Top 30 Paperbacks Plus Quotes

#1. I believe murder is 'tolerated with reservations.' " "Is anything illegal here?" Addison asked. "Library late fines are stiff. Ten lashes a day, and that's just for paperbacks.

Ransom Riggs

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #872917
#2. At present, however, I don't think the Net is a very good medium for books, books should really be inexpensive lightweight paperbacks you can bang around.

Rudy Rucker

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #1855029
#3. Life Is Too Short--So Kiss Slowly,
Laugh Insanely, Love Truly,
And Live With Passion.

Andy Vogt

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #1769062
#4. She wanted to be buried in a coffin filled with used paperbacks.

Sherman Alexie

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #1767917
#5. My favorite books to give or get are short story collections. And always paperbacks because they are easy to carry as you travel.

Chuck Palahniuk

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #1619535
#6. Of the paperbacks that you see at the airport, I am the most violent woman writer.

Chelsea Cain

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #1553697
#7. I think of my pile of old paperbacks, their pages gone wobbly, like they'd once belonged to the sea.

Kazuo Ishiguro

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #1511913
#8. You could have sex relatively comfortably on a platform of books, but not on a platform of PDA.s. Hardcover books. Paperbacks might start sliding around. Though I.d still prefer paperbacks to a pile of PDA.s.

William Gibson

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #1497148
#9. Paperbacks weren't considered real books in the book trade. Up till then it was just murder mysteries, potboilers, 25-cent pocket books sold in newsstands. When the New York publishers started publishing quality paperbacks, there was no place to buy them.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #1492013
#10. Good paperbacks are among the most valuable weapons of any society. Good hardcovers doubly so.

Matthew Keefer

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #1379874
#11. Paperbacks make the world go round. Okay, maybe only my world. Either way paperbacks rock!

Darynda Jones

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #1354000
#12. The wooden shelves were tall and packed with worn covers of books read many times over. Pages were yellowed and paperbacks had arched spines like old sway-backed horses. It was an old folks' home for secondhand books, with that smell of old newsprint and slightly musty wood smell.

Nathan Fillion

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #1307827
#13. What appalled Schiller about these libraries was that they featured nothing off the beaten track: no tattered paperbacks; no evidence of distinctive personal interests; no tokens of long intellectual detours passionately explored.

Brian Morton

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #1222908
#14. Is anything illegal here?' Addison asked.
'Library late fines are stiff. Ten lashes a day, and that's just for paperbacks.
'There's a library?'
'Two. Though one won't lend because all the books are bound in human skin and quite valuable.

Ransom Riggs

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #1194565
#15. People bring you books, cheap paperbacks, when you're in the hospital: this was how I found out that I hate mystery novels.

John Darnielle

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #891961
#16. We probably put about four or five comic books out a year and probably about two or three art books and various trade paperbacks - maybe four or five of those a year - and that's what we do now.

Glenn Danzig

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #59146
#17. I was just lucky I lived in this time of mass-market paperbacks.

Maeve Binchy

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #819243
#18. I've always considered them ideas, forever recorded." Malone motioned to one of the paperbacks. "Malory wrote King Arthur in the late part of the 15th century. So you're reading his thoughts from five hundred years ago. We'll never know Malory, but we know his imagination.

Steve Berry

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #804102
#19. I have a weak spot for late '60s-early '70s yippie paperbacks and protest manifestos. I find them at flea markets or online. One of my favorites is 'Right On,' a compendium of student protests made into this 95-cent paperback with the most amazing graphics.

Doug Aitken

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #798752
#20. I can easily come up with ten really iconic stories/trade paperbacks for Superman, Batman, others ... name me ten equally big, iconic Wonder Woman stories. Much harder. That ain't the character's fault, that isn't sexism, that's just not servicing the character.

J. Michael Straczynski

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #780843
#21. Pulp paperbacks have always provided a training ground for men, Some of them went on to become respected authors - Dean Koontz, Nelson DeMille and Martin Cruz Smith, for example. Why couldn't a woman?

Gayle Lynds

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #561138
#22. The book was thick and red. It was almost thicker than it was wide, a thickness that somehow enhanced its bookishness. It was - to me aged 12 - quite clearly more of a book than most, if not all, of the paperbacks untidily stacked on the shelves of my father's study.

Will Self

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #441885
#23. This is one of those big, fat paperbacks, intended to while away a monsoon or two, which, if thrown with a good overarm action, will bring a water buffalo to its knees.

Nancy Banks-Smith

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #376686
#24. He reached into the bag and drew out an odd array of manga, ripped paperbacks of books both classic and modern, and a small stack of crumpled magazines. See, I even brought some things to read aloud. I wasn't sure what you'd like, so there's a bit of everything.

Holly Black

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #356717
#25. Mostly it was Mad magazine. And I did read a lot of - I had a subscription when I was little, but I also had access to some old collections, the little paperbacks of the really good stuff.

Alison Bechdel

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #352210
#26. This would require an e-book reader that is as easy to read as a traditional book, durable to abuse as much as we abuse paperbacks and cheap enough that when you lose it, you can buy another one

John Scalzi

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #349471
#27. It is just like one of those ridiculous paperbacks where some amateur with no apparent connection to the forces of law and order leaps in and saves the day.

Claire Ingrams

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #234858
#28. 'American Horror' goes for a very specific kind of Seventies suburban downer ambience - 'Flowers in the Attic' paperbacks, Black Sabbath album covers and late-night flicks like 'Let's Scare Jessica to Death.' It even has 'Go Ask Alice'-era urban legends.

Rob Sheffield

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #200685
#29. Romance novels constitute 46 percent of all mass market paperbacks sold in the United States, and according to Harlequin, over half its customers buy an average of 30 novels a month

Eva Illouz

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #183830
#30. Beast Books will be longer than conventional long-form magazine articles but shorter than conventional nonfiction books. They will be published digitally and distributed on multiple platforms, and will soon thereafter be available as handy paperbacks.

Tina Brown

Paperbacks Plus Quotes #166904

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