Top 94 Quotes About Heart Rhythm

#1. One of the things that happens when we're feeling more love and care is that we go into what's called "heart rhythm coherence," which you can actually measure and monitor on a computer screen. It's also possible to train yourself to go into heart rhythm coherence at will.

Marci Shimoff

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #393166
#2. Research shows that sincere positive feelings--like love, care, gratitude, appreciation, compassion, or joy--smooth out our heart rhythm into a harmonious coherent pattern.

Jed Diamond

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1635720
#3. I hate click tracks. I'm to busy in the click track to feel my own heart rhythm, my own soul beat.

Ringo Starr

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #251776
#4. If you dance to rhythm of music in your heart, you will restore your soul, and revive your spirit.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1555184
#5. At the heart of each of us, whatever our imperfections, there exists a silence pulse of perfect rhythm which is absolutely individual and unique, and yet which connects us to everything else.

George Leonard

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1138389
#6. Sometimes the heart is so heavy that we turn away from it and forget that its throbbing is the wisest message of life, a wordless message that says, "Live, be, move, rejoice
you are alive!" Without the heart's wise rhythm, we could not exist.

Michael Jackson

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1546750
#7. You can die of a broken heart
it's scientific fact
and my heart has been breaking since that very first day we met. I can feel it now, aching deep behind my rib cage the way it does every time we're together, beating a desperate rhythm: Love me. Love me. Love me.

Abby McDonald

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1523131
#8. Despereaux thought that he might faint with the pleasure of someone referring to his ears as small and lovely. He laid his tail against the Pea's wrist to steady himself and he felt the princess's pulse, the pounding of her heart, and his own heart immediately took up the rhythm of hers.

Kate DiCamillo

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1449252
#9. His heart is the rhythm, mine is the echo.

A. Zavarelli

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1440121
#10. It's the rhythm of my heart, Eve. Listen carefully. It's beating like this because of you.

Jess Dee

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1435754
#11. There's something about doing things the way our ancestors used to do them that kind of puts your heart back into the rhythm of this thing called life.

Joanna Gaines

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1414967
#12. Let us liberate ourselves from any form of control. Let us focus at the inner drum, where the rhythm aligns with that of our heart. The measure of responsibility, equals to the need for evolution. Just listen, the inner child, let it whisper in your ear.

Grigoris Deoudis

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1411787
#13. My lips are fierce with passion. My heart spins fiery beats. A rhythm lives within my fingers and dances in my feet.

Coco J. Ginger

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1381252
#14. He pulled her against his chest, letting her feel his heart thunder its rhythm. Kissing her hair he whispered, the desperation raw, "You are no dream...but flesh and blood. Tell me you are real...oh, real." "Aye, I am real.

Deborah MacGillivray

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1333747
#15. The light in your eyes guides me, the rhythm of your heart keeps mine beating, and the touch of your hand awes me. I love you more than words could ever express, and I would die without you.

Melody Anne

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1315120
#16. Blood squirted as his transected femoral artery haemorrhaged to the rhythm of his horrible heart.
- From Potter's Field

Patricia Cornwell

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1283482
#17. I will garden on the double run,
my rhythm obvious in the ringing rakes,
and trust in fate to keep me poor and kind
and work until my heart is short,
then go out slowly with a feeble grin,
my fingers flexing but my eyes gone gray
from cramps and the lack of oxygen.

Richard Hugo

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1233772
#18. Her heart had been lost for five years looking for a rhythm that only he could play.

Bella Andre

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1225361
#19. Most days Lily is the steady drumbeat. The rhythm of my heart. The repeating melody of the music in my head. But not today.

Emily McKay

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1215161

John M. Ortiz

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1213756
#21. May she play the Drums to the fiery rhythm of her Own Heart with the sinewy strength of her Own Arms, so she need Not Lie With Drummers.

Tina Fey

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1211769
#22. Music has always been important to me. Rhythm, in particular, features in most of the things I do. I stumbled recently upon an old notebook in which I'd written, 'Touch, timing and timbre ... keys to the heart.' That just about says it all.

James Nares

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1203672
#23. How can it be that a set of shoulders, the rhythm of a stride, the shadow of a strand of hair falling on a forehead can cause the tides of the heart to ebb and to flow?

Ahdaf Soueif

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1175041
#24. The things she truly loved,
& only those things,
were like a beautiful
of her heart
as was she,
only for them,
the same

Cheri Bauer

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1168042
#25. I have been acutely aware of the noise of the wash. The slow, steady beat of those little waves lapping the shore sounds like the rhythm of an ancient heart. And I know that this place is old, so old time doesn't matter.

Kirsty Eagar

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1165455
#26. A speech is poetry: cadence, rhythm, imagery, sweep! A speech reminds us that words, like children, have the power to make dance the dullest beanbag of a heart.

Peggy Noonan

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1878292
#27. There is a double rhythm in all human beings. We are binary beings - two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears. Two legs for walking. And the heartbeat thumping in our chest mirrors that.

Paul Auster

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1736118
#28. In the dream state, the mind and soul are set free to create as they please, to imagine vast worlds not tied to gross sensory realities but reaching out, almost magically, to touch other souls, other people and far-off places, wild and radiant images cascading to the rhythm of the heart's desire.

Ken Wilber

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1860938
#29. I desire to know you. Every breath of your heart, every fleeting look on your face, the rhythm of your joys, and the melancholy of your sorrows.

Ella Leya

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1855900
#30. The sunlight pouring in the east window came through her lids and made a dark red beet soup that moved with the rhythm of her heart ...

Stephen King

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1847810
#31. Learning to desire God's will is not something we can accomplish by resolve and willpower. It occurs only when we live so close to God's heart that the rhythm of our own heartbeat comes to reflect the divine pulse

David G. Benner

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1791969
#32. Papa is restless in the Field. He cannot find the rhythm. He doesn't know the step. His eye upon the horizon; his mind is in the world. His heart has left us already. His feet will follow.

Kristen Heitzmann

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1790499
#33. I have a vision of a Galaxy overrun by mankind from Core to rim. Of four hundred billion stars each enslaved to the rhythm of Earth's day, Earth's year. I have a vision of a trillion planets pulsing to the beat of a human heart.

Stephen Baxter

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1772724
#34. At the heart of ech of us,whatever the imperfections..exists a silent pulse of perfect rhythm....which connect us to the universe.

George Leonard

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1761268
#35. Throughout the ordeal, I learned that getting mad was easier than being sad. Anger was something I could control. I could settle into an easy rhythm of blame and hate. Focus my energy on something than the ache in my heart.

Emily Giffin

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1758503
#36. The Earth spins once a day. It goes around the sun once a year. The moon goes round the earth every 28 days. Your heart beats in a rhythm particular only to you. Everything has its drumbeat and everything contributes to the dance. You've just got to know when to lead and when to follow.

William Meikle

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1756654
#37. We who are beyond the mortal world see many things from the edges; we hear the subtle shifts of rhythm in the beat of a blackening heart.

Emmanuelle De Maupassant

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1749120
#38. Beyond the curve of the days he glimpsed neither superhuman happiness nor eternity - happiness was human, eternity ordinary. What mattered was to humble himself, to organize his heart to match the rhythm of the days instead of submitting their rhythm to the curve of human hopes.

Albert Camus

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1565549
#39. There was magic in the world, and it was woven throughout each ordinary day, the same force that pulled the tides and drove the rhythm of a human heart. Inspired

Lisa Kleypas

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1682195
#40. I think hearts beat a rhythm like a song. I think, that just like music, we're drawn to a particular melody. I heard your heart's song, and yours heard mine.

Tillie Cole

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1680072
#41. He put his hand on my waist, and my heart began to pound, a rougher rhythm than the music. I held my skirt. Our free hands met. His felt warm and comforting and unsettling and bewildering
all at once.

Gail Carson Levine

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1674731
#42. A book is a part of life, a manifestation of life, just as much as a tree or a horse or a star. It obeys its own rhythms, its own laws, whether it be a novel, a play, or a diary. The deep, hidden rhythm of life is always there - that of the pulse, the heart beat.

Henry Miller

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1670361
#43. Rhythm When you reach for me, reach with love. I vow to return your extension with open arms and a dancing heart.

Alexandra Elle

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1653031
#44. When you meet the one
who changes the way
your heart beats,
dance with them to that rhythm
for as long as the song lasts.

Kirk Diedrich

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1615710
#45. Your heart beats so strong, I feel it against my chest. You make mine want to catch up, to match the rhythm.

Nyrae Dawn

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1598653
#46. The human heart is so delicate and sensitive that it always needs some tangible encouragement to prevent it from faltering in its labor. The human heart is so robust, so tough, that once encouraged it beats its rhythm with a loud unswerving insistency.

Maya Angelou

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1590768
#47. Poetry without words, you are, the beat to my hearts rhythm.

N'Zuri Za Austin

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1576299
#48. The heart of a music is its rhythm. The heart of rhythm section music is the rhythm.

Wynton Marsalis

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1575357
#49. I learned that music comes from the voice, the rhythm and the heart of each person, and that the musicality of those unrecorded melodies could lift the curtain of fog, pass through windows and screens to waken us as gently as a morning lullaby.

Kim Thuy

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #218396
#50. Every song has it's own heartbeat.

J.R. Rim

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #502369
#51. Love tone, rhythm, lyrical or melodic structure from heart to love! is the interlude of true love.

Auliq Ice

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #481815
#52. My dick twitched, and my hand drew up to the small of his back. I was sure he could feel my heart thump with an erratic rhythm while I wondered how it would feel to push my swelling dick into his ass. I swallowed hard, and David leaned back to give me a funny look.

Santino Hassell

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #472912
#53. Our emotions are encoded in the heart signals we emit. Use the energy you feel to know how they are feeling.

Sam Owen

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #469592
#54. And so, one bit one's nails, unable to find contentment in the simple beating of one's heart ... one smoked, unable to be satisfied with the rhythm of one's brain ...

Kobo Abe

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #398758
#55. But here in the open air, this naked, solitary fiddle began a rhythm that played havoc with time, making patterns that set you to moving and told your heart it had been beating the wrong way all your misspent life.

Kristen D. Randle

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #395967
#56. In the dull, persistent beat of her heart, she hears the rhythm of hope. It is faint and thin as a thread, but it is there.

Libbie Hawker

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #387813
#57. Your morse code interferes with my heart beat. I had a steady heart before you, I replied upon it, it had seen active service and grown strong. Now you alter its pace with your own rhythm you play upon me, drumming me taught.

Jeanette Winterson

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #328312
#58. Shino looked at me straight in the eye and smiled, her face brimming with a kind of inner strength. That strength seemed to gather the beads of perspiration that glistened on her brow, then sprang from her face and leapt across to my heart with a rhythm like ripples on water.

Tetsuo Miura

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #299463
#59. When you touch the celestial in your heart, you will realize that the beauty of your soul is so pure, so vast and so devastating that you have no option but to merge with it. You have no option but to feel the rhythm of the universe in the rhythm of your heart.

Amit Ray

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #281812
#60. The idea that rhythm is intrinsically human - not just primitive - that we all have hearts that beat at a steady rate and don't stop ... reminds me of life itself. In that sense my music is like certain popular music where the rhythm drives from beginning to end.

Michael Torke

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #224874
#61. As we sail in the voyage of life,
the love and joy we shared count more than anything else.
Let them feel the rhythm of our heart,
share them the music of our soul,
for a meaningful, fulfilling moments of today,
for a hopeful, promising and joyful tomorrow

Angelica Hopes

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #568532
#62. Rhythm is everything in boxing. Every move you make starts with your heart, and that's in rhythm or you're in trouble.

Sugar Ray Robinson

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #212865
#63. If we do not allow for a rhythm of rest in our overly busy lives, illness becomes our Sabbath - our pneumonia, our cancer, our heart attack, our accidents create Sabbath for us.

Wayne Muller

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #202298
#64. My heart lost rhythm at the flicker of phantom in the whiskey-stained voice.

Iceberg Slim

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #145135
#65. That treacherous little black heart that sits behind my ribs, as always when I think of her, begins to beat to a slow and ominous rhythm, betraying me so cruelly that I wish I could rip it from my chest and be free of it forever.

J.A. Redmerski

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #142963
#66. I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry, to fear and to hope. The rhythm of my heart is the birth and death of all that is alive.

Nhat Hanh

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #128995
#67. His blood coursed through my veins sweeter than life itself. And as it did, Lestats words made sense to me.
I knew peace only when I killed and when I heard his heart in that terrible rhythm,
I knew again what peace could be.

Anne Rice

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #120882
#68. You feel it in there, pacing your heart sometimes, and it has what's called a defibrillator. Should I suffer that arhythmia, it's generally sudden death. And the paddles that are internal shock you back and restore your rhythm to its normal and natural state.

Victoria Gotti

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #112706
#69. Isaiah is my rock. The string that holds me together when I'm ready to fall apart. He's the anchor that keeps me from floating away when I go too far. His heart has been the one constant rhythm in my life and I don't want to let it go.

Katie McGarry

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #69359
#70. In nature nothing is at standstill, everything pulsates, appears and disappears. Heart, breath, digestion, sleep and waking - birth and death - everything comes and goes in waves. Rhythm, periodicity, harmonious alternation of extremes is the rule. No use rebelling against the very pattern of life.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #50878
#71. Create intoxicating moments that make your heart pulsate to a new rhythm.

Truth Devour

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #32162
#72. Climb up the ladder one step at a time, moving gracefully to the rhythm of your own heart.
- from the essay, On The Side of Time, Amazed.

Joanne Crisner Alcayaga

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #792738
#73. There is a moment after riding when you stop and listen. What you hear is your heartbeat in perfect rhythm with the beat of your horse's heart. It is a moment of pure magic.

Chloe Thurlow

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1033092
#74. Today is your day to paint life in bold colors;
set today's rhythm with your heart-drum;
walk today's march with courage;
create today as your celebration of life.

Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1018006
#75. Their heartbeats fought each other, a mess of rhythm. Liesel tried to eat hers down. The taste of heart was not too cheerful.

Markus Zusak

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #973966
#76. He looks like an angel, sings like an angel. He found my breaking heart a coaxed it into a new rhythm. A rhythm so sweet, so captivating, so enticing, I can't get enough.

Angela Morrison

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #970568
#77. When the rhythm and night ride, no heart can hide.

Steve Winwood

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #950135
#78. I saw a man that looked like you from behind and my heart skipped a beat. But it wasn't you, of course, and now my heart feels out of rhythm, that one beat still missing.

Kate Fierro

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #911793
#79. Of what is the body made? It is made of emptiness and rhythm. At the ultimate heart of the body, at the heart of the world, there is no solidity. Once again, there is only the dance.

George Leonard

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #911005
#80. Love is a soft whisper coming from the beating one's heart. It's gentle rhythm gives you a feeling of ecstasy you cannot readily fathom for it's not easily defined nor there are finite reasons as to why it is felt by someone.

Elizabeth E. Castillo

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #903083
#81. When we turn to our innate wisdom for the harmony of mind and gut, we heal the entrance to the heart as it seeks to beat in rhythm with the world.

Stephen Levine

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #882954
#82. quieted my mind and spread my focus to every rustle, creak, and call from the wild lands. Nature had a rhythm akin to the beating of a drum or heart,

K.J. Colt

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #859175
#83. The pulse in music is what makes it alive.

J.R. Rim

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #797102
#84. Come back to the heartbeat, the pulse, the rhythm we all walk to, regardless of nation or color. Come back to the breath - inhale, take the world deep into your lungs; exhale, give yourself back fully. This is what the body says: release the peace that lives within your skin.

Gayle Brandeis

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #1078576
#85. My hands felt electrically charged. My blood was ready to burst from my veins and my heart was beating a manic rhythm. I was frightened out of my wits but I was catching a familiar, addictive adrenaline wave. I was ready to taunt the reaper.

Bobby Adair

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #783217
#86. If you have pendulum clocks on the wall and start them all at different times, after a while the pendulums will all swing in synchronicity. The same thing happens with heart cells in a Petri dish: They start beating in rhythm even when they're not touching one another.

Bruce Lipton

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #781192
#87. My heart says there was no other way. It says the moment I laid eyes on you, the rhythm of my heart forever changed ... and aligned itself with yours.

Rachel Van Dyken

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #731709
#88. One of the reasons I believe in jazz is that the oneness of man can come through the rhythm of your heart. It's the same anyplace in the world, that heartbeat. It's the first thing you hear when you're born - or before you're born - and it's the last thing you hear.

Dave Brubeck

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #730628
#89. My feet were keeping in time with the music, but my heart was pounding out a different rhythm altogether.

Renee Conoulty

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #689817
#90. Without music the heart beats a silent lonely rhythm. Without song the soul is but an empty shallow well.

Elizabeth Good

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #689453
#91. The days passed, one after another, measured out in an unbroken, never-ending rhythm.Seemingly infinite, but gone in the blink of an eye - like waves crashing on the shore, or the seasons passing.
Or the beating of a heart.

Jessi Kirby

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #688822
#92. Heart of my heart, that's who you are, Adria Morgan. Chosen and forever." Picking her hand off his cheek, he pressed a lingering kiss to the palm before placing it over the strong, steady rhythm of that very organ. "Wolf and man, you own every part of me.

Nalini Singh

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #687816
#93. Anger was something I could control. I could settle into an easy rhythm of blame
and hate. Focus my energy on something other than the ache in my heart.

Emily Giffin

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #623960
#94. If we can take the time to mute the noise we've build around ourselves the rhythm of the heartbeats and the purpose may be clear.

Dawud Wharnsby Ali

Quotes About Heart Rhythm #572026

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