Top 67 Quotes About Collective Consciousness
#1. We constantly encounter themes that arouse sexual desire, often coupled with themes of violence. If our collective consciousness is filled with violent sexual seeds, why should we be surprised when there is sexual abuse of children, rape, and other violent acts?
Thich Nhat Hanh
#2. I should like to think that we'll find peace on this Earth at some point and come to a collective consciousness of compassion for each other, where we say, 'Enough! Let us live as one!'
Pierce Brosnan
#3. Sam Walton instilled ownership of the products in the stores into the collective consciousness of every associate regardless of what job they did for the company.
Michael Bergdahl
#4. The crimes that become iconic etch themselves into the collective consciousness because they suggest a frightening truth: that the universe does not rely on cause and effect.
S.J. Rozan
#5. The process of schooling does not give birth to human beings - as education should but never will so long as it springs from the collective consciousness of our culture - but instead it teaches us to value abstract rewards at the expense of our autonomy, curiosity, interior lives, and time.
Derrick Jensen
#6. I can't predict what songs will do to the collective consciousness.
Jason Mraz
#7. Based upon quantum mechanics, our physical reality should not be solid. Most likely our physical reality is an elaborate illusion within our own consciousness and the collective consciousness of the Universe/God.
Russell Anthony Gibbs
#8. I personally do not believe in strident activism. I do not believe in moral outrage, because even moral outrage is rage, and rage is rage - it adds to more rage in the collective consciousness, if we understand how consciousness works.
Deepak Chopra
#9. The individual artist is a medium for making representational and deeply meaningful symbols of the community's collective consciousness, whether they are symbols of the community's religion, love, hurt, power, hate, hope, dream, fables, foibles or on and on and on.
Inga Muscio
#10. It may be inevitable that mankind has to suffer so that it may gain experience to transcend and transform her collective consciousness.
Debasish Mridha
#11. The core political values of our free society are so deeply embedded in our collective consciousness that only a few malcontents, lunatics generally, ever dare to threaten them.
John McCain
#12. I think there's a collective consciousness around the world that there are things beyond our control that have the power to annihilate us, as a species, and it's all rather frightening.
Laurie Holden
#13. The world is a projection of our collective consciousness. If our collective consciousness reaches that place of peace, harmony, laughter and love, it will be a different world.
Deepak Chopra
#14. Every person and everything is an extension of your consciousness. This includes humans, animals, elements of nature, inanimate objects and everything down to a subatomic level. You have manifested them and they have manifested you through the collective consciousness.
Russell Anthony Gibbs
#15. The notion that war forever separates veterans from the rest of mankind has been long embedded in our collective consciousness.
Phil Klay
#16. Each of us is a unique thread, woven into the beautiful fabric, of our collective consciousness.
Jaeda DeWalt
#17. My fear is, what is the larger effect of my book on the world and on the minds of the people who take the time to consume it? Am I contributing in a positive way to the overall kind of collective consciousness of people in the world? I worry about that.
Patrick Rothfuss
#18. The collective consciousness of mankind defines the existence and sustainability of this civilization.
Toba Beta
#19. The living expression of the nation is the collective consciousness in motion of the entire people.
Frantz Fanon
#20. Given how deeply the ways of war have penetrated our collective consciousness, it will take spiritual power to turn the issue around.
Marianne Williamson
#21. Ideally, advertising aims at the goal of a programmed harmony among all human impulses and aspirations and endeavors. Using handicraft methods, it stretches out toward the ultimate electronic goal of a collective consciousness.
Marshall McLuhan
#22. Only those parts of the collective consciousness with strong, non-conflicting inner visions change the physical world. They simply will things into existence.
Russell Anthony Gibbs
#23. Paradoxically, the more you are yourself, the more universal your message. As you develop and individuate more deeply, you break through into deeper layers of the collective consciousness and the collective unconsciousness.
Stephen Nachmanovitch
#24. In the world there's a thing called collective consciousness. All of us billions of human beings together create that collective consciousness. With all the problems in our world, you can see that the collective consciousness is not so high.
David Lynch
#25. Metaphors are a window into the soul and carry us across the boundary between the lower and higher selves, connecting us to the universal energy field and the collective consciousness.
Heidi DuPree
#26. The existence of excessive nationalism is a symptom of a deeper problem in the collective consciousness, which is continually being exploited.
Bryant McGill
#27. Freedom is an illusion of collective consciousness.
Toba Beta
#28. Every town has its stories. Stories that have been told so many times by so many different people they've worked themselves into the collective consciousness as truth.
Jessi Kirby
#29. If it true that perception is reality, then what is shown on TV is that part of the collective consciousness known as Public Knowledge, that is, the fragment of reality which the mass of people acknowledge to be true.
Jennifer Stone
#30. Many films are forgotten and deserve to be, but others
glom onto the DNA and they keep a share of the collective consciousness.
It's a profound question: What are we here for? What is the purpose,
the sum effect of our work?
Oliver Stone
#31. Sometimes we make assumptions about influence when similarities between two writers' work are so strong, but they're still just assumptions. Some things are sort of zeitgeist-y. There's a collective consciousness and we're all drawing from it.
Ron Currie Jr.
#32. Creativity comes from the spiritual realm, the collective consciousness. And the mind is in a different realm than the molecules of the brain. The brain is a receiver, not a source.
Candace Pert
#33. We have access to all knowledge and wisdom of the Universe/God through our connection to the collective consciousness. Once you fully embrace Oneness with the Universe/God, you will look inward through your personal consciousness to the collective consciousness for all answers.
Russell Anthony Gibbs
#34. I have always felt that humor was a wonderful vehicle to let us become connected with each other and ourselves ... I try to portray the similarities and polarities in men and women, so that we
can acknowledge and embrace our collective consciousness.
Lily Tomlin
#35. We're attacking all accepted values. Authority, class differences, shared perceptions. We don't care what happens to our social structure -- revolutions are for suckers. Our target is people's collective consciousness. It's like throwing a cream pie in their face.
Fuminori Nakamura
#36. Through scientific experiment they'd demonstrated that there may be such a thing as a life force flowing through the universe - what has variously been called collective consciousness or, as theologians have termed it, the Holy Spirit.
Lynne McTaggart
#37. The idea that something is uncool because it's old or foreign has left the collective consciousness.
Brian Eno
#38. I believe in the power of love, and planting positive thought seeds into the collective consciousness.
Jay Woodman
#39. It felt like being in the center of the world, and I felt like I was a witness to history and I knew that the whole world was watching on television. So, I could feel the collective consciousness of the world focused on this little strip of land called Seattle.
Krist Novoselic
#40. Expelled from individual consciousness by the rush of change, history finds its revenge by stamping the collective unconsciousness with habits and values.
Arthur M. Schlesinger
#41. As each of us awakens, it impacts human consciousness at a collective level. It is like dropping a tiny pebble of light into a dark pool of unconsciousness . Ripples of light!
Leonard Jacobson
#42. The world we live in is a co-creation, a manifestation of individual consciousness woven into a collective dream. How we are with each other as individuals, as groups, as nations and tribes, is what shapes that dream.
Oriah Dreamer
#43. When individuals are established in universal consciousness, they live the scientific reality of the unity of life spontaneously in accord with all the laws of nature. This experience alone will transform our collective reality - our human civilization to one of unity, peace, and harmony.
John Hagelin
#44. We make fiction because we are fiction ... It lived us into being and it lives us still.
Russell Hoban
#45. People go on blithely organizing and believing in the remedy of mass action, without the least consciousness of the fact that the most powerful organizations can be maintained only by the greatest ruthlessness of their leaders and the cheapest of slogans.
C. G. Jung
#46. Look at the newborn baby. It struggles to breathe after living in the womb. And yet, growth comes as a result of struggle. Even when we talk about jihad. We need to attach consciousness to struggle. This struggle has to be both individual and collective.
H. Rap Brown
#47. The Internet has usurped the collective unconscious and access to cosmic consciousness has become difficult and almost primitive.
Marc Maron
#48. And for me anyway, consciousness is three components: a personal component which for lack of a better word we can call the soul. A collective component which is more archetypal and a deeper level, and then a universal domain of consciousness.
Deepak Chopra
#49. The only abyss that exists is the demonic sphere of consciousness created by the erroneous ideas and beliefs of the collective ego.
Carol Anthony
#50. You know, the truth is that us actors would all like to believe we re-invent the wheel, every time we play a character. But, we're human beings and our instruments are not violins, they are our bodies and our consciousness and our collective life experience.
John C. Reilly
#51. There is a collective force rising up on the earth today, an energy of the reborn feminine ... This is a time of monumental shift, from the male dominance of human consciousness back to a balanced relationship between masculine and feminine.
Marianne Williamson
#52. Human consciousness is now being drawn inexorably toward the same issues, the gaze of collective attention focused like never before.
Anodea Judith
#53. And your actual job isn't to educate the public; it's to stroke the collective clit of our consciousness until we all become so cum-numb to the world that we just chase the high and can't see the lows we're all wallowing in.
K.I. Hope
#54. The idea that I really like is December 21st, 2012. Try to get a global moment of collective reflection as a way to bring about an uptick in human consciousness.
Daniel Pinchbeck
#55. We live in a thought-suggestive Universe. The sky's the limit. Believe and you'll receive.
Stanley Victor Paskavich
#56. The Fourth Industrial Revolution can compromise humanity's traditional sources of meaning - work, community, family, and identity - or it can lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness based on a sense of shared destiny. The choice is ours.
Klaus Schwab
#57. And I believe that if 100 million people became embodiments of peace, the world would transform, because consciousness is a collective phenomenon. And what we see as good and evil is the balance between forces.
Deepak Chopra
#58. The totality of beliefs and sentiments common to the average members of a society forms a determinate system with a life of its own. It can be termed the collective or creative consciousness.
Emile Durkheim
#59. Numbers, furthermore as archetypal structural constants of the collective unconscious, possess a dynamic, active aspect which is especially important to keep in mind. It is not what we can do with numbers but what they do to our consciousness that is essential.
Marie-Louise Von Franz
#60. In the history of the collective as in the history of the individual, everything depends on the development of consciousness.
Carl Jung
#61. To know the reality one has to enter into the realm of Meta-science, beyond mind, which is only possible when we enter into the collective super-consciousness through self-realisation.
Nirmala Srivastava
#62. What is it that really makes us, us? It's our collective intelligence. It's our ability to write things down, our language and our consciousness.
Louise Leakey
#63. Life is like a game - we should be curious to play it - you explore and learn and grow - that is what it is for - that and having fun. It all expands consciousness- your own, the collective, and the cosmic.
Jay Woodman
#64. The suffering and happiness in our world, both individual and collective, depend on our consciousness.
Jack Kornfield
#65. In terms of the Internet, it's like humanity acquiring a collective nervous system. Whereas previously we were more like a [?], like a collection of cells that communicated by diffusion. With the advent of the Internet, it was suddenly like we got a nervous system. It's a hugely impactful thing.
Elon Musk
#66. If only a world-wide consciousness could arise that all division and fission are due to the splitting of opposites in the psyche, then we should know where to begin.
C. G. Jung
#67. You've got to stop thinking of consciousness as your own. You're only thinking for yourself when you are by yourself. As soon as you are in the presence of others, your consciousness is linked at some level to those others.
James Rozoff
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