Top 50 Quotes About Importance Of Education
#1. I've always believed in the importance of education and continuing to learn throughout every stage of life.
Muhtar Kent
#2. As a child I experienced firsthand the severe effects of poverty and illiteracy, especially upon women and children. My parents taught me the importance of education and that it was a key to improving an individual's life.
Naveen Jain
#3. The importance of education is ingrained in Scottish history.
Nicola Sturgeon
#4. My parents grew up in poor families where little English was spoken, they both went to college and became teachers. They believed that anything was possible with hard work, and they particularly stressed the importance of education. They instilled that same belief in my sister and me.
Samuel Alito
#5. The importance of education plays a huge role.
Wes Moore
#6. My kids are coming up in a different time then me. Interracial couples are of the norm. With me, it's about making sure my kids understand the importance of education and having opportunities that I didn't. My goal as a parent is to make sure they don't take what they have for granted.
Kevin Hart
#7. I really make sure that my girls understand the importance of education. I don't want them to be spoilt and only know private school kids. I want them to behave well by example.
Wendi Deng Murdoch
#8. ...parents everywhere desire a better life for their children. It's a near constant: They understand the importance of education and crave it for their children, even as they are well aware of the sacrifice they will have to make.
John Wood
#9. My parents always stressed the importance of education, working hard in school and learning as much as possible. They also encouraged me to value myself and believe in myself and do what I thought was right for me.
Hillary Clinton
#10. The education explosion is producing a vast number of people who want to live significant, important lives but lack the ability to satisfy this craving for importance by individual achievement. The country is being swamped with nobodies who want to be somebodies.
Eric Hoffer
#11. Criticism talks a good deal of nonsense, but even its nonsense is a useful force. It keeps the question of art before the world, insists upon its importance.
Henry James
#12. Looking ahead, I believe that the underlying importance of higher education, of science, of technology, of research and scholarship to our quality of life, to the strength of our economy, to our security in many dimensions will continue to be the most important message.
Charles Vest
#13. It has always seemed to me that a love of natural objects, and the depth, as well as exuberance and refinement of mind, produced by an intelligent delight in scenery, are elements of the first importance in the education of the young.
Frederick William Faber
#14. We must go on fighting for basic education for all, but also emphasize the importance of the content of education. We have to make sure that sectarian schooling does not convert education into a prison, rather than being a passport to the wide world.
Amartya Sen
#15. [Of] particular importance is the relationship between education and the political process.
Jonathan Kozol
#16. That everyone may receive at least a moderate education appears to be an objective of vital importance.
Abraham Lincoln
#17. A good education prepares a child to be a good employee and a good citizen-in that order, with the importance of the former never exceeding the importance of the latter.
Cullen Hightower
#18. The family teaches us about the importance of knowledge, education, hard work and effort. It teaches us about enjoying ourselves, having fun, keeping fit and healthy.
Kamisese Mara
#19. The first in time and the first in importance of the influences upon the mind is that of nature. Every day, the sun; and after sunset, night and her stars. Ever the winds blow; ever the grass grows.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
#20. True education will shape your life, but if you ignore education you will be punished by your life.
Debasish Mridha
#21. Education is important not because it helps you to get a job, but because it opens the window of the mind through which we can see the beauty of life.
Debasish Mridha
#22. I am trying to encourage kids to do something that isn't yet on their mind because it is not in popular culture. Popular culture tells you 'music, music, sports, sports.' It neglects the importance of a STEM education.
#23. The most interestingly odd thing about education is that one too often realises its importance in life long after one's youthful days of education are over.
Q.M. Sidd
#24. My parents, especially my father, discussed the question of my brothers' education as a matter of real importance. My education and that of my sister were scarcely discussed at all.
Emmeline Pankhurst
#25. My childhood was safe and sane. No abuse and no traumas. I was surrounded by a large and loving family who taught me the importance of hard work and a meaningful education.
Ronnie James Dio
#26. I had done quite a bit of research about math education when I spoke before Congress in 2000 about the importance of women in mathematics. The session of Congress was all about raising more scholarships for girls in college. I told them I felt that it's too late by college.
Danica McKellar
#27. Promote, then, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened.
George Washington
#28. As a former teacher and a mother and grandmother, I know firsthand the importance of a quality education.
Sue Kelly
#29. I dream of a society that is continuously creating knowledge, where each individual is a part of this creation, where youngsters can pursue courses with freedom of choice, where technology is used for universal access of education and yet the importance of the Guru is retained.
Narendra Modi
#30. In metros, girls are very independent, conscious and aware. But in the interiors of our country, where education is not given importance, they continue to be oppressed. But it is important for every woman to acknowledge what she wants from herself rather than going for what people expect from her.
Kangana Ranaut
#31. A society that does not give importance to education cannot progress. Let there be any Government, it must have a vision to make India shine in the field of education.
Narendra Modi
#32. The importance of these [college] years for an American cannot be overestimated. They are civilization's only chance to get to him.
Allan Bloom
#33. I learned a lot from that first record and I learned a lot from my experiences touring, but really the biggest education I got over the past two years was learning the importance of arrangements.
Vanessa Carlton
#34. The inspirational value of the space program is probably of far greater importance to education than any input of dollars ... A whole generation is growing up which has been attracted to the hard disciplines of science and engineering by the romance of space.
Arthur C. Clarke
#36. Education is a savings account that you fill by learning and by spending. Even if you spend for the rest of your life, it will only grow to give you joy.
Debasish Mridha
#37. The problem of far greater importance remains to be solved. Rather than build a world in which we shall all live well, we must stop building one in which it will be impossible to live at all.
B.F. Skinner
#38. I had passed through the entire British education system studying literature, culminating in three years of reading English at Oxford, and they'd never told me about something as basic as the importance of point of view in fiction!
Philip Pullman
#39. Child labour is an issue of grave importance. It must become a top priority for all governments of the world. How can the world move into the twenty-first century with children still being exploited for their labour and denied their basic right to an education?
Craig Kielburger
#40. The education of my brother and myself was of paramount importance to my parents, and in addition to their strong encouragement, they were prepared to make any sacrifice to further our intellectual development.
Jerome Isaac Friedman
#41. I belong to the generation of workers who, born in the villages and hamlets of rural Poland, had the opportunity to acquire education and find employment in industry, becoming in the course conscious of their rights and importance in society.
Lech Walesa
#42. The most important purpose of education is to learn how to find the beauty of life.
Debasish Mridha
#43. When we look at the situation in Ferguson, Missouri and the tragic death of Michael Brown, we are reminded of the importance of who we elect to our city councils, who sits on our local board of education committees, who we pick to represent us in Congress, in the Senate and more.
Al Sharpton
#44. Agency by agency, we frequently have lost a bit of ground, at least to inflation-but had it not been for the efforts we've made to educate people about the importance of science, technology and advanced education, those predictions very well might have come true.
Charles Vest
#45. To succeed, you will soon learn, as I did, the importance of a solid foundation in the basics of education - literacy, both verbal and numerical, and communication skills.
Alan Greenspan
#46. To eradicate blindness, let us create opportunities for everyone to get an education.
Debasish Mridha
#48. To exterminate our popular vices is a work of far more importance to the character and happiness of our citizens than any other improvements in our system of education.
Noah Webster
#49. In a representative republic, the education of our children must be of the utmost importance!
James Monroe
#50. It is the present living generation that gives character and spirit to the next. Hence the paramount importance of accomplished and energetic teachers in forming the taste the manners and the character of the coming age.
Alexander Campbell
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