Top 77 Product Value Quotes

#1. Upgrade your user, not your product. Value is less about the stuff and more about the stuff the stuff enables. Don't build better cameras - build better photographers.

Kathy Sierra

Product Value Quotes #674870
#2. At a time when all the other builders were selling homes with basements but without carports, we would sell homes without basements and with carports. This allowed us to provide a more appealing product at a lower price. In other words, we felt we would be giving customers greater value.

Eli Broad

Product Value Quotes #1376772
#3. It doesn't matter much where your company sits in its industry ecosystem, nor how vertically or horizontally integrated it is - what matters is its relative 'share of customer value' in the final product or solution, and its cost of producing that value.

Gary Hamel

Product Value Quotes #1379276
#4. The amount of time spent on a product will determine its value

Sunday Adelaja

Product Value Quotes #1316277
#5. The bonsai grower knows that if she can give life to a product that lives forever and perpetually adds value to the lives of others, she has not only a success but a legacy.

Steven Berglas

Product Value Quotes #1312285
#6. I think one of the things people don't understand is we can build more shareholder value by lowering product prices than we can by trying to raise margins. It's a more patient approach, but we think it leads to a stronger, healthier company. It also serves customers much, much better.

Jeff Bezos

Product Value Quotes #1281309
#7. The concept of romantic love as a widely accepted cultural value and as the ideal basis of marriage was a product of the nineteenth century.

Nathaniel Branden

Product Value Quotes #1266755
#8. In fact, in an agile project, technical excellence is measured by both capacity to deliver customer value today and create an adaptable product for tomorrow.

Jim Highsmith

Product Value Quotes #1261316
#9. Total time spent together with effort yields the value of a product

Sunday Adelaja

Product Value Quotes #1254285
#10. For many artists fame complements the value of creative self-expression. Ludwig van Beethoven loved composing music, but he probably would have enjoyed it less if no one ever listened to the product.

Tyler Cowen

Product Value Quotes #1238275
#11. If I make a good product and deliver value to users and to the world, the financial gains will come.

Trip Adler

Product Value Quotes #1195575
#12. Reducing risk, which is the primary mission of testing, clearly creates economic value for product developers. In fact, reducing risk is so centrally important to product development that it is indispensable for us to quantify its economic impact.

Donald G. Reinertsen

Product Value Quotes #1144765
#13. Effective collaboration is about maximizing time, talent and tools to create value. The old way was the pass-along approach. I do my job and then pass along my work product to you. You do your piece of it and pass it along to somebody else.

Evan Rosen

Product Value Quotes #1109855
#14. A gentleman opposed to their enfranchisement once said to me, women have never produced anything of any value to the world. I told him the chief product of the women had been the men, and left it to him to decide whether the product was of any value.

Anna Howard Shaw

Product Value Quotes #1093579
#15. You don't ever want to devalue music. Music is important; it's necessary product. I always try to make sure that there's a value - that people appreciate music and realize that there's a value to it.

Robert Coppola Schwartzman

Product Value Quotes #1082571
#16. Gross Domestic Product - the substitution, in effect, of ideas for physical value.

Matt Taibbi

Product Value Quotes #1074748
#17. It's not enough to have a value-adding product in a big market. You also need the right conditions. Will you be able to scale revenues within a 5-10 year time frame? Is the timing right? YouTube wouldn't have worked pre-broadband.

Jose Ferreira

Product Value Quotes #1074543
#18. Measure your life by the product and value you produce daily

Sunday Adelaja

Product Value Quotes #1008836
#19. The love of money is the source of an enormous amount of good; the fact that the good is a by-product of the selfish pursuit of riches has nothing to do with its indisputable value.

Leo Rosten

Product Value Quotes #969599
#20. I don't know that I can give a definitive answer to that, I can only say that if we create the right climate those who are producing those products will have the opportunity to move into a higher value product if changes are needed if we get this right.

John Anderson

Product Value Quotes #964942
#21. Extraordinary people pursue mastry and understand that money is a by-product of the value they offer.

Kishore Bansal

Product Value Quotes #1698744
#22. Pricing is actually a pretty simple and straight forward thing. Customers will not pay literally a penny more than the true value of the product.

Ron Johnson

Product Value Quotes #1873173
#23. Companies can add value and simultaneously promote themselves if their product or service truly improves the lives of their customers. I mean really improve lives, not wishful thinking, rationalization. That's the acid test.

Guy Kawasaki

Product Value Quotes #1863706
#24. The product has to work. It has to be a good product. An enormous number of them are all hype with no value at all. People get into them because they want to make a lot of quick, easy money.

Brian Tracy

Product Value Quotes #1824229
#25. By putting my trust in God and my love in the alchemical transmutation, which working on my dreams leads me to, I was able to attract ideas, and those ideas inspired me to create something new. That which I created was a product, with value.

Daniel Marques

Product Value Quotes #1820416
#26. The businessperson can therefore know the exact dollar profit on a product, but not the exact dollar value of the brand, the advertising, or, indeed, the quality of the product.

James Adams

Product Value Quotes #1807380
#27. Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value.

Philip Kotler

Product Value Quotes #1799865
#28. It's just easier to talk about product attributes that you can measure with a number. Focus on price, screen size, that's easy. But there's a more difficult path, and that's to make better products, ones where maybe you can't measure their value empirically.

Jonathan Ive

Product Value Quotes #1784874
#29. The value of land must, in the future, be assessed on its yield of potable water. Those property-owners with a constant source of pure water already have an economically-valuable "product" from their land, and need look no further for a source of income.

Bill Mollison

Product Value Quotes #1760985
#30. In the summer of 2009, I modestly predicted that most major news organisations would be charging for content within 12 months. Charging, I argued, would not only plug the revenue gap; it would also help to re-establish value in their news product.

Lionel Barber

Product Value Quotes #1700323
#31. This use of advertising - to add a subjective value to the product - becomes increasingly important as the trends in our technology lead to competing products becoming more and more the same.

James Webb Young

Product Value Quotes #890956
#32. The value decade is upon us. If you can't sell a top-quality product at the world's lowest price, you're going to be out of the game.

Jack Welch

Product Value Quotes #1615199
#33. He's part of the product and will make no bones about creating that image to bring the value up in his product, bring the value up in everything he touches.

Marla Maples

Product Value Quotes #1572921
#34. You need to focus on creating the actual value of the company, not just the theoretical value. The actual value comes from a great product that sells well and is ultimately profitable.

Henrik Fisker

Product Value Quotes #1572165
#35. When I arrived at Campbell on January 8, 2001, the company had lost half its market value in the prior year. They had to cut costs to the point where they were literally taking the chicken out of chicken noodle soup and the product was no longer competitive.

Douglas Conant

Product Value Quotes #1503980
#36. As I see it, dating is a product of our entertainment-driven, disposable-everything American culture ... Love and romance became things people could solely enjoy for their recreational value.

Joshua Harris

Product Value Quotes #1465398
#37. WhatsApp will bring Facebook another billion users. We will be a billion-user product. Whether there is a direct valuation or an indirect valuation, there is value, and Facebook understands that well.

Brian Acton

Product Value Quotes #1455008
#38. The payment of the worker is not determined by the value of his product.

Albert Einstein

Product Value Quotes #1443914
#39. The idea that 20% of the features will get you 80% of the value may well be correct, but it also means that on important tasks, you're giving the customers B-grade experieence where it matters most.

Des Traynor

Product Value Quotes #1427539
#40. In our factories, we create flexibility by paying more to workers who can work at more stations on a production line. We value flexibility, and we pay for it. In contrast, most product development organizations exclusively reward specialization.

Donald G. Reinertsen

Product Value Quotes #171950
#41. Aesthetic value is often the by-product of the artist striving to do something else.

Evelyn Waugh

Product Value Quotes #507109
#42. I learned the value of focus. I learned it is better to do one product well than two products in a mediocre way.

Reed Hastings

Product Value Quotes #496520
#43. The Virgin brand is not a product like Coca-Cola or Famous Grouse whisky; it's an attitude and a way of life to many. That attitude is about giving customers a better time and better value in a fun way that embraces life and seeks to give the customers something new.

Richard Branson

Product Value Quotes #480291
#44. Cultural objects have no notable identity outside of that which we confer upon them. Their value is entirely a product of the interaction that we have with them.

Brian Eno

Product Value Quotes #456676
#45. What you find is, you have to deliver a product that has value to the customer. When you do, and I think the wind community is getting much closer to that, customers will want it.

Mike Pompeo

Product Value Quotes #440450
#46. The most important product of interactive planning is the planning process, not plans. It is in the planning process that knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are generated. It is in these acquisitions that the value of planning resides.


Product Value Quotes #337576
#47. If you need scale in order to create value, it's hard to get scale, because there's little incentive for the first people to use the product.

Joshua Schachter

Product Value Quotes #245486
#48. First, you must have entrepreneurs who fully grasp their customers. They understand their product so well because they themselves are customers. The second thing is having an awesome value proposition.

Craig Sherman

Product Value Quotes #204529
#49. if salespeople want to sell value and differentiate their product, they have to deliver insight that will reframe the buying vision so buyers end up with the solution that helps them overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.

Michael Harris

Product Value Quotes #186728
#50. The very ability to empathize with a user requires that I have an understanding of that user's value and needs. This is what leads to many product fails. The individuals developing the innovation don't actually use it.

David Livermore

Product Value Quotes #513948
#51. Art cannot be separated from life. It is the expression of the greatest need of which life is capable, and we value art not because of the skilled product, but because of its revelation of a life's experience.

Robert Henri

Product Value Quotes #140970
#52. Because the earth is not a product of labour it cannot have a value.

David Harvey

Product Value Quotes #137041
#53. Branding is he ability to constantly create a perception in the minds of your audience/market that there is no product/service like yours that meet their needs and wants by providing distinct value

Bernard Kelvin Clive

Product Value Quotes #133170
#54. I really value passion for the product above experience.

Kevin Systrom

Product Value Quotes #108480
#55. An increase in the productivity of labour means nothing more than that the same capital creates the same value with less labour, or that less labour creates the same product with more capital.

Karl Marx

Product Value Quotes #107584
#56. The product you produced is the evidence of the value in your life

Sunday Adelaja

Product Value Quotes #24510
#57. BBJ customers value long-range capability and cabin size, and this product offering enhances both.

Steven Hill

Product Value Quotes #18911
#58. Most DRM solutions diminish the value of the product by either directly restricting a customer's use or by creating uncertainty.

Gabe Newell

Product Value Quotes #11226
#59. If you fear to know the cost, the value will definitely be lost. Focus your attentions on the product, not the price.

Israelmore Ayivor

Product Value Quotes #713636
#60. Users who continually find value in a product are more likely to tell their friends about it.

Nir Eyal

Product Value Quotes #885123
#61. Vending Machine: "This product has no known nutritional value and may cause irritability or wakefulness in some individuals. Please enjoy your selection and your day."
Eve: "Up yours.

J.D. Robb

Product Value Quotes #856313
#62. The value of money comes from the private sector in the form of price for product, services rendered, what people are willing to pay for something they want or need. That's where value happens. Government has nothing to do with that.

Rush Limbaugh

Product Value Quotes #844145
#63. If you do not believe in your product or service enough to offer it to your own family and friends, then you should question the value of what you are selling.

Zig Ziglar

Product Value Quotes #832033
#64. You need more than just a great idea. Your product or service must add an enormous amount of value to some industry. If the idea isn't completely new, it has to be better, cheaper, or more efficient than what we already have.

Jose Ferreira

Product Value Quotes #758935
#65. What the customer buys and considers value is never a product. It is always utility, that is, what a product or a service does for the customer.

Peter Drucker

Product Value Quotes #753777
#66. Pick three key attributes or features, get those things very, very right, and then forget about everything else ... By focusing on only a few core features in the first version, you are forced to find the true essence and value of the product. - PAUL BUCHHEIT, CREATOR OF GMAIL AND GOOGLE ADSENSE

Josh Kaufman

Product Value Quotes #723973
#67. The product of mental labor - science - always stands far below its value, because the labor-time necessary to reproduce it has no relation at all to the labor-time required for its original production.

Karl Marx

Product Value Quotes #721319
#68. Beer culture is a part of the world of food and drink. It's not just a commodity in cans and bottles, but has a value as an agricultural product with good ingredients.

Michael Jackson

Product Value Quotes #714415
#69. We're going to create a portable handheld environment, and you should expect the same things you've always expected from Playstation - a great quality product, versatility, great value to the consumer.

Ian Jackson

Product Value Quotes #960787
#70. Good will, that curious product of consciousness, of leisure and energy to spare and share. That thing we put out against the forces of interest. That extra thing. Religions and nations and political parties have taken it and used it as coinage, have said you must only give it in exchange for value.

Naomi Mitchison

Product Value Quotes #707112
#71. you will attract way more buyers if you are offering to teach them something of value to them than you will ever attract by simply trying to sell them your product or ser vice.

Chet Holmes

Product Value Quotes #668784
#72. Since any product is derived from labor, the value of a product to one who does not intend to consume it is measured in the labor of others. The real value of all products is their cost in labor.[34] Labor creates all the wealth of the world.

Jonathan Kolber

Product Value Quotes #661865
#73. Nothing a housewife does is of value in capitalist terms because it does not take place on the market and therefore does not contribute to the Gross National Product.

Hilda Scott

Product Value Quotes #621600
#74. Google was founded to get information to everybody. A by-product of that strategy is that we invented an advertising business which has provided great economics that allows us to build the servers, hire the employees, create value.

Eric Schmidt

Product Value Quotes #570784
#75. Businesses are interacting with consumers to socialize rather than learn about customer expectations to in turn, deliver tangible value, improve product experiences, and invest in long-term relationships,

Brian Solis

Product Value Quotes #537354
#76. buying from. 4. I perceive a value in the product that I am purchasing.

Jeffrey Gitomer

Product Value Quotes #531127
#77. Bling is not an indication of riches. It is a product of value-based spending, to enrich the pockets of those outside of ones sphere of influence ... the haves' bleeding the have-nots'.

T.F. Hodge

Product Value Quotes #514527

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