Top 8 Nebro Quotes

#1. Let twelve angels come into being to rule over chaos and the underworld. And look, from the cloud there appeared an angel whose face flashed with fire and whose appearance was defiled with blood. His name was Nebro, which means in translation 'rebel'; others call him Yaldabaoth.

Rodolphe Kasser

Nebro Quotes #282604
#2. There is nothing in which men more deceive themselves than in what they call zeal.

Joseph Addison

Nebro Quotes #434847
#3. Many of the guests will eventually leave the table to watch football on television, which would be a rudeness at any other occasion but is a relief at Thanksgiving and probably the only way to get those people to budge.

Judith Martin

Nebro Quotes #561972
#4. A verbose, prosaic review which mentions whistling winds and the timeless feeling of jade doesn't mean anything to me; I don't need a novella telling me about how an album is like a fine meal.

David Cross

Nebro Quotes #595342
#5. Men who not religious or artists are fools.

Soren Kierkegaard

Nebro Quotes #823387
#6. It's Survival of Them Who's Best at Nicking Things, girl!

Catherynne M Valente

Nebro Quotes #903034
#7. Beaches are God's poetry.

Steve Maraboli

Nebro Quotes #1362477
#8. I was finally convinced of something I had suspected for a long time: God has a sense of humor, and because the world is wondrous, God expects us to find reasons to smile even on the darkest days.

Dean Koontz

Nebro Quotes #1406880

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