Top 9 Provoketh Quotes

#1. The onion being eaten, yea though it be boyled, causeth head-ache, hurteth the eyes, and maketh a man dimme sighted, dulleth the senses, ingendreth windinesse, and provoketh overmuch sleepe, especially being eaten raw

John Gerard

Provoketh Quotes #560781
#2. Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold.

William Shakespeare

Provoketh Quotes #676479
#3. Reality' is a movie generated by our brains. Because we don't realize this, we are far too confident that the stuff appearing in the movie is actually 'out there' in the world when, in fact, it's not.

Daniel Gilbert

Provoketh Quotes #73010
#4. Hear my wife speak of John Lewis and you might picture a stately pleasure dome of ornamental cascades and hanging gardens, staffed by muscular Centaurs who know all there is to know about kitchenware and soft furnishings. But really it's just a big hall full of wanky chrome fridges.

Tim Moore

Provoketh Quotes #225007
#5. Sacred religion! mother of form and fear.

Samuel Daniel

Provoketh Quotes #461657
#6. The Lord and His Church have always encouraged education to increase our ability to serve Him and our Heavenly Father's chlidren. For each of us, whatever our talents, He has service for us to give. And to do it well always involves learning, not once or for a limited time, but continually.

Henry B. Eyring

Provoketh Quotes #620463
#7. Is there a cookie at the end of this lecture? ... I got a cookie after all ... Dear god, the cookie was poisoned.

Ilona Andrews

Provoketh Quotes #809668
#8. Throughout her career, Ana Barbara has cultivated endless hits; each of her albums was a true musical surprise ... this is why today she is honored with the title of Queen of Grupero.

Ana Barbara

Provoketh Quotes #812230
#9. He wants his home and security, he wants to live like a sailor at sea.

Bob Seger

Provoketh Quotes #842065

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