Top 74 Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me

#1. I would tell new artists to be themselves. Show your talents first, have your own identity, don't try to be Lady Saw. If you're coming out to be like me, once you get in, return back to yourself, that's the only way you'll be happy. Don't come in trying to be me and then disrespect me.

Lady Saw

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1061168
#2. Talk to me about your plans, Bram," Ailean said as he walked into the hall. "Come back to the war room." "You have a war room?"
"Don't you?

G.A. Aiken

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1309284
#3. Rose: You're crazy.
Jack: That's what everybody says but, with all due respect, Miss, I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here. Come on. C'mon, give me your hand. You don't want to do this.

James Cameron

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1280074
#4. I don't despise 'Don Quixote,' but it is a book I don't ... get. I'll have to come back it. Maybe there'll be a gateway story that opens it up for me; that happened for me with 'Paradise Lost' and the 'His Dark Materials' trilogy.

Helen Oyeyemi

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1269850
#5. Tell me you'll come back for the pack. For me." His eyes were bright with tears. "I don't want to lose you.

Andrea Cremer

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1229867
#6. I don't expect you to take me back, but I needed to come here and tell you how sorry I am. I needed to tell you how much I love you, Gavin. How much I need you in my life.

Gail McHugh

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1205428
#7. We lived in Colorado, and my parents were outdoorsy mountain people. My father would always say, 'Go out and don't come back until you have something to show me.' Which meant he wanted me to come back with a scraped knee or an injury. When I went out to play, I felt like I'd better get hurt.

Jessica Biel

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1203673
#8. Why don't you come over here?" Cam said, and I turned to him, brows raised. "You look cold."
I shifted closer, but that apparently wasn't close enough. He tugged the blanket off me and then leaned back Lifting me up, he placed me between his widespred legs.

J. Lynn

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1183656
#9. I don't know if I would want to come back as anything but me. I feel really satisfied. I don't really want to be anyone else. I just feel like I've gotten everything I signed up for as me. I'm happy as me.

Jason Wu

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1135039
#10. Don't open that door," she said. "The hallway is full of difficult dreams." And I asked her: "How do you know?" And she told me: "Because I was there a moment ago and I had to come back when I discovered I was sleeping on my heart.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1133918
#11. My husband is always telling me: 'We're on holiday - we don't need to have an itinerary!' But I always want to see as much as I can. Sometimes, I come back from holiday needing a holiday.

Ashley Jensen

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1391716
#12. Lionel Richie told me forget about the critics. But if you come back with hit after hit, you don't have to worry about anything.

Brian McKnight

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1027709
#13. When I'm doing a film, I love getting together after work with my costars. But we get back to L.A. and I'm like, 'I don't want to go to a club with you, dude. I mean, I think you're rad, and if you want to come play Scrabble with me, that's amazing.'

Ginnifer Goodwin

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1019978
#14. Please, don't torture me with cliches. If you're going to try to intimidate me, have the courtesy to go away for a while, acquire a better education, improve your vocabulary, and come back with some fresh metaphors.

Dean Koontz

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1011478
#15. Walk with this tomorrow night. If nothing happens, then
don't come back. Forget about us, this place, but if you feel the
Nightwalker in you awaken, then return to where you belong.
Return to me, and the streets will run red with blood.

Keith Kekic

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1001622
#16. The established characters are easy to recall. I don't know why, but they come back to me instantly when I need them. It's the one-time-only characters that I don't remember where the voice I used came from.

Jim Cummings

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1000818
#17. You can't manufacture inspiration, so a lot of it is still a waiting game for me. There's still a lot of mystery to songwriting. I don't have a method that I can go back to - they either come or they don't.

Conor Oberst

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #937856
#18. So, how come Jacob Black gets to
give you a gift and I don't?
Because I have nothing
to give back to you.
Bella, you give me everything
just by breathing.

Stephenie Meyer

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #908731
#19. I just want to continue to grow, as an actor, and dig. Hopefully, one day, I'll lose myself in a role. My only worry about that is that I just want to be able to come back home. I don't want to get lost forever. That scares me.

Jill Scott

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #854789
#20. Listen,' Clover said. 'Don't worry about not being able to come back, I've lived both places, and trust me, you won't be getting the short end of the stick if you end up in Foo. I mean, candy alone ...

Obert Skye

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1699735
#21. Maybe the day will come when I can sit back and be content ... But until that day comes, I intend to stay in the batter's box - I don't let the big guys push me out of there anymore - and keep hammering away.

Hank Aaron

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1856106
#22. Beth," he whispered. "Come back to me."
He brought more of his blood to her.
"Damn it, don't you die!" Candles flared in the room. "I love you, damn you! Goddamn you, don't you let go!

J.R. Ward

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1852971
#23. Oh, that's just great. I come all the way back here, risking major brain cell burnout, and you don't even believe me? I'm basically guaranteeing myself a lifetime of heartbreak, and all you have to say is that you think I'm not right in the head?

Meg Cabot

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1838102
#24. If the Danes come," he spoke to Wulfhere, "you must let me fight."
"You don't know how to fight."
"Then you must teach me." He slid Serpent-Breath back into the scabbard. "Wessex needs a king who can fight," he said, "instead of pray.

Bernard Cornwell

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1823863
#25. You can come back one day. Or I could come there."
"I could find you."
"Finding is for the things that are lost. You don't need to find me, Mayor.

Cristina Henriquez

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1822935
#26. You're ok. Breathe. Just breathe. Open your eyes. Come back. It's ok. It's over now. You're ok. Wake up. Please wake up. Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. I love you so fucking much. Come back.


Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1758607
#27. I wanted to come back to Sighet to tell you the story of my death. So that you could prepare yourselves while there was still time. To live? I don't attach any importance to my life any more. I'm alone. No, I wanted to come back, and to warn you. And see how it is, no one will listen to me.

Elie Wiesel

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1748032
#28. Some people asked me if it was going to be a downer to come back and play on a college team after playing on a world championship team, and I don't think they understand what it is like to play here.

Lorrie Fair

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1745477
#29. I don't want you back because you feel obligated to me, love," he said. "That's the devil of wedding vows - they make you do things for a person you maybe should run away from. Come back to me because you want to, not because you think you ought to. Do you understand?

Jennifer Ashley

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #845929
#30. Stories come to me and I don't know where they come from, but afterwards I can look back and say, 'Oh yes, that's got a little bit of me, or a little bit of my own son in it'. That's where ideas come from.

Anthony Browne

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1647324
#31. Beloved, she my daughter. She mine. See. She come back to me of her own free will and I don't have to explain a thing.

Toni Morrison

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1633734
#32. Ray ... I don't know if you can hear me. I don't know if you're in there. But you need to know ... that I love you. I love you, and I want you home with me. Please come back, Ray. Please wake up.

Charles Sheehan-Miles

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1631227
#33. I'm worth more," she told him, wiping the back of her hand across her mouth. "Affection, respect, tenderness, I'm worth all of that, so don't you dare come near me again until you're ready to offer it.

Nalini Singh

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1628272
#34. Come back to me, baby. Don't let them take you from me.

K.I. Lynn

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1483546
#35. I don't ever pray, but I'm praying now. If God could just give me you, I'll never ask for anything else. Please come back to me. We've only just begun. We can get through this. We're not broken ... this can be fixed. I'll fix it for us.

M. Clarke

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1447658
#36. Those guys were made for me and Muhammad because they come straight in and don't back up but you had to watch out for his punching power but if we could have neutralized that then we would have been fine.

Larry Holmes

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1411735
#37. Let me tell you - when I was standing there on top of the world, you become so humble. You don't think about breaking records anymore, you don't think about gaining scientific data - the only thing that you want is to come back alive.

Felix Baumgartner

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #1399194
#38. I need a time out. Send me to the beach and don't let me come back until my attitude changes.

Karen Salmansohn

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #199161
#39. Even when I try to stir myself up, I just get irritated because I can't make anything come out. And in the middle of the night I lie here thinking about all this. If I don't get back on track somehow, I'm dead, that's the sense I get. There isn't a single strong emotion inside me.

Banana Yoshimoto

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #401313
#40. I don't care who he is. He needs to disappear." Ransom turned and called out the window. "For the love of G-d man. I have England's sweetheart bent over the desk and panting for me. Go away and come back tomorrow.

Tessa Dare

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #381735
#41. It's always at the back of my mind that acting might come to an end for me when Harry Potter finishes. I don't know if I'm good enough to have a long career. I've got a bit of an inferiority complex about my acting. My self-esteem is quite low in that sense.

Rupert Grint

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #309010
#42. Come back to your Master. He's going to fall apart without you in his life. Don't leave me, angel.

Joey W. Hill

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #289942
#43. But Sophie and Howl were holding one another's hand and smiling and smiling, quite unable to stop. "Don't bother me know," said Howl. "I only did it for the money." "Liar!"said Sophie. "I said," Michael said, "that Calcifer's come back!" That did get Howl's attention and Sophie's too.

Diana Wynne Jones

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #276796
#44. I'll come back,' she said. 'Do you come back, if you don't go to hell?'
'No,' I said. 'I believe stay dead.'
'Why are you crying?' she asked me.

Maggie Stiefvater

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #257962
#45. Promise me that if you get a chance to escape without me, you will do it. He won't kill me. Go find your men and come back for me."
His eyelids and brows lowered. " You don't know me very well or you wouldn't say such a thing. I won't leave you.

Melanie Dickerson

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #251935
#46. Los Angeles is such a great meritocracy. Where can someone with my background - don't have the right family background, the right religion, the right provenance or whatever you want to call it - I come here and I'm accepted. The city's been good to me. And I want to give back.

Eli Broad

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #225108
#47. I have to always make sure I don't stay in one place and spend too much time one subject. I have my wife tell me [through an earpiece], "Come back! You're taking too long on that subject." I need to be reeled in.

Mike Tyson

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #209429
#48. I always say: 'Share your happiness with the world, give other people that happiness and let it come back,' but some things make me question it. I don't know if I want some people to know that I am happy. I think a lot of people want to take it away from you, and that's really scary.

Iggy Azalea

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #404202
#49. I'm like crack. People don't want to like me, but once they get a taste, they always come back for more.

Darynda Jones

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #134302
#50. I'd like to get away from earth awhile
And then come back to it and begin over.
May no fate wilfully misunderstand me
And half grant what I wish and snatch me away
Not to return. Earth's the right place for love:
I don't know where it's likely to go better.

Robert Frost

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #131801
#51. Don't get me wrong - I enjoy my real life, but I feel about it much the way I do about New York City, my chosen and adored home: I'm always happy to leave, and I'm always happy to come back.

Jennifer Egan

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #127571
#52. Man, I've been to jail. It was hell in there, but I survived, If they put me back, I'll come out again. I'm one of the world's great survivors. I'll always survive because I've got the right combination of wit, grit and bullshit.

Don King

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #122146
#53. I see you try to hurt me bad. Don't know what you're up against. Maybe you should reconsider; come up with another plan. Cause you know I'm not that kinda girl. I'll just get back up again.


Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #113900
#54. Don't. Please don't say it."
I search his eyes. For what, I don't know. "Why?"
"Because I don't want you to. I need you to come back to me. Not to help me. Or to help my father. I'm done with that. I don't want your help. It all boils down to you. I just want you.

M. Leighton

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #87735
#55. I don't want to fuck you, Elle. I want to make love to you. Take me gently, angel." I moan at his words and come back in a little too eagerly. "Gently," he whispers, halting me for an instant before I place my lips tenderly on his.

Lena Black

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #59419
#56. I've had big record label presidents look me in the face and say, 'Your music sucks, you don't know who you are, your music is all over the place, and we don't know how to market this stuff. Pick a lane and come back to us.'

Bruno Mars

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #49755
#57. Lucas," I repeated. "I know you can hear me. The guy I love is still in there. Come back to me." Once again longed for the release of tears.
"Death couldn't keep me from you. And it can't keep you from me, not if you don't let it.

Claudia Gray

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #563883
#58. Mind, I congratulate you. You jumped me to sex, translated it to aesthetics, and ended with sour grapes. How dishonest can I be? And all because I don't want to go to work. I'll work my head off to avoid work. Come, mind. This time you don't get away with it - back to the desk.

John Steinbeck

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #842340
#59. You don't want to be hanging around this village. You don't want to be anywhere near here. Do you understand me? I shouldn't be talking to you like this. But if you know what's good for you, you'll get away. You'll go as far away as you can and you won't come back.

Anthony Horowitz

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #813886
#60. History tells me that when the Russians come to a country they don't go back.

Mohammed Daoud Khan

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #723194
#61. I quite enjoy the banter actually. I mean, you don't meet many females who can come back at you as fast as you can throw it out at them. I prefer a more graphic dialogue as a forerunner to sex though: if they have the guts to spell it out for me in glorious Technicolor that always gets my interest.


Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #703577
#62. It's like you're born with all these blessings, only you don't realize they're blessings until you lose them. And if you're thick-headed enough, like me, you don't even realize you've lost them, not until they come back to you.

Kevin Brockmeier

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #694131
#63. The people who've given me sh-t, I say - like my mother - what did she say? She used to say, 'Go to hell and don't come back.' However, however, however, my mother was not entirely me.

Jacqueline Bisset

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #644192
#64. I don't know how you're going to find Noah Scott or if he already knows you're coming or hell, if you've been having cybersex with him for five years, and I don't give a shit. What I do know is that I love you, and that I want you to find yourself and come back to me.

C.M. Stunich

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #616135
#65. I don't belong. Not here. Not now. I have to get back there. The bet was rigged, he made me believe. Now there's darkness in my soul. I want to die ... again. But I choose to come back, why?

Todd McFarlane

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #576537
#66. I like it when people talk s**t. Because if people weren't talking s**t, there would be nothing for me to come back with. I need that. If I don't have any ammo, what am I going to say?


Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #15299
#67. When people want me to sign an autograph in a restaurant, and I'm eating. I don't even have to say no, I just kind of stop and look at them ... "Oh, okay. I'll ... I'll come back."

Samuel L. Jackson

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #562113
#68. One, your hair is stupid. And two, I don't know what it's like where you come from, but if you ever do anything that could get me sent back to Brooklyn again, I won't just break your nose. I will motherfucking kill you.

Lev Grossman

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #555521
#69. Come on Beautiful," he called softly. "Come back to me. Don't leave me like this." The ache in his beautiful voice tugged hard in her chest. But the fear said if she moved, if she came out, she would find it was all just a dream.

Lucian Bane

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #546811
#70. That guy is trying to be a gentleman, because as much as he wanted you to come back to his place and as much as he wants to kiss you-you're hurt, I'm afraid you don't actually want me here

Cora Carmack

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #521975
#71. For me, success is when I'm making a contribution and fully engaging all of my talents. In terms of the key quality, it's being willing to continue to believe in yourself even when other people don't, and being able to fail and to come back.

Melissa Harris-Perry

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #502895
#72. I don't think my Dad was ready for me to come back home, either. I think it had been a long time since he was forced to make conversation at the kitchen table over coffee, especially with the person who had been canceling out his vote in every single election since the mid-eighties.

Laurie Notaro

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #481725
#73. With all do respect, senator, I don't think this is an appropriate setting for me to discuss that issue. I'd be more than glad to come back in an appropriate setting to discuss the issues that you have raised.

Eric Holder

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #466794
#74. Stay out there! Don't you dare come back in here with those evil mind tricks! (Simone)
Does it buy me any bonus points to note that you have a really nice looking ass? (Xypher)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Quotes About Don't Come Back To Me #420440

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