Top 100 Quotes About A New Generation

#1. Here are poems from a new generation of writers who honor the magnetic fields of the real; who feel and think with full and open-eyed passion; who focus heat as the magnifying glass focuses sun: until the paper catches. Read them.

Jane Hirshfield

Quotes About A New Generation #15358
#2. Every year Swedish society produces a new generation of threatened women who can testify to the lack of legal rights and the lukewarm interest shown by the police and other authorities.

Stieg Larsson

Quotes About A New Generation #17539
#3. The problem is that resuscitating old labels doesn't work anymore. I think it is very important to give hope to a new generation of designers, so that one day they really can put their own names out there.

Giambattista Valli

Quotes About A New Generation #68105
#4. In the future, a new generation of artists will be writing genomes as fluently as Blake and Byron wrote verses.

Freeman Dyson

Quotes About A New Generation #71701
#5. Prog didn't really go away. Just took a catnap in the late Seventies. A new generation of fans discovered it, and a whole new array of bands and solo artists took it on into the new millennium.

Ian Anderson

Quotes About A New Generation #100570
#6. Every ten years there is a new generation of actors.

Barbet Schroeder

Quotes About A New Generation #115503
#7. The young readers I have interacted with carry old concerns repackaged in the skin of a new generation: puzzlement over continuous national moral failings, contradictions with the elders, nostalgia for a nonexistent Kenyan past.

Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor

Quotes About A New Generation #125896
#8. We may discover resources on the moon or Mars that will boggle the imagination, that will test our limits to dream. And the fascination generated by further exploration will inspire our young people to study math, and science, and engineering and create a new generation of innovators and pioneers.

George W. Bush

Quotes About A New Generation #146887
#9. The most enduring legacy of President Barack Obama is going to be a new generation of leaders standing up for liberty.

Ted Cruz

Quotes About A New Generation #152279
#10. A new generation gladly abandons its critical and skeptical faculties. Old slogans and hatreds are dusted off. What was only recently muttered guiltily is now offered as political axiom and agenda.

Carl Sagan

Quotes About A New Generation #195309
#11. We're a new generation of people. We need to be happy. We need to love each other. We need to accept each other for who we are and stop judging each other. Live life and love. Stop judging just to keep yourself secure. Look deeper. There's always something deeper than what it is.

Lil B

Quotes About A New Generation #208847
#12. When a new generation watches the films, people might mention that it has improved their lovemaking. I guess it's because it isn't threatening. It was very sweet and delicate.

Sylvia Kristel

Quotes About A New Generation #214331
#13. But why should not the New Englander try new adventures - not lay so much stress on his grain, his potato and grass crop, and his orchards - and raise other crops than these? Why concern ourselves so much about our beans for seed, and not be concerned at all about a new generation of men.

Henry David Thoreau

Quotes About A New Generation #231562
#14. EarthEcho Expeditions represents the culmination of more than a decade of working with educators and youth from around the world. EarthEcho Expeditions uses the thrill of adventure to inspire and empower a new generation of environmental champions.

Philippe Cousteau Jr.

Quotes About A New Generation #254888
#15. The human response it calls for is truly heroic, requiring nothing short of rewiring the entire planet with a new generation of clean-energy technologies - and doing that very soon ... Are we, as a species, capable of that kind of deliberate global response?

Eban Goodstein

Quotes About A New Generation #269562
#16. I get to be one of the torch-bearers for a new generation.

Jim Cummings

Quotes About A New Generation #276665
#17. I don't give a damn about my reputation. You're living in the past, it's a new generation.

Joan Jett

Quotes About A New Generation #279312
#18. Ambient Devices develops a new generation of consumer electronic products.

David Rose

Quotes About A New Generation #292869
#19. I inspired a new generation in the same way the previous generation inspired me. I believe that our democracy itself is very inspiring.

Donna Brazile

Quotes About A New Generation #298811
#20. There's a new generation of entrepreneurs in the Valley who have arrived since 2000, after the dotcom bust. They're completely fearless.

Marc Andreessen

Quotes About A New Generation #309840
#21. The sooner the US puts a cap on our dangerous carbon pollution, the sooner we can create a new generation of clean energy jobs here in America ...

Carol Browner

Quotes About A New Generation #314143
#22. We will preach the truth to a new generation: The doorway to all freedoms is framed with muskets. It's time the apologists step aside and let freedom's followers lead the way.

Charlton Heston

Quotes About A New Generation #322923
#23. The real legacy of Christian homeschooling is people who grow to adulthood and influence a new generation of children. And the greatest tribute possible to the homeschooling parent is to see that work carry forward.

Alexandra Swann

Quotes About A New Generation #332669
#24. I'm trying to bring a new generation into the musical theater and to create a new audience.

Jerry Herman

Quotes About A New Generation #334728
#25. So many of my followers who just graduated can't get jobs; they're hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, and they don't know what to do. My dream is to see a new generation of entrepreneurs who are creating and having more meaningful jobs than the day-to-day grind.

Michelle Phan

Quotes About A New Generation #369086
#26. Jonny Lang has the power to move the music into the next millennium by reaching the ears of a new generation. The great musicians have the power to break all of the 'isms'-race, age, sex, et cetera. Jonny Lang is one of those musicians.

Luther Allison

Quotes About A New Generation #374759
#27. The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans, born in this century ... unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today.

John F. Kennedy

Quotes About A New Generation #375528
#28. The principle here is that a new generation owes a measure of thanks to every member of the previous generation. Our

Amor Towles

Quotes About A New Generation #378080
#29. Tonight we send a message to our party that here in Illinois, there will be a new generation of Republican leaders and we will fight to provide a better tomorrow for future generations. We've made clear the status quo is no longer acceptable.

Adam Kinzinger

Quotes About A New Generation #379118
#30. It definitely wasn't like, 'Hey, I'm going to steal that, and nobody's going to know.' The original 'T.R.O.Y.' came out in 1992, and it was like a 20th anniversary kind of thing. All of those intentions were there for it to be resurrecting a classic for a new generation. I tried to honor it.

Lupe Fiasco

Quotes About A New Generation #392183
#31. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs," sighed George, patting the heading of the map. "We owe them so much." "Noble men, working tirelessly to help a new generation of law-breakers," said Fred solemnly.

J.K. Rowling

Quotes About A New Generation #394973
#32. Times were changing. Clothes were changing. Morals were changing. We went from romantic loves songs like I used to do to rock 'n roll. Now that has changed to rap. So, there's always a new generation with new music.

Bobby Vinton

Quotes About A New Generation #430114
#33. The ultimate test of a transformational leader is the ability to raise up a new generation of leaders.

Jim Louwsma

Quotes About A New Generation #452709
#34. If you take all the money we've spent at NASA since we landed on the moon and you had applied that money for incentives to the private sector, we would today probably have a permanent station on the moon, three or four permanent stations in space, a new generation of lift vehicles.

Newt Gingrich

Quotes About A New Generation #453791
#35. I'm very proud of Space 1999. Its success paved the way for other sci-fi shows to follow. My hope is that the DVD release will help it reach a new generation of fans.

Martin Landau

Quotes About A New Generation #465039
#36. It is time that conservative people of faith jointly commit to praying for our nation (daily, fervently!) and also rise up hand in hand in an effort to raise up a new generation of Franklins and Washingtons and Lincolns and Reagans.

Jonathan Falwell

Quotes About A New Generation #475033
#37. dementia to come forward to capture the financial mind. It is also the time generally required for a new generation to enter the scene, impressed, as had been its predecessors, with its own innovative genius.

John Kenneth Galbraith

Quotes About A New Generation #480886
#38. I created Punk for this day and age. Do you see Britney walking around wearing ties and singing punk? Hell no. That's what I do. I'm like a Sid Vicious for a new generation.

Avril Lavigne

Quotes About A New Generation #513802
#39. A new generation forgets the specters that may have tormented the old ... And yet, always, to all eternity, it is the same specter assailing the same man century after century.

Halldor Laxness

Quotes About A New Generation #520079
#40. No country's policies are eternal; they do vary. People are growing old, and a new generation is coming to power. In a year's time, a government can look different. You can't influence them if you don't talk to them.

Martti Ahtisaari

Quotes About A New Generation #533624
#41. It's 2009, things change. I'm a creature of habit, so in the beginning I wanted it to be as much like the original as possible, but that's not reality. And reality is, this is a new generation, and people want to see 'Witch Mountain' again.

Kim Richards

Quotes About A New Generation #539663
#42. I want to reach a new generation. That's why I am Twittering now. I have a BlackBerry, an iPhone and a Mac.

Buzz Aldrin

Quotes About A New Generation #558927
#43. I want to bring theatre to a new generation, using the tools available to us, including taking it out to them on film and with new technology, but that is just so they can discover theatre. I want them to come in and sit in a theatre. This is the way to plant seeds.

Kevin Spacey

Quotes About A New Generation #568630
#44. Led by a new generation of edgy sportswriters like Lipsyte, we found new purpose in the great issues of the day - race, equal opportunity, drugs, and labor disputes. We became personality journalists, medical writers, and business reporters.

Jane Leavy

Quotes About A New Generation #582274
#45. My goal is there's a new generation of cars. And people can say we're living in a new day and age. A new day and age of cars that are beautiful, affordable, safe, and of course every car gets over 100 mpg, why wouldn't it.

Peter Diamandis

Quotes About A New Generation #623065
#46. There's more student debt than credit card debt! Everywhere I go, I run into young people trying to build careers while they keep shelling out money on their education loans. If the economy is looking for a new generation of home-buyers, I can't imagine they'll get it from these folks.

Gail Collins

Quotes About A New Generation #626398
#47. A new generation of satellites carries highly sensitive radars that can measure the size of waves on the water surface. Making use of the relationship between wind speed and the amplitude of small surface waves, a wind-speed map...was created.

Cliff Mass

Quotes About A New Generation #650632
#48. To restore America's competitiveness, we must recruit a new generation of science and technology leaders by investing in diversity.

Barack Obama

Quotes About A New Generation #652317
#49. All are dead, and ourselves left alone amidst a new generation whom we know not, and who know us not.

Thomas Jefferson

Quotes About A New Generation #655531
#50. What I like to say is that we're trying to develop a new generation of technologies that are worthy of the next generation of kids.

Mitchel Resnick

Quotes About A New Generation #656006
#51. As a result of Title IX, and a new generation of parents who want their daughters to have the opportunities they never had, women's sports have arrived.

Sheryl Swoopes

Quotes About A New Generation #680858
#52. Today jazz is still very much alive. Everywhere I go there's a new generation of musicians.

Toots Thielemans

Quotes About A New Generation #686647
#53. We are using new technologies in meaningful ways. To build our new refinery in 60 percent of the time it took to build our first, we are training 20,000 people in a new generation of welding technology in six months.

Mukesh Ambani

Quotes About A New Generation #688724
#54. What I learned in my time isn't necessarily being taught now, and I'd like to help impart that knowledge to a new generation of players.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Quotes About A New Generation #698120
#55. Today however, a new generation must arise that will take their works further. This generation must rely less on signs and wonders, but rely more on developing skills and building industries.

Sunday Adelaja

Quotes About A New Generation #734532
#56. This is really an opportunity to mobilize a new generation of scholars and pastors not just to equip the saints but also to engage the culture and reclaim it for Christ. That's really what is driving me.

William A. Dembski

Quotes About A New Generation #753700
#57. I think it's good that [my granddaughter] here because I lost my parents and now it's great that there's a new generation. And she's taught me new things that I've forgotten. Like, when you're on holiday and see what it's like to see a shell or go into the water for the first time.

Carine Roitfeld

Quotes About A New Generation #759811
#58. One has to nurture a new generation, to raise children in the spirit of Islam.

Akhmad Kadyrov

Quotes About A New Generation #777000
#59. We are a new generation and we need a new approach.

Sheryl Sandberg

Quotes About A New Generation #786025
#60. A new generation of more educated people started to be active. Then society required freedom, society demanded freedom.

Mikhail Gorbachev

Quotes About A New Generation #791453
#61. It is within your loving and welcoming arms that a new generation will arrive & be greeted.


Quotes About A New Generation #798969
#62. I think Jesse [Zwick] is part of a new generation of director, because we'd be kidding ourselves if we did not acknowledge that there is this unsaid rule that the hero looks a certain way.

Nate Parker

Quotes About A New Generation #809144
#63. I want to shine a spotlight on a new generation of women, who are creating, funding and managing some of the hottest companies in tech today. But I wanted to do more than share their professional stories. I wanted to share their personal journeys, too.

Willow Bay

Quotes About A New Generation #813963
#64. Evangelism is essential in the kingdom-focused church. It is a sign that the church leaders and members are spiritually sound. It is a sign the church is alive and healthy. It produces new converts, a new generation of believers to carry God's message forward.

Gene Mims

Quotes About A New Generation #843543
#65. I think that to acknowledge a new generation is to acknowledge some degree of obsolescence in yourself, and that is very hard to do and often comes with undeniable anger.

Douglas Coupland

Quotes About A New Generation #850392
#66. For a new generation, nature is more abstraction than reality.

Richard Louv

Quotes About A New Generation #858496
#67. I don't need fame any more. People are less interested in me in terms of celebrity. I'm happy to see a new generation being the media focus. I'm happy my day is done. It's over.

Dan Aykroyd

Quotes About A New Generation #863287
#68. And I'm so excited to remind people and even gain new fans who find out about Dharma - a new generation who could find out about Dharma and enjoy her and all the characters on the show.

Jenna Elfman

Quotes About A New Generation #863471
#69. There is an urgent need for the emergence of a new generation of apostles anchored firmly in the word of Christ, capable of responding to the challenges of our times and prepared to spread the Gospel far and wide.

Pope Benedict XVI

Quotes About A New Generation #873566
#70. I would love it if the whole 'Godzilla' franchise was revitalized for a new generation.

Dean Devlin

Quotes About A New Generation #878176
#71. Let the message go out - a new generation has taken charge of Labour which is optimistic about our country, optimistic about our world, optimistic about the power of politics. We are optimistic and together we will change Britain.

Ed Miliband

Quotes About A New Generation #880356
#72. Americans are very enthusiastic. We have a new generation of moviegoers who love great horror films. I am a very imaginative man, and for me, it's easy to speak with my dark side. I have very beautiful, interesting nightmares.

Dario Argento

Quotes About A New Generation #886028
#73. To a new generation of butterflies, hopefully less stupid than last.
Maybe they were burgeoning even now in fat little cocoons. Or maybe not.

Laini Taylor

Quotes About A New Generation #941755
#74. I applied everything that I could muster creatively to this mission to find a way to create a new 'Jurassic Park' movie for a new generation.

Colin Trevorrow

Quotes About A New Generation #954101
#75. I don't need a successor, only willing hands to accept the torch for a new generation.

Billy Graham

Quotes About A New Generation #967448
#76. Social activism has gone mainstream. A new generation of philanthropic leaders such as Bill and Melinda Gates, and Bono are providing inspiration, guidance, and billions of dollars through their global foundations.

Willow Bay

Quotes About A New Generation #1019706
#77. We are watching the beginnings of the defiant self-assertion of a new generation of Americans, a generation who are looking forward to finishing their education with no jobs, no future, but still saddled with enormous and unforgivable debt.

David Graeber

Quotes About A New Generation #1023937
#78. I feel like I am a real artist and I want to be able to feel what I am singing about. So when I sing, 'Leave (Get Out),' I have been through that. I think it is just a new generation, whether people are ready for it or not. Teenagers are dating.


Quotes About A New Generation #1037187
#79. Our job is obvious: we need to get out of the way, shine a light, and empower a new generation to teach itself and to go further and faster than any generation ever has.

Seth Godin

Quotes About A New Generation #1058353
#80. A new generation of Sirius Cybernetics Corporation robots and computers, with the new GPP feature.'" "GPP feature?" said Arthur. "What's that?" "Oh, it says Genuine People Personalities.

Douglas Adams

Quotes About A New Generation #1063498
#81. Everyone knows that the broadband era will breed a new generation of online services, but this is only half of the story. Like any innovation, broadband will inflict major changes on its environment. It will destroy, once and for all, the egalitarian vision of the Internet.

Charles Platt

Quotes About A New Generation #1099652
#82. Each and every time, a new generation has risen up and done what's needed to be done. Today we are called once more - and it is time for our generation to answer that call. For that is our unyielding faith - that in the face of impossible odds, people who love their country can change it.

Barack Obama

Quotes About A New Generation #1118528
#83. Your legacy will be the world's inheritance, and the laughter you left us with will be the birthright of a new generation.
from a letter to Robin Williams

Michelle Franklin

Quotes About A New Generation #1128474
#84. I want something completely new and different to happen, and lots of it. Stuff that makes us change the way we think about a market or the world. Something that inspires a new generation of crazy startups doing crazy things.

Michael Arrington

Quotes About A New Generation #1139531
#85. Text messaging is just the most recent focus of people's anxiety; what people are really worried about is a new generation gaining control of what they see as their language.

David Crystal

Quotes About A New Generation #1157814
#86. APL is a mistake, carried through to perfection. It is the language of the future for the programming techniques of the past: it creates a new generation of coding bums.

Edsger Dijkstra

Quotes About A New Generation #1161382
#87. We need not just a new generation of leadership but a new gender of leadership

William J. Clinton

Quotes About A New Generation #1201969
#88. Communication is now often experienced as a superhuman phenomenon that towers above individuals. A new generation has come of age with a reduced expectation of what a person can be, and of who each person might become.

Jaron Lanier

Quotes About A New Generation #1209883
#89. We have a new generation of very rich people who want to do more with their money than buy a lot of expensive toys. They want to live meaningful lives.

Peter Singer

Quotes About A New Generation #1220479
#90. Popular art is normally decried as vulgar by the cultivated people of its time; then it loses favor with its original audience as a new generation grows up; then it begins to merge into the softer lighting of

Northrop Frye

Quotes About A New Generation #1222763
#91. Max Planck, surveying his own career in his Scientific Autobiography, sadly remarked that "a new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."8

Thomas S. Kuhn

Quotes About A New Generation #1235988
#92. Jobs planned the iPod to be the first of a new generation of portable post-PC devices, but that secret was invisible to most people.

Peter Thiel

Quotes About A New Generation #1267098
#93. I believe we need to attract a new generation of the best and brightest to public service and I believe that government can be a source of inspiration, not degradation.

Andrew Cuomo

Quotes About A New Generation #1313096
#94. It's now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of filmmakers. I've always believed that Star Wars could live beyond me, and I thought it was important to set up the transition during my lifetime.

George Lucas

Quotes About A New Generation #1314358
#95. They came together, they loved and they married. In innocence, and never dreaming how courageous they were, they started a new life together and a new generation of their own. -Maggie Now

Betty Smith

Quotes About A New Generation #1326703
#96. You talk here about greatness. I just wanted to ask if you could understand what it was we were going for. That there is greatness in the attempt - something in the trying. That in trying, we set up a certain scaffolding that a new generation can use to climb to heights we only dreamed of.

Liza Palmer

Quotes About A New Generation #1372857
#97. It is time for a new generation of leadership.

John F. Kennedy

Quotes About A New Generation #1394170
#98. My father was like the Old Testament. I am the New Testament. I am part of a new generation. In time, people will realize this.

Ziggy Marley

Quotes About A New Generation #1436274
#99. Jazz is very much alive. Everywhere I go there's a new generation of musicians playing Jazz music.

Toots Thielemans

Quotes About A New Generation #1452315
#100. One of the most special things about the city of New Orleans is how diverse a people we really are. There's been a new generation of individuals that have all grown up together, so I don't really see myself as a White mayor. I've never seen New Orleans as a Black city.

Mitch Landrieu

Quotes About A New Generation #1458411

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