Top 11 Preslava Mashup Quotes

#1. We want everyone to follow their dreams, their hearts (aren't they bursting, like ours?); we want them doing things that we will find interesting.

Dave Eggers

Preslava Mashup Quotes #653048
#2. What was I qualified to do to make a living? Nothing. You don't need qualifications as an actor or a politician. And I didn't want to be a politician.

James Garner

Preslava Mashup Quotes #817960
#3. It's better to be hungry than to be lonely - and i'm not talking about the loneliness that we choose but the loneliness that we are forced to accept - , it's like you don't belong to this world anymore!

Paulo Coelho

Preslava Mashup Quotes #902048
#4. Ennesby, get the Serial Peacemaker to the beach for dustoff."
"Dustoff? You're going to run away from three guys?"
"No, I'm going to kill or capture those three guys, and then run away from the Police.

Howard Tayler

Preslava Mashup Quotes #1063575
#5. For us, destiny always feels ... if you obey, it's almost a passive thing.

Danny Boyle

Preslava Mashup Quotes #1206535
#6. Everything becomes and recurs eternally - escape is impossible!

Friedrich Nietzsche

Preslava Mashup Quotes #1225167
#7. Watching the ice-floes dance together on the black water.

Clive Barker

Preslava Mashup Quotes #1298053
#8. It's funny when I read the tabloids and they're reporting on only a fraction of the life I'm leading.

Zach Braff

Preslava Mashup Quotes #1302332
#9. The eye and soul are caressed in the contemplation of form and colour. The subtle changes of colour over a surface - transitions that are like music - are intangible in their reaction upon us. There is an immediate sensuous appeal!

John F. Carlson

Preslava Mashup Quotes #1333122
#10. I'm against escapist entertainment.

Joshua Oppenheimer

Preslava Mashup Quotes #1591871
#11. The stone that is thrown into the air is none the worse for falling down, and none the better for going up.

Marcus Aurelius

Preslava Mashup Quotes #1666141

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