Top 32 Quotes About Computer Monitor

#1. Americans, no matter what their age, spend at least eight and a half hours a day looking at a television, a computer monitor, or the screen of their mobile phone. Frequently, they use two or even all three of the devices simultaneously.

Nicholas Carr

Quotes About Computer Monitor #99958
#2. My workspace is a white room with a big computer monitor and a light box. It can be very messy. Sometimes I get into trouble with my husband for that. Then I run around like a lunatic cleaning up and creating the appearance of order.

Catherine Martin

Quotes About Computer Monitor #104270
#3. Your computer monitor is a kind a one-way mirror, reflecting your own interests while algorithmic observers watch what you click.

Eli Pariser

Quotes About Computer Monitor #653057
#4. He liked Robin; he was grateful to her; he was even (after this morning) impressed by her; but, having normal sight and an unimpaired libido, he was also reminded every day she bent over the computer monitor that she was a very sexy girl.

Robert Galbraith

Quotes About Computer Monitor #963302
#5. More and more, your computer monitor is a kind of one-way mirror, reflecting your own interests while algorithmic observers watch what you click. Google's

Eli Pariser

Quotes About Computer Monitor #1081235
#6. Wait, I really do need your help with this." He turned his computer monitor toward her and pointed. "Is this funny? It's a Snoopy/Snoop Dogg thing, and every time Charlie Brown tries to feed him, he's like, 'Thanks, Chizzuck.' ...

Rainbow Rowell

Quotes About Computer Monitor #1161667
#7. The trick with getting Windows 10 to work well on my 2011 Windows 7 laptop computer was to use a HDMI cable and plug it into a full High Definition (HD) 1920x1080 resolution computer monitor at 60Hz as the sole display.

Steven Magee

Quotes About Computer Monitor #1819050
#8. I put Post-It notes everywhere to remind me of everything. I stick a ton of them on my computer monitor, telephone, and wallet. The problem now is that there are so many of them that my mind has blocked them all out. So I now need Post-It notes to remind me to look at my Post-It notes.

Stephan Pastis

Quotes About Computer Monitor #7484
#9. There's this Ryan Gosling quote that I steal all the time - I watched an interview with him in Cannes - and he said picking roles is like listening to songs on the radio: There can be a lot of really great songs in a row, but then one comes on that just makes you want to dance.

Emma Stone

Quotes About Computer Monitor #601442
#10. We also have the option of scanning in an image from outside the computer ... a photo, or a sketch done with traditional tools; and we can then paint, manipulate, process, change, and further develop the image within the computer, watching our progress on the monitor.

Buffy Sainte-Marie

Quotes About Computer Monitor #1861141
#11. I have a computer screen near my seat where I monitor the overall health of the vehicle and pick up any problems that might be occurring early on or once we see any kind of a malfunction or anything unusual that's happening, we can look at the data and figure out what that is.

Laurel Clark

Quotes About Computer Monitor #892575
#12. If there's one pitch you keep swinging at and keep missing, stop swinging at it.

Yogi Berra

Quotes About Computer Monitor #980394
#13. Progress does not occur without change.

John C. Maxwell

Quotes About Computer Monitor #1101299
#14. O Father, console them and please spare our country from that terrible disaster, not because we are any better but only out of grace. And if it has to be different, then teach me to pray: "Your will be done." O please protect him whom my soul lives! -From the journal of Diet Eman

Diet Eman

Quotes About Computer Monitor #1183662
#15. The galleries are simply corporations in the art world - "Here's a million dollars for this latest piece of crap" - but I'm not about to go along with the gallery system.

Betty Dodson

Quotes About Computer Monitor #1255678
#16. There was no way in hell she was going to move to the southern continent without all of her books.

Sarah J. Maas

Quotes About Computer Monitor #1289770
#17. The Ono-Sendai; next year's most expensive Hosaka computer; a Sony monitor; a dozen disks of corporate-grade ice; a Braun coffeemaker.

William Gibson

Quotes About Computer Monitor #1368025
#18. Windows never planned for a VR device. When you plug a HDMI cable into the computer, Windows thinks it's a new monitor. The desktop blinks. It tries to rearrange windows and icons.

Brendan Iribe

Quotes About Computer Monitor #1486115
#19. Children have the knowledge but not the power to use the computer. As parents, you have to monitor what they do on the computer, always and at all times.

Abdulazeez Henry Musa

Quotes About Computer Monitor #1488159
#20. The IIc was Apple's first crack at a 'portable' computer, which it sort of was if you didn't mind a 7.5 pound weight, plus monitor, external floppy drive, and all the cables.

Andrew Rosenthal

Quotes About Computer Monitor #1651840
#21. I'm going to fuck you, and it's going to turn your world on its ass when I do. You will be so strung out over my cock, you'll ache for it like a junkie.

Courtney Lane

Quotes About Computer Monitor #565057
#22. People with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) are known to put their computer equipment several feet away from them with a large monitor on a big font and they use a wired USB keyboard and mouse to control it.

Steven Magee

Quotes About Computer Monitor #556875
#23. Her computer's fan whirred to life, blowing warm air onto her fingers. Two flame-red slits glowed from the monitor. The speakers boomed. "I lived! I died! I live again!"
Olivie had dealt with blue screens, frozen hourglasses, and even the odd hardware conflict back in the day. This was new.

Choong JayVee

Quotes About Computer Monitor #473254
#24. Throw away your 10-function chronometer, heart-rate monitor with the computer printout, training log, high-tech underwear, pace charts, and laboratory-rat-tested-air-injected-gel-lined-mo-tion-control-top-of-the-line footwear. Run with your own imagination.

Lorraine Moller

Quotes About Computer Monitor #445052
#25. One of the things that happens when we're feeling more love and care is that we go into what's called "heart rhythm coherence," which you can actually measure and monitor on a computer screen. It's also possible to train yourself to go into heart rhythm coherence at will.

Marci Shimoff

Quotes About Computer Monitor #393166
#26. Optimists focus on the place they are going. Pessimists focus on the obstacles along the route. To become an optimist simply look ahead.

Simon Sinek

Quotes About Computer Monitor #303449
#27. Lenin was sent into Russia by the Germans in the same way that you might send a phial containing a culture of typhoid or cholera to be poured into the water supply of a great city, and it worked with amazing accuracy.

Winston Churchill

Quotes About Computer Monitor #298251
#28. Melodrama is one of my working tools and it enables me to obtain effects that would be unobtainable otherwise; on the other hand I am not deliberately melodramatic; don't get too annoyed if I say that I write in the way that I do because I am what I am.

Graham Greene

Quotes About Computer Monitor #215791
#29. Do what you did in the beginning of a relationship and there won't be an end.

Tony Robbins

Quotes About Computer Monitor #142570
#30. Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents.

Louisa May Alcott

Quotes About Computer Monitor #52387
#31. Defeat doesn't finish a man, quit does. A man is not finished when he's defeated. He's finished when he quits.

Richard M. Nixon

Quotes About Computer Monitor #38412
#32. What is not conservative about saying, 'Don't go to war unless we go to war properly with a full declaration of war and no other way?'

Ron Paul

Quotes About Computer Monitor #7638

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