Top 100 Quotes About Frederick The Great
#1. Whatever happened to "In victory, magnanimity; in defeat, defiance." So said Frederick the Great.
George Carlin
#2. THE MORE I SEE OF MEN, THE BETTER I LIKE MY DOG." ~ Frederick the Great
Frederick The Great
#3. To them belong, not only the truly great statesmen, but all other great reformers as well. Beside Frederick the Great stands Martin Luther as well as Richard Wagner.
Adolf Hitler
#4. Young Alexander conquered India.
He alone?
Caesar beat the Gauls. Was there not even a cook in his army?
Philip of Spain wept as his fleet was sunk and destroyed. Were there no other tears?
Frederick the Great triumphed in the Seven Years War. Who
Triumphed with him?
Bertolt Brecht
#5. Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd, and bloody religion that has ever infected the world.
[In a letter to Frederick the Great]
#6. Consequently, the value and importance of the monarchic idea cannot reside in the person of the monarch himself except if Heaven decides to lay the crown on the brow of the heroic genius like Frederick the Great or a wise character like William I.
Adolf Hitler
#7. Frederick the Great was accustomed to say: "The older one gets the more convinced one becomes that his Majesty King Chance does three-quarters of the business of this miserable universe." Sorel
Niccolo Machiavelli
#8. To this group belong not only the genuinely great statesmen but all the great reformers as well. Beside Frederick the Great we have men such as Martin Luther and Richard Wagner.
Adolf Hitler
#9. He was in stature but a small man, yet remember that so were Napoleon, Lord Beaverbrook, Stephen A. Douglas, Frederick the Great, and the Dr. Goebbels who is privily known throughout Germany as Wotan's Mickey Mouse.
Sinclair Lewis
#10. National Socialism would have every German decide for himself on spiritual questions, just as in the days of Frederick the Great. The National Socialist state gives to the church what belongs to the church, and to the state what belongs to the state.
Rudolf Hess
#11. Hitler's historical hero had always been Frederick the Great. [Later], under Goebbels' prompting ... Napoleon emerged ... as his model ... Frederick the Great was a man who knew when to stop [and] Napoleon did not.
Ernst Hanfstaengl
#12. You will certainly grant me that neither antiquity nor whatever nation has devised a more repulsive and blasphemous absurdity than that of eating your God. This is the most disgusting dogma of Christian religion, the greatest insult to the Highest Being, the climax of madness and insanity.
Frederick The Great
#13. Many women devlop the second attention, attract a great deal of sexual attention, and for many years, appear to be very vibrant and strong.
Frederick Lenz
#14. It would be a great advantage to some schoolmasters if they would steal two hours a day from their pupils and give their own minds the benefit of the robbery.
John Frederick Boyes
#15. Theologians are all alike, of whatever religion or country they may be; their aim is always to wield despotic authority over men's consciences; they therefore persecute all of us who have the temerity to tell the truth.
Frederick The Great
#17. If this is the only life, then everything assumes too great an importance. We have to get everything out of life and we overdo it.
Frederick Lenz
#18. We hear wonderful stories about some masters who can walk on water and do all kinds of great things. But the real power of the teacher is to transmit power and knowledge directly to an individual.
Frederick Lenz
#19. A man, who can, in cold blood, hunt and torture a poor, innocent animal, cannot feel much compassion for the distress of his own species.
Frederick The Great
#20. While we all have a great capacity to love, very few of us will love the proper way.
Frederick Lenz
#21. Nowadays it is seen as a shame, to marry a girl who is a mother, who has never been married. I want to get rid of that prejudice.
Frederick The Great
#22. (About Cesare Borgia) What cruelties were not the result of his? Who could count all his crimes? Such was the man that Machiavel prefers to all the great geniuses of his time, and to the heroes of antiquity, and of which he finds the life and action make a good example for those that fortune favors.
Frederick The Great
#24. Forget that you are anybody and just perform the activities around you. Look at them. Watch what you are doing, my God! Life is right in front of you, and it's great.
Frederick Lenz
#25. Unfortunately, half the boats were lost in a great storm at sea, and many members of the six boats that did make it to their destinations safely, were later killed by the very native people to whom they sought to transmit their knowledge of the Atlantean sciences, arts and metaphysics.
Frederick Lenz
#26. My people and I have come to an agreement which satisfied us both. They are to say what they please, and I am to do what I please.
Frederick The Great
#27. Man is made for error; it enters his mind naturally, and he discovers a few truths only with the greatest effort.
Frederick The Great
#28. Many battles have been fought and won by soldiers nourished on beer, and the King does not believe that coffee-drinking soldiers can be relied upon to endure hardships in case of another war.
Frederick The Great
#29. Personal power is the reflection of a person of knowledge. A person of knowledge, an enlightened person, a person even close to enlightenment, has a great deal of personal power.
Frederick Lenz
#30. The relation between the white and colored people of this country is the great, paramount, imperative, and all-commanding question for this age and nation to solve.
Frederick Douglass
#31. Birth Control and abortion are turning out to be the great eugenic advances of our time.
Frederick Osborn
#33. Being goal directed is not enough to conquer your enemy. To achieve your goal you need to know and be able to utilize all the resources available to you. This includes the knowledge of all those available to you as well as using the physical resources and those who control them.
Frederick The Great
#34. The charm of the words of great men, those grand sayings which are recognized as true as soon as heard, is this, that you recognize them as wisdom which has passed across your own mind. You feel that they are your own thoughts come back to you ...
Frederick William Robertson
#35. The law on the side of freedom is of great advantage only when there is power to make that law respected.
Frederick Douglass
#36. Little minds try to defend everything at once, but sensible people look at the main point only; they parry the worst blows and stand a little hurt if thereby they avoid a greater one. If you try to hold everything, you hold nothing.
Frederick The Great
#37. The best form of meditation is the sitting meditation. But work is next. Work is a great way to meditate.
Frederick Lenz
#38. The great German idealists from Kant to Hegel saw this idealism or nihilism as a reductio ad absurdum of any philosophy, and so they struggled by all conceptual means to avoid it.
Frederick C. Beiser
#39. It seems to me that man is made to act rather than to know: the principles of things escape our most persevering researches.
Frederick The Great
#40. Be a great capitalist. Be a great socialist. Be a great whatever you want to be, but do it with style, clarity and precision. That is the hallmark of those who seek higher knowledge and truth.
Frederick Lenz
#41. A great deal has been written about personal power by Carlos Casteneda, and I find his first four books valuable. Of the experiences themselves, who knows? But the principles that are presented are quite valuable for one who seeks power.
Frederick Lenz
#42. The heart is a place of great light and their are different gradations of light that pass through the heart.
Frederick Lenz
#44. It's unfortunate that we see a great many women settling. They think that simply because they have gotten the right to vote, own property and have gained some simple freedoms that the battle for women's suffrage is over.
Frederick Lenz
#45. The more talented the opponent, the luckier you are. You have draw a great deal of strength from your being.
Frederick Lenz
#46. This is a time of great confusion, of great darkness; other networks are slipping in through other dimensional planes. Soon the network of enlightenment will leave this earth.
Frederick Lenz
#47. When you can command the nagual you have a great deal of power, and people know it intuitively. They feel if they can plunge themselves into the nagual they can get anything they want in the tonal.
Frederick Lenz
#49. This is the fourth age, the Kali Yuga, and it's a time of great darkness. At the end of this age, there's supposed to be a cosmic dissolution and then life begins anew. It's a wonderful cycle of rebirth.
Frederick Lenz
#50. I'm interested in ordinary experience, and regardless of the precise definition of ordinary, and I've found that in so-called ordinary experience, there is as much comedy, tragedy, sadness, as there is in great drama. And I don't invent it, I recognize it.
Frederick Wiseman
#51. Some teachers are very accessible. They advertise a great deal, they go out into the public. If they're advanced teachers, doubtlessly they are very inaccessible in terms of physical proximity.
Frederick Lenz
#52. It is better to be part of a great whole than to be the whole of a small part.
Frederick Douglass
#54. The greatest and noblest pleasure which men can have in this world is to discover new truths; and the next is to shake off old prejudices.
Frederick The Great
#55. At the time of birth an ordering takes place. The awarenesses come together; they become specific until a person dies. At that point all those awarenesses, all that you have ever been or will ever be, go back again, into the great unknown.
Frederick Lenz
#57. It is enough", this malicious man tells us, "to extinguish the line of the defeated prince." Can one read this without quivering in horror and indignation?
Frederick The Great
#59. N]either antiquity nor any other nation has imagined a more atrocious and blasphemous absurdity than that of eating God. This is how Christians treat the autocrat of the universe.
Frederick The Great
#60. The Divide is like two rivers merging, at the point of merging there is a great deal of activity. The sunset, it's neither dark nor light, and the sunrises are the moments of transition.
Frederick Lenz
#62. It does not pay a man to exist until the age of Methuselah by making his days indolent and useless. The more this is reflected upon, them ore the reflector will desire to undertake meaningful and useful actions, the more they will have lived.
Frederick The Great
#64. Meditation is the short path to happiness. Meditation takes you beyond the desire-aversion operating system that offers very limited happiness and a great deal of frustration.
Frederick Lenz
#65. Pilgrimages are journeys to places of power. People sometimes make pilgrimages to the caves where Milarepa or other great yogis meditated.
Frederick Lenz
#67. If it please you, the lady's name again? says Reginald. His quill is poised. If God had come to Reginald and not to Moses in the burning bush, he would have asked him how to spell the great I AM so he'd be sure he had it right.
Frederick Buechner
#68. The table groans under the heavy and blood-bought luxuries gathered with painstaking care, at home and abroad. Fields, forests, rivers and seas, are made tributary here. Immense wealth, and its lavish expenditure, fill the great house with all that can please the eye, or tempt the taste.
Frederick Douglass
#69. Euler calculated the force of the wheels necessary to raise the water in a reservoir ... My mill was carried out geometrically and could not raise a drop of water fifty yards from the reservoir. Vanity of vanities! Vanity of geometry!
Frederick The Great
#71. I begin by taking. I shall find scholars later to demonstrate my perfect right.
Frederick The Great
#72. They would spend a lot of their time simply walking around in the woods or in the cities, or they would come over to his house and he would teach them with a great deal of humor and laughter about the nature of existence.
Frederick Lenz
#74. A great deal of energy is lost in the study by people who interact with non-physical beings. They get into your mind and your body by approaching you in the dream plane, promising you powers, playing on your desires. They sap your life force.
Frederick Lenz
#75. If the teacher is truly enlightened, energy and light is always coming forth from them. To be in their physical presence is a great boon, not of the teacher but of that light which passes through them.
Frederick Lenz
#76. If the kundalini is flowing through you at a very rapid rate, if you are not in harmony with the dharma, then you will have great problems with the study.
Frederick Lenz
#78. There are many great bands of perception in the universe. There are both organic and inorganic bands of perception.
Frederick Lenz
#79. Religion is the idol of the mob; it adores everything it does not understand.
Frederick The Great
#80. At the end of your life you will probably end up in an old-age home, or in a back room in one of your children's houses, left only with a handful of fading memories and a body racked with great pain and suffering.
Frederick Lenz
#81. If I wished to punish a province, I would have it governed by philosophers.
Frederick The Great
#82. As to your Newton, I confess I do not understand his void and his gravity; I admit he has demonstrated the movement of the heavenly bodies with more exactitude than his forerunners; but you will admit it is an absurdity to maintain the existence of Nothing.
[Letter to Voltaire, 25 Nov. 1777]
Frederick The Great
#83. In a Jewish theological seminar there was an hours-long discussion about proofs of the existence of God. After some hours, one rabbi got up and said, "God is so great, he does not even need to exist."
Victor Frederick Weisskopf
#84. It has been said by a certain general, that the first object in the establishment of an army ought to be making provision for the belly, that being the basis and foundation of all operations
Frederick The Great
#85. Once in a while an enlightened teacher goes out into the world and spreads the dharma. They attract some attention, and it is a great spectacle to see who and why and what is drawn.
Frederick Lenz
#86. A baseball manager recognizes a nonphysical talent, hustle, as an essential gift of great players and great teams. It is the characteristic of running faster than necessary, moving sooner than necessary, trying harder than necessary. It is essential for great programming teams, too.
Frederick P. Brooks Jr.
#88. Though I may not be a king in my future life, so much the better: I shall nevertheless live an active life and, on top of it, earn less ingratitude.
Frederick The Great
#90. Meditate on enlightenment. Read the exploits of the great teachers, the great saints. They'll inspire you. Their power is there.
Frederick Lenz
#91. Always presume that the enemy has dangerous designs and always be forehanded with the remedy. But do not let these calculations make your timid.
Frederick The Great
#92. Up to our own day American history has been in a large degree the history of the colonization of the Great West. The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward, explain American development.
Frederick Jackson Turner
#93. I like to shop. I don't always buy things when I shop, but I think it's fun to go out and look at the worlds of colors. I love to roam through supermarkets. I am a great lover of household products. I particularly like the packaging of cereal boxes.
Frederick Lenz
Frederick Drimmer
#95. A prince ... is only the first servant of the state, who is obliged to act with probity and prudence. ... As the sovereign is properly the head of a family of citizens, the father of his people, he ought on all occasions to be the last refuge of the unfortunate.
Frederick The Great
#96. There is a great deal of self-will in the world, but very little genuine independence of character.
Frederick William Faber
#97. But France's powerful armies, and a very large number of fortresses, ensure that the French Sovereign will possess the throne forever, and they do not have anything to fear now concerning internal wars or their neighbors invading France.
Frederick The Great
#98. Clothing has a great deal to do with the attitudes and energy that others direct towards you. I favor the chic, and tend to avoid the trendy. I think that it's good to be chic when possible because it is more inaccessible.
Frederick Lenz
#99. Do not neglect the principles of foresight and know that often, puffed up with success, armies have lost the fruit of their heroism through a feeling of false security.
Frederick The Great
#100. I have no fault to find with those who teach geometry. That science is the only one which has not produced sects; it is founded on analysis and on synthesis and on the calculus; it does not occupy itself with the probable truth; moreover it has the same method in every country.
Frederick The Great