Top 100 Quotes About Ignored

#1. I immediately felt attracted to him, so I ignored him.

Babe Walker

Quotes About Ignored #1156530
#2. Just look what happens to poets," I used to tell my honors class on the first day of school. "Half the time they go mad. And you know why I think that happens? Too much truth distilled to its essence, all surrounding evidence ignored or discarded. And I'm not faulting them for that.

Steve Yarbrough

Quotes About Ignored #1415413
#3. A word can be transformed into a coulour, light, a smell; it is the writer's task to use it in such a way that it serves, never fails, can never be ignored.

Knut Hamsun

Quotes About Ignored #1415329
#4. Oliver's heart tried to pound its way out of his ribcage, but he ignored it. "I'm in love with Petunia," he announced. "And I want to help her.

Jessica Day George

Quotes About Ignored #1412316
#5. 15. For if you look closely
At the so called idols of the world
They have something in common.
They were ignorant
They ignored the noise
They created their own path.

Priscilla Koranteng

Quotes About Ignored #1410198
#6. Running footsteps sounded in the background, but it was only Daddy, so he ignored it.

Thea Harrison

Quotes About Ignored #1406631
#7. If I'd trusted myself and listened to myself all the times that I ignored myself, I would have been fine. But everyone has to learn their lesson, and now I've got it.

Kirsten Dunst

Quotes About Ignored #1402944
#8. If a man starts a campaign on my behalf without consulting me, he's just toying with my existence. Think how much better off you'd be to have your existence ignored. At least your reputation wouldn't suffer!

Soseki Natsume

Quotes About Ignored #1397229
#9. Ignorance,... wow sounds like you are now in it... so you came out here... so welcome to my club ignored!

Deyth Banger

Quotes About Ignored #1396969
#10. It was easy to blame people for the misery of life rather than blaming the sand. Yelling at the sand got you nowhere. People yelled back, and at least that was a response. An acknowledgment. Being tormented and simultaneously ignored was the worst.

Hugh Howey

Quotes About Ignored #1393230
#11. The introduction of resistance in form of sand and hill is too important to be ignored.

Percy Cerutty

Quotes About Ignored #1390584
#12. I don't mind what the critics say, so long as I get some reaction. The worst thing is to be ignored.

Les Dawson

Quotes About Ignored #1386825
#13. I stifled a sigh and ignored the Imprinted Drunk Vision Girl.

P.C. Cast

Quotes About Ignored #1386800
#14. Failures plagued me. Things I had omitted or ignored, neglected. What I should have given and hadn't. I felt the biting pang of every unfulfillment.

Richard Matheson

Quotes About Ignored #1382615
#15. Except science now tells us that luck is there whether you acknowledge it or not. And I'm afraid in your case I see the signs of a history of bad luck. Not even a latency so much as a full-blown case going completely ignored for lack of context.

Jonathan Lethem

Quotes About Ignored #1382176
#16. She ignored my observation. This generally happens with me. Show me a woman, I sometimes say, and I will show you someone who is going to ignore my observations.

P.G. Wodehouse

Quotes About Ignored #1381461
#17. A churchless community, a community where men have abandoned and scoffed at or ignored their religious needs, is a community on the rapid downgrade.

Theodore Roosevelt

Quotes About Ignored #1380049
#18. Johnson was unknown to the vast majority of the blues audience and ignored by all but a handful of his musical peers until the "blues revival" hit in the 1960s.

Elijah Wald

Quotes About Ignored #1376462
#19. Certain types of decisions can be safely ignored. Some issues will go away with the passage of time, others will be so slow developing that the decision-makers will depart before the results of their neglect becomes manifest. Which brings us to the environment.

Jack McDevitt

Quotes About Ignored #1375947
#20. That's the hopefulness of Les Miserables some cynics have ignored, the idea that the individual can rise above the cultural darkness and make a difference.

Bob Welch

Quotes About Ignored #1372628
#21. If you're not ministering and using your gifts in the church, then something God wants done is being ignored.

Craig Groeschel

Quotes About Ignored #1368952
#22. Stories of the Virgin being succoured by a friendly palm tree had actually been a Christian tradition for centuries, and seem in turn to have derived from a legend told by the pagan Greeks, was blithely ignored - as, of course, it was bound to be.

Tom Holland

Quotes About Ignored #1367291
#23. The Nazi leaders ... .treated Germany like a conquered land, a colony to be used and abused without consideration, to be exploited to the full, and its national spirit, happiness and wellbeing to be sedulously ignored

Sebastian Haffner

Quotes About Ignored #1365579
#24. Under this [Bush] Administration, America's middle class has been abandoned
its dreams denied, its Main Street interests ignored and its mainstream values scorned by a White House that puts privilege first.

John F. Kerry

Quotes About Ignored #1365365
#25. If you can't sit in a cafe quietly and be ignored, how can you observe human nature and write a story?

Evangeline Lilly

Quotes About Ignored #1362091
#26. Some issues are only huge if ignored.

Amy Guth

Quotes About Ignored #1361180
#27. Most of my favorite tweets go completely ignored but most of my favorite tweets are probably really lame or inside jokes between me and my [redacted]. See what I did there?

Roxane Gay

Quotes About Ignored #1359507
#28. God is "light" (1 John 1:5), as well as love; and because He is such, sin cannot be ignored, its heinousness minimized, nor its guilt cancelled.

Arthur W. Pink

Quotes About Ignored #1358063
#29. It is no longer acceptable to simply assert your moral beliefs; you have to provide reasons for them, and those reasons had better be grounded in rational arguments and empirical evidence or else they will likely be ignored or rejected.

Michael Shermer

Quotes About Ignored #1357996
#30. Our government just won't enforce civil rights laws. The laws will be ignored.

Major Owens

Quotes About Ignored #1355015
#31. If you want to have more options as an actor, you just need to watch your weight, and I've ignored that fact for several years quite happily. Now the chicks have come home to roost.

Cherry Jones

Quotes About Ignored #1352259
#32. What exactly do you think you're doing?" Hell if he knew. Mitch was in pure reaction mode - the words "keep her" pounded in his brain like a mantra, refusing to be ignored.

Jennifer Dawson

Quotes About Ignored #1350733
#33. Whether a country is actually free is determined not by how well-rewarded its convention-affirming media elites are and how ignored its passive citizens are but by how it treats its dissidents, those posing authentic challenges to what the government does.

Glenn Greenwald

Quotes About Ignored #1346322
#34. The First Amendment is first for a reason - it cannot be ignored by the D.C. City Council.

James Lankford

Quotes About Ignored #1342538
#35. And it's so easy to just go along. So easy not to see what's happening. And the longer you don't see it, the harder it becomes to see it, because then you have to admit that you ignored it all that time.

Ann Leckie

Quotes About Ignored #1329644
#36. ...People so often ignored their gut because of social niceties and expectations. Luckily Dax didn't have that issue; he was barely fucking civilized.

Katie Reus

Quotes About Ignored #1325899
#37. I'm slowly becoming a repository for decomposing sorrows, regrets, ignored injustice, and forgotten promises. I can still feel its stench. But when I get accustomed to it, I will call it experience.

Mesa Selimovic

Quotes About Ignored #1323929
#38. An opponent who feels his argument is ignored isn't likely to engage with you at all.

Steven D. Levitt

Quotes About Ignored #1323259
#39. Nowadays, many Americans have forgotten the meaning and traditions of Memorial Day. At cemeteries across the country, the graves of the fallen are sadly ignored, and worse, neglected.

Allen West

Quotes About Ignored #1321550
#40. I know what it's like to be ignored, and I think that is the big problem about the prison system: These people are being thrown away. There is no sense of rehabilitation. In some places, they are trying to do things. But, in most cases, it's a holding cell.

Lee Tergesen

Quotes About Ignored #1316182
#41. Life has many good things. The problem is that most of these good things can be gotten only by sacrificing other good things. We all recognize this in our daily lives. It is only in politics that this simple, common sense fact is routinely ignored.

Thomas Sowell

Quotes About Ignored #1313100
#42. You are usually in a different universe," she said, "one that revolves about you. The Peninsula was full of rude, blustering officers who believed other people had been created to pay them homage. I always thought they were merely silly and best ignored.

Mary Balogh

Quotes About Ignored #1312736
#43. How you, a weak boy caught in the middle of a storm, both in reality and metaphorically, would risk your life to save some girl - some girl who tortured you, ignored you, destroyed you.

J.X. Burros

Quotes About Ignored #1311126
#44. I am looking for suggestions on what we can do about extremists within our own society. They cannot be ignored.

Tony Campolo

Quotes About Ignored #1309464
#45. Terrorism needs to be fought against and certainly delegitimized or attacked, but some of the underlying grievances that might in fact lead individuals astray to terrorism cannot be ignored.

John O. Brennan

Quotes About Ignored #1304437
#46. How had I become middle-aged while the ravages of time ignored her? I didn't know and didn't care, and before I could stop them, the words were already out.
"You're beautiful," I murmured.

Nicholas Sparks

Quotes About Ignored #1303481
#47. The future was something I had resolutely ignored. If didn't put my full attention to the day at hand, I was afraid that the impenetrable dark on the horizon would engulf me

Barbara Morgenroth

Quotes About Ignored #1300177
#48. one ignored the mundane at one's peril. After

John Connolly

Quotes About Ignored #1296858
#49. That's quite gallant of you. After you've ignored me for the better part of a week, like a boy half your age with twice your charm.

Renee Ahdieh

Quotes About Ignored #1293761
#50. Sometimes, if you ignored Steve for a minute, he moved onto someone else.

Rainbow Rowell

Quotes About Ignored #1290578
#51. The purpose of ritual is to wake up the old mind in us, to put it to work. The old ones inside us, the collective unconscious, the many lives, the divine eternal parts, the senses and parts of the brain that have been ignored.

Zsuzsanna Budapest

Quotes About Ignored #1290060
#52. Everyone says that I have no sense of humor, then I construct a perfectly sound pun around a well-known psychological condition, and it is ignored.

Eoin Colfer

Quotes About Ignored #1282203
#53. The Jewish and particularly the Christian traditions have stressed the element of sin but have ignored the fact that it is the emancipation from the security of Paradise which is the basis for man's truly human development.

Erich Fromm

Quotes About Ignored #1281020
#54. When we speak truth to power we are ignored at best and brutally suppressed at worst

Jeremy Hammond

Quotes About Ignored #1281007
#55. It was like certain dinners I remember from the war. There was much wine, an ignored tension, and a feeling of things coming that you could not prevent happening. Under the wine I lost the disgusted feeling and was happy. It seemed they were all such nice people.

Ernest Hemingway,

Quotes About Ignored #1276115
#56. If there were events earlier than this time, then they could not affect what happens at the present time. Their existence can be ignored because it would have no observational consequences.

Stephen Hawking

Quotes About Ignored #1273678
#57. She ran up the hill toward the woods. The moon watched her every step, bathing her in silver suspicion. She ignored it for now. The trees swallowed her up, hiding her

Edward W. Robertson

Quotes About Ignored #1273496
#58. I can't say I'm devastated by the way I'm ignored. I guess I have more important things on my mind. The

Jodi Picoult

Quotes About Ignored #1273239
#59. How people ignored each other before smartphones.

Patrick Madrid

Quotes About Ignored #1272071
#60. We have ignored cultural literacy in thinking about education We ignore the air we breathe until it is thin or foul. Cultural literacy is the oxygen of social intercourse.

E.D. Hirsch Jr.

Quotes About Ignored #1261578
#61. And I give you this picture because it fairly captures our nearly fifty-year happy marriage, during which I have offered up an astonishing number of foolish pronouncements with absolute assurance, and Ruth, with only limited rancor, has ignored almost every one. A

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Quotes About Ignored #1260988
#62. Once Charley fell in love with a dachshund, a romance racially unsuitable, physically ridiculous, and mechanically impossible. But all these problems Charley ignored. He loved deeply and tried dogfully.

John Steinbeck

Quotes About Ignored #1252682
#63. John and I had a few meetings about what direction the sequel should take. I made some real insane suggestions. True to what you'd expect, he ignored them all and just picked up Halloween II where the original left off.

Donald Pleasence

Quotes About Ignored #1252642
#64. A dream ignored is like a letter unopened.

Rodger Kamenetz

Quotes About Ignored #1247656
#65. I've had it with this waiting business. I can cope with another woman, but I can't cope with being ignored when there's nothing in his way.

Melina Marchetta

Quotes About Ignored #1247016
#66. The lessons of the past are ignored and obliterated in a contemporary antagonism known as the generation gap.

Spiro T. Agnew

Quotes About Ignored #1245996
#67. It's so much easier to be ignored when no one's noticed you to begin with.

Talia Vance

Quotes About Ignored #1245935
#68. Kate looked at her in warning, but didn't say anything. Jasmine ignored the whole issue. "Guys, I need to get ready. Go away." "I know," Jasmine

K.F. Breene

Quotes About Ignored #1242857
#69. The mercury rule writers also ignored mercury's special qualities.

Tom Allen

Quotes About Ignored #1238659
#70. I ignored the flashes of lightning all around me. They either had your number on them or they didn't.

J.D. Salinger

Quotes About Ignored #1232167
#71. It's actually quite criminal how 'The Wire' was systematically ignored.

Idris Elba

Quotes About Ignored #1231558
#72. It was as if a volcano were cracking open, yet the people at the foot of the mountain ignored the sudden fissures, the black fumes, the boiling trickles, and went on believing that their only danger was to acknowledge the reality of these signs.

Ayn Rand

Quotes About Ignored #1229095
#73. This is the best thing about men's friendships: most any awkwardness can be ignored by mutual agreement and, true connection being unimaginable, you can get on with the easier business of parallel living.

William Landay

Quotes About Ignored #1229016
#74. We have ignored this cancer for so long that the romance of environmental concern is already fading in the shadow of the grim realities of lakes, rivers and bays where all forms of life have been smothered by untreated wastes, and oceans which no longer provide us with food.

Edmund Muskie

Quotes About Ignored #1227684
#75. I think the real bargains are what they would call the smaller, ignored and unloved companies.


Quotes About Ignored #1227353
#76. Congress, of course, is not bound to accept the president's budget figures, but the House has the sole power to appropriate funds for spending, and it is a duty that should not be ignored.

Marsha Blackburn

Quotes About Ignored #1226962
#77. Inside each of us dwells a more-perfect self waiting to unfold. It cries loudly for release, yet it is sometimes ignored. To answer its call, you must take time to listen.

DeBarra Mayo

Quotes About Ignored #1222818
#78. I didn't excel at school. It's amazing what talents get ignored when a person doesn't thrive in a typical education setting.

Ryan Quinn

Quotes About Ignored #1220052
#79. I was isolated but not ostracized, ignored but not abused.

Claire LaZebnik

Quotes About Ignored #1217540
#80. We knew no one man had killed the prophet. Rather, the combined weight of racism and an absence of moral courage had crushed him. A constitution ignored, laws denied, these were the weapons. America pulled the trigger.

Marita Golden

Quotes About Ignored #1216683
#81. If we don't get a good day's work out of you, we'll maroon you.
He ignored Barnaby's raised eyebrow. They'd never marooned anybody before, even the English nobles they hated, but Gideon meant to put the fear of God into the man.

Sabrina Jeffries

Quotes About Ignored #1214315
#82. I ignored your aura but it grabbed me by the hand, like the moon pulled the tide, and the tide pulled the sand.

Talib Kweli

Quotes About Ignored #1211965
#83. Caliph Vathek and his dark horde
Are bound for Hell, you won't be bored!
Your faith in me will be restored
Unless this token you find untoward
And my poor gift you have ignored.

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About Ignored #1199463
#84. I have assumed my clear commitment to a Trinitarian orthodoxy was sufficient evidence that I have not intentionally ignored the role of the Holy Spirit. It may be true, however, that my work has been so Christ-centred, I may have given the impression that the Holy Spirit is an afterthought.

Stanley Hauerwas

Quotes About Ignored #1199284
#85. I'm pretty much a cat that way. Scratch my stomach, and I'll purr at you, but I'll want to gut you with my claws even more than if you'd ignored me.

Tad Williams

Quotes About Ignored #1199211
#86. With a foreign policy appropriately rooted in some sense of humanitarian decency, the Central African crisis will not be easily ignored by American policymakers. It screams for remedy.

Michael Johns

Quotes About Ignored #1196033
#87. Needless to say, urgings by ravens are ignored at one's peril.

James D. Doss

Quotes About Ignored #1194134
#88. Your dislike for the project will be duly noted, and ignored.

John Flanagan

Quotes About Ignored #1191998
#89. I've seen this happen before. Elder flesh works wonders on their systems, making them huge. And once they get a taste for Elder flesh, nothing else will satisfy them. It's probably after me now." Then, when the creature ignored him, he added, "Or not ...

Michael Scott

Quotes About Ignored #1190998
#90. All of our lives are important, even the parts of our past that we have ignored, downplayed, or forgotten. If we open the door to our past, we will discover God there, accompanying us in both happy and sad moments.

James Martin

Quotes About Ignored #1184738
#91. An attempt to study the evolution of living organisms without reference to cytology would be as futile as an account of stellar evolution which ignored spectroscopy.

John B. S. Haldane

Quotes About Ignored #1181607
#92. We scatter wisdom through our libraries that it may be ignored by our children.

Gary F. Jones

Quotes About Ignored #1168155
#93. I wasn't bullied in high school, I was just ignored.

Gerard Way

Quotes About Ignored #1166845
#94. I brooded over it. If it had been any other dream, I would have ignored it. But it was one of those dreams. One of those purple dreams. One of those dreams that had an unusual tendency to come true.

Erica Sehyun Song

Quotes About Ignored #1166470
#95. Insomnia is an increasing problem. I've become swayed that sleep disorders are conceivably the most unnoticed, ignored, underrated reason of health as well as performance problems in the place of work.

Sean Sullivan

Quotes About Ignored #1163016
#96. Death squads have been created and used by the CIA around the world - particularly the Third World - since the late 1940s, a fact ignored by the elite-owned media.

Ralph McGehee

Quotes About Ignored #1161166
#97. Virtually every advancement made by our species since civilization first peeked out of its nest of stone has been initiated by lone individuals, mavericks who more often than not were ignored, mocked, or viciously persecuted by society and its institutions.

Tom Robbins

Quotes About Ignored #1160870
#98. I ignored the teasing tone of the man who stood beside me, the four-hundred-year-old Master vampire who ruled Chicago's Cadogan House and the parts of my heart that weren't devoted to great books and good pizza.

Chloe Neill

Quotes About Ignored #1160323
#99. I sure got their attention. That's always the first step to solving an ignored problem.

Randy Pausch

Quotes About Ignored #1160220
#100. George W. Bush has helped those who have most, hurt those who have least and ignored everyone in between.

Wesley Clark

Quotes About Ignored #1003410

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