Top 100 Quotes About Fidel Castro
#1. I am quite an admirer of Fidel [Castro]. For me, Fidel is the first and the best man in solidarity with the peoples of the world. Fidel shares not just what he does not need, but every little thing he has. That is called solidarity.
Evo Morales
#2. Cool thing about Fidel Castro is that the CIA and the mafia - which are both terrible organizations that tried to murder him again and again - haven't succeeded.
Ian Svenonius
#3. How a man who holds the entire population of a country as his prisoners, and punishes the families of those who escape, can be admired by people who call themselves liberals is one of the many wonders of the human mind's ability to rationalize. Yet such is the case with Fidel Castro.
Thomas Sowell
#4. I think Fidel [Castro] has a stronger allergy to the market than his brother, but he is not getting in the way of what his brother is implementing.
Jeffrey Goldberg
#5. I like Fidel Castro and his beard.
Bob Dylan
#6. I think a lot of people saw 'Fight Club' and thought, 'Right, here's our next Che Guevara, here's our next Fidel Castro, here's someone who's going to wave the flag.' And I was like, 'No, it's just a book. And if I beat that drum, if I play that song one more time, I won't have a career.'
Chuck Palahniuk
#7. The greatest promotion I ever had on a newspaper was when 'The Washington Post' suddenly promoted me from city-side general assignment reporter to Latin American correspondent and sent me off to Cuba. Fidel Castro had just come to power. It was a very exciting assignment, but also very serious.
Tom Wolfe
#8. I cannot personally imagine any U.S. president normalizing relations with him [Fidel Castro], as opposed to his brother, but I may prove wrong on this score.
Mark Falcoff
#10. I wanted to leave high school in 1958 and join the Cuban revolution. So the only reason I did not come to join [Fidel] Castro was because my mother would not let me. I was only 16.
Huey Newton
#11. I've had meetings with Fidel Castro. I've had meetings with Kim Il-Sung. I've had meetings with other dictators. I've met with the Butcher of Beijing. You know, I think it's important to hear, you know, each other's perspective.
Gary Ackerman
#12. The Spirit tells me - Fidel Castro will die - in the 90s. Oooh my! Some will try to kill him and they will not succeed. But there will come a change in his physical health, and he will not stay in power, and Cuba will be visited of God.
Benny Hinn
#13. We know next to nothing about the relationship between Chavez and Raul Castro. One thing, though, is certain. The Cuban military and political elite do not regard Chavez as a logical successor to Fidel Castro in Latin America.
Mark Falcoff
#14. I'm actually Cuban-born, born in 1956, the year Fidel Castro came into power, and my father moved my family to Miami a few years later when things were starting to look bad.
Steven Bauer
#15. US policy toward Cuba [at the time] had two tracks. Track 1 was to assassinate Fidel Castro. Track 2 was to subvert the regime through people-to-people contact.
Rachael Price
#16. inspired my own life.
Victory has thousands father but failure always find itself an orphan.
--Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro
#17. When I was 14, in Cuba, I met Fidel Castro with my dad, and it was really impressive. And on a totally different level, I met Justin Timberlake!
Dylan Penn
#18. Now we all know that Fidel Castro dressed up like Marilyn Monroe and gave JFK a case of syphilis so bad it eventually blew out the back of his head.
Stephen Colbert
#19. [Fidel Castro] has a very good [human rights] record.
Oliver Stone
#20. That first play I did in New York, Rogelio Martinez's 'When It's Cocktail Time in Cuba,' I played a young Fidel Castro.
Oscar Isaac
#21. Fidel Castro represents the dignity of the South American continent against empires. He's a living legend: an icon of independence and freedom across the continent.
Nicolas Maduro
#22. The first thing out of Fidel Castro's mouth to me, he looked me right in the eye and said, 'You're a man of great courage.'
Jesse Ventura
#23. Fidel Castro, whatever people may think of him, is a hero in Latin America, primarily because he stood up to the United States.
Noam Chomsky
#24. I love Fidel Castro, I respect Fidel Castro, you know why? A lot of people have wanted to kill Fidel Castro for the last 60 years, but that motherf****r is still here.
Ozzie Guillen
#25. Of course in Miami, not denouncing Fidel Castro at every turn is almost as bad as saying Gloria Estefan can't sing.
Gloria Estefan
#26. There are countries that send us garbage. There are countries that send us their outdated technology as their cooperation. With Fidel [Castro] it is totally different. Fidel is the first and the best one to stand for peace in the world denouncing the interventionist policies of the U.S.
Evo Morales
#27. I don't profess to have any religion, but if I did, my God would be Fidel Castro. He is like a ship that knew to take his crew on the right path.
Elian Gonzalez
#28. I left Cuba when I was two years old. They took away my country, they stole the most intimate thing a human being can have. How could I forget that Fidel Castro was the person who did me so much harm?
Gloria Estefan
#29. Seriously, did I miss something? Did John F. Kennedy walk into the Oval Office one day, only to find Fidel Castro lighting his Cohiba with the American flag while teabagging Jackie?
Sterling Archer
#30. Unbelievably, while many non-governmental organizations like Amnesty International and America's Watch have denounced the human rights situation in Cuba, there has been a continuing love affair on the part of the media and many intellectuals with Fidel Castro.
Armando Valladares
#31. A political event was that I met Fidel Castro, the Cuban revolutionary. He is a young, intelligent guy, very sure of himself and extraordinarily audacious; I think we hit it off well.
Che Guevara
#32. I know that Oswald killed Kennedy. Now, was he pushed? Encouraged to do it by outsiders? Possibly. Possibly. Was he sitting down with Fidel Castro? No.
Bill O'Reilly
#33. I played for Almendares in Cuba. Guess who was trying out for the team? Castro. Fidel Castro, as a pitcher. He could throw pretty hard, but he was wild. He didn't have any control.
Monte Irvin
#34. I wouldn't like to see Cuba change in other ways. And the trouble is when Fidel [Castro] does go - I am sure he will at some stage. He will probably be replaced by some sort of Western capitalism, ultimately.
John Gimlette
#35. I am Fidel Castro and we have come to liberate Cuba.
Fidel Castro
#36. Unless we make revolutionary reforms, some day - in some unknown serra - some unknown Fidel Castro will rise up in Brazil.
Janio Quadros
#37. Fidel Castro's justice, while seeking refuge with his rebel troops in the Sierra Maestra mountains, was harsh and the penalty for violating some of his rules was death." See page 286, "The Exciting Story of Cuba
Hank Bracker
#38. If you believe in justice, if you believe in democracy, if you believe in people's rights, if you believe in the harmony of all humankind - then you have no choice but to back Fidel Castro as long as it takes!
Harry Belafonte
#39. As long as Fidel Castro is alive we [the American Government] will not normalize relations with Cuba. We don't want it, and he certainly doesn't.
Mark Falcoff
#40. Fidel Castro declared that a robot would do a better job as president than Barack Obama. After hearing this, Mitt Romney thanked Castro for his endorsement.
Conan O'Brien
#41. The charismatic portrait of the modern leadership looks nothing like Fidel Castro. It is a faceless portrait that epitomizes the toughness of Ronald Reagan, Nelson Mandela's charisma, and the most compassionate heart of Mother Theresa.
Anthony Obi Ogbo
#42. I once dealt with a prima donna on a movie set. I won't say who, but his first name is a country. A communist country. Run by Fidel Castro.
Artie Lange
#43. I grew up in Cuba under a strong, military, oppressive dictatorship. So as a teenager, I found myself involved in a revolution. I remember during that time, a young, charismatic leader rose up, talking about hope and change. His name was Fidel Castro.
Rafael Cruz
#44. My parents didn't agree with what was going on, you know, with the communists coming in, Fidel Castro. I didn't see the reason why I needed to go back there and be a part of that exhibition.
Rafael Palmeiro
#45. Particularly during the late 1960s, a large number of American skyjackers earnestly believed that Fidel Castro's Cuba was an egalitarian, post-racial utopia.
Brendan I. Koerner
#46. If there ever was in the history of humanity an enemy who was truly universal, an enemy whose acts and moves trouble the entire world, threaten the entire world, attack the entire world in any way or another, that real and really universal enemy is precisely Yankee imperialism.
Fidel Castro
#47. A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.
Fidel Castro
#48. There is nothing more agreeable than having a place where one can throw on the floor as many cigar butts as one pleases without the subconscious fear of a maid who is waiting like a sentinel to place an ashtray where the ashes are going to fall.
Fidel Castro
#49. We are not only a Latin American nation, we are an Afro-American nation also.
Fidel Castro
#50. A smart policy should be one that tends to receive the capitals, pays the price for that capital - which is the interest - returns the capital and in the end the factories, the industries, are left to remain in the country.
Fidel Castro
#52. So these Red Sox ... are they a Communist organization?
Fidel Castro
#53. There is no more democratic government than a revolutionary government.
Fidel Castro
#54. I have real fears for Cuba based on the South American experience. Where you have had such a stern regime, as Fidel's [Castro], there is no culture of politics.
John Gimlette
#55. Warfare is a means and not an end. Warfare is a tool of revolutionaries. The important thing is the revolution. The important thing is the revolutionary cause, revolutionary ideas, revolutionary objectives, revolutionary sentiments, revolutionary virtues!
Fidel Castro
#57. I have become convinced that hatred towards the U.S. has been a chief reason for Castro's longevity in power
Armando Valladares
#58. If people call me Christian, not from the standpoint of religion but from the standpoint of social vision, I declare that I am a Christian.
Fidel Castro
#59. A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle between the future and the past.
Fidel Castro
#60. I don't think it is so difficult to solve the problems between Cuba and the United States; it all depends on whether there is a dialogue, a discussion, or if the prejudices and hatred of people like the extremists and terrorists from the Cuban community, who try to impose their policies, prevail.
Fidel Castro
#61. If religious feeling is put in opposition to social change, then it does become an opium, but if it is joined to the struggle for social change then it is a wonderful medicine.
Fidel Castro
#62. Nowhere in the world, in no act of genocide, in no war, are so many people killed per minute, per hour and per day as those who are killed by hunger and poverty on our planet.
Fidel Castro
#63. The first thing dictators do is finish free press, to establish censorship. There is no doubt that a free press is the first enemy of dictatorship.
Fidel Castro
#65. Good athletes do not know what tiredness is. They do not know what discouragement is. Good athletes only know what victory is.
Fidel Castro
#66. The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore,
Fidel Castro
#67. Men do not shape destiny, Destiny produces the man for the hour.
Fidel Castro
#68. Humanity can learn from those who have broken their chains. Those who have chained humanity for centuries cannot teach humanity anything.
Fidel Castro
#69. I have always fought for concrete facts, for justice.
Fidel Castro
#70. I have not seen the Himalayas. But I have seen Sheikh Mujib. In personality and in courage, this man is the Himalayas. I have thus had the experience of witnessing the Himalayas.
Fidel Castro
#71. The existing world economic order constitutes a system of plundering and exploitation like no other in history.
Fidel Castro
#72. I believe that all of us ought to retire relatively young.
Fidel Castro
#73. I am a Marxist Leninist and I will be one until the last day of my life.
Fidel Castro
#74. Condemn me, it does not matter: history will absolve me.
Fidel Castro
#75. Nothing in the world is irreversible, not even capitalism.
Fidel Castro
#76. More than 820 million people in the world suffer from hunger; and 790 million of them live in the Third World.
Fidel Castro
#77. I would not vote for the mayor. It's not just because he didn't invite me to dinner, but because on my way into town from the airport there were such enormous potholes.
Fidel Castro
#78. I can assure you that my first and foremost interest is my country.
Fidel Castro
#79. When I was a young boy, my father taught me that to be a good Catholic, I had to confess at church if I ever had impure thoughts about a girl. That very evening, I had to rush to confess my sin. And the next night, and the next. After a week, I decided religion wasn't for me.
Fidel Castro
#80. I think that a man should not live beyond the age when he begins to deteriorate, when the flame that lighted the brightest moment of his life has weakened.
Fidel Castro
#81. The truth is that after several decades of neoliberalism, the rich are becoming increasingly richer while the poor are both more numerous and increasingly poorer.
Fidel Castro
#82. Some time ago, the United States was an English colony. If an Englishman were asked if the United States would be independent, he would have said no, that it would always be an English colony.
Fidel Castro
#83. The societies of consumption and squandering of material resources are incompatible with the idea of economic growth and a clean planet.
Fidel Castro
#84. I am not a dictator, and I do not think I will become one. I will not maintain power with a machine gun.
Fidel Castro
#85. There is nothing that compares to the Holocaust.
Fidel Castro
#86. If Mr. Kennedy does not like Socialism, we do not like imperialism. We do not like Capitalism.
Fidel Castro
#87. Most people who know Cuba think Raul [Castro] would like to make more changes but has not done so yet because his brother, who is ideologically opposed to them, is still alive. What he will do when Fidel dies remains to be seen.
Mark Falcoff
#88. We are going to give a little something, a few little years more, to socialism, because socialism is defunct. It dies all by itself. The bad thing is that socialism, being a victim of its ... Did I say socialism?
Fidel Castro
#89. I've always considered Christ to be one of the greatest revolutionaries in the history of humanity.
Fidel Castro
#90. I do not conceive of any manifestation of culture, of science, of art, as purposes in themselves. I think the purpose of science and culture is man.
Fidel Castro
#91. Revolutionaries must proclaim their ideas courageously ... and express their intentions so that no one is deceived.
Fidel Castro
#92. The fact is, when men carry the same ideals in their hearts, nothing can isolate them - neither prison walls nor the sod of cemeteries. For single memory, a single spirit, a single idea, a single conscience, a single dignity will sustain them all.
Fidel Castro
#93. Sovereignty is not negotiated in exchange for anything; to maintain the achievements of the revolution does not depend on a foreign power.
Fidel Castro
#94. It does not matter how small you are if you have faith and a plan of action.
Fidel Castro
#95. I never perceived a contradiction in the political revolutionary field between the ideas I maintained and the idea of that symbol, that extraordinary figure who had been so familiar to me since I began to reason.
Fidel Castro
#96. I don't think that the contradictions between capitalism and socialism can be resolved by war. This is no longer the age of the bow and arrow. It's the nuclear age, and war can annihilate us all. The only way to achieve solutions seems to be for the different social systems to coexist.
Fidel Castro
#97. This country is heaven, in the spiritual sense of the word. And I say, we prefer to die in heaven than survive in hell.
Fidel Castro
#98. I propose the immediate launching of a nuclear strike on the United States. The Cuban people are prepared to sacrifice themselves for the cause of the destruction of imperialism and the victory of world revolution.
Fidel Castro
#99. You Americans keep saying that Cuba is ninety miles from the United States. I say that the United States is ninety miles from Cuba and for us, that is worse.
Fidel Castro
#100. My idea, as the whole world knows, is that the capitalist system now doesn't work either for the United States or the world, driving it from crisis to crisis, which are each time more serious.
Fidel Castro
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