Top 33 Office Best Boss Quotes

#1. But every living soul is a book of their own history, which sits on the ever-growing shelf in the library of human memories.

Jack Gantos

Office Best Boss Quotes #1378886
#2. No matter how we grieve over our bad luck, nothing will happen. We have to smile and believe that tomorrow will be better than today.

Tachibana Higuchi

Office Best Boss Quotes #1013207
#3. The world economy is not yet a community
not even an economic community ... Yet the existence of the "global shopping center" is a fact that cannot be undone. The vision of an economy for all will not be forgotten again.

Peter Drucker

Office Best Boss Quotes #1032515
#4. I started my career at General Electric in a small office under a guy named Greg Liemandt, and his direct boss was Jack Welch. I would say those two have had the most profound impact on my career.

Peter Barris

Office Best Boss Quotes #1042907
#5. All kneel for Daenerys Stormborn, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Shackles, and Mother of Dragons, Missandei called.


Office Best Boss Quotes #1211654
#6. Somehow, having an office that I had to go to made me want to work from home, which is easier to do if you don't have a boss waiting for you at the office, even a very blue office.

Chelsea Cain

Office Best Boss Quotes #1281142
#7. About my boss, Tyler tells me, if I'm really angry, I should go to the post office and fill out a change-of-address card and have all his mail forwarded to Rugby, North Dakota.

Chuck Palahniuk

Office Best Boss Quotes #1308535
#8. Don't pull all your eggs in one basket.

American Proverb.

Office Best Boss Quotes #1309590
#9. If a woman sleeps alone it puts a shame on all men. God has a very big heart, but there is one sin He will not forgive. If a woman calls a man to her bed and he will not go.

Nikos Kazantzakis

Office Best Boss Quotes #1313451
#10. You can run the office without a boss, but you can't run an office without secretaries.

Jane Fonda

Office Best Boss Quotes #989064
#11. The door to my boss's office is always closed now, and we haven't traded more than two words any day since he found the fight club rules in the copy machine and I maybe implied I might gut him with a shotgun blast. Just me clowning around, again.

Chuck Palahniuk

Office Best Boss Quotes #1410443
#12. From the pastor who has an affair with his secretary, to the jerk at the office who happens to be a deacon, to the overbearing boss who can't miss his Monday night Bible study, Christians today cause more problems for the gospel than all the devil's demons put together.

Wes Moore

Office Best Boss Quotes #1460184
#13. If u want to work in Corporate, then u should know how to play Chess.


Office Best Boss Quotes #1586563
#14. It doesn't matter what your boss thinks as long as he doesn't cry.

Gerry Geek

Office Best Boss Quotes #1617867
#15. He little imagined how my heart warmed towards him when I beheld his black eyes withdraw so suspiciously under their brows

Emily Bronte

Office Best Boss Quotes #1727196
#16. Whether you're a mechanic or you build houses or you work in an office, you don't have to like your boss.

Timothy F. Cahill

Office Best Boss Quotes #1744878
#17. Reading is accumulating knowledge. But not only that. Reading offers us every day what religion promises us for a posthumous and improbable future: the possibility of living beyond what our lifetime allows us to.

Camilo Gomes Jr.

Office Best Boss Quotes #1816997
#18. I'm pretty good at seeing like a lot of different things happening at once and putting them in a pattern and figuring out how you can rearrange it so it might have a better outcome.

William J. Clinton

Office Best Boss Quotes #40809
#19. Late one night, an account man was having sex with his secretary. He was fairly junior, so his inside office didn't have a door, and the big boss happened to be working late and caught them. The result: the account guy was promoted and got an office with a door; the secretary was fired.

Jane Maas

Office Best Boss Quotes #856319
#20. Smile at people, pop your head into your boss's office regularly and say hello, and come to your first meeting with something really smart to say.

Kate White

Office Best Boss Quotes #732518
#21. Yeah, they let me do whatever I wanted to.

Wanda Jackson

Office Best Boss Quotes #714343
#22. Chef means boss and in France you get an office chef and you get a chef on a building site, etc. So I'm a chef de cuisine, chef of the kitchen, and that means that I'm in charge of a team.

Paul Rankin

Office Best Boss Quotes #659358
#23. But...was he flirting?
Not sure what I thought of that. A nice office flirt did make the day go faster, but Adam was my boss, not to mention an annoying one, and I was nothing if not professional.
Snort. Yeah. That made me laugh too.

Camilla Chafer

Office Best Boss Quotes #582788
#24. I prize the conditions under which I have lived because they have permitted me to choose my opportunities, to inquire into such matters as interested me, and to publish what I believed to be true, uncontrolled by any central authority.

Arthur Keith

Office Best Boss Quotes #472531
#25. Money is the sign of liberty. To curse money is to curse liberty- to curse life, which is nothing, if it be not free.

Remy De Gourmont

Office Best Boss Quotes #317212
#26. Variety is definitely the spice of life but I love writing office romances (I was a secretary before I became a writer), because it's every girl's dream to meet that gorgeous hunky boss who sweeps her off her feet and takes her out of her dull routine.

Helen Brooks

Office Best Boss Quotes #287410
#27. And yes.. There is one asshole in your office who gets paid really higher than you for his bullshit.. Called boss..


Office Best Boss Quotes #286084
#28. Every man has an equal right to the necessaries of life even as birds and beasts have.

Mahatma Gandhi

Office Best Boss Quotes #223551
#29. Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on about about mission statements.

Ron Livingston

Office Best Boss Quotes #212322
#30. The only kind of love to be found, is within you. That other kind everybody wants... it finds you.

T.F. Hodge

Office Best Boss Quotes #121206
#31. This may sound funny, but as much as the 'Today' show matured me, it also was something of a cocoon. I'd been happy there. I never went into the boss's office and pounded my fist on the desk, saying, 'Give me more money! Give me a prime-time show!'

Jane Pauley

Office Best Boss Quotes #92229
#32. The whole point of diaries is that other people find them and read what you've put. I did once take to writing my inner thoughts on the computer at the end of other things I was writing and ended up faxing four pages of hideous stuff to my accountant so I don't do that now.

Helen Fielding

Office Best Boss Quotes #87259
#33. I don't want to see any religious people in public office because they're working for another boss.

Frank Zappa

Office Best Boss Quotes #70814

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