Top 38 Quotes About Caligula
#1. There are strict rules in these matters, I find.' 'There were strict rules in the arena, too. Every gladiator had to have a sword, oh yes; but if it was Caligula he was to fight with, the sword was made of lead.
Patrick O'Brian
#2. I have existed from the morning of the world and I shall exist until the last star falls from the night. Although I have taken the form of Gaius Caligula, I am all men as I am no man and therefore I am a God.
#3. I fell in love with Caligula and now I'm married to Calvin.
Jean Stafford
#4. Caligula - And what has Nature done for you?
Scipio - It consoles me for not being. Ceasar.
Caligula - Really? And do you think Nature could console me for being Ceasar?
Scipio - Why not? Nature has healed worse wounds than that.
Albert Camus
#5. ...the guy might be a cold-blooded amoral sadistic killer and a cartload of tiles short of a watertight roof, but there was nothing wrong with his intelligence. [Caligula in Marcus Corvinus's eyes]
David Wishart
#6. Caligula wished that the Roman people had but one neck that he might cut it off, and as I read this letter I am afraid that for a moment I was capable of wishing the same thing concerning the laboring class of America.
Edward Bellamy
#7. No chord in populism reverberates more strongly than the notion that the robust common sense of an unstained outsider is the best medicine for an ailing polity. Caligula doubtless got big cheers from the plebs when he installed his horse as proconsul.
Alexander Cockburn
Joseph Shellim
#9. All she remembered was that Caligula had planned to torture his wife to find out why he was so devoted to her. What was David's excuse, she wondered.
Edward St. Aubyn
#10. Executions were meant as an exercise in frightfulness according to the theory developed by the Emperor Caligula: "Oderint dum metuant" (Let them hate us as long as they fear us).
Barbara W. Tuchman
#11. Animals
fattened for your for your arena suffered less
than you in dying-yours the lawlessness
of something simple that has lost its law,
my namesake, and the last Caligula.
Robert Lowell
#12. The day I am unable to handle more than one woman is the day I die. Do you take me for a feeble old dotard? I'm a true son of Venus and Bacchus! - Caligula
Jessica Nyman
#13. This is the worst administration since Caligula.
John Dingell
#14. Channel 4 are a great bunch of people to work with and the crew are lovely. Working at ITV was like being in the court of Caligula.
Paul O'Grady
#15. A Caligula, or a Yuri Vorbarra, can rule a long time, while the best men hesitate to do what is necessary to stop him, and the worst ones take advantage.
Lois McMaster Bujold
#16. Remember that Caligula was not a cause, he was an effect.
Stan Goff
#17. Being is good, but getting rich is better ... If the gods had only the riches of men's adoration, they would be as poor as poor Caligula.
Albert Camus
#18. I think that people have to just go with their gut and follow their passion if they're photographers.
Carol Friedman
#20. In the last quarter of the eighteenth century bourgeois Europe needed to emancipate itself from that combination of feudalism and commercial capitalism which we know as mercantilism.
C.L.R. James
#21. Most people imagine that a man suffers because out of the blue, Death snatches away the woman he loves. But his real suffering is less futile; it comes from the discovery that grief, too, cannot last. Even grief is vanity!
Albert Camus
#22. Let them hate me, so long as they fear me!
#23. My eyes burn with tears, and I'm so tired. So tired of holding back everything I feel and want to say. So tired of being someone I'm not and making mistakes that I didn't have any fun making.
Penelope Douglas
#24. Every leader needs to remember that a healthy respect for authority takes time to develop. It's like building trust. You don't instantly have trust, it has to be earned.
Mike Krzyzewski
#25. Gandhi, who went to Wendy's and asked, Where's the belief? Never got a dinner!
Red Buttons
#26. In Varenka, she realized that one has but to forget oneself and love others, and one will be calm, happy, and noble.
Leo Tolstoy
#27. Each exists for but a short time, and in that time explore but a small part of the whole universe.
Stephen Hawking
#28. Well, as he brews, so shall he drink.
Ben Jonson
#29. I don't care if they respect me so long as they fear me.
#30. Naggers always know what they are doing. They weigh up the risks, then they go on and on and on until they get what they want or until they get punched.
Jools Holland
#31. With post like yours, who needs enemies?" he said.
Rachel Joyce
#32. What can be salvaged from your life? A pain
that gently darkens over heart and brain,
a fairy's touch, a cobweb's weight of pain,
now makes me tremble at your right to live.
Robert Lowell
#33. I always go into a bit of a funk when the days get shorter and there's not enough sunlight.
Wynonna Judd
#34. I scorn their hatred, if they do but fear me
#35. That the crowd always likes a holiday is a common saying, but when the whole year becomes one long holiday, and nobody has time for attending to his business, and pleasure becomes compulsory, then it is a different matter.
Robert Graves
#36. As for Gaius, he has no more chance of becoming emperor than of riding a horse dry-shod across the Gulf of Baiae.
#37. So much for the Emperor; the rest of this history must deal with the Monster.
- IV:22
#38. Would that the Roman people had but one neck!
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