Top 89 Quotes About Health And Sickness

#1. Man is a creature adapted for life under circumstances which are very narrowly limited. A few degrees of temperature more or less, a slight variation in the composition of air, the precise suitability of food, makes all the difference between health and sickness; between life and death.

Robert Stawell Ball

Quotes About Health And Sickness #236196
#2. Health and sicknesse surely are mens double enemies.
[Health and sickness surely are men's double enemies.]

George Herbert

Quotes About Health And Sickness #775746
#3. Within each of us lies the power of our consent to health and sickness, to riches and poverty, to freedom and to slavery. It is we who control these, and not another.

Richard Bach

Quotes About Health And Sickness #923642
#4. The dialectic cannot stop short before the conceptsof health and sickness, nor indeed before their siblings reason and unreason.

Theodor Adorno

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1272682
#5. For man also, in health and sickness, is not just the sum of his organs, but is indeed a human organism.

Walter Rudolf Hess

Quotes About Health And Sickness #138881
#6. As a whole part of "psychological education" it needs to be remembered that a neurosis can be valuable; also that "adjustment" to a sick and insane environment is of itself not "health" but sickness and insanity.

James Agee

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1525313
#7. If the mind is wearied by study, or the body worn with sickness,It is well to lie fallow for a while, in the vacancy of sheer amusement ;But when thou prosprest in health, and thine intellect can soar untired,To seek uninstructive pleasure is to slumber on the couch of indolence.

Martin Farquhar Tupper

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1030964
#8. And how comfortless is the thought that the sickness of the normal does not necessarily imply as its opposite the health of the sick, but that the latter usually only present, in a different way, the same disastrous pattern.

Theodor Adorno

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1499665
#9. Life isn't worth living unless you have someone to share it with, Jacqueline. The good times, and the bad times. In sickness and in health. Even toward the end, she could still make my heart flutter when I looked at her.

J.A. Konrath

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1442461
#10. Some men who live hard and in good health can't believe sickness or weakness is anything but laziness, a sham.

Ursula K. Le Guin

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1406254
#11. The Caribbean is the region in the Americas worst affected by the epidemic of NCDs. These diseases are responsible for over two- thirds of deaths, much sickness and ill health, resulting in an unsustainable burden on our fragile economies.

Freundel Stuart

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1392288
#12. Do solemnly swear to love, honor and obey my soul, my path to realization and relationship with a higher, deeper creative power, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, from now and forever more.

Alex Grey

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1382330
#13. Tempered, gradual animation, the methodical restrain of sensations and energies, the equilibrium of sickness and health in each creature
this is nature's essence, its immutable law, this is what it's based on and what it adheres to.

Ivan Turgenev

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1343797
#14. Grace turns pennies into gold, pebbles into pearls, sickness into health, weakness into strength, and needs into abundance.


Quotes About Health And Sickness #1320262
#15. Finding a life partner is like choosing a bed. You need one as a friend either in times of health or sickness. Freshness or weariness. Happiness or sadness. And we can be certain that we've picked the right one without having to sleep with it first.

Isman H. Suryaman

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1315907
#16. There should be friendship vows. Did you ever think that? When you get married, you promise all that stuff - in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer... But you do that when you're friends, too, don't you? The thick and thin stuff.

Elizabeth Noble

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1287336
#17. The health of the soul is something we can be no more sure of than that of the body; and though a man may seem far from the passions, yet he is in as much danger of falling into them as one in a perfect state of health of having a fit of sickness.

Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1285183
#18. Custard puddings, sauces and fillings accompany the seven ages of man in sickness and in health.

Irma S. Rombauer

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1283871
#19. Love is scary! Taking a vow to love someone through sickness and health, for richer for poorer, forsaking all others, until death do us part, is the most terrifying experience a person can have. Why pretend any differently?

Elin Hilderbrand

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1262697
#20. But surely if you loved someone it was your job to stick with him? To help him through the depression? In sickness and in health, and all that?

Jojo Moyes

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1260450
#21. Enlarge my life with multitude of days, In health, in sickness, thus the suppliant prays; Hides from himself his state, and shuns to know, That life protracted is protracted woe. Time hovers o'er, impatient to destroy, And shuts up all the passages of joy.

Samuel Johnson

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1252895
#22. We forget ourselves and our destinies in health, and the chief use of temporary sickness is to remind us of these concerns.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1178199
#23. Might not live long but I know I'ma die happy.

Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1120595
#24. I'll never tire of her warm smile or bright green eyes. She's mine, in sickness and in health, till death do us part-scratch that- even in the afterlife she's mine and I'll fight any spirity-ghost bastard that attempts to fuck this up.

Skyla Madi

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1105986
#25. The graveyard is every man final resting place.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1061166
#26. At least for tonight. In sickness and in health. In good times and in bad. For richer, for poorer. 'Till dawn do us part.

John Green

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1869642
#27. Instead of marrying myself (that's so last
year), I think I'll marry a library instead.
In sickness and in health. Till death us do
part. I do.

Ava Zavora

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1750914
#28. When people query whether Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) is real or not, my answer is always: Sweden has recognized the condition for a decade and has approximately 300,000 EHS people.

Steven Magee

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1852406
#29. The strain of Christian service can result in sickness ... I have known Christian workers who have risked their lives and health in serving the Lord.

Billy Graham

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1843131
#30. You embrace your body in your thought, and you should delineate upon it thoughts of health, not of sickness.

Mary Baker Eddy

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1804880
#31. That's like promise.At least for tonight.In sickness,in health.In good times and in bad.For richer,for poorer.Till dawn do us apart.

John Green

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1804323
#32. Always having what we want
may not be the best good fortune
Health seems sweetest
after sickness, food
in hunger, goodness
in the wake of evil, and at the end
of daylong labor sleep.


Quotes About Health And Sickness #1791161
#33. It makes the idea of in sickness and in health that much more real to see it play out in front of you.

Kiera Cass

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1782836
#34. Thanks to President Obama, I am able to get medical treatment in the USA for the long term effects of very high altitude sickness and unnatural electromagnetic radiation exposures.

Steven Magee

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1782030
#35. We are fonder of visiting our friends in health than in sickness. We judge less favorably of their characters when any misfortune happens to them; and a lucky hit, either in business or reputation, improves even their personal appearance in our eyes.

William Hazlitt

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1775697
#36. In joy or sorrow, health or sickness, prosperity or the reverse, the effort must still continue. One must rise after every fall and gradually acquire courage, faith, the will to succeed and the capacity to love.

Alexis Carrel

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1771645
#37. Your emotional state has a tremendous amount to do with sickness, health and well-being. For years, my husband and I lived on
and because of
hope. Hope continues to give me the mental strength to carry on.

Dana Reeve

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1770914
#38. I want Thy plan, O God, for my life. May I be happy and contented whether in the homeland or on the foreign field; whether married or alone, in happiness or sorrow, health or sickness, prosperity or adversity
I want Thy plan, O God, for my life. I want it; oh, I want it.

Oswald J. Smith

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1540746
#39. There is no greater mercy that I know of on earth than good health except it is sickness, and that has often been a greater mercy to me than health.

Charles Spurgeon

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1732397
#40. My long sickness Of health and living now begins to mend, And nothing brings me all things.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1726895
#41. It's one thing to show your love for someone when everything is going fine and life is smooth. But when the 'in sickness and in health' part kicks in and sickness does enter your lives, you're tested. Your resilience is tested.

Patti Davis

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1718982
#42. Thank you God, for joy and good health, sadness and sickness, and the happiness, prosperity, and contentment you have given me. I love you!

Haresh Buxani

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1706101
#43. Spiritually good people, pure in heart, who long for the Blessed Sacrament but cannot receive at the time, can receive spiritually ... even a hundred times a day, in sickness and in health, with immeasurable grace and profit.

Johannes Tauler

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1643935
#44. Hollywood ... a city I was to come back to time and again, in sickness and in health, in success and in failure, with anticipation and with dread.

Dirk Benedict

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1571966
#45. Here is the problem: Poor Americans consume too little healthcare, especially preventive healthcare. Other Americans - often rich Americans - consume too much healthcare, often unwisely, and sometimes to their detriment. The American healthcare system combines famine with gluttony.

Otis Webb Brawley

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1568492
#46. I have loved you with all my life, and you've agreed to be my loving wife. Now I'll forever cherish our vows in my heart,In sickness and in health, till death do us part.

Alon Calinao Dy

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1565258
#47. I think it's time to have a celebration of life and renew our vows. And this time we're going to write the vows because they're going to mean a lot more. We certainly put the 'in sickness and in health' vow to the test the last year and half.

Bill Rancic

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1558489
#48. Do we really mean it when we say 'in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until death do us part or do we add a silent clause, 'unless you shame me or disappoint me?' What is the cost of unconditional love and how capable are we of giving that?

Deirdre-Elizabeth Parker

Quotes About Health And Sickness #223703
#49. The medicalization of early diagnosis not only hampers and discourages preventative health-care but it also trains the patient-to-be to function in the meantime as an acolyte to his doctor. He learns to depend on the physician in sickness and in health. He turns into a life-long patient.

Ivan Illich

Quotes About Health And Sickness #527162
#50. Save for minor ailments and accident, my battalion is practically immune from sickness; colds come and go as a matter of course, sprains and cuts claim momentary attention, but otherwise the health of the battalion is perfect.

Patrick MacGill

Quotes About Health And Sickness #525252
#51. It's not about success and failure. It's not about good days and bad days. It's not about wealth or poverty. It's not about health or sickness. It's not even about life or death. It's about glorifying God in whatever circumstance you find yourself in.

Mark Batterson

Quotes About Health And Sickness #484071
#52. Sickness is poor-spirited, and cannot serve anyone; it must husband its resources to live. But health or fullness answers its own ends, and has to spare, runs over, and inundates the neighborhoods and creeks of other men's necessities.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quotes About Health And Sickness #475463
#53. When you are well, your own body is a sealed country into which you need not explore far, but when you are unwell, there is no denying that you are made up of organs and fluids and chemistry and that the mechanisms by which your body operates are not invincible.

Rebecca Solnit

Quotes About Health And Sickness #454737
#54. Radio Wave Sickness and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity are easily preventable and one can only wonder how much longer the insanity of modern governments is going to be allowed to continue in this area.

Steven Magee

Quotes About Health And Sickness #418576
#55. If the lifestyle choices outlined in this book were uniformly adopted, the savings in suffering and health care costs would be tremendous.

Tim Loy

Quotes About Health And Sickness #393137
#56. It is my assessment that most police officers who spend their days driving around USA cities will have some level
of radiation sickness and this is concerning!

Steven Magee

Quotes About Health And Sickness #299114
#57. Great occasions often stimulate a person to do something great, but that tells nothing of his or her real character. Great is the person who does good always, in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty.

Abhijit Naskar

Quotes About Health And Sickness #246603
#58. A chronic invalid has but one thought about his identity: He doesn't want to be a sick man. The rest of the discussion seems frivolous to him-an immense privilege of the healthy. Still, I'm a novelist, and so I pursue it.

Nancy Horan

Quotes About Health And Sickness #224841
#59. I have traversed many kinds of health, and keep traversing them ... and as for sickness: are we not almost tempted to ask whether we could get along without it? Only great pain is the liberator of the spirit.

Oliver Sacks

Quotes About Health And Sickness #562642
#60. We currently have a system for taking care of sickness. We do not have a system for enhancing and promoting health.

Hillary Clinton

Quotes About Health And Sickness #204996
#61. I explored because I was feeling really crappy, and I wanted to know why

Steven Magee

Quotes About Health And Sickness #181662
#62. You are not subject to the systems or structures of this world, you belong to the kingdom of God, the kingdom of Glory, Prosperity, Beauty and Honor- where sickness is foreign.

Moroaswi Tumiso Victor

Quotes About Health And Sickness #179756
#63. Gracefulness cannot subsist without ease; delicacy is not debility; nor must a woman be sick in order to please. Infirmity, and sickness may excite our pity, but desire and pleasure require the bloom and vigor of health.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Quotes About Health And Sickness #166939
#64. Therefore in medicine we ought to know the causes of sickness and health.


Quotes About Health And Sickness #83526
#65. Real love isn't just a euphoric, spontaneous feeling - it's a deliberate choice - a plan to love each other for better and worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health.

Seth Adam Smith

Quotes About Health And Sickness #69136
#66. As if when someone close to us dies, we momentarily trade places with them, in the moment right before. And as we get over it, we're really living their life in reverse, from death to life, from sickness to health.

David Levithan

Quotes About Health And Sickness #53047
#67. I picked you. And then you picked me back. And that's like a promise.
At least for tonight. In sickness and in health. In good times and in bad. For richer, for poorer, 'Til dawn do us part.

John Green

Quotes About Health And Sickness #32807
#68. Marriage is a journey of disasters, only to fall in love all over again, with the person that rescues you each time.

Shannon L. Alder

Quotes About Health And Sickness #21755
#69. I felt Mr Willard had deserted me. I thought he must have planned it all along, but Buddy said No, his father simply couldn't stand the sight of sickness and especially his own son's sickness, because he thought all sickness was sickness of the will. Mr Willard had never been sick a day in his life.

Sylvia Plath

Quotes About Health And Sickness #723628
#70. Temp'rate in every place
abroad, at home, Thence will applause, and hence will profit come; And health from either
he in time prepares For sickness, age, and their attendant cares.

George Crabbe

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1006078
#71. Sloth is the great enemy
the inspirer of cowardice, irresolution, self-pitying grief, and trivial, hairsplitting doubts. Sloth may also be a psychological cause of sickness. It is tempting to relax from our duties, take refuge in ill-health and hide under a nice warm blanket.


Quotes About Health And Sickness #1002823
#72. I suppose it is that sickness and weakness are selfish things and turn our inner eyes and sympathy on ourselves, whilst health and strength give love rein, and in thought and feeling he can wander where he wills.

Bram Stoker

Quotes About Health And Sickness #971695
#73. Men use to reason with themselves: It will not always be health, let us lay up for sickness; it will not always be youth, for age; and why not, saith St. Paul, it will not alway be this life, nor alway present life, lay up for yourselves against the life to come.

Lancelot Andrewes

Quotes About Health And Sickness #939223
#74. I promise to love and cherish you, to honor and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth,in the bad that may darken our days, in the good that may light our way. Tirzah, beloved, I promise to be true to you in all things until I die. And even beyond that, God willing

Francine Rivers

Quotes About Health And Sickness #935991
#75. Health is relative. There is no such thing as an absolute state of health or sickness. Everyone's physical, mental, and emotional condition is a combination of both.

Theodore Isaac Rubin

Quotes About Health And Sickness #926328
#76. I've heard claims that we can wish our way to perfect, permanent wellness, but I haven't seen any proof of that. Sickness and death are part of life. But you can optimize your life. You can make progress as you strive toward perfection.

Brian Carter

Quotes About Health And Sickness #903012
#77. You gave me health that I might serve you; and so often I failed to use my good health in your service. Now you send me sickness in order to correct me Grant that, having ignored the things of spirit when my body was vigorous, I may now enjoy spiritual sweetness while my body groans with pain.

Blaise Pascal

Quotes About Health And Sickness #771094
#78. Experience has taught me this, that we undo ourselves by impatience. Misfortunes have their life and their limits, their sickness and their health.

Michel De Montaigne

Quotes About Health And Sickness #738793
#79. If a person believes in the power of sickness more than the power of God, it will be hard for him to receive God's healing.

Paul Silway

Quotes About Health And Sickness #725747
#80. Health is the natural condition. When sickness occurs, it is a sign that Nature has gone off course because of a physical or mental imbalance. The road to health for everyone is through moderation, harmony, and a 'sound mind in a sound body'.

Jostein Gaarder

Quotes About Health And Sickness #1007135
#81. There are so many things that are incompatible with a single life. No one can learn fully in one life the lessons of unbroken health and of bodily sickness, of riches and of poverty, of study and action, of comradeship and isolation, of defiance and of obedience, of virtue and of vice.

J.M.E. McTaggart

Quotes About Health And Sickness #701328
#82. Prayer doesn't work in the way that you think. If you pray for good health and it is genuine, you might be coming into sickness. The essence of good health has to do with a most delicate well-being.

John De Ruiter

Quotes About Health And Sickness #691176
#83. A great tragedy is occurring. Millions of people are dying prematurely. These people are killing themselves and they don't even know it.

Tim Loy

Quotes About Health And Sickness #689796
#84. Anyone can live contentedly in circumstances of ease and comfort, health and well-being gratification and felicity; but to remain happy and contented in the face of difficulty, hardship and the onslaught of disease and sickness-this is an indication of nobility.

Abdu'l- Baha

Quotes About Health And Sickness #688262
#85. Think on blessings and not curses, beauty not ugliness, health not sickness. Meditate on wealth not poverty, success not failure, grace not disgrace!

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Quotes About Health And Sickness #687868
#86. I self-medicate with fat, carbohydrates, and Jane Austen, my number one drug of choice, my constant companion through every breakup, every disappointment, every crisis. Men might come and go, but Jane Austen was always there. In sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, till death do us part.

Laurie Viera Rigler

Quotes About Health And Sickness #614689
#87. He learned that love is not all pleasure, but can be agony and heartache, martyrdom and sacrifice. He learned what the clergyman was talking about in the marriage service: for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part.

Upton Sinclair

Quotes About Health And Sickness #610620
#88. Ours is an age which consciously pursues health, and yet only believes in the reality of sickness.

Susan Sontag

Quotes About Health And Sickness #604586
#89. I don't want someone who's just with me until things get a little too difficult, or something better comes along, or marriage isn't as much fun as it used to be. I want the real thing-for better or worse, rich, poor, sickness, health, forever and ever, amen.

Lisa Wingate

Quotes About Health And Sickness #568887

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