Top 26 Quotes About Childfree

#1. ... I think that childfree by choice is the new gay. We're the new disenfranchised group. People think we're irresponsible, immoral sluts and that our lifestyle is up for debate.

Jen Kirkman

Quotes About Childfree #53992
#2. I'm not childless, darling. I am childfree.

Tallulah Bankhead

Quotes About Childfree #3890
#3. You can build up expectations for a song before you record it, and then it's like nothing's good enough in the studio.

Andrew Bird

Quotes About Childfree #1767403
#4. Please yourself, not others ... It must first work for you if it is ever to be useful to others.

Paul Laseau

Quotes About Childfree #1736002
#5. The virtue of democracy is that is has placed limits on the absoluteness of power.

Robert Morrison MacIver

Quotes About Childfree #1635286
#6. Do not make the mistake of assuming that because we're women we'll eventually want children. We aren't kangaroos - this internal pouch isn't one we all feel instinctively compelled to fill.

Sylvia D. Lucas

Quotes About Childfree #1569910
#7. When he came home with the traditional gift of underwear bought with his first paycheck, she barely looked at it, and coldly shot at him, "What about what you were going to be?

Kyung-Sook Shin

Quotes About Childfree #1473513
#8. Why do I need to have reasons? When someone decides to have a baby, people don't go around asking what her reasons are.

Emily Giffin

Quotes About Childfree #1458230
#9. When I paint, mysterious things happen. What starts with a void ends with a dialogue.

Jeet Aulakh

Quotes About Childfree #1426046
#10. Perhaps she would become one of those women, pitied or envied, who chose not to have children.

Ian McEwan

Quotes About Childfree #1199792
#11. The most out-there thing I'm saying is, 'Don't have babies. Don't get married and have kids. Have a larger life than that.

Roseanne Barr

Quotes About Childfree #1092286
#12. We have been made to believe that a baby is basically a magical agent of change and that having one will, in one fell swoop, make your husband love you more, make your life more meaningful and, above all else, is the best thing you will ever do as a woman. I didn't care about any of it

Radhika Vaz

Quotes About Childfree #1069390
#13. Now slides the silent meteor on, and leaves a shining furrow, as thy thoughts in me.

Now folds the lily all her sweetness up,
and slips into the bosom of the lake:
So fold thyself, my dearest, thou, and slip into my bosom and be lost in me.

Alfred Tennyson

Quotes About Childfree #1023527
#14. I feel everything," Calliope tells me as I rest in her metallic arms one night, suspended above an easy sea. "I feel not only the sails, but the hull. Not only the ship, but the sea. Not only the sea, but the sky. And not only the sky, but the stars. I feel everything.

Neal Shusterman

Quotes About Childfree #1021258
#15. She did not especially appreciate children either, but could be kind to them when they were silent.

Gordon Dahlquist

Quotes About Childfree #882411
#16. Real women have children, wise women choose for themselves.

Karin Rahbek

Quotes About Childfree #715479
#17. Years of having your appearance poked at tended to make you quite insecure with the opposite sex.

Karina Halle

Quotes About Childfree #711861
#18. How come when a woman says she wants a baby no one ever asks 'why?

Radhika Vaz

Quotes About Childfree #677354
#19. Spiritual force is stronger than material force; thoughts rule the world.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quotes About Childfree #602227
#20. The Citizens United ruling did not invent special-interest spending; it enables corporations and unions to advocate directly on behalf of a candidate rather than running more subtle 'issue ads.'

Nina Easton

Quotes About Childfree #560086
#21. The truth is that a woman who chooses not to have children has generally engaged the question of a mother's responsibilities to a degree of seriousness not previously explored when motherhood was simply a natural necessity.

Elisabeth Badinter

Quotes About Childfree #534277
#22. I'd rather be a 'THINKER' - Two Healthy Incomes No Kids Early Retirement!

Kaye D. Walters

Quotes About Childfree #494174
#23. I would rather go for a life with love and good friendships than family and children.

Karin Rahbek

Quotes About Childfree #308882
#24. If you lose your soul, there is a danger of its being destroyed. Therefore, you may not love it, since you do not want it to be destroyed. But in not wanting it to be destroyed, you love it.

Saint Augustine

Quotes About Childfree #216561
#25. Boethius says, nothing is more fleeting than external form, which withers and alters like the flowers of the field at the appearance of autumn;

Umberto Eco

Quotes About Childfree #79574
#26. Leaving behind books is even more beautiful - there are far too many children.

Marguerite Yourcenar

Quotes About Childfree #47214

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