Top 35 Quotes About Being Washed Up

#1. If there's anything more mortifying than being famous at 14, it's being washed up right after.

Moon Unit Zappa

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1531326
#2. I know how Lupe Velez felt. You fight just so long and then you begin to worry about being washed up. You fear there's one way to go and that's down.

Carole Landis

Quotes About Being Washed Up #428877
#3. That's the most comfortable place for me. In the beginning, yes, I was nervous going on stage. I was not a natural performer. I really had to acquire that skill.

Jerry Seinfeld

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1185986
#4. Crawford washed her hands a lot. She washed her arms all the way up past her elbows. She just couldn't get enough done in that direction. She was compulsive about being clean, clean, clean!

Fay Wray

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1861289
#5. Last forever!' Who hasn't prayed that prayer? You were lucky to get it in the first place. The present is a freely given canvas. That it is constantly being ripped apart and washed downstream goes without saying.

Annie Dillard

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1307415
#6. The kimono, haori, and girdle, and even the long hanging sleeves, have only parallel seams, and these are only tacked or basted, as the garments, when washed, are taken to pieces, and each piece, after being very slightly stiffened, is stretched upon a board to dry.

Isabella Bird

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1335193
#7. Two lost things that had survived the seas and arrived on a coastline. What did they do? They implanted themselves in the sand and grew into trees and lined the beaches. Sometimes a lot can come of being all washed up. You can really grow.

Cecelia Ahern

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1357631
#8. Will there ever be a time when I won't wish to go back in time and put everything right? - Lilianna Gregor

H.R. Willaston

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1371834
#9. The transcendental light permeates your being and washes away impurity. All those different selves which are limited and binding and hurting are washed away.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1458669
#10. Why do people worry about veganism being unhealthy more than we do about eating pizza and sitting washed out in front of the television?

Sivan Berko

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1531812
#11. Imagine wave after wave of joy passing through your whole body. As each wave passes through your body, feel that all worries, tensions, anxieties and problems are being washed away.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1638807
#12. I come from a very uncool profession: being a washed up child actor.

Jenny Lewis

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1724738
#13. In the first phase of shock over, say, your mortgage being called in or your job washed out, it's essential to engage with others and share the fear, release the feelings, do fun things to take your mind off it.

Gail Sheehy

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1757816
#14. I favor parking a few miles from the office and walking to work. You get the benefit of exercise and besides it is easier to get a parking space.

Paul Dudley White

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1771167
#15. Its an eerie thing. My childhood is being washed away.

Richard Simmons

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1793586
#16. Nothing smelled worse than the death of another human being. Not horses or cattle or rotten whales washed onto a beach. Human death was the smell of what hid in the future, waiting for you.

Robert Crais

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1795420
#17. I actually washed my window once, and it fell through - it was being held together by the dirt.

Edie Falco

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1801208
#18. I lived in New York my whole life. Like every New Yorker, I have stories about spending summers on the Jersey shore, riding the roller coaster in Seaside that is now famous for that sickening photo of it being washed out to sea.

Marissa Jaret Winokur

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1845321
#19. He reached for her and kissed her. It was all at once passionate, as if there was too much in him to contain. He was immediately swept up in it. It took no effort, the difference between swimming on your own and being washed away in a flood.

Sarah Addison Allen

Quotes About Being Washed Up #260203
#20. Even the wolf gets anxious, but the wolf keeps moving and doing, all while being washed in the magic of moonlight

Jason E. Hodges

Quotes About Being Washed Up #16494
#21. Once when I was 16 I had my car taken away from me for being past curfew. Oh, and I said a bad word once, and I actually did get my mouth washed out with soap.

Ashlee Simpson

Quotes About Being Washed Up #27398
#22. That's the weirdest thing about being cut off from life. Everything gets washed out or muted or recedes into the background except for other people's laughter. Other people's laughter gets very loud and jarring. It penetrates. It is a reminder that other people live.

Kerry Kletter

Quotes About Being Washed Up #30551
#23. They had taken me to an exhibit called 'Psychiatry: Industry of Death' on Hollywood Boulevard, where a Scientologist told me psychiatrists set up the Holocaust. I feared I was being brain-washed. And then I lost it - big time.

John Sweeney

Quotes About Being Washed Up #71373
#24. I was made a sinner by deriving my being from Adam; I am made just by being washed in the blood of Christ and not by Christ's 'words and example.'

Bernard Of Clairvaux

Quotes About Being Washed Up #155951
#25. If you set out to fail and you succeed, what have you done?

Stuart Harris

Quotes About Being Washed Up #170921
#26. Tears are nature's lotion for the eyes. The eyes see better for being washed by them.

Christian Nestell Bovee

Quotes About Being Washed Up #178544
#27. Think of suffering as being washed.


Quotes About Being Washed Up #240009
#28. Respect the boundaries of the world even as you strive to break through the boundaries of your own mind.

Yonason Goldson

Quotes About Being Washed Up #1054082
#29. Some sleep too much ... Nowhere do the scriptures say, 'Thou shalt sleep eight hours.' Nor do they say, 'Retire early unless you happen to be a night person.' There must be an excellent reason for the injunction to retire and arise early ... You will profit by this counsel if you heed it ...

Joe J. Christensen

Quotes About Being Washed Up #317289
#30. If theater is ritual, then dance is too ... It's as if the threads connecting us to the rest of the world were washed clean of preconceptions and fears. When you dance, you can enjoy the luxury of being you.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Being Washed Up #394864
#31. I never dreamt of being in the movies. I was from a very average, I would say, a rather poor family, so my big treat was to work hard all week - I mowed lawns and babysat and washed dishes and washed cars - to go to the movies.

Debbie Reynolds

Quotes About Being Washed Up #469346
#32. She swallowed the ridicule & washed it down with criticism, It was far sweeter than the taste of obscurity.

C.E. O'Grady

Quotes About Being Washed Up #491347
#33. When I read something by someone... I like to dive in his world as much as possible.

Deyth Banger

Quotes About Being Washed Up #691514
#34. We find no sense in talking about something unless we specify how we measure it; a definition by the method of measuring a quantity is the one sure way of avoiding talking nonsense ...

Hermann Bondi

Quotes About Being Washed Up #702843
#35. I'm older than I was, and I'm still washed-up, and I haven't changed my music one iota. It's just much easier to do this when people are being nice to you.

Ben Folds

Quotes About Being Washed Up #864514

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