Top 100 Quotes About 1970s

#1. I love film scores and opera, and I wanted to work in those forms. But theater was more accessible. And no one was doing this in the late 1970s, when I began working in the theater. So, I have written scores for thirteen plays, which are not musicals, but straight plays.

Jeff Britting

Quotes About 1970s #1410545
#2. In the 1970s, Washington women lawyers were getting organized. Grouping together gave us courage. And we overcame.

Carolyn R. Dimmick

Quotes About 1970s #897634
#3. The so-called 'last golden age,' in the 1970s, most of those movies were independent films.

Michael Douglas

Quotes About 1970s #916782
#4. The first clock radio was patented in the early 1970s by Sony Corporation in Japan. Digital

Catherine O'Reilly

Quotes About 1970s #919456
#5. I know some things when I start. I know, let's say, that the play is going to be a 1970s or a 1930s play, and it's going to be about a piano, but that's it. I slowly discover who the characters are as I go along.

August Wilson

Quotes About 1970s #930579
#6. I worked in the Senate in the 1970s. I worked for the Labor, Public Welfare Committee, and we had Ted Kennedy and my old boss, Bill Hathaway, and Walter Mondale.

Angus King

Quotes About 1970s #935720
#7. My real bottom-line hypothesis is that nobody has a sweet clue what they're doing. Therefore you better be trying stuff at an insanely rapid pace. You want to be screwing around with nearly everything. Relentless experimentation was probably important in the 1970s-now it's do or die.

Tom Peters

Quotes About 1970s #936041
#8. I was a young film student around the time of the new wave in film in the 1970s; old Hollywood was naff and over. For me, as a film student, I was going to see French and Italian cinema; American cinema was 'Easy Rider' and 'Taxi Driver.' Everything was gritty.

Gillian Armstrong

Quotes About 1970s #937988
#9. ...the Supreme Court made several liberal decisions in the 1970s, indicating the moral decline of the nation as a whole.

Kurt Grussendorf

Quotes About 1970s #938717
#10. The magic's back and we're in a time tunnel, feeling like when we were in our 20s back in the 1970s.

Peter Criss

Quotes About 1970s #949994
#11. Until the late 1970s there'd either be only black or white in the paintings or if there were colours it would be a small amount, not a large area, and with the color separated from other colors by black or white (which is formula for Damien Hirst's successful dot paintings, incidentally).

Matthew Collings

Quotes About 1970s #960875
#12. I'm not saying the 1970s was a golden age - I don't believe such a thing exists in art ... It would be like talking about a golden age of science. But it's true that those were slightly more ideological times, and the relevance of artists wasn't established by their CVs but by their work.

Maurizio Cattelan

Quotes About 1970s #960915
#13. I recall asking the late eminent liberal historian Arthur Schlesinger, in a public forum in Los Angeles in the late 1970s, if he would say that America was, all things considered, a better, i.e., more moral, society than Soviet society. He said he would not.

Dennis Prager

Quotes About 1970s #968010
#14. When I went to high school, in the late 1970s, disco was in full swing and anyone who was into it dressed the part. I know I did.

Paul Feig

Quotes About 1970s #982586
#15. In the 1970s, there was a trend for all detectives on TV to have some quirk or gimmick, and this was often physical.

Mark Billingham

Quotes About 1970s #984451
#16. The Great Inflation of the 1970s destroyed faith in paper assets, because if you held a bond, suddenly the bond was worth much less money than it was before.

Ron Chernow

Quotes About 1970s #1008744
#17. I was heavily into AD&D in my teens (late 1970s-early 1980s) but fell off the RPG habit in the mid-80s and have never gone back to it; my lifestyle today isn't very compatible with having a regular gaming group (too much travel).

Charles Stross

Quotes About 1970s #1035071
#18. I was brought up with a whole bunch of cousins in the Wye Valley during the hippy days of the 1970s.

Saul David

Quotes About 1970s #1039210
#19. I'd grown up in the U.K., where the surveillance apparatus went into place in the 1970s in response to the Troubles with the IRA. When I was a kid, we moved to Chicago, and I was surprised to see you could live in a large city in which you didn't have cameras on every street corner.

Jonathan Nolan

Quotes About 1970s #1043835
#20. When I was a physics major in the late 1970s, my very few fellow female students and I had high hopes that women would soon stand equal with men in science. But progress has proved slower than many of us imagined.

Margaret Wertheim

Quotes About 1970s #1047772
#21. I was the first journalist allowed on a hunting boat during harp seal season in almost 15 years. Around the late 1970s, white coat pups became the poster child for the anti-fur movement, and by the '80s, the media was lambasting the hunters for killing them.

Brian Skerry

Quotes About 1970s #1049181
#22. Punk was originally about creating new, important, energetic music that would hopefully threaten the status quo and the stupidity of the 1970s.

Jello Biafra

Quotes About 1970s #1057105
#23. In spite of advances in technology and changes in the economy, state government still operates on an obsolete 1970s model. We have a typewriter government in an Internet age.

Matt Blunt

Quotes About 1970s #1060078
#24. When I see a room full of people pedaling away on stationary bikes, I fall into an existential spiral. It's confirmation that all we do as humans is pedal, pedal, pedal, and go nowhere. We're just specks of dust in the universe, riding 1970s stationary bicycles.

Ali Liebegott

Quotes About 1970s #1065743
#25. I was in a vintage pub rock band called Clover in the 1970s.

Huey Lewis

Quotes About 1970s #1071678
#26. If the UCLA teams of the late 1960s and early 1970s were subjected to the kind of scrutiny (other schools) have been, UCLA would probably have to forfeit about eight national championships and be on probation for the next 100 years.

Bill Walton

Quotes About 1970s #1074032
#27. Every single tune you know from the 1940s until the 1970s was written, arranged, and demoed in the Brill Building. OK, maybe not every song, but writers from Benny Goodman to Lieber & Stoller to Neil Diamond all kept offices there.

Shawn Amos

Quotes About 1970s #1075205
#28. Indeed, the UNGA has acquired perhaps its most obvious significance as a protest forum for dissatisfied would-be nations (such as the Palestinians since 1970s).

Jussi M. Hanhimaki

Quotes About 1970s #1078261
#29. The campaign for the White House is heating up with John Kerry taking heat for throwing his Vietnam medals away, getting a $1000 haircut, and wearing a 1970s wig known as 'the Leno.' There are really two sides to this story. And America can't wait for Kerry to present both of them.

David Letterman

Quotes About 1970s #1081460
#30. When I was in my 20s in the 1970s, I read all of Jean Rhys. I have reread very little since because the first impressions were so powerful they have stayed with me.

Linda Grant

Quotes About 1970s #1093288
#31. I'm a surfer at heart. Both my parents moved to Hawaii in the 1970s, where they met and became Christians. Then they taught me and my two brothers how to love the Lord - and how to surf!

Bethany Hamilton

Quotes About 1970s #1095702
#32. Anna Katherine Green wrote about a female inquiry agent, and there were a scattering of female investigators in the 1970s, authored by men, who just didn't ring true. So I thought, 'Well, there's an opening here for something.'

Marcia Muller

Quotes About 1970s #1099777
#33. Now a cholera epidemic was sweeping through Southeast Asia and south Asia in the early 1970s, so I started medical school and I joined a laboratory to work on this.

Peter Agre

Quotes About 1970s #1111049
#34. The 1970s, the decade of my teenage years, was a transitional period in American youth culture.

Eric Allin Cornell

Quotes About 1970s #1123674
#35. To come to England in the 1970s was to return to this strange other-world of half-known history. I found the imperial architecture curiously familiar: the post office, the town hall, the botanic gardens.

Romesh Gunesekera

Quotes About 1970s #1123780
#36. Occasionally, a young catcher is born with a backup's soul. Bob Montgomery was on the Red Sox opening day roster for the entire 1970s, yet he never had more than 254 at-bats in a season.

Stephen Rodrick

Quotes About 1970s #1125327
#37. Yes, yes: Taking out Saddam Hussein means war, and war is bad for children and other living things. I went to grade school in the 1970s, and I recall the poster. But there are times when war is not only a tragic and unavoidable necessity, but also good for children and other living things.

Dan Savage

Quotes About 1970s #1146496
#38. In terms of style I typically veer toward a certain masculinity. My style inspirations range from images of my father in his 1970s suits, to Tilda Swinton, to Hugh Hefner, to Sharon Stone and her ferocious sexuality, to handsome men I see on the streets of New York.

Rachael Taylor

Quotes About 1970s #1163316
#39. Many young men in the 1960s and 1970s came to reject some of the traditional ideas about manhood that many of their fathers tried to pass down - like unquestioning respect for authority even when that might mean killing and dying for questionable or unjust causes such as the Vietnam War.

Jackson Katz

Quotes About 1970s #1175892
#40. The 1970s must be the years when America pays its debt to the past by reclaiming the purity of its air, its waters, and our living environment. It is literally now or never.

Richard M. Nixon

Quotes About 1970s #1182868
#41. I was involved with Wells Fargo Bank as a consultant in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when I suggested to them that they develop a product that has become known as index funds.

Myron Scholes

Quotes About 1970s #1182978
#42. Those who remember New York in the 1970s, as I do, look back on a city that had hit a very rough patch - decaying, bankrupt, and crime-ridden. But fun.

Graydon Carter

Quotes About 1970s #1186427
#43. I'd been on the Internet since the 1970s when it was just for nerds. I started saying, 'Who would benefit from this?' I started imagining a world where young people could have their own email address, back in the days of family AOL accounts.

Jay Samit

Quotes About 1970s #1191993
#44. Big Star invented a vision of bohemian rock & roll cool that had nothing to do with New York, Los Angeles or London, which made them completely out of style in the 1970s, but also made them an inspiration to generations of weird Southern kids.

Rob Sheffield

Quotes About 1970s #1193495
#45. In the late 1970s, when I was a professor at Caltech, I pioneered four instruments for analyzing genes and proteins that revolutionized modern biology - and one of these, the automated DNA sequencer, enabled the Human Genome Project.

Leroy Hood

Quotes About 1970s #1196632
#46. In the 1970s, I identified as a lesbian and wrote about it. In 1991, I met the love of my life, married him.

Chirlane McCray

Quotes About 1970s #1220144
#47. You can't really come into a concept record objectively, because you immediately associate it with Yes, stuff from the 1970s that punk rock kicked against, the pretentiousness.

Colin Meloy

Quotes About 1970s #1233983
#48. When I was starting to get noticed as an actor in the 1970s for something other than the third cowboy on the right who ended up dying in every movie or episode, Burt Reynolds was the biggest star in the world.

Bruce Dern

Quotes About 1970s #1234116
#49. The biggest honor of my career was when I won R&B Artist of the Year back in the 1970s. I look at that as a major honor.

Daryl Hall

Quotes About 1970s #1234502
#50. It wasn't until I worked in the Perth Hospital kitchen in the 1970s that I began hearing stories about the ghosts that haunted their halls at night.

Arlene Stafford-Wilson

Quotes About 1970s #1238507
#51. By the 1970s, pornography had caught up with The Block, where performers were totally in the nude. I wasn't going to do that, and I certainly wasn't about to let my girls do it. After all, I'm religious, and if my mother knew I was performing in the nude, she would have had a heart attack.

Blaze Starr

Quotes About 1970s #1239518
#52. While living in America when I attended Harvard in the early 1970s, I saw for myself the awesome, almost miraculous, power of a people to change policy through democratic means.

Benazir Bhutto

Quotes About 1970s #1254324
#53. Imposter syndrome" wasn't coined as a term until the 1970s, but it's safe to assume women have always felt it: that nagging feeling that, even after you've just done something great, maybe you actually don't deserve the

Jessica Bennett

Quotes About 1970s #1255778
#54. ABC wouldn't be a player in the news major leagues until the 1970s, when Roone Arledge brought to ABC News the energy and programming approach he had applied to ABC Sports.

Tom Brokaw

Quotes About 1970s #1257975
#55. By the middle to the end of the 1970s, Black Power as we envisioned was a dream deferred. And I was no longer in a position to awaken the minds of the people about what was happening.

Junius Williams

Quotes About 1970s #1258383
#56. A recent survey of Top Five Fears places public speaking alongside "identity theft" and "mass shootings." In the 1980s, it completed with "nuclear destruction." In the 1970s, "shark attack.

John Capecci And Timothy Cage

Quotes About 1970s #1259938
#57. I think the occasional appearance of the UFO is a very oblique pop-cultural reference that anyone who was alive and sentient in the late 1970s will get right away.

Hank Stuever

Quotes About 1970s #1264492
#58. In the 1970s, 'The Boys on the Bus' exposed how a clubby pack of male political reporters ruled the road to the White House and shaped the news. Four decades later, an outsider gal from Alaska has commandeered the 2012 media bus - and left Beltway journalism insiders eating her dust.

Michelle Malkin

Quotes About 1970s #1265754
#59. I've had albums out since the 1970s. I was in a musical, 'The Boy Friend,' directed by Ken Russell, and I was on Broadway in 'My One And Only' with Tommy Tune, so I've always been a singer, but I suppose people think of my modelling more.


Quotes About 1970s #1271839
#60. The disquieting news of Danny Villanueva's death brought back memories of our time together at KNBC in the early 1970s.

Tom Brokaw

Quotes About 1970s #1281508
#61. Another Holy Grail for some collectors is Bob Dylan's The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, the 1963 pressing that has four songs that were deleted from subsequent pressings, known to fetch up to $35,000 in stereo and $16,500 in mono in excellent condition. 1970s


Quotes About 1970s #1292793
#62. The truth is that beginning in the 1970s, the heart of our Democratic party, America's strong striving middle class, began drifting away from us.

Mario Cuomo

Quotes About 1970s #1300773
#63. In the 1970s and early '80s, Shanghai was quiet, cautious, a ghost of a once-great city - and yet physically, little was changed from its glittering heyday. When visiting, I enjoyed reading books on local history and used my time off to scope out the former haunts of gangsters and jazzmen.

Nicole Mones

Quotes About 1970s #1304845
#64. The Olympic stadium may have been built only in the early 1970s but it was clear for a long time it had no future. For many reasons it is not good enough for modern football and today's fans.

Franz Beckenbauer

Quotes About 1970s #1312763
#65. One of the silliest lines ever said in a feature film came from Love Story, the 1970s hit, which immortalized the phrase, "Love means never having to say you're sorry." There are few people who would actually want to share a life with someone who held that concept near and dear.

Margaret Kennedy

Quotes About 1970s #1326534
#66. I was fortunate in that I attended university in Canada in the early 1970s when you could take a true liberal arts degree with no programmes, majors or minors.

O.R. Melling

Quotes About 1970s #1343970
#67. One of the greatest investments of our lifetime has been New York City real estate, and investors made the highest returns when they bought stuff during the 1970s and 1980s when people were getting mugged. The lesson is that you make the most money when you buy stuff that's out of consensus.

Mary Meeker

Quotes About 1970s #1344956
#68. Julianne Moore and Michael Keaton began in 1980s soap operas and 1970s sitcoms, respectively, such ancient history by show business standards that you need carbon dating to measure their careers.

Steve Erickson

Quotes About 1970s #1350038
#69. The doomsayers of the 1970s were wrong about how quickly the world would run out of oil, but not about the dangers that hydrocarbon consumption posed to the global environment, especially with respect to climate change.

Timothy Noah

Quotes About 1970s #1356817
#70. In the 1970s and 1980s there was so little decent fiction for young people, but we're now in a golden age that shows no sign of fading. Philip Pullman, J. K. Rowling, Lemony Snicket are only three of the best known among a good number of equals.

David Mitchell

Quotes About 1970s #1359256
#71. Our tax policies, the tax relief and reform we passed in 2003 and 2005, helped get government out of the way of America's entrepreneurs, and our unemployment rate is now lower than it was in the 1970s, the 1980s, and the 1990s.

Marsha Blackburn

Quotes About 1970s #1370386
#72. I was a kid at the end of the 1960s and in the early 1970s, so a lot of things changed. You had pop music coming up, with David Bowie, you had new television programmes and all these things. I was fascinated.

Dries Van Noten

Quotes About 1970s #1382089
#73. The Mormons' passage from bugbears of the Republican Party to its stalwarts may be analogized to a similar move among middle-class white Southerners, to whom the Republican Party was anathema until the 1970s and '80s, after which it became almost the sole representative.

Noah Feldman

Quotes About 1970s #1383412
#74. What'd you do to your face?" she asks, folding her arms. I touch my chin. "I grew a beard." "Well ungrow it. It looks like a vagina from a 1970s porn film.

Emma Chase

Quotes About 1970s #1384486
#75. My experience growing up in a rough and tumble town in the blue-collar world of Western Pennsylvania in the 1970s was that anything a man did was always more important than anything a woman did.

Tawni O'Dell

Quotes About 1970s #1389744
#76. I grew up on the crime stuff. Spillane, Chandler, Jim Thompson, and noir movies like Fuller, Orson Welles, Fritz Lang. When I first showed up in New York to write comics back in the late 1970s, I came with a bunch of crime stories but everybody just wanted men in tights.

Frank Miller

Quotes About 1970s #1407513
#77. I think the 1970s will always be the decade for me. Obviously, I grew up in that era, but the beauty standard was touchable, kissable.

Tom Ford

Quotes About 1970s #1763494
#78. I got a journalism degree. I started doing journalism - I interned at 'Cosmopolitan' magazine in the 1970s, which probably wasn't the best place for me, and I spent six or nine months freelancing. Anyway, I wasn't that good at it.

Anne M. Mulcahy

Quotes About 1970s #1667673
#79. In the 1970s, we had Carl Sagan, and he was so suave with his turtleneck and his tweed jacket. And he was, you know, he made science look cool. And in punk rock, we haven't had that. We haven't had the Carl Sagan of punk.

Greg Graffin

Quotes About 1970s #1681322
#80. Wesco had a market capitalization of $40 million when we bought it [in the early 1970s]. It's $2 billion now. It's been a long slog to a perfectly respectable outcome - not as good as Berkshire Hathaway or Microsoft, but there's always someone in life who's done better.

Charlie Munger

Quotes About 1970s #1685335
#81. I moved to New York in the 1970s and started writing when I was at the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program.

Jenny Holzer

Quotes About 1970s #1687936
#82. When I was teaching at Harvard in the 1970s, I went to Project Incorporated in Cambridge and took photography classes. I didn't even know how to aim the camera in those days.

Ann Beattie

Quotes About 1970s #1695935
#83. The 'interactive fiction' format hasn't changed in any fundamental way since the early 1970s, in the same way that the format of the novel hasn't since 1700.

Graham Nelson

Quotes About 1970s #1696590
#84. In 1970s Britain, conservative philosophy was the preoccupation of a few half-mad recluses.

Roger Scruton

Quotes About 1970s #1704842
#85. Britain in the 1970s was undoubtedly an economic mess because of the oil price explosion.

Barbara Castle

Quotes About 1970s #1708555
#86. By the mid 1970s, the great downtown bookstores had begun to disappear as their customers migrated from city to suburb where population density was too thin to support major backlist retailers.

Jason Epstein

Quotes About 1970s #1712435
#87. I hated most music in the 1970s, especially disco, but Bowie was edgier.

Anton Du Beke

Quotes About 1970s #1717470
#88. I think I definitely learned how to structure songs, just from listening to a lot of 1960s, 1970s pop music, although I'm sure my mother's watchful eye had a lot to do with it.

Caitlin Rose

Quotes About 1970s #1718277
#89. In its first 30 years of existence, up to the mid 1970s, the practical applications of game theory were very limited, probably as a result of excessive preoccupation by game theorists with cooperative solution concepts.

John Harsanyi

Quotes About 1970s #1722274
#90. What I envisioned back in the 1970s was this thing you would wear as 'glass' over your right eye, and you could see the world though that glass. The glass then reconfigures the things you see.

Steve Mann

Quotes About 1970s #1722372
#91. We know that inflation distorts economic behavior. In the 1970s, a combination of high tax rates and inflation prompted investors to flee production in favor of protection.

Nina Easton

Quotes About 1970s #1726554
#92. As recently as the 1970s, some Pashtun leaders in Afghanistan were pushing to create a new state, Pashtunistan, by joining with Pashtuns in Pakistan.

Stephen Kinzer

Quotes About 1970s #1735793
#93. I was always going to act, literally ever since I was tiny. In fact, I have Doctor Who to thank for that. I wanted to become an actor after being obsessed with Tom Baker, the fourth Doctor Who, in the 1970s. His was the definitive performance of all time in anything.

David Tennant

Quotes About 1970s #1736367
#94. In the 1970s and a lot of the 1980s, we would have thanked our lucky stars in the coalfield areas for growth of 1.75 per cent. The only thing growing then were the lines of coke in front of boy George and the rest of them.

Dennis Skinner

Quotes About 1970s #1737563
#95. I grew up in the 1970s, but I don't think a whole lot had changed from the '60s. Oh, it had changed in the law books - but not in the kitchens of white homes.

Kathryn Stockett

Quotes About 1970s #1758436
#96. Having lived in the arid deserts of Southern California since the 1970s, my interest in water conservation is a very personal concern. Water! The source of life! Some people are squandering the world's most precious resource while others have too little clean water to drink.

Eric Burdon

Quotes About 1970s #1821442
#97. Chronicling the mid-1970s up session with Gerald Ford's clumsiness, the author quotes a medieval maxim that the king has two bodies. The head of state has a physical body like everyone else, but he also represents the body politic, either reflecting its majesty or its weakness.

Rick Perlstein

Quotes About 1970s #1849476
#98. Canada should always open its doors to those who are oppressed or in cases of emergency. When Canada offered refuge to 50,000 boat people in Vietnam in the 1970s, I was particularly proud to be Canadian.

David Suzuki

Quotes About 1970s #1835148
#99. Cable TV brought the Braves into homes all across America in the 1970s, by the 1980s the Braves were "America's Team," and by the 1990s the Braves were the most dominant team in baseball.

Tucker Elliot

Quotes About 1970s #1861963
#100. I grew up in San Francisco in the 1970s. We were part of a church that belonged to the California Jesus movement.

Sara Zarr

Quotes About 1970s #1815829

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