Top 100 On Point Quotes
#1. The highest heels I do are six-inch heels - but mostly only dancers can wear them, since they are used to being on point in ballet shoes. Their feet are arched.
Christian Louboutin
#2. People love to see themselves on screen in a way that makes sense and seems on point.
Regina King
#3. When you are in the 'American Idol' bubble, a lot of contestants want to go as far as they can and wish to be on point with ready-to-go songs.
Jessica Sanchez
#4. My support system, in my surgeon, my P.T., my pilates, my weightlifting, everything that I'm doing to make my body and my mind stronger is just, you know, has been on point. So I feel very prepared for the journey to qualify, and the journey to wear the gold medal.
Kerri Walsh
#5. And a lot of the artists and people that we hired were fans of Transformers growing up, so having so many fans working on my crew really kept me on point.
Michael Bay
#6. What we call evil sometimes depends on point of views. The one at the receiving end calls it evil while the inflicting party considers it the best thing he can do.
Bangambiki Habyarimana
#7. I would definitely trade clothes with Lucy Hale. Her fashion sense is right on point, and I feel like she's never afraid to take risks with her clothes.
Olivia Holt
#8. I just want to be the biggest artist that I can be, and I want to make a difference. I feel like Michael (Jackson) made a difference with everything that he did. He was so charitable and just always on-point. I just want to be where he is, as an artist.
Justin Bieber
#9. And of course the Passenger finds this highly amusing: that moments ago I was sniffing the bright buds of spring and forswearing the way of all flesh, and now I am once again up on point and eager to slay - but this is different.
Jeff Lindsay
#10. When typography is on point, words become images.
Shawn Lukas
#11. He was always on point in an almost obsessive way, which was a double-edged sword. He was quick to get shit done, but he also had a tendency to drive everyone crazy in the process because Cane didn't have patience for shit.
K.C. Mills
#12. We moved in bursts, with me on point and Marcus at the rear, everyone moving quietly except Sebastian, who was about as stealthy as a giraffe.
"Get quiet and low," I whispered to him.
He ducked his head, taking him to an almost invisible six-foot-two.
Veronica Rossi
#13. Basketball Rule #6
A great team
has a good scorer
with a teammate
who's on point
and ready
to assist.
Kwame Alexander
#14. If you got a dope girl, there's going to be people that want her. But I don't know, I've always kept my 'A-game' on point. I just make a point to make sure the woman that I'm with is taken care of. You got to keep it new, so I go out of my way to make them feel special.
Lance Gross
#15. When you happy, you get locked in sleep. You get sleepy happy. I always wanna be on point. I always wanna be aware.
#16. If your words or images are not on point, making them dance in color won't make them relevant.
Edward Tufte
#17. Most of my playing style is very on point - the tapping, just by nature of being rhythmic, is tight - so I'd like to explore something looser and less precise.
Marnie Stern
#18. The work of artists and scietists is ultimately the pursuit of truth, but members of both camps understand that truth is its very nature is contextual and changeable, dependent on point of view, and that today's truths becomes tomorrow's disproven hypotheses of forgotten objet d'arts.
Daniel J. Levitin
#19. I don't sleep. I wait. I sleep in cars and on couches. I sleep when I can, but when I can't sleep, I just don't, so I figure there's a higher calling keeping me on point that night.
Charlie Sheen
#20. The nerves are good ... they keep you on point and they keep you not getting overconfident.
Myles Jury
#21. I grab his forearm. I love a good, strong forearm on a man and his forearm game is on point.
Karina Halle
#22. You're only as strong as your weakest link so you've got to make sure everybody in your crew is on point.
Joey Badass
#23. I want young people to look at me and go, 'Damn, I want to be like that brother. He sharp, he be on point. He represent black people.' I want to make the life of the mind sexy.
Michael Eric Dyson
#24. I lost my mother and my brother when I was 15 in two separate car accidents. I was doing well at school. I was a good sportsperson, but at that point, I gave up on all of those things that were there to be done. I couldn't deal with them.
Manu Bennett
#25. There was a point in the '80s when I looked out at my audience and I saw people that - were I not on the stage - they'd sooner slug me as they walked by me on the sidewalk. And I realized that I was way beyond the choir.
Michael Stipe
#26. There appears to be a vast amount of confusion on this point, but I do not know many Negroes who are eager to be "accepted" by white people, still less to be loved by them; they, the blacks, simply don't wish to be beaten over the head by the whites every instant of our brief passage on this planet.
James Baldwin
#27. I'm a sci-fi fan, and I guess you have to let go of some of that at some point, and realize that as long as you're focused on telling a story that you care about, at the end of the day, that's what really matters, even to hard-core sci-fi fans.
Rian Johnson
#28. The art of spreading rumors may be compared to the art of pin-making. There is usually some truth, which I call the wire; as this passes from hand to hand, one gives it a polish, another a point, others make and put on the head, and at last the pin is completed.
John Newton
#29. Was on the point of crying at her, 'Don't you hear them?' The dusk was repeating them in a persistent whisper all around us, in a whisper that seemed to swell menacingly like the
Joseph Conrad
#30. There was no point in the gods trying to separate us. Whether we were on Earth or in hell, we'd spend the rest our days look for the other.
Taisha DeAza
#31. Of course, from one point of view the unhappy events of our own century might be regarded as, say, demonstration ballets on the theme 'Hydrocarbon Synthesis' with strong audience participation.
J.G. Ballard
#32. I think a lot of bands go on way past the point where they're relevant. Some of them keep doing it because they're making millions of dollars. Or people are afraid - they don't know what else to do. It's scary to get out of a relationship of any kind.
Dean Wareham
#33. When I was younger, I'd make a point of driving to the middle of nowhere and spending an evening with just me, the wind, and the moon. Your skin crawls up an octave. This is what I tap into when I'm working on horror films. I'm just afraid a time will come when I lose touch with that part of myself.
Christopher Young
#34. Had I realized at the time that for Austerlitz certain moments had no beginning or end, while on the other hand his whole life had sometimes seemed to him a blank point without duration, I would probably have waited more patiently.
W.G. Sebald
#35. I very much use Bill Willingham's approach on 'Fables,' which is that rather than having an end point to a series, I have an end point for the various story lines.
Chris Roberson
#36. I'm at the point in my life where I don't want to work as hard. Actually, I've had to take a good hard look at workaholism and it's effect on one's mental health.
Alan Ball
#37. If all this happened to you what paradigm might you develop? How might that paradigm affect you in terms of your life from that point on? What does this tell you about Abe? There are no failures, only lessons to be learned.
Oprah Winfrey
#38. 'Sin Nombre' was almost like the adolescent version of 'Jane Eyre.' 'Jane Eyre' sort of picks up where 'Sin Nombre' ends. It's about this girl who starts off on her own at her lowest point of despair, and she figures out how she got there.
Cary Fukunaga
#39. I once wrote deduceable instead of deducible in a book, though nobody then or since has taken me up on it. A small point as they go, perhaps, but Rule I of writing acceptably is to get everything right as far as you can, and in this case I had neglected to.
Kingsley Amis
#40. Something girls never understood about poker night. The real point of the card play was to razz. Razzing calls forth unbridled farm-boy humour, earthy by some standards. The best quip involves belittling someone else's penis, or turning it back on the sayer, or both.
Allan Dare Pearce
#41. After a great deal of discussion in Soviet literature about the correct definition of a combination, it was decided that from the point of view of a methodical approach it was best to settle on this definition - A combination is a forced variation with a sacrifice.
Alexander Kotov
#42. Don't let anyone set restrictions on your life ... You chart the course of your own future, not anyone else. Don't let people have such a power over you. Because if you're always racing against their standards, then what's the point of reaching a useless finish line?
Kale Lawrence
#43. We have reached the point where we are now possessed of sufficient information for each individual human to dare to exercise the option to "make it" rather than having to depend on the decisions of an educated elite.
R. Buckminster Fuller
#44. When combining the elements on the Total Guide Solution, we believe we are positioning it to be the starting point for consumers to discover and enjoy digital entertainment on their television. And our name changed to Rovi embodied the ability to be that homepage for consumer search through the TV.
Alfred Amoroso
#45. At breakfast that morning I had been struck by the lively distance of its colours. But that was no longer the point. I was not looking now at an unusual flower arrangement. I was seeing what Adam had seen on the morning of his creation - the miracle, moment by moment, of naked existence.
Aldous Huxley
#46. Had music not delivered Richard, too, on more than one occasion, from a life he'd believed himself trapped in? The tempos had changed, but that almost didn't matter. The point, now as then, was to tune in to something bigger than yourself, and to feel around you others who felt as you did.
Garth Risk Hallberg
#47. I guess I didn't feel confident enough to be searching in a big public way. I was very content at the time to toil in obscurity on things that I thought might point me in certain directions or teach me certain things - not knowing what that would be.
Steven Soderbergh
#48. His muscles glistened, wet as if he'd just swum a great distance. To his side, he carried a massive Shardblade, point down, sticking about a finger's width into the stone, his hand on the hilt. The Blade reflected torchlight; it was long, narrow, and straight, shaped like an enormous spike.
Brandon Sanderson
#49. I don't want to rely on something that could be taken away at some point.
Dorothy Koomson
#50. That's the point, isn't it? We have to live on, no matter how hard it gets. We'll win in the end.
Brandon Sanderson
#51. Always the answer - yes! Let me die so -
Under some rosy-golden sunset, saying
A good thing, for a good cause! By the sword,
The point of honor - by the hand of one
Worthy to be my foeman, let me fall -
Steel in my heart, and laughter on my lips!
Edmond Rostand
#52. I could have blamed it on the intoxication of youth.
Others might find fault on just intoxication.
My parents would say that it was an act of plain stupidity.
Reality would point out that it was Thursday night at college and the youth are prone to err.
Mara Joaquin
#53. Try as one might to live on the edge, thought Patrick, getting into the other lift, there was no point in competing with people who believed what they saw on television.
Edward St. Aubyn
#54. I rely on Taegan Goddard's Political Wire for straight, fair political news, he gets right to the point. It's an eagerly anticipated part of my news reading.
Craig Newmark
#55. Never at any point did I feel like missing a training session. I was very keen on improving as a cricketer and as an international player.
Virat Kohli
#56. One personal tip that my trainer gave me was, "Don't take things personally. People are calling on the worst days of their lives and you're their first point of contact. Be like a duck and let the water roll off your back." I live by those words when I'm at work.
Cameron West
#57. We were able to acknowledge that all these mutually contradictory opinions were right on some point in these complicated interrelationships, and to demonstrate that they had discovered something that was correct.
Sigmund Freud
#58. I'd also gone through an entire year of celibacy based on my feeling that lust was the direct cause of birth which was the direct cause of suffering and death and I had really no lie come to a point where I regarded lust as offensive and even cruel.
Jack Kerouac
#59. I get very protective of kids on set. I always make a point of telling kids that anything that makes them feel unsafe or concerned they should just speak up about, and then keep an eye on times when that could present an issue.
Julia Ormond
#60. The defense of ObamaCare's constitutionality relies mainly on the truism that everyone is sure to get sick at some point in their lives, and this makes the health-care market unlike any other market.
John Podhoretz
#61. At one point I took on a new job, and I just didn't have time to do anything but work.
Sharon Olds
#62. I had written a novel that was more of a classic linear novel, and I worked on it and worked on it for years, and it always seemed like it wouldn't catch fire. At a certain point I just scrapped it all, and I kept maybe 15 percent of it, and I wrote those parts out on note cards.
Jenny Offill
#63. The truth is people who worship health cannot remain healthy on the point.
G.K. Chesterton
#64. On a more everyday level, our point is simply that when a person feels himself inwardly empty, as is the case with so many modern people, he experiences nature around him also as empty, dried up, dead. The two experiences of emptiness are two sides of the same state of impoverished relation to life.
Rollo May
#65. On film, you can't do it over again. And you do have to stop shooting at a certain point.
Geena Davis
#66. At the bottom of all the tributes paid to democracy is the little man, walking into the little booth, with a little pencil, making a little cross on a little bit of paper-no amount of rhetoric or voluminous discussion can possibly diminish the overwhelming importance of the point.
Winston Churchill
#67. We don't need a point, son. We're juvenile, we're dirty, we don't have girls, we have noses full of snot, throats sore as hell, we've got scabs on us, we suffer bouts of acne, we've got no girls ... What more reasons do we need?
Markus Zusak
#68. I'm one of them. The weirdos and the freaks. My point was that it's ok to be different, and from now on we'd better be, if we're going to make something of ourselves. It's the one thing I learned in school. Different is ok. -Victoria
Danielle Steel
#69. At some point, extra incomes don't go to sate desires but to attempt to buy status through 'positional goods' - like the hottest car on the block. The problem is that there can only be one hottest car on the block.
Nicholas Kristof
#70. But if it was always a point of speculation, where one person insisted it was a certain way and another denied it, how would anyone ever hold on to the truth?
Kiera Cass
#71. If you're watching a comedian on television and he's making a political point, I would say he's gotten too serious.
Norm MacDonald
#72. Warning: This book is short and right to the point - like the kind of story that gives you whiplash. If you enjoy unbelievable plots, and insta-everything going on, you may enjoy this dirty little read.
Jenika Snow
#73. You don't have to spend a jillion dollars on advertising to get your word out. What matters is that customers have a good experience with your product at every single point of contact.
David Neeleman
#74. The American way of war is to build an army, then another, then a third, while building fleets. If the war is still on at that point we smash.
Jerry Pournelle
#75. If you're running on fumes, you get to a point of diminishing results. Get some rest.
Chuck Pagano
#76. After the Second World War, San Francisco was the main point of re-entry for sailors returning from the Pacific. Out at sea, many of these sailors had picked up amatory habits that were frowned upon back on dry land. So these sailors stayed in San Francisco ...
Jeffrey Eugenides
#77. He called the feeling between us "weird," and I had nothing to add. I kissed the backs of his legs and they sang. He reached around and pulled me down onto his back and I lay there, like on the warm sand of a beach. Just that. That is all there is. That is the whole point of everything.
Miranda July
#78. It mattered to us both to have some point of reference in that strange place, some means of attesting to the effect it had on us. [p. 87]
Shirley Hazzard
#79. Actually on the point of tears, though I knew perfectly well at that moment that all this was out of Pushkin's Silvio and Lermontov's Masquerade.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
#80. So far there has been no philosopher in whose hands philosophy has not grown into an apology for knowledge; on this point, at least, every one is an optimist, that the greatest usefulness must be ascribed to knowledge. They are all tyrannized over by logic, and this is optimism in its essence.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#81. There isn't a performer on earth that isn't an exhibitionist. There isn't any point in being in this business if you're not an exhibitionist. And, by the way, you can be an exhibitionist and be very shy as well.
Madonna Ciccone
#82. More than once my mother would point out: Harry Belafonte is the best-looking man on the planet.
Harry Belafonte
#83. I hope I reach the point where epiphanies become so commonplace that I scarcely bother to register them: Oh look, another epiphany - as we acquire knowledge we become mired in the ignorance of the educated, delivered from the wisdom of innocence by a corrupted midwife. Now what's on telly?
#84. My mother, in the style of the times, told me I could do anything I set my sights on. She said I could be the president, an astronaut, or the next Charles Schulz. I believed her because at that point in my life I hadn't yet noticed the pattern of her deceptions.
Scott Adams
#85. You and I move through time like a flame on a string. The ashes behind are the past, consumed, unreachable. The string ahead is the future. But the only moment we inhabit, the only moment where we can act, is the present, the point where the flame burns, the point where time touches eternity.
Brandon Mull
#86. Once I got a guitar that was relatively user-friendly, but not super-duper easy, I really came on as a guitarist, at that point. It helped. It was a super-expensive guitar either, but something needs to steer you a bit, if you're playing an instrument that is really hard.
Jimmy Page
#87. It seems from my unique vantage point as both scientist and editor of JSE that substantial evidence exists of "something going on".
Bernard Haisch
#88. I was on TV for almost sixteen weeks during American Idol. It's at the point now where it's old.
Clay Aiken
#89. On the contrary, it's a way to make sure that you can continue to experience pleasure. What's the point of great meals, great wines, and great blouses if they don't make you feel great?
Barry Schwartz
#90. I used to follow celebrities, and I remember I watched Sanjay Dutt and Pooja Bhatt shooting for 'Sadak'. I was standing on the road at three in the night, but little did I know that I would be making a film with Sanjay at some point in my career.
Boman Irani
#91. From this point on, she whispered, we will either find or lose our souls.
Michael Ondaatje
#92. A staggering 63 percent of Americans say that addiction to alcohol or other drugs has had an impact on them at some point in their lives.
Patrick J. Kennedy
#93. There's a better scientific consensus on this than on any issue I know - except maybe Newton's second law of dynamics ... Man has reached the point where his impact on the climate can be as significant as nature's.
D. James Baker
#94. And as far as wishing goes, I save my wishes for things that can still come true. There's no point in wasting them on the past.
G.A. McKevett
#95. There are times when we can blame a situation on others, but we own our reactions to them. There comes a point where we are the ones responsible for our choices and excuses don't carry weight anymore.
Penelope Douglas
#96. I boil my tears in a twisted spoon
And dance like an angel on the point of a needle.
Etheridge Knight
#97. The mainland Chinese tend to take a Chinese mainland point of view on controversial issues, and the Taiwanese take another the Taiwanese viewpoint.
Jimmy Wales
#98. The specific influences on villains to me is, I love the villains who are really hyper-smart. When at the end of the movie you find out what they were about, and it makes absolutely perfect sense from their point of view.
John Lasseter
#99. I am sorry to say that there is too much point to the wisecrack that life is extinct on other planets because their scientists were more advanced than ours.
John F. Kennedy
#100. In America, on the ordinate plane of faith versus reason, the x-axis of faith intersects with the y-axis of reason at the zero point of "I don't give a damn what you think".
Sarah Vowell
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