Top 30 Quotes About Catholic Mass

#1. The theatre is like a Catholic Mass of language.

Jean Giraudoux

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1582396
#2. If you've never been to a Catholic Mass, don't worry, it's still going on, you still have time to catch it.

Jim Gaffigan

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1652944
#3. When I was in my single digits, I was subjected to the worst torture you can possibly inflict on a child: Catholic mass.

Tyler Oakley

Quotes About Catholic Mass #834928
#4. My mother was a good Catholic
she went to mass twice a week at St. Mary's in Richmond, but my father was an Orthodox Eclectic.

Sue Monk Kidd

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1740625
#5. The ancient liturgy, with its poignant symbols and innumerable subtleties, is a prolonged courtship of the soul, enticing and drawing it onwards, leading it along a path to the mystical marriage, the wedding feast of heaven.

Peter Kwasniewski

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1654929
#6. Neutrinos have mass? I didn't even know they were Catholic!
Robert to Vittoria

Dan Brown

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1557857
#7. Cuban agents are assigned to a Catholic Church where their instructions are to beat, jail and intimidate the Ladies In White that attend Mass and who afterwards peacefully take to the streets calling for the release of their husbands, sons and fathers who are political prisoners.

Marco Rubio

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1538628
#8. Church files lawsuit over communion wafers: Oklahoma's Catholic Archbishop filed a lawsuit on Wednesday to halt the use of what he said were stolen communion wafers destined for a satanic black mass ceremony to be held next month in Oklahoma City.


Quotes About Catholic Mass #1516518
#9. To be Catholic was to belong to an ethnic group, not a religion. You didn't really have to believe it, or act like you believed it, to be a Catholic. You just had to show up every week for Mass and go to Catholic school.

Carlene Bauer

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1508548
#10. Photons have mass? I didn't even know they were Catholic.

Woody Allen

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1463315
#11. It's hard for the Catholic Church to accept change. When the mass was no longer said in Latin, loyalists went into mourning for years.

Janine Di Giovanni

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1410188
#12. 60. The use of the Latin language customary in a considerable portion of the Church is a manifest and beautiful sign of unity, as well as an effective antidote for any corruption of doctrine truth.

Pope Pius XII

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1301484
#13. Through the confessional system, the Catholic church spied upon the lives of its congregants. While Latin mass excluded most people who could not speak Latin from an understanding of the very system of thought that bound them.

Julian Assange

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1216295
#14. Could there be any doubt that the Jews would seek to harm the Son of God again, knowing that his body was now readily accessible in the form of defenseless crackers?

Sam Harris

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1189118
#15. If you want a church full of Catholics who know their faith, love their faith and practice their faith, give them a liturgy that is demanding, profound and rigourous. They will rise to the challenge.

Peter Kwasniewski

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1143648
#16. I want to see religious instruction and sermons held in German in the mosques. The ideal, in my view, would be for imams to be trained in Germany and to speak our language, just as the Roman Catholic Church now holds mass in German and gave up Latin long ago.

Wolfgang Schauble

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1076620
#17. What graces, gifts and virtues the Holy Mass calls down.

Leonard Of Port Maurice

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1074257
#18. Those who are seeking the true religion will never find it outside the Catholic Church alone, because, in every other religion, if they trace it up to the author, they will find some impostor whose imagination furnished a mass of sophisms and errors

Alphonsus Liguori

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1027215
#19. But I make it in time for the Gospel, which in Catholic lore means that it still "counts".

Kerry Weber

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1015599
#20. The Mass is very long and tiresome unless one loves God.

G.K. Chesterton

Quotes About Catholic Mass #1001947
#21. I am a Catholic because I choose to be a Catholic. And then I go to the Mass because I choose. It is out of my free will.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Catholic Mass #947289
#22. A single Mass offered for oneself during life may be worth more than a thousand celebrated for the same intention after death.

Anselm Of Canterbury

Quotes About Catholic Mass #904331
#23. The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer.

Pope Paul VI

Quotes About Catholic Mass #757732
#24. Growing up, I was your classic Catholic Irish kid. I went to mass every Sunday. Then in secondary school I went to boarding school, and there was mass seven days a week before breakfast - it may have put me off!

Deirdre O'Kane

Quotes About Catholic Mass #677195
#25. To be the altar boy at the first Mass of the day was a sacred initiation rite. It was like being hazed at a fraternity, only more Catholic.

Ian Morgan Cron

Quotes About Catholic Mass #656241
#26. I was brought up Catholic. My mom brought us to mass every Sunday - short for 'massive head trauma' that you get from your mother punching you in your little nine-year-old head every minute because you can't sit still for anything that's boring.

Richard Jeni

Quotes About Catholic Mass #492764
#27. I believe that were it not for the Holy Mass, as of this moment the world would be in the abyss.

Leonard Of Port Maurice

Quotes About Catholic Mass #458126
#28. Katie had slept through morning mass but she could still go to confession and make an effort to banish her unholy and unhealthy thoughts. Mother never asked what she was thinking and feeling on these trips; she just assumed that anything Katie had on her mind was dirty and sinful.

Carol Storm

Quotes About Catholic Mass #267888
#29. I am a Catholic. As far as possible I go to Mass every day. This is a rosary. As far as possible, I kneel down and tell these beads every day. If you reject me on account of my religion, I shall thank God that He has spared me the indignity of being your representative!

Hilaire Belloc

Quotes About Catholic Mass #168633
#30. Without doubt, the Lord grants all favors which are asked of Him in Mass, provided they be fitting for us.

St. Jerome

Quotes About Catholic Mass #49961

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