Top 10 Potpourri Crossword Quotes

#1. Sometimes, you get portrayed the way you don't want to be portrayed.

Gina Carano

Potpourri Crossword Quotes #186073
#2. There's no such thing as too far. If it works it's funny, if it doesn't work it's too far, it's stupid. Really there's no such thing as "too far." You're joining the politically correct when you use words like "too far." You don't want to join the army of politically correct.

Mel Brooks

Potpourri Crossword Quotes #423474
#3. There are only two places in the league - first place and no place.

Tom Seaver

Potpourri Crossword Quotes #555679
#4. Michael: Barzini will set me up through somebody close ... that, supposedly, I won't suspect.
Hagen: Somebody like me.
Michael: You're Irish, they won't trust you.
Hagen: I'm German-American.
Michael: To them that's Irish.

Mario Puzo

Potpourri Crossword Quotes #634037
#5. Having the capacity to lead is not enough. The leader must be willing to use it.

Vince Lombardi

Potpourri Crossword Quotes #711931
#6. I keep the bad-boy image just to make my fans happy.

Sanjay Dutt

Potpourri Crossword Quotes #1045081
#7. Embrace, nurture, love and celebrate the child in self and others; because being child is being a future.

Vishwas Chavan

Potpourri Crossword Quotes #1126228
#8. In reading, in literature and poetry, I found an artistic freedom that I didn't see at Woolworth's. I would read everything from Shakespeare to science fiction ... sometimes a book a day.

Frederick Lenz

Potpourri Crossword Quotes #1139246
#9. Folly plots a fool's death from the moment they become friends. Wisdom bestows blessings upon a wise man from the moment they wed.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Potpourri Crossword Quotes #1269224
#10. Again and again, universities have put a low priority on the very programs and initiatives that are needed most to increase productivity and competitiveness, improve the quality of government, and overcome the problems of illiteracy, miseducation, and unemployment.

Derek Bok

Potpourri Crossword Quotes #1414995

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