Top 100 Please Try To Understand Me Quotes

#1. She would never comprehend the need to hurt those who never hurt her, the need to hate for the sake of hating. She never wanted to rule over others in fear. No, she would never understand the Jabberwocky.

Christina Henry

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #6594
#2. Americans understand that our security is enhanced when the United States is trusted and respected in the world.

Susan Rice

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #7984
#3. Even when other powers have been lost and people may not even be able to understand language, they will nearly always recognize and respond to familiar tunes. And not only that. The tunes may carry them back and may give them memory of scenes and emotions otherwise unavailable for them.

Oliver Sacks

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #7851
#4. I'm going for it. Every part of my body says to jump and fly, no matter how hard voices like Shay and my parents try to ground me. I understand their realism, but I don't want to look back and regret not taking the plunge.

Krista Ritchie

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #7687
#5. Each material has its specific characteristics which we must understand if we want to use it. This is no less true of steel and concrete.

Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #7628
#6. Putting on my legs is like putting on my shoes. I understand that's how some people might think differently, but I hope that in London, their perceptions open up.

Oscar Pistorius

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #7557
#7. I'm here. Soon I won't be. Zoey's baby is here. Its pulse tick-ticking. Soon it won't be. And when Zoey comes out of that room, having signed on the dotted line, she'll be different. She'll understand what I already know- that death surrounds us all.
And it tastes like metal between you teeth.

Jenny Downham

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #7520
#8. No one wants their stuff stolen. No one wants their physical person harmed. If you understand the implications of those two truths, you can come to see the egregious moral and practical problems of a state-managed society.

Jeffrey Tucker

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #7387
#9. The best reason why Monarchy is a strong government is, that it is an intelligible government. The mass of mankind understand it, and they hardly anywhere in the world understand any other.

Walter Bagehot

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #7118
#10. I didn't know then what a sperm was, and so wouldn't understand his answer for several years. "My boy," he said, "you are descended from a long line of determined, resourceful, microscopic tadpoles
champions every one.

Kurt Vonnegut

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #6981
#11. Is it possible for white America to really understand blacks' distrust of the legal system, their fears of racial profiling and the police, without understanding how cheap a black life was for so long a time in our nation's history?

Philip Dray

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #6940
#12. I can understand going for Botox at 45-50, when you want to keep things in place. But I don't understand 25 year olds going for Botox or under the knife. You don't require it. Your skin is fresh, young. Why would you do that to yourself?


Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #6716
#13. I can't understand
why dark northern soldiers
and light ones
are seperated into different brigades.
The dead are all buried together
in hasty mass graves,
bones touching.

Margarita Engle

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #6615
#14. I am wary of sequels. I understand them from the studio's point of view, but the audience doesn't want more, they want better, and I thought the second 'Ghostbusters' was not very effective, it did not really work, so there's no reason to believe a third would. I'm more interested in new things.

Rick Moranis

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #8115
#15. I dont understand why my fans cry when they see me. Do I make you sad? No, right? So smile, I like that!

Justin Bieber

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #6380
#16. - It's their way. They don't understand suffering like we do. They live with it every day.
- It's not their way. It's the way of Teeleh.

Ted Dekker

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #6144
#17. I don't really understand why when I'm not making music, I feel like I can't breathe.

Son Lux

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #5907
#18. So I think, if September 11 taught us anything, it taught us that we're vulnerable, and vulnerable in ways that we didn't fully understand.

Condoleezza Rice

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #5874
#19. If everyone will try to understand the core of his own religion and adhere to it, and will not allow false teachers to dictate to him, there will be no room left for quarrelling.

Mahatma Gandhi

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #5765
#20. It's not his body
that changes
right away.
it's something
inside. he says
he wants to
be a little
weaker. i don't
i say 'thinner?'
and he says
'no, i want
to be stronger
in a different
way.' not
because of me,
but for me.

David Levithan

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #5745
#21. Everybody now seems to be talking about democracy. I don't understand this. As I think of it, democracy isn't like a Sunday suit to be brought out and worn only for parades. It's the kind of a life a decent man leads, it's something to live for and to die for.

Dalton Trumbo

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #5632
#22. If you listen closely to the voices of our veterans, you understand that yes, they all returned from war changed, but what never changed is this: They never forgot your generosity. They never forgot the power of opportunity. They never forgot the American dream.

Michael Mullen

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #5487
#23. You can understand a lot about yourself by working out which fairytale you use to present your world to yourself in.

A.S. Byatt

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #5254
#24. Tell me that you don't like cartoons, and I think there's something wrong with you. I don't understand why people don't like cartoons.

John DiMaggio

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #5046
#25. Change your understanding and then even the negative side of the blessings will make you rejoice in God's blessings

Sunday Adelaja

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #4594
#26. I understand some of the people's impatience with the show last year. I think that Lisa's (Lili Taylor) story line (marrying Nate with minimal motivation in season three) became a little bit of a diversion - and that happens. It happens in every show.

Chris Albrecht

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #9236
#27. We can't really understand just how wonderful Heaven will be unless we first know how wonderful each of us will be when we get there.

David Berg

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #10050
#28. People get comfortable with the way you are - they have formed their opinion of you based on everything they see and know about you as a person. When you change that up by losing weight, they no longer understand you.

Jennifer Hudson

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #9989
#29. Sigh. These were my people now that I was a writer, people who didn't understand anything. I mean, they understood perfectly the thing I cared most about - books - but basically were moron-level elsewhere.

Claire Dederer

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #9952
#30. If I explained everything maybe he would understand. I needed to be understood.

Michelle Hodkin

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #9856
#31. Today when I begin writing I'm aware: something that I don't understand drives this engine.

Donald Hall

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #9687
#32. Ultimately success or failure in photographing people depends on the photographer's ability to understand his fellow man.

Edward Weston

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #9647
#33. I spent my time trying to understand grand jury procedure - a topic about which I never before had the slightest interest.

Donella Meadows

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #9612
#34. Why should we remain innocent of what lurks in the shadows? How can we live in the world if we don't understand how dark and brutal it can be?

Penny Matthews

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #9516
#35. I have spent my life waiting for something to happen,' she said. 'And I have come to understand that nothing will. Or it already has, and I blinked during that moment and it's gone. I don't know which is worse - to have missed it or to know there is nothing to miss.

Tracy Chevalier

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #9464
#36. Those social networks, there's something sad about them. Is it because they don't have enough knowledge about friends and people? I don't understand it. It's like a talkative mirror where people talk to themselves. And what I hate most in life is selfies.

Karl Lagerfeld

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #9450
#37. When we view ourselves through the lens of God's Word, we better understand God's love for us and the worth we have in His eyes.

Elizabeth George

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #9368
#38. If I can't understand something, then it's probably nonsense.

Stephen Wolfram

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #9342
#39. Men don't understand anything about women and women understand nothing about men. And it's better that way.

Vittorio Gassman

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #4585
#40. To understand the Scripture is not simply to get information about God. If attended to with trust and faith, the Bible is the way to actually hear God speaking and also to meet God himself.

Timothy J. Keller

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #8965
#41. follows: to understand the future to the point of being able to predict it, you need to incorporate elements from this future itself. If

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #8818
#42. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Pardon? I just wanna hear you talking.

Toba Beta

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #8666
#43. To understand that, we have to begin to imagine what a universe would be like if there wasn't anything in it called Mind. If that was the case, according to quantum physics now, then every possibility would also come into existence as every other possibility.

Fred Alan Wolf

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #8562
#44. What a lot of people don't understand is that the music that they're hearing is usually months, and in some cases, years old. So I'm a lot better than whatever material people have been hearing.

JD Era

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #8481
#45. Are deepest desires are: someone to understand us, someone to appreciate us, someone to inspire us, and someone to enjoy what we are.

Debasish Mridha

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #8452
#46. The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change. So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding and love.

Jennifer Edwards

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #8331
#47. At my age, people prefer to stay in a relationship that is not working. I do not understand that. I think it takes a lot of courage to separate. But it takes more energy to stay in something that is not working.

Isabel Allende

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #8323
#48. What I mean is that you aren't even supposed to know we exist. Therefore, how can you completely understand something if you're not supposed to know it's there?

Christina Daley

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #8288
#49. I've never been able to understand 'faith' myself, nor to see how a just God could expect his creatures to pick the one true religion out of an infinitude of false ones - by faith alone. It strikes me as a sloppy way to run an organization, whether universe or a smaller one.

Robert A. Heinlein

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #8221
#50. I've been fifty thousand times to the Louvre. I have copied everything in drawing, trying to understand.

Alberto Giacometti

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #8173
#51. American decision-makers must understand how damaging a foreign policy that privileges order and profit over justice really is in the long term.

Samantha Power

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #1062
#52. They amaze me most of those remixes. Some of them are crap. But every time I complain, someone comes up and says they are for a different market that you don't understand. Some of the New Order ones are really great, though.

Peter Hook

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #2767
#53. your real self always attracts your real enemies and shows your real companions.

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #2698
#54. Although I have always rejected this fear of the other, and the racism that it inevitably fuels, I have learned from experience that it is a deeply rooted need in the human psyche. at the slightest provocation we will put distance between ourselves and those we cannot or do not want to understand

Susan Nathan

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #2629
#55. What you pretend to be is so complicated that I don't even bother to try to understand it.

Miguel Ruiz

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #2392
#56. It definitely seems like we are connecting with people, which is nice, because I've had a lot of music do the same for me. It's not like I don't I understand why we get the reactions we do.

Jon Crosby

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #2365
#57. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. Was Father Tom thinking about vengeance now? The possibility amused him. Perhaps the next time he went to confession he would ask him. A priest should understand. That was his job, wasn't it? To understand and forgive? Maybe understanding would come with death.

Julie Garwood

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #2281
#58. When you first read a script is the purest moment. That's when you can understand how an audience will ultimately receive it. The first reading of the script is so important because you're experiencing it all for the first time, and it's then that you really know if it's going to work or not.

David Tennant

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #2195
#59. What we need to understand is, one, that there are market failures; and two, that there are things like asset bubbles and irrational exuberance. There are periods of booms, bubbles, and manias. These things, if left to themselves, can lead to crashes, to busts, to panics.

Nouriel Roubini

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #1946
#60. Mental illnesses are so strange. A physical problem we can understand. But when the mind works irrationally, well, by its very definition, the rational mind cannot truly relate.

Harlan Coben

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #1525
#61. Emmy, the events we lived through taught me to be sure of nothing about other people. They taught me to expect danger around every corner. They taught me to understand that there are people in this world that mean you harm, And sometimes, they're the people who say they love you.

Nancy Werlin

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #1391
#62. I still do not understand why we don't have people on the streets every single day raising their voices for climate.

Christiana Figueres

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #1177
#63. Won't You guide me through the dark night of the soul That I may better understand Your way ... Let me purify my thoughts and words and deeds That I may be a vehicle for Thee ... Give me my rapture today.

Van Morrison

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #1084
#64. In order to design for understanding, we need to understand design." - Erik Spiekermann, graphic designer When

Marc Stickdorn

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #2825
#65. I'm naturally guarded because of the way I was brought up. But I understand people are interested in who I am.

James McCartney

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #1046
#66. There are some great teachers who have had great students, but they themselves can't play a note. I don't understand it, because the most I learned from my teacher was just hearing him play.

Joshua Bell

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #1044
#67. I couldn't understand a sense of unease that multiplied until I could hear my heart beating.

Truman Capote

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #948
#68. I don't even understand life right now. What is going on?

Jamie McGuire

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #920
#69. Ideally, the writer needs no audience other than the few who understand that it is immodest and greedy to want more.

Gore Vidal

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #891
#70. You'll see, you'll come to understand. These big things, these terrible things, are not the important ones. If they were, how could one go on living? No, it is the small, little things that make up a day, that bring fullness and happiness to a life.

Benedict Freedman

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #725
#71. I understand. You work very hard two days a week and you need a five-day weekend. That's normal.

Neil Simon

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #656
#72. If you don't believe it you won't understand it.

Saint Augustine

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #568
#73. When people see the conventions, they think they're going to get the straightforward genre - I don't give them that and they get mad. People see that and they think I don't understand the conventions because I'm not a good filmmaker.

Mary Harron

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #457
#74. There are, then, these three means of effecting persuasion. The man who is to be in command of them must, it is clear, be able (1) to reason logically, (2) to understand human character and goodness in their various forms, and (3) to understand the emotions-that is, to name them and


Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #339
#75. There's a limit that you will not be able to go past if you don't understand the importance of reading.

Eric Thomas

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #220
#76. You exist in a place that is beyond all rules for me. Do you understand that? - JZB

Karen Marie Moning

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #3786
#77. In three days," he continued, "I will be your husband. I will take a solemn vow to protect you until death do us part. Do you understand what that means?"
"You'll save me from marauding minotaurs?

Julia Quinn

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #4552
#78. You can't always understand if someone's into you or not, so you should never really pursue something too far without gauging that first.

Carly Rae Jepsen

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #4550
#79. Why does merely attempting to understand Reality so often seem to lead to going insane?

Ashleigh Brilliant

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #4526
#80. To be a good writer, you not only have to write a great deal but you have to care. You do not have to have a complicated moral philosophy. But a writer always tries, I think, to be a part of a solution, to understand a little about life and to pass this on.

Anne Lamott

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #4386
#81. The highest of all is not to understand the highest but to act upon it.

Soren Kierkegaard

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #4334
#82. Free software' is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' as in 'free speech,' not as in 'free beer'.

Richard Stallman

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #4182
#83. Directing non-actors is difficult. Directing actors in a foreign language is even more difficult. Directing non-actors in a language that you yourself don't understand is the craziest thing you can possibly think of.

Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #4139
#84. I find it valid to understand man as an animal before I am prepared to know him as a man.

John Steinbeck

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #4062
#85. Nonviolence is a method that transforms, first of all, the individual once you understand it and embrace it. It begins with you and, if you can, about transforming individuals so that they love unconditionally.

Coretta Scott King

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #4048
#86. True listening and understanding occurs only when the other person understands that you understand.

Henry Cloud

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #3971
#87. A lot of people who live in Denmark will understand Danish but not necessarily speak it.

Susanne Bier

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #3870
#88. I have never had a problem with people not being able to understand the words and the meanings in Titus.

Julie Taymor

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #3846
#89. I think because we're such a trading nation, I think Canadians understand that first and foremost we're part of the global economy.

Stephen Harper

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #170
#90. The sympathy which is reverent with what it cannot understand is worth its weight in gold. 69 L

Oswald Chambers

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #3682
#91. I actually love auditioning because I usually don't get the part. I've tested with Daniel Day-Lewis, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Tom Cruise. So I've gotten to that point, and I understand when I don't get it. There are a lot of very talented people out there.

Deborah Kara Unger

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #3599
#92. Not everyone understand everything.

Dee Dee Artner

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #3481
#93. [...] it seems you don't understand that words are the labels we stick on things, not the things themselves, you'll never know what the things are really like, nor even what their real names are, because the names you gave them are just that, the names you gave them [...]

Jose Saramago

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #3438
#94. I can understand why guys wouldn't be into 'Glee.' You know, that's a pretty heavy musical show. That show does, like, six songs in an episode.

Katharine McPhee

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #3322
#95. I just love the fact that a man possesses something that a woman can never understand because we don't have the experiences of it and that a woman possesses something that the man doesn't understand because only she possesses it.

Cameron Diaz

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #3256
#96. Rarely do I truly understand the disease which ails me. Therefore, rarely do I truly understand the fix that would cure me. And so maybe I should truly contemplate how rarely I recognize that God understands both.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #3114
#97. Understand the place of love in a spiritual life. A powerful and blissful type of love has no conditions, no ownership and no people involved. Be free from fear. Be who you are. That is love.

Ajahn Brahm

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #3079
#98. I feel like I have to do the best job I can to basically say, "OK, I understand - you have every right to be angry, but anger is not a plan. Here's what I want to do, and that's why I hope you will support me, because I think it will actually improve the lives of Americans."

Hillary Clinton

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #2893
#99. What I've found - and the older I get, the more I understand this and stand behind it - is, my whole life has been an exploration of telling the truth. It's scary to be truthful, and it's scary to reveal yourself, and I'm very attracted to doing things that scare me.

Jane Wiedlin

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #2891
#100. That is the case with us all, papa. One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other. Later

Jane Austen

Please Try To Understand Me Quotes #2867

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