admitted that after months and months of searching, we still have no idea where Osama bin Laden is. Osama bin Laden? We can't even find Kenneth Lay.
Jay Leno
#5. I'm no Kenneth Branagh or Ben Stiller. I'm not that single-minded, 'I'm producing it, directing it, and starring in it' kind of person; that's not me.
Tom Hollander
#6. The effect of reading literary non-fiction that matters most to me is when the coin drops, and this happens in the company of the great, mercuric, encyclopedic minds: Empson, Kenneth Burke, Northrop Frye.
Paul Fry
#7. This piece of groping wisdom impresses me still. A sensible prayer people could offer up from time to time, it seems to me, might go something like this: "Dear Lord - never put me in the charge of a frightened human being." Kenneth
Kurt Vonnegut
#8. Kenneth Copeland is a friend, innocent until proven guilty.
Mike Huckabee
#9. I had already established, as you know, that it was logically impossible for Kenneth to be distressed by anything that might occur between Ned and myself; but Kenneth, being an artist, has perhaps not studied logic and is unaware of the impossibility.
Sarah Caudwell
#10. Doing Shakespeare on stage with Kenneth Branagh, I don't think it gets better than that.
Richard Madden
#11. Well, the manhunt continues for that elusive evil mastermind, but I'm telling you Enron CEO Kenneth Lay remains at large.
David Letterman
#12. Especially when I first really started to work with Kenneth and Franklin, who had been in space already. And so, they were able to talk about space and tell me a few things about how things would really happen.
Philippe Perrin
#13. Author Kenneth Blanchard says, "There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results." That's what leaders do. They commit and follow through.
John C. Maxwell
#14. All great economists are tall. There are two exceptions: John Kenneth Galbraith and Milton Friedman.
George Stigler
#15. Some people are instantly brilliant. The Kenneth Branaghs of this world are ready-formed actors at 23 - he has used his success in lots of different ways - but there are people out there for whom acting is: 'Ooh, I can get on the telly and be famous.'
Harriet Walter
#16. He [Kenneth Branagh] is the nicest guy. He is absolutely fantastic. Hes really down to earth, really friendly, and he has a great sense of humor. I really liked working with him. Hes a fantastic actor as well. Theres such a presence about him.
Emma Watson
#17. Kenneth Burke calls form the satisfaction of an expectation; The Man Who Loved Children is full of such satisfactions, but it has a good deal of the deliberate disappointment of an expectation that is also form.
Randall Jarrell
#18. Sir Kenneth MacMillan's version of 'Romeo and Juliet' is my favorite full-length ballet, Sergei Prokofiev's breathtaking score a favorite composition of music. As a student of martial arts, I loved drawing my sword in defense of my Capulet kin.
Sascha Radetsky
#19. This theory rapidly became an article of faith because it appealed to the factors that, according to John Kenneth Galbraith, most contribute to the formation of conventional wisdom: the ease with which an idea may be understood and the degree to which it affects our personal well-being.
Steven D. Levitt
#20. Form, not the crashing waves far below at the base of the cliff. She looked eerily like the sketch that Kenneth had drawn of
Mary Jo Putney
#21. A lot of Congressmen yesterday were upset when Kenneth Lay took the Fifth. Lay said it wasn't his fault. He had planned on testifying, but when Jeffrey Skilling testified, he took all the really good lies.
Jay Leno
#22. It's amazing though," said Kenneth, "what you can get away with if you give up caring about anything else, like self-respect and pride and all that stuff. Turning yourself into a projectile, so to speak.
Amy Witting
#23. There is no question but that nominally religious scientists like Francis Collins and Kenneth R. Miller are doing lasting harm to our discourse by the accommodations they have made to religious irrationality.
Sam Harris
#24. My mother, when I told her I was going into the jewelry business said, 'Kenneth, don't tell anyone.'
Kenneth Jay Lane
#25. British people might wonder 'What the hell is Kenneth Branagh doing directing 'Thor?' but the person asking that the most was Kenneth Branagh. I think he was more surprised than anyone else to find himself doing this kind of film.
Tadanobu Asano
#26. Kenneth Koch once said, You aren't just the age you are. You are all the ages you ever have been!
Fred Rogers
#28. John Kenneth Galbraith said: Faced with the choice of changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof.
Eliezer Yudkowsky
#29. Kenneth Hari does not paint portraits as they are but as he is. I feel he is hiding something from me. To board a train into his mind would give me a ride into dark adventure.
Tennessee Williams
#30. My university teacher and mentor Kenneth Arrow remembers me as a student who asked good questions. Although I had not previously thought of myself in that way, on reflection I think that Arrow was right.
Oliver E. Williamson
#31. I have a pathetic urge at some stage in my life to be able to pull out my wallet and pull out a little card on which it would say, 'Kenneth Branagh, artistic director.'
Kenneth Branagh
#32. There is no possible idea," Kenneth thought as he came onto the terrace, "to which the mind of man can't supply some damned alternative or other. Yet one must act.
Charles Williams
#33. A writer without authority? Impossible. as Kenneth Burke says, creation implies authority in the sense of originator ...
John Geddes
#34. John Kenneth Galbraith and Marshall McLuhan are the two greatest modern Canadians that the U.S. has produced.
Anthony Burgess
#35. I was a tremendous fan of the original Kenneth Grahame short story, 'The Reluctant Dragon.'
Tony DiTerlizzi
#36. Kenneth Branagh. There was a time in my life when people would tell me constantly that I look like him. I could do a lot worse than that.
Jonathan Dee
#37. There were a lot of adventure books for boys, historical novels by Kenneth Roberts, and whatever mystery novels the alarmed librarian imagined might not corrupt an eager but innocent youth.
Peter Straub
#38. Enron CEO Kenneth Lay has apparently just slipped across the border into Pakistan.
David Letterman
#39. I started to watch 'Play for Today' and plays like 'Cathy Come Home,' and Kenneth Branagh's 'Billy' trilogy in the 1980s, which took us into the world of the Belfast family. As a kid in Luton, how was I ever going to know that world otherwise?
Colin Salmon
#40. I'm calling on the Supreme Leader of North Korea, or as I call him, 'Kim,' to do me a solid and cut Kenneth Bae loose.
Dennis Rodman
#41. I was born in Amersham, England on 6/4/58. My family moved to Australia when I was eight, and I went to Box Hill High School and then Melbourne High School. I liked to draw and write at school, and I liked books by J.R.R. Tolkien, A.A. Milne and Kenneth Grahame.
Graeme Base
#42. The prevailing note in the Amazon is one of monotony," thought Kenneth Grubb, "the same green lines the river-bank, the same gloom fills the forest. . . . Each successive bend in the river is rounded in expectancy, only to reveal another identical stretch ahead.
Greg Grandin
#43. I loved New York. I made enough money and studied acting with Kenneth McMillan, which was my first formal training.
June Squibb
#44. I Kenneth Robert Livingstone, having been elected to the office of mayor of London, declare that I take that office upon myself, and will duly and faithfully fulfil the duties of it to the best of my judgement and ability.
Ken Livingstone
#45. Acting's incredibly enjoyable, but sometimes it doesn't feel quite enough. I've also written a script about the life of Eleanor of Aquitaine. This will make me sound like a female Kenneth Branagh, but I can't think of anything nicer than directing myself from a script I wrote.
Honeysuckle Weeks
#46. I am inspired by my mother's faith and the teaching I receive under the leadership of Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer. I am also inspired by hard work and powerful people who have maintained a sense of integrity, decency, and kindness. Love really inspires me.
Erica Tazel
#47. To Jaden, Kenneth, Stanley, Pedro, Tyler, Edwin, Samuel, Taishan, Gerry and Justin. For who you were and who you might have been.
Gary Younge
#48. My name is not 'The Best Player in Baseball.' My name is George Kenneth Griffey, Jr.
Ken Griffey Jr.
#49. And you really live by the river? What a jolly life!" "By it and with it and on it and in it," said the Rat. . . . "It's my world, and I don't want any other. What it hasn't got is not worth having, and what it doesn't know is not worth knowing." - KENNETH GRAHAME, The Wind in the Willows
Kevin Fedarko
#50. I think Mulder is the worst FBI agent in the world. He spends millions of dollars investigating these paranormal phenomena and never comes up with any evidence. He's the Kenneth Starr of the FBI.
David Duchovny
#51. They wanted Guy Middleton instead of Kenneth More, and even Kay Kendall wasn't their first choice!
Dinah Sheridan
#52. Kenneth Hari's art work shall influence mankind.
Pablo Casals
#53. The No. 1 best-selling Christmas album of all time is from Kenneth Bruce Gorelick, the Jewish smooth-jazz legend Kenny G. American Jews have always produced a lot of holiday music, just not Hanukkah music.
#54. As with mosquitoes, horseflies, and most bloodsucking parasites, Kenneth Starr was spawned in stagnant water.
James Carville
#55. I live a very Kenneth Williams-like existence.
Michael Sheen
#56. Kenneth Cooper's research shows that low to moderate intensity exercise is just as beneficial as high-intensity exercise - but without the rigorous wear and tear on the system.
Ann Louise Gittleman
#57. People talk a lot about, 'You're a Disney princess! You're Cinderella!' and this and that. But for me, it's all about the fact that I worked with Cate Blanchett and was directed by Kenneth Branagh. That's the 'Cinderella' story for me.
Lily James
#58. But why should I care what he's doing if I'm crazy about you?'
'We are allowed to have more than one feeling at once,' said Kenneth. 'We are human beings, not ants.
Jami Attenberg
#59. Maybe things don't really happen for a reason," Kenneth said. "Or maybe they do. But I think it doesn't matter either way. Because we can only experience those things as humans. And because we're humans, we're going to think they mean one thing, even if they mean another.
Rose Christo
#60. My greatest desire was to be in a sandbox with Kevin Kline or Kenneth Branagh - to be with the people I admired - and I have.
Robert Sean Leonard
#61. Strong efforts have been made in Ohio to curb the authoritarianism of our Secretary of State, Kenneth Blackwell, as he has purged people from lists in our State in particular precincts where voters are heavily minority.
Marcy Kaptur
#62. When, as an undergraduate, I began experiments on these slime molds in 1940, only one other person, Kenneth Raper, was working on them at that time. In fact, he discovered the model species Dictyostelium discoideum, which is the species used in the majority of the experimental work today.
John Tyler Bonner
#63. Kenneth Hari is a true artist and in my opinion a psychic. When he is painting you, he feels your heart and soul.
Dolly Parton
#64. I'm a fiend for costume jewellery and have countless pairs of rhinestone or diamante earrings, which are so flattering when they catch the light. I love the designers Alexis Bittar and Kenneth Jay Lane, and I always go to jewellers Butler & Wilson.
Joan Collins
#65. To go from Jon Favreau for Iron Man 1 and 2 to Kenneth Branagh for Thor and the very different world of Thor, it's about how to adapt to Coulson in a different setting and a different world while, at the same time, still have him be a part of the same world.
Clark Gregg
#66. The nude does not simply represent the body, but relates it, by analogy, to all structures that have become part of our imaginative experience.
Kenneth Clark
#68. We measure the success of schools not by the kinds of human beings they promote but by whatever increases in reading scores they chalk up. We have allowed quantitative standards, so central to the adult economic system, to become the principal yardstick for our definition of our children's worth.
Kenneth Keniston
#69. On the cross, Jesus won the right for believers to be born again back into the god-class. Adam was created, not subordinate to God, but as a god; he lost it, and in Christ we are taken back to the god-class.
Kenneth Copeland
#70. With many sovereign states, with no system of law enforceable among them, with each state judging its grievances and ambitions according to the dictates of its own reason or desire - conflict, sometimes leading to war, is bound to occur.
Kenneth Waltz
#71. There is no controversy within science over the core proposition of evolutionary theory.
Kenneth R. Miller
#72. Even in the case of a god, audiences - paradoxically - enjoy recognizing the human traits.
Kenneth Branagh
#73. Being a Christian, I'm eager to introduce people to Jesus. I just don't think I should do it in the science classroom.
Kenneth R. Miller
#75. It is not necessary to advertise food to hungry people, fuel to cold people, or houses to the homeless.
John Kenneth Galbraith
#76. Some of the greatest advances happen when people are bold enough to speak their truth and listen to others speak theirs.
Kenneth H. Blanchard
#77. The man who reacts to the universe with a cry of impotent anguish is acceptable as an artist only if he can persuade us that he has sanely considered the other possible reactions and found them inadequate.
Kenneth Tynan
#78. Satan can move in the supernatural realm, too, because he is a spirit being, as is God. You've got to be able to know whether a vision, dream, impression, or suggestion is from God or Satan. Those suggestions that do not line up with the Word are of the devil.
Kenneth E. Hagin
#79. I've always considered movies evil; the day that cinema was invented was a black day for mankind.
Kenneth Anger
#80. If scattered and forsaken bricks are enough to build a house, a wise man will collect them and build one
Kenneth Mahuka
#81. Almost all great painters in old age arrive at the same kind of broad, simplified style, as if they wanted to summarise the whole of their experience in a few strokes and blobs of colour.
Kenneth Clark
#82. In the '50s Morris Louis and I were not known, David Smith and Helen Frankenthaler were not much known.
Kenneth Noland
#83. States in the world are like individuals in the state of nature. They are neither perfectly good nor are they controlled by law.
Kenneth Waltz
#84. I'm still not totally sure I know what's true about me.
Kenneth Logan
#85. One musn't overrate the culture of what used to be called "top people" before the wars. They had charming manners, but they were as ignorant as swans.
Kenneth Clark
#86. You can't show me a sentence, word, or phoneme that is meaningless; by its nature, language is packed with meaning and emotion.
Kenneth Goldsmith
#87. Unfortunately, a lot of executives aren't like producers, and can't hear the diamond in the rough.
Kenneth Edmonds
#88. She kissed me on the cheek, and my mom sang Theresa's name from the open front door. She loves Theresa. I think she loves me more when I'm with her.
Kenneth Logan
#89. If you are always looking for the negative in yourself, then you will find ways to invent it.
Kenneth Horowitz
#91. I liked the fact that 'My Week With Marilyn' wasn't a biopic.
Kenneth Branagh
#93. You can change an outfit, you can outfit change, or both.
Kenneth Cole
#94. I had a friend who introduced me to a meditation practice which involves a couple of half-hours a day of meditation, where essentially you try to achieve a stillness that allows you to just be there in the moment.
Kenneth Branagh
#95. The secret of politics is to care about success, but not too much.
Kenneth Minogue
#96. You've no fear of heights," puffed the girl.
"None," I said.
"I've heard that about you.
Kenneth Oppel
#97. If you're not looking for the right thing, you can't be disappointed if you don't get it.
Kenneth Eade
#98. They reality is that we have 70% of our voters use a punch card system that I tried to change and that bipartisan resistance in the legislature stopped.
Kenneth Blackwell
#99. Men seek for vocabularies that are reflections of reality. To this end, they must develop vocabularies that are selections of reality. And any selection of reality must, in certain circumstances, function as a deflection of reality.
Kenneth Burke
#100. He felt teenage rejection overcoming him like a childhood virus that lies dormant, then attacks the unsuspecting adult. It would never be something he would get used to.
Kenneth Eade
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