Top 100 New Direction Quotes

#1. Greater personal choice, individually tailored services, stronger local accountability, greater efficiency - these are all central to the new direction of travel we have set for our public services.

John Hutton

New Direction Quotes #47601
#2. I have a loose blueprint of where I want the show to go. I stress, quite frankly to remind myself, that I hold onto that vision very loosely, so that I can be moving towards something, but I don't ever want to feel like I'm in a box that'll stop me from exploring a potential new direction.

Kurt Sutter

New Direction Quotes #52943
#3. When decisively a new direction has come about in your life, you better take it or else you'll regret when it's too late and you can not change anything after that and if try you'll spend more than what you would've used at the first time.

Auliq Ice

New Direction Quotes #180714
#4. Redemption is as comprehensive as Creation and Fall. God does not save our souls while leaving our minds to function on their own. He redeems the whole person. Conversion is meant to give new direction to our thoughts, emotions, wills and habits.

Nancy Pearcey

New Direction Quotes #204731
#5. Movement In A New Direction Helps You Find New Cheese. Haw

Spencer Johnson

New Direction Quotes #208903
#6. As long as you SIT, you Stay In Trouble. Once you STAND, you Shift Toward A New Direction, take a STEP, and Start To Embrace Purpose, then WALK to Welcome Abundance, Love and Knowledge.

Niquenya D. Fulbright

New Direction Quotes #232280
#7. I think I'm always trying to challenge myself. I'm definitely going a new direction and trying to write more concisely, but that's the toughest part for me and I definitely think I'm growing in that way, which feels exciting.

Stacey King

New Direction Quotes #265163
#8. But I've been at writing long enough now to know that every three or four books I have to start a new direction.

Daniel Woodrell

New Direction Quotes #275928
#9. I'm excited to be a part of the new direction the Barbie brand is headed, specifically how they are celebrating diversity in the line and encouraging kids to raise their voices.


New Direction Quotes #278472
#10. Napster has pointed the way for a new direction for music distribution, and we believe it will form the basis of important and exciting new business models for the future of the music industry.

Barry Diller

New Direction Quotes #281759
#11. Nature releases resistance sometimes slowly, other times powerfully, and always by example. Suddenly out of that calm comes momentum from a new direction.

Colleen Mariotti

New Direction Quotes #285705
#12. With Americans worried about losing their jobs, their savings, their homes and their chance at the American Dream, the New Direction Congress will work in a bipartisan way to lift our economy and help America's middle class.

Nancy Pelosi

New Direction Quotes #295794
#13. If we were not able or did not desire to look in any new direction, if we did not have a doubt or recognize ignorance, we would not get any new ideas.

Richard Feynman

New Direction Quotes #318074
#14. I'm trying to teach people of all ages to, number one: how to criticize, how to offer creative analysis on top of that, how to try to build things in a new direction and how to compliment people when the thing gets done.

Ray Bradbury

New Direction Quotes #373194
#15. Sometimes an artist is lost and needs to find a new direction for himself or his music.

David Ruffin

New Direction Quotes #404175
#16. This life is made to change all reality. We are here for the benefit, happiness, and welfare of a new reality; a new direction.

Gerry Lindgren

New Direction Quotes #411262
#17. If a day goes by that I'm not on television, I don't look at it as a lesser day, nor do I look at changing from a news world to a sports world as any sort of step other than a step in a new direction.

Josh Elliott

New Direction Quotes #478432
#18. The time has come to choose a new direction of global development, to opt for a new civilization.

Mikhail Gorbachev

New Direction Quotes #479223
#19. I'm a progressive. The progression has to be manifested in a new direction in policies and legislation.

Bobby Seale

New Direction Quotes #484940
#20. A very long sentence, anchored in solid nouns, with countless subordinate clauses, scores of adjectives and adverbs, and bold conjunctions that launched the sentence in a new direction
besides unexpected interludes
has finally, with a surprisingly quiet full stop, come to an end.

Yann Martel

New Direction Quotes #584751

Grace Jones

New Direction Quotes #624796
#22. Independence of mind, enthusiasm, dedication to the field, and willingness to challenge and question and to explore new direction. There are plenty of people like that, but schools tend to discourage those characteristics.

Noam Chomsky

New Direction Quotes #631467
#23. I would say to any artist: Don't be repressed in your work, dare to experiment, consider any urge, if in a new direction all the better.

Edward Weston

New Direction Quotes #680504
#24. After you've done it for so many years, you have to find a new direction. You have to find something in your soul that's going to push you towards - to find your inspiration.

Elvis Stojko

New Direction Quotes #685714
#25. There's no new direction. It's not more poppy or more rocky. They're just rock'n'roll tunes. I'll never change the music I write.

Noel Gallagher

New Direction Quotes #688672
#26. The intelligent use of science and technology are the tools with which to achieve a new direction.

Jacque Fresco

New Direction Quotes #745461
#27. Adjusting to a new path and a new direction will require new qualities and strengths, and these qualities are always exactly what we need to acquire in order to accomplish the great things ahead in our life.

Rhonda Byrne

New Direction Quotes #805988
#28. Simply sailing in a new direction you could enlarge the world

Allen Curnow

New Direction Quotes #842119
#29. Democrats are fighting for a new direction that includes protecting Social Security as well as making healthcare affordable, bringing down the high cost of gasoline, and making higher education more accessible for all Americans.

Jim Clyburn

New Direction Quotes #844436
#30. His coming was in the nature of a welcome disturbance; it seemed to furnish a new direction for her emotions.

Kate Chopin

New Direction Quotes #861406
#31. Sometimes the heart of a weary soul needs a simple moment of love and light shined upon it, or reflected back to it. That momentary connection might be the one thing that inspires a person to take one more step and move in a positive new direction.

Molly Friedenfeld

New Direction Quotes #865918
#32. Glass had come to view the sea, which he once embraced as synonymous with freedom, as no more than the confining parameters of small ships. He resolved to turn a new direction.

Michael Punke

New Direction Quotes #889707
#33. Every glance, every touch, every whisper between us has been a pebble added to the scales, tipping me toward a new direction.

Jessica Khoury

New Direction Quotes #891000
#34. I think if our new direction in all our relationships is friendship, compassion, and enjoyment, we will easily be able to break our old cycle of bad habits and develop something deeper and more meaningful

Evan Sutter

New Direction Quotes #912122
#35. There's no such thing as a superhero, but together we can world in a new direction.

Biz Stone

New Direction Quotes #920669
#36. You cannot look in a new direction by looking harder in the same direction.

Edward De Bono

New Direction Quotes #929288
#37. Whenever I set out in a new direction, whether it's with a new band or being a frontman or writing a comic book or entering into movie scoring or anything like that, I wouldn't say that I do it fearlessly.

Tom Morello

New Direction Quotes #937149
#38. These are matters of external history. They are indeed prominent objects, often changing and giving a new direction to the current; but they tell us not why it flows onward and will ever flow.

Jones Very

New Direction Quotes #945110
#39. America, this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the page on the policies of the past. Our time to bring new energy and new ideas to the challenges we face. Our time to offer a new direction for the country we love.

Barack Obama

New Direction Quotes #959220
#40. One of my greatest lessons has been to fully understand that what looks like a dark patch in the quest for success is the universe pointing you in a new direction. Anything can be a miracle, a blessing, an opportunity if you choose to see it that way.

Oprah Winfrey

New Direction Quotes #979435
#41. I have no doubt that it is possible to give a new direction to technological development, a direction that shall lead it back to the real needs of man, and that also means: to the actual size of man. Man is small, and, therefore, small is beautiful.

E.F. Schumacher

New Direction Quotes #985523
#42. Where the gaming world is going - and certainly Activision proved it by hiring me - is being willing to push and bend and move in a new direction of actually capturing the character and storytelling.

Kevin Spacey

New Direction Quotes #1040027
#43. There's an outline for each of the books that I adhere to pretty closely, but I'm not averse to taking it in a new direction, as long as I can get it back to where I need it to go.

Justin Cronin

New Direction Quotes #1040439
#44. She said that sometimes you had to be brave enough to point your life in a new direction.

Liane Moriarty

New Direction Quotes #1052593
#45. Trends can tyrannize; trends are traps. In any creative industry, the fact that others are moving in a certain direction is always proof positive, at least to me, that a new direction is the only direction.

George Lois

New Direction Quotes #1052771
#46. Things don't always work out the way we hope. You just have to pick yourself up and find a new direction to go in.

Joelle Charbonneau

New Direction Quotes #1086355
#47. Giving advice is like playing pinball: only by pushing and pulling can you encourage the ball to go in a new direction and increase your score. But too much pushing and pulling can cause a tilt and stop the game.

Chip R. Bell

New Direction Quotes #1099727
#48. You will find there are times you must grasp your life with both hands and forcefully steer it in a new direction and then strain to hold your course until the storms of fear, weakness, and doubt abate.

Richelle E. Goodrich

New Direction Quotes #1109242
#49. I come by my conservatism authentically, not by convenience. And I offer the American people a new direction.

Rick Perry

New Direction Quotes #1146669
#50. Explore. Train your conscious mind and your subconscious mind to start working for you by getting those great powers to move in a new direction. Start creating your own good luck today.

Steve Backley

New Direction Quotes #1168369
#51. Fear of failure and fear of the unknown are always defeated by faith. Having faith in yourself, in the process of change, and in the new direction that change sets will reveal your own inner core of steel.

Georgette Mosbacher

New Direction Quotes #1170016
#52. When the Lord makes it clear you're to follow Him in this new direction, focus fully on Him and refuse to be distracted by comparisons with others.

Charles R. Swindoll

New Direction Quotes #1178059
#53. I know a lot of us feel like that. We come to a place where we're walking through the fires and trials of life, and we don't know where to turn. What we need is a fresh start. We need our story to go in a new direction. What we need is a comeback of our own.

Louie Giglio

New Direction Quotes #1237225
#54. It is time for a New Direction for our nation's energy policies.

Lois Capps

New Direction Quotes #1256914
#55. Today's problems endure until a shift sparks clarity clearing way for a new vision, a new direction, a new dream budding a new tomorrow.

Mark Donnelly

New Direction Quotes #1283459
#56. I decided that I needed to take a new direction in my life, because any change was better than staying in the pit of depression. I actually visualised it as a pit.

Graeme Simsion

New Direction Quotes #1320630
#57. I notice well that one stray step from the habitual path leads irresistibly into a new direction. Life moves forward, it never reverses its course.

Franz Grillparzer

New Direction Quotes #1329496
#58. There are moments you wait for. And then there are moments you wait for. Moments you spend every other moment preparing for. Points of your life that click and turn. Push you in a completely new direction.

Ryan Graudin

New Direction Quotes #1367571
#59. What other people label or might try to call failure, I have learned is just God's way of pointing you in a new direction

Oprah Winfrey

New Direction Quotes #1400577
#60. The last four years under President Obama have been trying and troubling for this entire country. The tired big government policies of the past have failed us. We can't afford more disappointments. We need a new direction. We need a new president.

Reince Priebus

New Direction Quotes #1421352
#61. When President Kennedy was elected, many black Americans, like so many Americans, were captivated by his youth and energy and promise and were especially hopeful that he might move the country in a new direction on civil rights.

Marian Wright Edelman

New Direction Quotes #1457153
#62. There are times when a leader must move out ahead of the flock, go off in a new direction, confident that he is leading his people the right way.

Nelson Mandela

New Direction Quotes #1481363
#63. As the proportion of people reaching higher states of consciousness increases, this inertia will decrease, and at the same time a supportive momentum in the new direction will start building up.

Peter Russell

New Direction Quotes #1488897
#64. The child who has felt a strong love for his surroundings and for all living creatures, who has discovered joy and enthusiasm in work, gives us reason to hope that humanity can develop in a new direction.

Maria Montessori

New Direction Quotes #1518392
#65. You have to always be ready, always be alive, and always be willing to move in a new direction.

Kevin Spacey

New Direction Quotes #1529761
#66. That un-American institution, the trades union, has developed its un-American principle of curtailing or abolishing the personal freedom of the individual in a new direction, that of seeking, as far as possible, to cripple the World's Fair.

Erik Larson

New Direction Quotes #1593695
#67. Movement in new direction helps find new cheese.

Spencer Johnson

New Direction Quotes #1599043
#68. Democrats are committed to mapping a new direction in Iraq, and we will work with the President and the new Defense Secretary to ensure that the will of the American people guides our future actions.

Jim Clyburn

New Direction Quotes #1610144
#69. Soon, the Obama presidency will end, and America will have the chance to turn in a new direction.

Nikki Haley

New Direction Quotes #1625300
#70. I think it's important for us to believe in one another's capabilities. If I didn't have someone to believe in me, I wouldn't be the individual I am today. Neither would I strive for new territory or new direction or to believe in myself.


New Direction Quotes #1641446
#71. America is looking for answers. She's looking for a new direction; the world is looking for a light. That light can come from America's great North Star; it can come from Alaska.

Sarah Palin

New Direction Quotes #1647643
#72. Know that life, which does everything perfectly, is now moving you in a new direction. The chess piece of your existence is being moved to a new square on the board of life.

Frederick Lenz

New Direction Quotes #1650213
#73. Life presents us with moments of decision - crossroads where we either choose a new direction and move on, or cling to what we already have and be miserable.

Mary Buchan

New Direction Quotes #1678800
#74. Usually I like to have them, but going drum-less pushes everything in a new direction and makes it easier to keep things sounding different.

J Mascis

New Direction Quotes #1718842
#75. I've talked to many individuals who want to discuss their problems. But they don't really have problems. They have chosen to live in the wrong direction. They don't need a solution. They need a new direction.

Andy Stanley

New Direction Quotes #1732324
#76. The Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture.

Jacque Fresco

New Direction Quotes #1769211
#77. In the end, everything happens for a reason. Paths are meant to be crossed for a higher purpose than what we realize at the moment. Life for everyone goes on. This is just a fork in the road that has taken me for a slight detour. Tomorrow I'll pick up a new map and set my sights on a new direction.

A.M. Willard

New Direction Quotes #1787812
#78. Republicans are the party of 'no,' and Democrats are the party of 'don't know' because it hasn't fought for bold ideas, policies, or plans to turn us in a new direction.

Jesse Jackson

New Direction Quotes #1822250
#79. The compasses are disappointingly true, pointing north over and over, when all he wants is for one to dissent, to demur, to show him the new direction he cannot find on his own.

Matt Bell

New Direction Quotes #1834027
#80. The art of DJing is sharing music with one another ... The technology's definitely taking it into a new direction to where it's really becoming performance-based.


New Direction Quotes #1837442
#81. And American voters understand that if we want to keep fighting to move in the new - in a new direction, we've got a long way to go. And we need to make sure we continue with Democrats being in the majority.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

New Direction Quotes #1841175
#82. I always loved running ... it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs.

Jesse Owens

New Direction Quotes #43044
#83. Congress must take responsibility for a new positive direction - an innovative agenda that will lead to a more secure America. Secure communities, secure economies, and a secure quality of life.

Rick Larsen

New Direction Quotes #60121
#84. Some of the best moments I've ever written have come about because someone, somewhere, blew my preconceptions out of the water and dropped a detail in passing that took the work in an entirely new, entirely unexpected, direction.

Greg Rucka

New Direction Quotes #79664
#85. Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.

Pope Francis

New Direction Quotes #93022
#86. The New York Times' was enigmatic: 'Some unimaginable gravitational force is pulling our entire galaxy in the opposite direction.' End of article. If you stop and think about that, we are recreating ourselves.

Dwight Schultz

New Direction Quotes #95124
#87. It will always be the same possibilities, in sum or on the average, that go on repeating themselves until a man comes along who does not value the actuality above idea. It is he who first gives the new possibilities their meaning, their direction, and he awakens them.

Robert Musil

New Direction Quotes #101972
#88. I believe the American people have the capacity to create a new movement, which would change the direction of our nation from being a military power to being a peaceful nation, using our enormous wealth for human needs, here and abroad.

Howard Zinn

New Direction Quotes #120437
#89. The only thing I have to wait for to change my life is my attitude.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

New Direction Quotes #142899
#90. I cast a glance in my new admirer's direction. "You may call me Your Highness," I said. "Or Empress Beauty."
He chuckled. I wasn't kidding.

Gena Showalter

New Direction Quotes #151195
#91. History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. That's why events are always reinterpreted when values change. We need new versions of history to allow for our current prejudices.

Bill Watterson

New Direction Quotes #167486
#92. It is natural selection that gives direction to changes, orients chance, and slowly, progressively produces more complex structures, new organs, and new species. Novelties come from previously unseen association of old material. To create is to recombine.

Francois Jacob

New Direction Quotes #203520
#93. It is amazing how a new child can refocus one's direction seconds after its birth.

David Bowie

New Direction Quotes #217083
#94. I have been told by persons of experience in matters of taste, that the fashions follow a law of gradation, and are never arbitrary. The new mode is always only a step onward in the same direction as the last mode; and a cultivated eye is prepared for and predicts the new fashion.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

New Direction Quotes #220983
#95. How come regional pandering only works in one direction, right? You never see a Southern politician trying to win votes in New York State by saying, 'I read books and make a mean vegan meatloaf.'

Bill Maher

New Direction Quotes #230432
#96. Photography is only a new road from a different direction, but moving toward the common goal, which is life.

Paul Strand

New Direction Quotes #231187
#97. Revolutionary practice in any field of human existence develops by itself if one comprehends the contradictions in every new process; it consists in siding with those forces which act in the direction of progressive development.

Wilhelm Reich

New Direction Quotes #235973
#98. Every Sunday I nudge Sam in her direction, and he walks to where she is sitting and hugs her. She smells him behind the ears, where he most smells like sweet unwashed new potatoes. This is in fact what I think God may smell like, a young child's slightly dirty neck.

Anne Lamott

New Direction Quotes #239331
#99. My favorite job is the next one. It's such a gratifying experience getting to creatively keep trying something new and push things in a different direction.

Roger Craig Smith

New Direction Quotes #239572
#100. Mapping does not purport to create an idealistic vision where all teachers agree, love one another, and gather around a campfire and sing 'Curriculum Kumbaya.' What it can develop is a sense of place, of respect, and of new grounds for discussion, disputes, and direction.

Heidi Hayes Jacobs

New Direction Quotes #273703

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