Top 100 Need To Feel You Quotes

#1. You too hurt to let me in? Need to feel you, Firecracker," he moans into the skin of my neck where his lips do splendid things.

Angela Graham

Need To Feel You Quotes #682969
#2. I need to feel you as a man does a woman. You have no idea what it costs me to say these things to you. You cannot fathom what it means. I need you. I lay the truth before you. Would you turn me away? Right here and now, Muse, I am but a man.

Pippa DaCosta

Need To Feel You Quotes #934399
#3. Kyrie ... I need to feel you. Need to kiss your skin. I have to taste your beauty.

Jasinda Wilder

Need To Feel You Quotes #1826254
#4. It's no fun watching you disintegrate. Where is the old "I Love Myself" mantra? You need to feel you are indeed lovable and that your life matters. Listen. The birds are singing your name.

Kirby Wright

Need To Feel You Quotes #1852653
#5. You need a temple to feel good spiritually? Go to a beautiful garden!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Need To Feel You Quotes #11160
#6. You don't need speech or hearing to feel [friendship]

Mitch Albom

Need To Feel You Quotes #17591
#7. And you plan to do this alone? You think a lot of yourself, don't you animal? (Stone)
Oh, punk, please. Believe me, when dealing with wusses like you who have to gang up on a kid to feel powerful, I don't need any help. (Fang)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Need To Feel You Quotes #47549
#8. Sometimes when you think you need space to sort out how you feel, you really don't. You're just scared, so you ran. Running is never the answer. Make yourself stay and work through it.

J.C. Isabella

Need To Feel You Quotes #70727
#9. When you move to New York, especially, you feel like you need to be something.

Casey Wilson

Need To Feel You Quotes #86617
#10. You need to feel as good as you can before you start a workout. So what you wear to the gym is important.

Oliver Hudson

Need To Feel You Quotes #135371
#11. Sometimes you need to let people feel important by disliking you. It's their little happiness.

Shahrukh Khan

Need To Feel You Quotes #138484
#12. The better you feel about yourself, the less you feel the need to show off.

Robert Hand

Need To Feel You Quotes #149515
#13. Jealousy is an uncontrollable emotion. It attacks all of us. As long as you don't let it get the best of you, I'm sure you and your envy can live in harmony without anyone getting hurt. So, see? There's no need to feel bad about it. It makes you normal. Human.

Linda Kage

Need To Feel You Quotes #150180
#14. When you feel the need to have the right person show up in your life, affirm: 'I know the right person is arriving in divine order at precisely the perfect time.'

Wayne Dyer

Need To Feel You Quotes #158611
#15. You've lived in the city for a long time and need to feel that you have a hometown.

Gao Xingjian

Need To Feel You Quotes #191423
#16. You need to talk to Alden about your feelings for him, Race said.
"You don't know anything about it. Mind your own business, Race."
You love him. I know. I'm in here. I feel your soul, Rose.

Mary Lindsey

Need To Feel You Quotes #205774
#17. Sometimes when you need to feel the all-embracing nature of God, paradoxically you need to hang out in the ordinariness, in daily ritual and comfort.

Anne Lamott

Need To Feel You Quotes #220592
#18. Look, I like you. Didn't think I would but I do, and because I like you, I feel the need to warn you that we Royals are pretty fucked up. We're good in bed, but out of it? We're like a stage four hurricane.

Erin Watt

Need To Feel You Quotes #229182
#19. Some things don't need words. Sometimes it's enough to just feel. You don't have to label and articulate all that's around you.

Richelle Mead

Need To Feel You Quotes #244854
#20. If you have a beautiful view, you don't need a good wine to feel dizzy.

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Need To Feel You Quotes #249231
#21. I feel like this: Whatever is in your path and in your heart, you need to do.

J. Cole

Need To Feel You Quotes #252871
#22. I feel your hands on your phone when you read my texts. I
go to the Stock after your shifts just to stand where you've stood. I fall asleep on the pillow you used
when you were in my bed. I need to share whatever piece of the world you're in. Tell me you don't
feel the same.

C.D. Reiss

Need To Feel You Quotes #255242
#23. If you have mindfulness, if you feel safe, you recognize that you have plenty of conditions to be happy already, and that you don't need to run into the future in order to get a few more conditions.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Need To Feel You Quotes #256160
#24. Afford every soul you encounter the wide and free passage they need to give birth to the dear expressions they feel are important.

Bryant McGill

Need To Feel You Quotes #265747
#25. The moment you feel the need to tightly manage someone, you've made a hiring mistake. The best people don't need to be managed. Guided, taught, led-yes. But not tightly managed.

James C. Collins

Need To Feel You Quotes #272506
#26. Make no mistake, what's yours is mine. I don't need a legal document to make me feel any safer in our marriage. If you decide to divorce me and rake me over the coals, I'm not sure any amount of money would ease the pain of losing you. It's a non-issue for me.

Meredith Wild

Need To Feel You Quotes #282843
#27. I feel we don't really need scriptures. The entire life is an open book, a scripture. Read it. Learn while digging a pit or chopping some wood or cooking some food. If you can't learn from your daily activities, how are you going to understand the scriptures? (233)

Swami Satchidananda

Need To Feel You Quotes #316911
#28. You don't need an ocean to feel like you're drowning. You feel it, between your chest and your throat, the weight of it stretching you outside your self, like a dead fish on the shore.

Malak El Halabi

Need To Feel You Quotes #319816
#29. Tell me, the poet says, the lie I need to feel safe, and tell me in your own voice, so I believe you. One more tale to stay alive.

Louise Gluck

Need To Feel You Quotes #331210
#30. All we have is
the present. The present's perfect, young
grasshopper, because we're breathing,
moving, laughing, crying, and are
surprised when we finally meet someone
we connect with. Stop living in the past
and wasting your present. You need to
tell Noah how you feel.

Alison G. Bailey

Need To Feel You Quotes #332279
#31. There is no reconciliation until you recognize the dignity of the other, until you see their view- you have to enter into the pain of the people. You've got to feel their need.

John M. Perkins

Need To Feel You Quotes #360838
#32. I try to live with honor, even if it costs me millions of dollars and takes a long time. It's very unusual in Hollywood. Few people are trustworthy - a handshake means nothing to them. They feel they're required to keep an agreement with you only if you're successful or they need you.

James Cameron

Need To Feel You Quotes #367114
#33. Who you are and what you know when you are born is everything that you need to know to thrive. You are born with a sense of self and a sense of wanting self to feel good and the mechanisms to bring it about.

Esther Hicks

Need To Feel You Quotes #375873
#34. A storm is coming in and I feared you would be frightened." "I love storms." "We'll see," he said. "I daresay you'll need my strong arms around you to make you feel safe.

Lynn Kurland

Need To Feel You Quotes #376568
#35. I think books find their way to you when you need them. Whenever I feel like I'm not going to live to read all the books I want to read, I remind myself that the important ones find their way to me (Rosanne Cash (Musician/Write)

Rosanne Cash

Need To Feel You Quotes #382061
#36. Most of my training at graduate school was geared towards drama, so I feel good about it, and I can do it, but it requires a lot more work from me. I feel like with drama ... well, with all acting, really, you need to honor the truth of the situation.

Andrea Anders

Need To Feel You Quotes #392952
#37. Yes, God wants you to do signs and wonders. But the love of God manifested through you is what people really need. So you first must see His face. You must become so close to His very heartbeat that you can feel what others feel.

Heidi Baker

Need To Feel You Quotes #395616
#38. If you find someone who makes you feel like you're complete, you need to fight for them.

Veronica Forand

Need To Feel You Quotes #406803
#39. Max,' I said, looking up at him, 'I love the Russian heritage you guys are so willing to share, but I'm not so thrilled with the French.'
'What?' His brows lowered. 'We're not French.'
'Great. So the next time you feel the need to kiss me, keep your tongue out of my mouth!

Shannon Delany

Need To Feel You Quotes #412676
#40. Details reveal themselves as you use what you're building. You'll see what needs more attention. You'll feel what's missing. You'll know which potholes to pave over because you'll keep hitting them. That's when you need to pay attention, not sooner. The

Jason Fried

Need To Feel You Quotes #430665
#41. You can have my time, and you can have my attention," he said, words slow and deliberate. "Sweetheart, you can have whatever the fuck you want, I promise. Whatever you need. No more holding back, no more fear. And if you still feel you have to get on that plane tonight, then we're doing it together.

Kylie Scott

Need To Feel You Quotes #453198
#42. Even on my films, I always collaborate with the actors. That's a given. I think you need that. You need the actors to feel as much ownership of the performance and the direction of the story as you do, to get the most out of everyone's potential.

Cary Fukunaga

Need To Feel You Quotes #469558
#43. please don't hurt me again; be the person I need you to be; show me what it means to be in love so I can decide whether that's what I feel.

Jodi Meadows

Need To Feel You Quotes #482105
#44. When you're going off to prison for the rest of your life, a lot of people do feel the need to explain themselves to all the people they have known.

Bryan Burrough

Need To Feel You Quotes #499587
#45. Peter, when you feel like this, i just want you to include me. It's fine that you come here, just tell me. I wanna understand what you're going through and I need you to understand what i'm going through.

Olivia Dunham

Need To Feel You Quotes #518679
#46. When Oprah Winfrey tells you that you need to have your own show, you feel compelled to do it. Especially if she's gonna pay for it!

Iyanla Vanzant

Need To Feel You Quotes #520470
#47. No need to feel shame for what you are.

Deyth Banger

Need To Feel You Quotes #530191
#48. You feel the pressure of going to university because you need a back-up plan, which is why I enrolled.

Chris Lilley

Need To Feel You Quotes #570450
#49. I didn't need clothes. I was allowed the opportunity to act out moments you don't get the opportunity to experience in your own life, let alone as a character in a film. I didn't feel naked.

Marguerite Moreau

Need To Feel You Quotes #573028
#50. Sometimes you need to give people something that's for them, not just something that makes you feel good giving it.

Katherine Paterson

Need To Feel You Quotes #596090
#51. What we need is what the ancient Israelites called hochma - the science of the heart ... the capacity to see, to feel, and then to act as if the future depended on you. Believe me, it does.

Bill Moyers

Need To Feel You Quotes #612100
#52. At times, I think, 'What would I rather be doing than music?' That's what you have to ask yourself, if you feel like you need to be somewhere else ... But there's nothing else I want to do more than music. That's why I stay in the booth.

Nayvadius Cash

Need To Feel You Quotes #646511
#53. If you feel obsessed to prove something to the world,
then you'd need world attention to be able to prove it.

Toba Beta

Need To Feel You Quotes #647014
#54. I quickly tried to tidy-up, but she stilled my busy hands. "Honey, I don't mind a bit of mess. It's what makes you real. Please, don't feel like you need to clean for me," she said gently. "Besides, I came to visit you, not the cabin." I

Lora Ann

Need To Feel You Quotes #650958
#55. When you're holding people's attention, I feel you must give them high-quality ingredients. They deserve nothing but your best. And if they need information, get it, cross-check it, and try to be right. Do not waste their time; do not enjoy the ego trip of being onstage.

Henry Rollins

Need To Feel You Quotes #651043
#56. I need to pick up some lingerie," I told them. "What for?" asked Trey. "To make you feel pretty, Pound Cake," I retorted. "The fuck you think?

Kelli Jean

Need To Feel You Quotes #654099
#57. To the rich, the really poor don't know that the level of comfort you experience exist at all, so you see, they don't need your sympathy, and you should not feel guilty, just teach them how to fish.

Peter Ojo

Need To Feel You Quotes #666851
#58. I'm not sure I want to go ahead with this, but I need to know, and better with you than anyone else. I want to know your body, I want to know how you feel, I want to know you, and through you, me.

Andre Aciman

Need To Feel You Quotes #674065
#59. On the one hand, how many people do you need to love you before you feel OK about yourself?

Jared Leto

Need To Feel You Quotes #682665
#60. I feel I've lost every part of me ... there's nothing left but the parts I've given to you. I need you to hold those pieces together. Please don't forget who I was ... then ... then there really will be nothing left.

Cassandra Giovanni

Need To Feel You Quotes #694914
#61. Everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small;
I guess I need you baby
And Everytime I see you in my dreams,
I'll see your face, It's haunting me,
I guess I need you baby

Britney Spears

Need To Feel You Quotes #739561
#62. When I see films like 'Lagaan' and 'Rang De Basanti,' I feel, 'Why can't I do work like this?' Then you think and realise you need to learn more to make this kind of a film or write this kind of a film. Also, somewhere down the line, you need to be brave.

Rohit Shetty

Need To Feel You Quotes #749855
#63. When people say, "Oh you're so cocky. You're so arrogant," I feel like they're telling me that I think too highly of myself. My question for them is: "Who are you to tell me that I need to think less of myself?

Ronda Rousey

Need To Feel You Quotes #753202
#64. Obviously, this isn't the time in my life that I would have chosen to do this, but I feel like life gives you these challenges for a reason. I feel so happy and glad to be in the place that I am. I really feel blessed. This is something I need to face and take control of.

Reese Witherspoon

Need To Feel You Quotes #755537
#65. I'll be here when you return."
"I fixed my door. You'll need a key."
"I'll take good care of it."
"What if I won't give it to you?"
"Then I'll break the door again."
"This dormitory makes me feel so safe.

Stephanie Perkins

Need To Feel You Quotes #771224
#66. Maybe you don't need to do this. Maybe this isn't your moment. But if you do feel the pull of the eternal, then you can't stay away from it.

Frederick Lenz

Need To Feel You Quotes #792126
#67. I'm not telling you in order to hear it back," I said. "I'm letting you know how I feel, so that you don't have to wonder. I don't need to know how you feel, or care if you love me right now. I just thought you and your delicate ego might want to know.

Alessandra Torre

Need To Feel You Quotes #798229
#68. Bill collectors and harassing phone calls is enough to motivate some people to become successful. Maybe the pain is not great enough yet for you to act. Are you going to continue to feel sorry for yourself? On the other hand, are you ready to do what you need to do to change your situation?

Jon Jones

Need To Feel You Quotes #818353
#69. Don't stop," she whispered. "I want to feel you inside me."
"I couldn't stop now, even if I wanted." He kissed her, marking her with all the passion and yearning she had felt for so long. "I need this. Damn it, I need you."
And then he plunged into her with one deep stroke.

J. Lynn

Need To Feel You Quotes #830018
#70. Don't go beyond, no matter how much you feel you need to, Doctor. The barrier was not made to be broken. Remember this: there is more power here than you know. It is old and always restless. Remember.

Stephen King

Need To Feel You Quotes #848087
#71. One thing I gained in my life is just the need for more Jesus in my life. You never come to a place in your walk with Jesus where you feel like you've had enough. That's a dangerous feeling to have.

Nick Vujicic

Need To Feel You Quotes #898993
#72. Our emotions need to be as educated as our intellect. It is important to know how to feel, how to respond, and how to let life in so that it can touch you.

Jim Rohn

Need To Feel You Quotes #905846
#73. I like to be able to control which players I'm working with. Because it doesn't matter how good a coach you are if the guys you're working with think they already know it all. You need a response, you need to feel they're trying. I want players who are always striving to improve.

Gordon Strachan

Need To Feel You Quotes #915720
#74. When some one use "You", in stead of "Us", It makes you cry, because in love whatever happens it need to be happen in both end, if its only "I" or "You" then the value of love becomes singular and everyone can feel or need to know, in LOVE singular never works ...

Nutan Bajracharya

Need To Feel You Quotes #924268
#75. Never feel like you need to visit him, ever?"
"I see him every morning in the mirror. I think of him as the ghost version of me. And who needs to visit your own ghost?

Adele Griffin

Need To Feel You Quotes #931565
#76. You hope you're saying the right things - but also, as a kid becomes a teenager, you feel like there's a ticking clock for you to tell them everything they need to know.

Reese Witherspoon

Need To Feel You Quotes #935219
#77. Weakness is a guise. Wear it when they need to know you're human, but never when you feel it.

Leigh Bardugo

Need To Feel You Quotes #953513
#78. When you see a person acting violently, ask yourself whether he knows how powerful he is. If he knew his power, would he feel the need to assert it?

Vironika Tugaleva

Need To Feel You Quotes #955663
#79. Her idea of a romantic setting is one that has a diamond in it. If you feel the need to marry a doctor, I suggest a dermatologist. Good hours, free Retin-A.

Rita Rudner

Need To Feel You Quotes #978510
#80. Am I crazy?" she asked. "I feel like I am sometimes."
"Maybe," he said, rubbing her forehead. "But don't worry about it. You need to be a little bit crazy. Crazy is the price you pay for having an imagination. It's your superpower. Tapping into the dream. It's a good thing not a bad thing.

Ruth Ozeki

Need To Feel You Quotes #998219
#81. Levity, you need levity to feel anything. You need to laugh before you cry. I think films that take themselves too seriously without any levity are missing an important ingredient to the potential emotional impact of their stories.

Cary Fukunaga

Need To Feel You Quotes #1001343
#82. You sometimes feel that reading books is the only way you can think, as if the reading occupied one part of your brain and this allowed the other part to go free and become more active. You need that time to read in order to think. That's all there is to it.

Yannick Murphy

Need To Feel You Quotes #1043730
#83. Do you ever feel like you're on the wrong path in your life? What if I told you there is no wrong path? Every path in your life is always the right path, the perfect path. So I say enjoy the view and appreciate that the path you're on, is leading you where you need to go ... .

James A. Murphy

Need To Feel You Quotes #1045012
#84. If you really want people to pay attention to how you feel, you need to express your feelings in language that's worth reading.

David Starkey

Need To Feel You Quotes #1051838
#85. My own skin-care ritual is quite simple and straightforward; I don't like a lot of fuss, surprisingly. My products are designed to make you look and feel better. I think there are a lot of men out there who want and need the same products.

Tom Ford

Need To Feel You Quotes #1081935
#86. I just feel like bands always need to work harder than the hardest working band. You need to constantly be one-upping yourself and surprising yourself at how hard that you'll work and devote yourself to your craft.

Hayley Williams

Need To Feel You Quotes #1097341
#87. When you are with a landscape or a human being where there is no need to speak, but simply to listen, to perceive, to feel.

Terry Tempest Williams

Need To Feel You Quotes #1107237
#88. In so many places in the world, women have been prisoners for so long that they feel they have to scream about their rights. But when you scream, nobody listens to you. Real authority comes when you no longer need to scream - and that's something we women still need to learn.

Monica Bellucci

Need To Feel You Quotes #1118457
#89. You don't need your eyes to love. You just feel it inside you.

R.J. Palacio

Need To Feel You Quotes #1144975
#90. I started publishing stories in small magazines early on, but after seven or eight or nine years you feel like you need a little more than that to show for your efforts.

Ben Fountain

Need To Feel You Quotes #1181252
#91. I was starting to think, maybe you need to feel your way more through life - just turn off the lights and follow your senses, even if you stumble once in a while. Maybe that's what falling in love is like. Just feeling your way through the darkness until you find something solid to hold on to.

Katie Kacvinsky

Need To Feel You Quotes #1182647
#92. I do love video games. But after a while, you feel like you really need to get up and do something.

Patrick Chan

Need To Feel You Quotes #1190785
#93. Ask yourself: 'Do I feel the need to laminate?' Then teaching is for you.

Gordon Korman

Need To Feel You Quotes #1233150
#94. Sometimes, when things look terrible ... you just need to find the right move to turn the whole game around. When you find it you feel great.

Walter Dean Myers

Need To Feel You Quotes #1250744
#95. I don't feel beholden to follow the real world at all. The important thing is to know WHY things turned out the way they did. You need to understand the reasons for events, or at least be able to make reasonable guesses about them.

Patrick Rothfuss

Need To Feel You Quotes #1281276
#96. You don't need to be the tide to rise and fall,
you don't have to be a wave to touch the shore;
just be a little sand-grain and feel them all

Munia Khan

Need To Feel You Quotes #1295829
#97. The reason we don't get what we want isn't because we don't have the ability or time. We aren't willing to do the things we need to do when we don't feel like doing them. There's an impact of that entitlement on their business. The attitude is you learn to fall in love with the daily grind.

Rory Vaden

Need To Feel You Quotes #1310087
#98. I don't look at myself on the outside. Sometimes you feel like you're not really there and need one more [take], because I feel like something is coming out. I don't really know what but I need to get it out.

Noomi Rapace

Need To Feel You Quotes #1329756
#99. Talk about your problems. There's no need to feel shy. It's always good to talk about issues that concern you.

Orlando Bloom

Need To Feel You Quotes #1341134
#100. Rock and roll to the beat of the funk fuzz
Wipe your feet really good on the rhythm rug
If you feel the urge to freak, do the jitterbug
Come and spread your arms if you really need a hug.


Need To Feel You Quotes #1375119

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