Top 100 O'sullivan Quotes
#1. Michael O'Sullivan was my great friend. But I don't ever remember telling him that. The words that are spoken at a funeral are spoken too late for the man who is dead.
Ian Bannen
#2. Maureen O'Sullivan did 'Hannah and Her Sisters' with Mia Farrow, her daughter, but O'Sullivan had a very minor role.
Diane Ladd
#3. I'm really into Steve O'Sullivan and Mosaic/Sushitech with that dub sound.
#4. Gods can screw anything and anybody. For reference, see history.
Atticus O'Sullivan
Kevin Hearne
#5. Do Angels have assholes?
Atticus O'Sullivan - Hexed
Kevin Hearne
#6. John O'Sullivan has forcefully argued that the simultaneous presence in the highest offices of Reagan, Thatcher and Pope John Paul II was the cause of the Soviet collapse.
Roger Scruton
#7. Timothy O'Sullivan was, it seems to me, the greatest of the photographers because he understood nature first as architecture.
Robert Adams
#8. A spirit of satirical frivolity so dominated Britain in the 1960s that one critic feared the country would sink giggling into the sea.
John O'Sullivan
#9. I remember a time where Trolls were a fictitious monster from fairy tales, not arseholes on the internet looking for attention.
Robert O'Sullivan
#10. It's so strange that the more successful you become, the more people want to give you things. And the more you can afford, the more people want to give you things for nothing. It doesn't seem right.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#11. The most important thing, the biggest love of my life, is my snooker. I've never been so emotionally ingrained in something - in a person, an object, anything - as I have in snooker.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#12. Until we do something about wild dogs, kangaroos competing for pasture, your fortunes in life aren't gonna turn around.
Barry O'Sullivan
#13. . . . my father had been brutal on me, but with him out of my life I had in turn become tough on myself. I knew enough about the game to be a pro but had never learned to have fun at it.
Patrick O'Sullivan
#14. I thought 'How can I stop playing or give myself an excuse to stop playing? So I snapped my cue on Friday. It was quite fun doing it. It's gone.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#15. So, all in all, the whore's drawers are back up, and with any luck they'll stay that way.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#16. I've been semi-successful. I've done all right but I'm not the player I was. Who do I think will win the world championship? John Higgins. Have I been good for snooker? I don't know.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#17. Today I got so annoyed with myself that I lost my patience and walked away from a game that, with hindsight, I should have continued [on quitting a game early on against Hendry]
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#18. All shall be well, all shall be well, all manner of things shall be well. Julian of Norwich
Kath O'Sullivan
#22. It's not an irrational decision, I've been thinking about this for quite a while and maybe it'll be good for me [on his career break
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#23. My dad's method in his madness was to try every sport and then observe what I liked. I played football, tennis, golf, cricket but I loved my snooker.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#25. Will Rogers wasn't helpful to me at all. He was just concerned with his way of doing things. He didn't like me much because I used to wear slacks to the studio, and that was not done much in those days, so I guess he thought I was rather fast.
Maureen O'Sullivan
#26. I seem to have a one-track mind. When I was having babies, I did nothing else. When I do pictures, I go all out. I really think it is easier to manage my seven. You can't afford to humor each one of them. They have to learn to do things when they are told.
Maureen O'Sullivan
#27. What then is prayer? Prayer is nothing else than talking to God, conversing with God Himself.
Paul O'Sullivan
#28. I do entertain a lot of negative thoughts and I haven't got any self-belief. But I haven't done bad for someone without any self-belief.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#29. It's a dimissive term to say the Irish team are plucky because it rings back to the old days when we went out and gave it a lash, set our hair on fire and ran after the opposition for 20 minutes and, if they survived that, they beat us by 50 points.
Eddie O'Sullivan
#30. It's nice to be immortal. Film has given us immortality. Now my children are going to appreciate Tarzan.
Maureen O'Sullivan
#31. I don't think I ever got parts that interested me. Well, I did occasionally, but more often than not, they did not interest me.
Maureen O'Sullivan
#33. We should beware of speaking ill or doing harm to others, for their Angels will defend them and avenge them. Our
Fr. Paul O'Sullivan
#34. [O]ne of the greatest difficulties encountered in bringing about favorable change is this almost inescapable illusion that there is a perduring, unique, simple existent self, [which is] in some strange fashion, the patient's, or the subject person's, private property.
Harry Stack Sullivan
#35. If you take your eye off the horizon to view the next mile that is where you might end up
Mike O'Sullivan
#36. My hearts not been in it this year [2005], and I've not been playing well, but I keep on winning.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#37. People think I don't like interviews but I don't mind speaking about proper and interesting stuff. When it's stupid stuff to build your image and you are told to mention this and mention that, I hate it.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#38. That Canadian team had a bunch of guys who are in the 1 percent: Crosby, Getzlaf, Perry, Carter, Richards and Weber - guys who would win Olympic gold and make $8 and $10 million a season down the line. Though a player might be in that 1 percent, no team is, not as a group.
Patrick O'Sullivan
#39. Cisco has been both a pioneer in legitimizing VoIP as an alternative to traditional telephony but also an innovator as it has maintained its competitive lead over the past decade.
Barry O'Sullivan
#40. The world never stops. No matter how exhausted you feel, it keeps dragging you on and on and there's no rest.
Mark O'Sullivan
#42. Physical manifestations of unhappiness are something we all experience; it's not a personality flaw or a sign of weakness, it's a part of life.
Suzanne O'Sullivan
#43. Agriculture's not insulated from having a percentage of people who might be really good old graziers, but they're no good as business people.
Barry O'Sullivan
#44. Running is in my blood-the adrenaline flows before the races, the love/hate of butterflies in your stomach.
Marcus O'Sullivan
#45. I've tried a number of religions and gurus in my time, including Buddhism, but ultimately they didn't do as much for my peace of mind as snooker.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#46. Whatever our function does, it will need to have the type String - String; in other words, it must accept a string and return a string.
Bryan O'Sullivan
#47. TOGETHER we stand, TOGETHER we fall, TOGETHER we win, and winners take ALL.
-Temple College Volleyball Team
Larry O'Sullivan
#49. I know what I want to do and there's no point giving my secrets away.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#50. Running clears my mind, and gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#51. Management must show compassion. Management without compassion is like a marriage without love.' - Malik of America Square.
Mike O'Sullivan
#52. The relentless pursuit of perfection has been my problem over the years. It's maybe held me back.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#53. We are the nation of human progress, and who will, what can, set limits to our onward march?
John L. O'Sullivan
#54. I never understood who all those people are behind the actors! When you see them on the red carpet on TV, you go, 'Why does that person need such a large entourage?' And then you realize that every single person there has a role to play.
Lupita Nyong'o
#55. Canst thou, O partial sleep, give thy repose to the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude, and in the calmest and most stillest night, with all appliances and means to boot, deny it to a king?
William Shakespeare
#56. Hear that quiet, man?' he said. 'That quiet - just listen. There's your moral.
Tim O'Brien
#57. I try to write about a woman finding her self-respect, valuing herself, and liking herself again. But what one desperately wants now is to write a proper novel.
Kate O'Mara
#58. The spark lies within us, somewhere deep within! Once you find it, that will illuminate the whole path you travel, all lives upon your way and the very purpose of your life. O beloved, know this world is illuminated by people so!
Preeth Nambiar
#59. The snowdrop and primrose our woodlands adorn, and violets bathe in the wet o' the morn.
Robert Burns
#60. The body consists of three parts: the brainium, the borax and the abominable cavity. The brainium contains the brain. The borax contains the heart and lungs and the abominable cavity contains the bowels of which there are five: a, e, i, o, u.
Tom Magliozzi
#61. For the fiction writer himself the whole story is the meaning, because it is an experience, not an abstraction.
Flannery O'Connor
#62. PSA98.1 O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory. PSA98.2 The LORD hath made known his salvation: his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen.
#63. Our story opens in the mind of Luther L. (L for LeRoy) Fliegler, who is lying in his bed, not thinking of anything, but just aware of sounds, conscious of his own breathing, and sensitive to his own heartbeats. Lying beside him is his wife, lying on her right side and enjoying her sleep.
John O'Hara
#64. It just so happens that my oldest and best friend is Bob James, the Grammy-winning great jazz pianist!
Jack O'Brien
#65. Even though it was six o'clock, there was no sense of approaching dawn.
Mary Higgins Clark
#67. At two o'clock in the morning, if you open your window and listen,
You will hear the feet of the Wind that is going to call the sun.
And the trees in the Shadow rustle and the trees in the moonlight glisten,
And though it is deep, dark night, you feel that the night is done.
Rudyard Kipling
#68. Ank froze. The moaning became more stressful and a little bit louder. "I think its coming from the basement."
Without warning, Ank grabs a pool stick and starts banging on the floorboards. "Would you shut up! It four o'clock in the morning and people are trying to get their beauty sleep!
Khalia Hades
#70. A life that was surprisingly full, even though it was simple. Or maybe because it was simple.
Carlene O'Connor
#71. Doras II was a somewhat absentminded king, It is said, when Death came to summon him, Doras granted Death the usual formal audience and then dismissed him from his presence. Death was too embarrassed to return until many years later- Ka'a Orto'o, Gnomic Utterances
Diana Wynne Jones
#72. Behind me, Ingrid made a sort of muffled snorting sound. I can only assume she was choking on a breath mint. I shot her a look, hoping she hadn't heard anything, and saw she was wearing a poker face, which could only mean she'd heard everything.
Daniel O'Malley
#74. OUT OF AN INFINITE LOVE, you, O Lord, have made me an heir of your kingdom and joint heir with Christ. O Good Jesus, to whom else shall I go? You have the words of eternal life. I hope, and I believe in you. Lord keep me from despair. Amen. O
Derek A. Olsen
#75. Even the dumber parts of our government are not run by idiots. These are ordinary people like us, doing a job. By and large, they're trying to do it as well as they can. Or at least as often as people in the private sector try to do as well as they can.
P. J. O'Rourke
#77. I like a Blackpool breakfast, me - 20 ciggies and a pot of tea.
Paul O'Grady
#79. I just want to live for the moment. Tomorrow's not important, next month is not important, what's happened in the past is not important. That is my journey.
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#80. She knew that she must sit quietly and patiently and, like her beloved butterflies, eventually he would come to rest.
Patricia O'Sullivan
#81. At this moment I am feeling disappointed with myself and I am hurt and numb
Ronnie O'Sullivan
#82. Well, it's a little odd, the path I took, because when I was young, I wanted to be a cattle rancher. That was what I knew and that was what I liked.
Sandra Day O'Connor
#83. I'm the C.E.O., nominated by the shareholders. If they're not happy, I have to take the consequences.
Carlos Ghosn
#84. When it comes to making the right moves at the right time, your dance partner is life itself or what can be referred to as your destiny. The more you pay attention and practice intuitive decision making skills, the better you will become at sensing the unique rhythm of your life.
Paul O'Brien
#86. I'd be the last colonel in the world to order you to go to that U.S.O. show and have a good time, but I want every one of you who isn't sick enough to be in a hospital to go to that U.S.O. show right now and have a good time, and that's an order!
Joseph Heller
#87. I've always heard that women secretly want their father. So I used to walk around in a 1950s business suit, with a hat and a pipe. My opening line would be, 'You should be getting to bed now.'
Conan O'Brien
#88. If I don't get five [titles], I won't be happy with myself as a basketball player. I don't know how you guys will feel about me.
Shaquille O'Neal
#89. Change without learning is painful. Learning without change is pointless.
Graham O'Connell
#90. Cheetah bit me whenever he could. The [Tarzan movie] apes were all homosexuals, eager to wrap their paws around Johnny Weismuller's thighs. They were jealous of me, and I loathed them.
Maureen O'Sullivan
#91. Celestials is a soapy space opera. Perhaps a spacey soap opera.
M.C. O'Neill
#92. We're not aware of fame itself, we're not that kind of band.
Ed O'Brien
#93. O sinner, be not discouraged, but have recourse to Mary in all you necessities. Call her to your assistance, for such is the divine Will that she should help in every kind of necessity.
Saint Basil
#94. Seek to share joy with others, or to make somebody else happy, and you will find your own soul radiant with the joy you wished for another.
David O. McKay
#95. But I came to see that Las Vegas is not a freak but is, instead, deeply integrated with the rest of the country, and the world beyond. It is symptom, mirror, metaphor.
Timothy O'Grady
#96. A perception is not a story, and no amount of sensitivity can make a story-writer out of you if you just plain don't have a gift for telling a story.
Flannery O'Connor
#97. For false christs and false prophets will arise and o perform signs and wonders, p to lead astray, if possible, q the elect. 23But r be on guard; s I have told you all things beforehand.
#99. Mrs. Turpin felt entirely hollow except for her heart which swung from side to side as if it were agitated in a great empty drum of flesh
Flannery O'Connor
#100. When I concentrate and focus, they always go in, so I'm gonna continue to do that, and they will go in.
Shaquille O'Neal
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