Top 30 Pain Of Betrayal Quotes

#1. Love and hate are both means of emotional control to which we subject ourselves. Once you were done with me, you'd want to be free of the pain of betrayal. Absolutely free.

Ilona Andrews

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #1402406
#2. Sinking onto the sand, I turned my face into the wind, hoping the breeze would blow away the pain. The pain of rejection, the pain of betrayal, and the pain of everything that had been lost to us.

Kerry Lonsdale

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #1407171
#3. But love? True love? As wretched as loneliness could be, it was nothing compared to the pain of betrayal. He'd seen with his own eyes what "love" did to a person - how it built hopes that were rarely, if ever, realized. Falling in love meant being weak, vulnerable to the whims of another.

Karen Hawkins

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #1719936
#4. You know that you have been stabbed when you feel the deep pain of betrayal.

Les Parrott

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #1856019
#5. There is no substantive difference between being stabbed to death in the living beating heart with a physical knife and feeling the plunging stabbing pain of betrayal.

Stacey Scott Mae

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #718185
#6. Let's agree to be honest from the start. I would rather feel the disappointment that comes with the realization that we are incompatible than to feel the pain and betrayal that comes with finding out that you're full of crap.

Steve Maraboli

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #873478
#7. Betrayal was the greatest of all crimes, for it took all that was human within a person and made it a thing of pain. In the face of that, murder itself was surcease: it was quick, and it ended the anguish and despair of a life without hope.

Steven Erikson

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #1839680
#8. The older I get, the more I believe that if love is to be judged by most of its visible effects, it looks more like hatred than friendship.

Paul Hoffman

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #953529
#9. What was wrong with her? Why did things like this keep happening to her? Love wasn't supposed to hurt, yet it felt like all she knew when it came to love was pain. Every time she opened her heart, she just got burned. Or, in this case, frozen. And she was getting sick and tired of it.

Elizabeth Rudnick

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #965049
#10. What was she hoping to gain from his death? That it would numb the pain of his betrayal, or heal her injured pride? Her red sister didn't know much about love.

Cornelia Funke

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #1041631
#11. The most likely person to kill you is your wife, but that probably won't happen. What probably will happen is a million little betrayals of varying degrees of pain, brought on by people you love, the only ones who really can hurt you.

Elizabeth Wurtzel

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #1084058
#12. When we touch the center of sorrow, when we sit with discomfort without trying to fix it, when we stay present to the pain of disapproval or betrayal and let it soften us, these are times that we connect with bohdichitta.

Pema Chodron

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #1168855
#13. The betrayal of a friend differs from the treachery of a lover only in the degree of pain, not the kind.

Robin Hobb

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #1262796
#14. The worst pain in the world goes beyond the physical. Even further beyond any other emotional pain one can feel. It is the betrayal of a friend.

Heather Brewer

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #1307359
#15. When a small group of people come together to relive the Salem witch hunts, God cries. For if anything is sorrowful to God, it is evil done in his name. When you find out you were not given the truth, how will you live with yourself?

Shannon L. Alder

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #1341130
#16. There is not a more powerful weapon upon this earth capable of inflicting more damage, pain and suffering than a betrayal of the heart.

Mark Boyer

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #1395409
#17. Nobody has ever killed themselves over a broken arm. But every day, thousands of people kill themselves because of a broken heart. Why? Because emotional pain hurts much worse than physical pain.

Oliver Markus

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #1603280
#18. Betrayal is advancing myself at the expense of the one who I committed myself to advance.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #806668
#19. I could never hurt him enough to make his betrayal stop hurting. And it hurts, in every part of my body.

Veronica Roth

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #806264
#20. Some scars don't hurt. Some scars are numb. Some scars rid you of the capacity to feel anything ever again.

Joyce Rachelle

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #771371
#21. Betrayal converts our innocence to wisdom if we can let go of pain, bitterness, and fear and create enough self-love and safety for ourselves to allow it to do so.


Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #660243
#22. For only when faithfulness turns to betrayal And betrayal into trust Can any human being become part of the truth.


Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #619950
#23. The moral nihilism of celebrity culture is played out on reality television shows, most of which encourage a dark voyeurism into other people's humiliation, pain, weakness, and betrayal.

Chris Hedges

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #442217
#24. Perfect love, like perfect partner does not exist. We create our own perfect love. If you care to know, a a good partner is like a construction engineer. To build the kind of house he want, he must pick the material that best suits his needs and maybe his wallet too.

Augustine Sam

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #425872
#25. Instead of hating, my heart cries mercy! Mercy on me! Mercy on me! Mercy on me!

Phindiwe Nkosi

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #368695
#26. Love was dangerous. It made one too vulnerable, too open to the pain of loss and betrayal.

Lauren Royal

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #216464
#27. The best part about turning to the dark side of you, it sets you free.

Neetesh Dixit

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #205704
#28. Deep down a broken heart, all the sadness one can bear is misery.

Auliq Ice

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #134039
#29. when we sit with discomfort without trying to fix it, when we stay present to the pain of disapproval or betrayal and let it soften us, these are the times that we connect with bodhichitta. Tapping

Pema Chodron

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #96231
#30. You will find the way, daughter of the forest. Through grief and pain, through many trials, through betrayal and loss, your feet will walk a straight path.

Juliet Marillier

Pain Of Betrayal Quotes #7320

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