Top 63 Not Flattering Quotes

#1. Street harassment is not flattering, because it speaks to the fact that men see our presence as an opportunity for sexual advances.

Luvvie Ajayi

Not Flattering Quotes #482019
#2. A lot of people say about 'Gossip Girl,' 'Well, how do you feel about gossip?' Well, who really likes gossip? No one likes to be talked about if it's not flattering or a compliment.

Jessica Szohr

Not Flattering Quotes #930925
#3. The true business of the philosopher, though not flattering to his vanity, is merely to ascertain, arrange and condense the facts.

John Leslie

Not Flattering Quotes #1001335
#4. -You're gloating, Max. It's not flattering. Somebody needs to teach you a little humility.-
-A good woman could do that.-
-She'd have to be armed and dangerous.-

Janet Evanovich

Not Flattering Quotes #1043688
#5. But if anything will turn me off, it's a very practiced approach, as if the man has done it a thousand times before, to a lot of different women. Which always seems to imply that I am no different from all the rest. Not flattering.

Laurell K. Hamilton

Not Flattering Quotes #1473409
#6. Often something looks, or is felt to look, "better" in a photograph. Indeed, it is one of the functions of photography to improve the normal appearance of things. (Hence, one is always disappointed by a photograph that is not flattering.)

Susan Sontag

Not Flattering Quotes #1676364
#7. It is profitable wisdom to know when we have done enough: Much time and pains are spared in not flattering ourselves against probabilities.

William Penn

Not Flattering Quotes #203844
#8. Please not thyself the flattering crowd to hear;
'Tis fulsome stuff, to please thy itching ear.
Survey thy soul, not what thou does appear,
But what thou art.

Aulus Persius Flaccus

Not Flattering Quotes #1179504
#9. Countess Bezukhova quite deserved her reputation of being a fascinating woman. She could say what she did not think - especially what was flattering - quite simply and naturally.

Leo Tolstoy

Not Flattering Quotes #900028
#10. He did not flatter me. It was I who found his appreciation flattering.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Not Flattering Quotes #1151100
#11. Confining marine animals to tanks and separating them from their families and their natural surroundings, just so people can watch them swim in endless circles, teaches us far more about humans than it does about animals - and the lesson is not a flattering one.

Pamela Anderson

Not Flattering Quotes #1119280
#12. As to memory, it is known that this frail faculty naturally lets drop the facts which are less flattering to our self-love - when it does not retain them carefully as subjects not to be approached, marshy spots with a warning flag over them.

George Eliot

Not Flattering Quotes #1102297
#13. Guys are so not into high-waisted things. I love high-waisted jeans. We all think that high-waisted things are flattering and awesome and beautiful and we're rocking it, and guys are always like, 'Ugh, she's wearing those high-waisted pants.'

Behati Prinsloo

Not Flattering Quotes #1096246
#14. The throne of God in the world is not on human thrones, but in human depths, in the manger. Standing around his throne there are no flattering vassals but dark, unknown, questionable figures who cannot get their fill of this miracle and want to live entirely by the mercy of God.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Not Flattering Quotes #1083079
#15. A flattering painter, who made it his care To draw men as they ought to be, not as they are.

Oliver Goldsmith

Not Flattering Quotes #1031972
#16. It's very flattering to be remembered as a Bond girl with brains and not just for looking good in a bikini. I was a fan of Sophie Marceau in 'The World Is Not Enough.' I think her performance was very underrated.

Eva Green

Not Flattering Quotes #1030703
#17. I think it's flattering when people say I'm a role model, but I don't think I am. It depends on your outlook on the word 'role model.' I'm not perfect or anything. I just consider it a great compliment.

Mandy Moore

Not Flattering Quotes #923790
#18. I am not a good pleader', he said; 'being too infernal conscious of my own dignity. The dignified fool, Demelza, gets nowhere beside the suave flattering rogue.

Winston Graham

Not Flattering Quotes #913960
#19. The kids all literally think I'm Spider-Man, and they ask me how I shoot my webs. It's flattering and crazy, but it's Spider-Man they're in awe of, not Jake Epstein.

Jake Epstein

Not Flattering Quotes #911936
#20. I will have my publicist pull pictures of the way I look at events so I can see, 'Oh, that cut is not as flattering as I thought,' or 'I should smile bigger,' or 'That positioning is odd.' I learn from it.

Allison Williams

Not Flattering Quotes #911155
#21. I want friends, not admirers. People who respect me for my character and my deeds, not my flattering smile. The circle around me would be much smaller, but what does that matter, as long as they're sincere?

Anne Frank

Not Flattering Quotes #1835856
#22. Balthazar Balsan is not a self-portrait. If he was, I'd have made the character more flattering.

Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

Not Flattering Quotes #1185569
#23. Sure. Some of the reviews have been very flattering, but the series is not finished yet. The end needs to be as strong as the beginning.

George R R Martin

Not Flattering Quotes #1205871
#24. I'm not the next J. K. Rowling. We've got one already. It's flattering to be compared to her. I like her books and loved the first three particularly, but apart from the fact that they've got young boys as heroes, they're very different.

Michelle Paver

Not Flattering Quotes #1376867
#25. If you're a man and you are confident and you are ambitious and strong, then you are a statesman and a leader. If you are a woman and you have those qualities, well, they have a not-so-flattering term for that.

Susan Bysiewicz

Not Flattering Quotes #1494776
#26. An ad hominen attack against an intellectual, not against an idea, is highly flattering. It indicates that the person does not have anything intelligent to say about your message.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Not Flattering Quotes #1517275
#27. On one hand it's very flattering to be compared to a big success, and then sometimes it's very frustrating because you want people to see the movie that you're making and not be continually comparing it to something that it's not. So it goes both ways.

Neil Burger

Not Flattering Quotes #1552945
#28. Your ears are not simply for hearing tuneful sounds, mellow and sweetly played in harmony: you should also listen to laughter and weeping, to words flattering and acrimonious, to merriment and distress, to the language of men and to the roars and barking of animals.


Not Flattering Quotes #1586431
#29. I'm not a dancer, and it was very time-consuming. But I met great people, and it was flattering to be asked to be on. You don't understand how demanding that show is until you're on the inside. That is real work. Real work!

Wendy Williams

Not Flattering Quotes #1616723
#30. I don't want any description of me to be accurate; I want it to be flattering. I don't think people who have to sing for their supper ever like to be described truthfully - not in print anyway. We need to sell tickets, so we need good reviews.

Orson Welles

Not Flattering Quotes #1629399
#31. Customary interruptions are not only gratifying and cheering, but they are also really necessary in order to gain breath and voice to carry one on through some violent exertions; though after all it must be confessed that silence is the most flattering applause an Actor can receive.

Sarah Siddons

Not Flattering Quotes #1679140
#32. Words really flattering are not those which we prepare but those which escape us unthinkingly.

Ninon De L'Enclos

Not Flattering Quotes #1696062
#33. Men may find God in nature, but when they look at cities they are viewing themselves. And what Americans see mirrored in their cities these days is not very flattering.

Paul Ylvisaker

Not Flattering Quotes #1698783
#34. Do not give alms promiscuously. Select the unworthy poor and make them happy. To give to the deserving is a duty, but to help the improvident, drinking class is clear generosity, so that the donor has a right to be warmed by a selfish pride and count on a most flattering obituary.

George Ade

Not Flattering Quotes #1768406
#35. Being attractive, it's not something I do consciously. It's incredibly flattering that people think I appeal to women. But that was a gift from my parents.

Ioan Gruffudd

Not Flattering Quotes #1790048
#36. I am often considered almost not a part of the profession of Establishment economists. I am even referred to as a sociologist. And by that, economists usually do not mean anything flattering.

Gunnar Myrdal

Not Flattering Quotes #507621
#37. Drunkenness is a flattering devil, a sweet poison, a pleasant sin, which whosoever hath, hath not himself, which whosoever doth commit, doth not commit sin, but he himself is wholly sin.

Saint Augustine

Not Flattering Quotes #109713
#38. For about three years I was performing at one bar in East Los Angeles that was like a mean dive bar. You're in there performing for drunks or bikers, not the most flattering people. I think it helped build my confidence, because you have to get their attention, then make them laugh.

Gabriel Iglesias

Not Flattering Quotes #120547
#39. Not to sound egomaniac or anything, but just to get under people's skin like that, and for them to believe in you and believe strongly enough to write ... it's flattering and it helps you during the day.

Glenn Quinn

Not Flattering Quotes #129526
#40. Lay not that flattering unction to your soul, That not your trespass but my madness speaks.

William Shakespeare

Not Flattering Quotes #160758
#41. It's flattering that people think I'm sexy, but it's not the end-all, be-all. The minute I put my self-esteem on what they think I am, I'm screwed, because one day they're not going to think I'm sexy.

Eva Mendes

Not Flattering Quotes #165929
#42. A photograph presents itself not only as a visual representation, but as evidence, more convincing than a painting because of the unimpeachable mechanical means whereby it was made. We do not trust the artist's flattering hand; but we do trust film, and shadows, and light.

John Updike

Not Flattering Quotes #208059
#43. Do not let a flattering woman coax and wheedle you and deceive you; she is after your barn.


Not Flattering Quotes #227303
#44. Yes, black is slimming, but it's not always youthful. The right tone of red, however, is flattering on all women.


Not Flattering Quotes #262966
#45. I'm not recognized very often, and if I am, it's a die-hard Veronica Mars fan. Which is usually flattering and an honor. I really try not to think about it.

Kristen Bell

Not Flattering Quotes #355787
#46. Everyone must accept that we will age and age is not always flattering.

Amitabh Bachchan

Not Flattering Quotes #357804
#47. It's flattering if people think I'm attractive. If it helps, great, but it's not going to get in the way of me wanting to win. That's what I'm all about.

Lorrie Fair

Not Flattering Quotes #457593
#48. I'm sorry, you just remind me of someone. (Rose) Old boyfriend? (Gallagher) No, my great-grandfather. (Rose) That's not particularly flattering. I thought I looked rather good for my age. (Gallagher)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Not Flattering Quotes #480317
#49. Mostly, it's flattering to meet fans. As long as it's in a planned, professional meeting, rather than, say, someone dropping by my home, which is not as pleasant.

Daniel Handler

Not Flattering Quotes #486470
#50. Those who know New York City primarily through tourism or mass culture may think of us natives as possessing certain shared characteristics, not all of them flattering. But the true, volatile charisma of New York lies in how balkanised it is.

Jonathan Dee

Not Flattering Quotes #892132
#51. She says it's really not very flattering to her that the women who fall in love with her husband are so uncommonly second-rate.

W. Somerset Maugham

Not Flattering Quotes #517787
#52. When girls come up and say, "You're my role model," it's really flattering, but it's also really scary because I'm not perfect and I'm going to make mistakes.

Ashley Greene

Not Flattering Quotes #525184
#53. Playing characters who are wonderful and beautiful is hard because you don't feel like that most of the time ... well, I don't. It's like this whole heart-throb nonsense. It's flattering, but that's not how I feel in the morning. It's something that goes with the job.

Hans Matheson

Not Flattering Quotes #549511
#54. It's flattering that there are lots of Internet fan sites about me. I'm a bit of a technophobe and I don't even own a laptop, but it's probably a good thing I'm not logged on, checking up on what everyone is saying about me.

Jonas Armstrong

Not Flattering Quotes #604354
#55. I'm a fucking razor-arsed starship, you maniac! I'm not male, female or anything else except stupendously smart and right now tuned to smite. I don't give a fuck about flattering you. The few and frankly not vitally important sentiments I have concerning you I can switch off like flicking a switch.

Iain M. Banks

Not Flattering Quotes #651702
#56. I realized I'd only seen him at night in dim, flattering restaurant lighting. The sun was not his friend.

Augusten Burroughs

Not Flattering Quotes #663816
#57. Since this girl in front of him represented not a person, but again the image, or something desirable, the last thing we would expect him to want to do would be to personalize this person ... Chattering and flattering and entertaining, as if seen through a motion picture screen.

Ted Bundy

Not Flattering Quotes #694442
#58. But the more time I spend with you . . . the more like you I become." He pulls back and I'm left with that heavy, yet strangely flattering, confession. I'm not sure what I should say. So I awkwardly mumble, "Well, be prepared to become totally awesome.

Karina Halle

Not Flattering Quotes #713242
#59. I can understand backward patriarchal reasoning coming from a male, but from a woman - and of all people, a leader of women? It says something profound about leadership - and, if anything - what it says about followers is not very flattering at all.

Christina Engela

Not Flattering Quotes #716843
#60. Well, you know, when people say stuff about you, it's always really flattering. But does it mean anything to me? It's not really real to me; there's no reality to it.

Paul Giamatti

Not Flattering Quotes #727401
#61. Some of the angles that photographers get on court are not always flattering.

Jelena Jankovic

Not Flattering Quotes #836952
#62. It's flattering to make a picture which becomes a classic within 10 years; it's not so flattering, however, when people get the impression it's the only picture you've ever made.

Robert Hamer

Not Flattering Quotes #850060
#63. In publishing 'JFK: Reckless Youth' almost twenty years ago, I had gotten into trouble myself with the Kennedys. Not because of my portrait of JFK - which was highly laudatory - but because I had described his parents, Joseph P. Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, in less-than-flattering terms.

Nigel Hamilton

Not Flattering Quotes #856231

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