Top 34 Quotes About Guises

#1. Creationists who want religious ideas taught as scientific fact in public schools continue to adapt to courtroom defeats by hiding their true aims under ever changing guises.

Eugenie Scott

Quotes About Guises #1442435
#2. Shakespeare tells the same stories over and over in so many guises that it takes a long time before you notice.

Howard Nemerov

Quotes About Guises #1019461
#3. The principle of recognition of evil under all its guises is at the basis of the true education of man.

Boris Sidis

Quotes About Guises #1033620
#4. Life's Answers, will always come to You in unexpected ways; different shapes & guises.


Quotes About Guises #1173263
#5. There is an air of last things, a brooding sense of impending annihilation, about so much deconstructive activity, in so many of its guises; it is not merely postmodernist but preapocalyptic.

David Lehman

Quotes About Guises #1233716
#6. When I look back over my novels what I find is that when I think I'm finished with a theme, I'm generally not. And usually themes will recur from novel to novel in odd, new guises.

Richard Russo

Quotes About Guises #1246511
#7. Where most people she knew were recognizably constant, Soter comprised a collection of posturings, guises, a composite of masks, so many that she had no idea if any one of them had ever been the true Soter, or if there had never been anything but masks.

Gregory Frost

Quotes About Guises #1247090
#8. The devil comes in many guises-anger in the form of justice-passion in the form of duty. When it first comes, the man knows and then he forgets. Just as your pleaders' conscience; at first they know it is all Badmashi (roguery), then it is duty to their clients; at last they get hardened.

Swami Vivekananda

Quotes About Guises #1376479
#9. We are bits of energy floating about in various guises, and when we die we rejoin the big cosmic soup of the universe.

Bat For Lashes

Quotes About Guises #1378526
#10. There are aspects of writing that require you to image yourself in various roles and guises, to stand in the shoes of others, to 'act' on an inner stage.

James Luceno

Quotes About Guises #1004302
#11. So as through a glass, and darkly - The age long strife I see - Where I fought in many guises, - Many names, but always me.

George S. Patton

Quotes About Guises #1525002
#12. It's the same with spirit guises; show me a sweet little choirboy or a smiling mother and I'll show you the hideous fanged strigoi it really is. (Not always. Just sometimes. *Your* mother is absolutely fine, for instance. Probably.)

Jonathan Stroud

Quotes About Guises #1543194
#13. Love has many guises, Thea. Sometimes it's a stroke of lightning as it was for your father, other times a slow building storm as it was for me, but the one thing that never changes is that it must be nurtured. You can't kick a heart and expect it not to flinch. This,

Nalini Singh

Quotes About Guises #1587018
#14. Every movie is wildly different. So many of the problems are the same, but they take on different guises.

Griffin Dunne

Quotes About Guises #1675492
#15. I'm really enamored of the potato in all its guises.

James Beard

Quotes About Guises #1765779
#16. Colonialism subdues in many dulcet guises. It conquered under the pretext of spreading Christianity, civilization, law and order, to make the world safe for democracy.

F. Sionil Jose

Quotes About Guises #1803213
#17. There can be no better grounding for a lifetime as an author than to see humanity in all its various guises through the lens of the reporter for the town.

Terry Pratchett

Quotes About Guises #1861832
#18. Always wise aunts come in many guises. There are maiden aunts, dowager aunts, and that delightful creature, the eccentric aunt. I fear I fall into the latter category.

Sara Sheridan

Quotes About Guises #680357
#19. Deceit is a kind of garment that conceals the soul. It might even be compared to a whole wardrobe, so many are its guises.

Maria Montessori

Quotes About Guises #94836
#20. There are not anywhere else so many ways of trickery, so many false lights, so many veils, so many guises, so many illusive deceits, as are practiced in every man's conscience in respect to his motives, thoughts, feelings, conduct, and character.

Henry Ward Beecher

Quotes About Guises #100327
#21. Time, for example, is intimately connected with the goddess Kali, which partly accounts for her destructive nature. Energy - in Einstein's equation, E=MC2 - is personified in India as Shakti in her various guises.

Roger Housden

Quotes About Guises #250193
#22. Clinton's hands remain incredibly clean, don't they, and Tony Blair's smile remains as wide as ever. I view these guises with profound contempt.

Harold Pinter

Quotes About Guises #268925
#23. I fought in many guises, Many names, but always me. And I see not in my blindness What the objects were I wrought, But as God rules o'er our bickerings It was through His will I fought. So forever in the future, Shall I battle as of yore, Dying to be born a ... fighter, But to die again, once more.

George S. Patton Jr.

Quotes About Guises #279027
#24. Underneath their human guises, they looked like the typical faery - that is, no wings, scantily clad and kind of man-pretty like Orlando Bloom's Legolas ...

Kevin Hearne

Quotes About Guises #320977
#25. I'm a person who can take on the guises of people I meet. I'm a collector, and I collect personalities and ideas.

David Bowie

Quotes About Guises #449885
#26. I discover, too, that grief is different to different people. Comes in many guises. In shocked silences and closed doors around our village, as people try to shut it out. That a blank face or fleeting smile can hide the worst, most private kind of agony.

Debbie Howells

Quotes About Guises #462110
#27. The Devil loved watching children pour down the front steps of the high school like lava from a volcano. Trolling for souls. He posed in one of his favorite guises today, a school bus driver.

Serena Schreiber

Quotes About Guises #25260
#28. Producers are men who will keep their heads in the noisy presence of writers and directors and not be carried away by art in any of its subversive guises. Their task is to guard against the unusual. They are the trusted loyalists of cliche.

Ben Hecht

Quotes About Guises #728531
#29. Islamophobia, in all its guises, seeks to minimize the importance of the individual and maximize the importance of the group.

Mohsin Hamid

Quotes About Guises #778971
#30. Failure is rich in learning opportunities for a simple reason: in many of its guises, it represents a violation of expectation.6 It is showing us that the world is in some sense different from the way we imagined it to be.

Matthew Syed

Quotes About Guises #842115
#31. The web will not be the container of our cosmopolitan past, like a book, because it is not a book and will never be a book, in spite of the endless gadgets and guises invented to force it into that role.

Alberto Manguel

Quotes About Guises #843781
#32. I have great respect for the corrosive influence of bias, systematic distortions of thought, the power of rationalization, the guises of self-interest, and the inevitability of unintended consequences.

Michael Crichton

Quotes About Guises #863968
#33. Anytime you want to hear about graph partitioning, I will be glad to tell you what I know about graph partitioning. It remains a standard problem. I think it's an interesting problem, because it shows up in a variety of guises in real life.

Brian Kernighan

Quotes About Guises #880138
#34. Given the diverse raiment life sports, one never knows what the guises of the gods may be.

Stephanie Mills

Quotes About Guises #994098

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