Top 65 Quotes About Effective Leaders

#1. I think Americans expect optimism in their leadership. The most popular and effective leaders, whether it was Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan or Jack Kennedy, brought to it a sense of optimism and possibility.

David Brooks

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1368189
#2. Effective leaders help others to understand the necessity of change and to accept a common vision of the desired outcome.

John P. Kotter

Quotes About Effective Leaders #998518
#3. Effective leaders let people discover things for themselves.

Jean Illsley Clarke

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1115155
#4. Don't take on things you don't believe in and that you yourself are not good at. Learn to say no. Effective leaders match the objective needs of their company with the subjective competencies. As a result, they get an enormous amount of things done fast.

Peter Drucker

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1131745
#5. Our teachers are operating just as effective leaders in the business world do. They set a vision that most people think is crazy. They convince the kids why it's important to accomplish the goal. And they are totally relentless.

Wendy Kopp

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1148855
#6. Effective leaders....always rise to a challenge. That's one of the things that separates winners from whiners.....Walton rose above it by solving his problems with creativity and tenacity.

Anyone who expects the road to be easy will continually find himself in trouble.

John C. Maxwell

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1178054
#7. Effective leaders do not fear passion. They welcome it. But from time to time passionate discussions digress into personal attacks, and real people get really hurt. In my view, leaders must head that off before it happens.

Bill Hybels

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1196447
#8. The ablest and most effective leaders do not hold to a single style; they may be highly supportive in personal relations when that is needed, yet capable of a quick, authoritative decision when the situation requires it.

John W. Gardner

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1249469
#9. Leaders move among the various stages each day. But effective leaders move among the right stages at the right times.

Liz Weber

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1329189
#10. Effective leaders have the ability to consistently move themselves and others to action because they understand the "invisible forces" that shape us

Tony Robbins

Quotes About Effective Leaders #34681
#11. Clarity is the answer to anxiety. Effective leaders are clear.

Marcus Buckingham

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1401218
#12. Effective leaders of change must serve equally as agents of change and protectors of continuity.

Samuel Wilson

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1540197
#13. Effective leaders often have to act even when they don't understand all possible factors

Gerald M. Weinberg

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1583040
#14. This is the way I think about politics: We want two diametrically opposed things from a politician. On one hand we want them to be bastions of moral integrity, perfect people, saints. And on the other hand, we want them to be effective leaders.

Beau Willimon

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1629712
#15. The most striking thing about highly effective leaders is how little they have in common. What one swears by, another warns against. But one trait stands out: the willingness to risk.

Larry Osborne

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1784051
#16. Organizations exist to make people's strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant. And this is the work of effective leaders.

Frances Hesselbein

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1820150
#17. I often say that leadership is deeply personal and inherently collective. That's a paradox that effective leaders have to embrace.

Peter Senge

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1875168
#18. Effective leaders are made, not born. They learn from trial and error, and from experience.

Colin Powell

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1877548
#19. To be effective, leaders must have the qualities and attitudes essential to work in a group setting.

Meg Whitman

Quotes About Effective Leaders #804950
#20. Effective leaders know that resources are never the problem; it's always a matter or resourcefulness.

Tony Robbins

Quotes About Effective Leaders #887584
#21. Effective leaders allow God to shape them into the kind of people they need to be for each situation they encounter.

Jim George

Quotes About Effective Leaders #25526
#22. Effective leaders don't gather things just for themselves; they do it in order to give to others.

John C. Maxwell

Quotes About Effective Leaders #80226
#23. Effective leaders treat individuals differently but equally

John Adair

Quotes About Effective Leaders #104416
#24. Effective leaders are, first and foremost, good teachers. We're in the education business.

John Wooden

Quotes About Effective Leaders #146757
#25. Not everyone is born a great leader, but anyone can foster core leadership competencies for themselves and become actionable, effective leaders.

Ravinder Tulsiani

Quotes About Effective Leaders #189531
#26. Too many companies believe people are interchangeable. Truly gifted people never are. They have unique talents. Such people cannot be forced into roles they are not suited for, nor should they be. Effective leaders allow great people to do the work they were born to do.

Warren G. Bennis

Quotes About Effective Leaders #244226
#27. Quality effective leaders have the confidence to trust others to try, succeed, and sometimes to fail. We very often confuse personality with leadership. In other words, leadership is not about being a nice person or not a nice person.

Simon Sinek

Quotes About Effective Leaders #276987
#28. Effective leaders sacrifice much that is good in order to dedicate themselves to what is best

John C. Maxwell

Quotes About Effective Leaders #586095
#29. I think effective leaders typically are able to see the future to a certain degree and then try to take actions to shape it in some way.

Mitt Romney

Quotes About Effective Leaders #656790
#30. Introverts are more effective leaders of proactive employees. When you have a creative, energetic work force, an introvert is going to draw out that energy better.

Laurie Helgoe

Quotes About Effective Leaders #698370
#31. Effective leaders are good spotters. They are on the lookout for
potential leaders. They have the ability to look beyond other's deficiencies to
see their possibilities.

Gary Rohrmayer

Quotes About Effective Leaders #707128
#32. Effective leaders are willing to use power and authority, but they're doing it in the service of the collective good, as opposed to self-aggrandizement.

Noel Tichy

Quotes About Effective Leaders #726893
#33. Effective leaders make it easy for people around them to tell the truth, to be candid and open.

Al Ritter

Quotes About Effective Leaders #728625
#34. The Strict Father (or "authoritarian") model is supposed to make a child strong and better able to function socially. It is supposed to make children into effective leaders. But, in fact, it has the opposite effect.

George Lakoff

Quotes About Effective Leaders #733179
#35. Those who depend fully on another person's knowledge to decide what is possible are easily manipulated. The most effective leaders utilize experts from all fields , but rely on none when it comes to making a decision.

Joelle Charbonneau Independent Study

Quotes About Effective Leaders #527245
#36. In my opinion, being an effective leader requires being an effective listener. The most productive leaders are usually those who are consistently willing to listen and learn.

John Wooden

Quotes About Effective Leaders #676575
#37. The Gulf Waterkeepers are our first line of defense against the BP oil disaster. Their incredible knowledge of the marshes, wetlands, beaches and inner-coastal waters make them invaluable first responders. Their commitment makes them critical and effective community leaders.

Sophie B. Hawkins

Quotes About Effective Leaders #691553
#38. Truly effective and inspiring leaders aren't actually driven to lead people; they are driven to serve them.

Simon Sinek

Quotes About Effective Leaders #814221
#39. The lack of effective and charismatic leaders always forced the Muslim youth to choose the wrong role models.

S. Hussain Zaidi

Quotes About Effective Leaders #850144
#40. Don't think that the lack of leaders and of a party ideological line means anarchy, if by anarchy you mean chaos, bedlam, and pandemonium. What a tragic lack of political imagination to think that leaders and centralized structures are the only way to organize effective political projects!

Michael Hardt

Quotes About Effective Leaders #948440
#41. For a large corporation to be effective, it must be simple. For an organization to be simple, its people must have self-confidence and intellectual self-assurance. Insecure managers create complexity, real leaders do not clutter.

Jack Welch

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1015972
#42. Working with the media remains an effective and essential way to raise issues, educate the public, and prod policy-makers and corporate leaders to change for the better.

Chuck Schumer

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1082027
#43. For leaders to be effective, they need to connect with people.

John C. Maxwell

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1141480
#44. Practice holding labels lightly as leaders so you have greater range in your behaviors and are more adaptable and effective in a greater range of situations.

Henna Inam

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1238112
#45. We praise our leaders when they act against our adversaries. But when our own interest is threatened, we begin to dislike the same leaders, irrespective of the sincerity of their intentions. An effective leader is bound to create enemies.

Awdhesh Singh

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1596629
#46. Leaders who led their organizations quietly and humbly, were much more effective than flashy, charismatic high profile leaders.

James C. Collins

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1692261
#47. A better model of leadership means more effective leadership and better business results.

Bob Anderson

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1726911
#48. Authenticity requires us to slow down. Fast times require us to slow down. To be effective, we need to slow down our pace of thought and action and focus on managing our attention. To be authentic leaders we need to act from intention and choice rather than from habit and impulse.

Henna Inam

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1734789
#49. Great leaders, the research shows, are made as they gradually acquire, in the course of their lives and careers, the competencies that make them so effective. The competencies can be learned by any leader, at any point.

Daniel Goleman

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1785031
#50. When we become leaders, we sometimes think we are now supposed to have the answers. Yes, we may have some answers, but we will be more effective when we engage others and get their opinions.

Kevin Eikenberry

Quotes About Effective Leaders #1843700
#51. Leaders develop their styles as they interact with their constituencies. They move toward the style that seems most effective in dealing with the mixture of elements that make up their constituencies.

John W. Gardner

Quotes About Effective Leaders #581045
#52. Creating fear and loathing of gay and lesbian Americans has proven, year after year, to be the most effective say for Dobson and the other fundamentalist Christian leaders to raise millions of dollars and recruit millions of volunteers to support their long-range campaign to take back America.

Mel White

Quotes About Effective Leaders #451802
#53. I think having Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House is going to send a very wonderful lesson to the American public that women can be strong, they can be tough, they can be effective, and they can lead this country as political leaders.

Ellen Malcolm

Quotes About Effective Leaders #374631
#54. Effective team leaders adjust their style to provide what the group can't provide for itself.

Ken Blanchard

Quotes About Effective Leaders #345360
#55. There is no more effective way to radicalize American Muslim youth than for political leaders to make public displays of prejudice against all Muslims. Suspicion will undermine their sense of identification with America and alienate some from both the culture and from politics.

Miroslav Volf

Quotes About Effective Leaders #341666
#56. His hypothesis was that extroverted leaders enhance group performance when employees are passive, but that introverted leaders are more effective with proactive employees.

Susan Cain

Quotes About Effective Leaders #323233
#57. To be effective as future organizations, we must know our fellow leaders better, deeper.

Holly Duckworth

Quotes About Effective Leaders #308153
#58. I have for some time urged that a nuclear abolition summit to mark the effective end of the nuclear era be convened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the 70th anniversary of the bombings of those cities, with the participation of national leaders and representatives of global civil society.

Daisaku Ikeda

Quotes About Effective Leaders #283093
#59. Sometimes servant leaders focus on the servitude part and forget the leader part. Great leadership isn't about abdication of power, it about the benevolent application of that power.

Scott Hammerle

Quotes About Effective Leaders #228834
#60. I believe it's our loss of connection with our instinctual side that prevents us from being effective pack leaders for our dogs. Perhaps it's also why we also seem to be failing at being positive guardians of our planet.

Cesar Millan

Quotes About Effective Leaders #195992
#61. The CIA's drone campaign is extraordinarily effective, and the agency is getting progressively better at targeting senior leaders and disrupting their networks.

Joby Warrick

Quotes About Effective Leaders #130529
#62. Develop your leaders into a competitive advantage. Reconnect your leader-power to success.

Gene Morton

Quotes About Effective Leaders #110943
#63. Nobody is rewarded for occupying a position, but for becoming effective in the position occupied. If you occupy a position, you must have the weight of influence in order to matter!

Israelmore Ayivor

Quotes About Effective Leaders #103119
#64. As leaders, we become whole when we see that our focused, singular commitment to making the numbers and the metrics cannot be effective on its own, but only when it is part of the whole picture - only when we see that it takes more than metrics to make up the whole.

Lance Secretan

Quotes About Effective Leaders #19829
#65. Is self-interest a bad thing? We want our leaders to be pure and good, but at the same time we want them to be effective, and to be effective you often have to be ruthless and not bound by ideology or the same morals that we pretend to hold ourselves to.

Beau Willimon

Quotes About Effective Leaders #11827

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