Top 100 Natural They Quotes

#1. Plastics, as a material, are very nasty, but as an alternative to, let's say, a brick, which seems really natural, they start to look pretty good. They're very low energy to produce, very lightweight to transport and construct. That's why they're so popular.

Greg Lynn

Natural They Quotes #505338
#2. Most enjoyable activities are not natural; they demand an effort that initially one is reluctant to make. But once the interaction starts to provide feedback to the person's skills, it usually begins to be intrinsically rewarding.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Natural They Quotes #590889
#3. When intelligent people pride themselves on not understanding, it is quite natural they should succeed better than fools.

Andre Gide

Natural They Quotes #835619
#4. If you forbid [children] from doing what is natural , they will seek it out later in ways that are unnatural and perverse.

Debra Ollivier

Natural They Quotes #995718
#5. Why must ancients, and provided the same talent, be better than modern authors?
Free to exploit the vast realm of the simpleand the natural, they did not have to be artificial in order to be original (which every artist aspires to be).

Franz Grillparzer

Natural They Quotes #1181180
#6. Some things are so natural they are effortless ... and loving is one of them.

Gabriel Brunsdon

Natural They Quotes #1200170
#7. So, ministers say that they teach charity. This is natural. They live on alms. All beggars teach that others should give.

Robert G. Ingersoll

Natural They Quotes #1502768
#8. Sin and death and suffering and war and poverty are not natural - they are the devastating results of our rebellion against God. We long for a return to Paradise - a perfect world, without the corruption of sin, where God walks with us and talks with us in the cool of the day.

Randy Alcorn

Natural They Quotes #1567855
#9. We all have supernatural powers, but have not been educated on how to use them. That is why they are called SUPER-NATURAL. They are already super NATURAL to US!

Suzy Kassem

Natural They Quotes #1707108
#10. The deterioration of symbols is natural. They wear out, needing to be reclaimed, recreated; returned to the spirit.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Natural They Quotes #1825747
#11. Animals are the bridge between us and the beauty of all that is natural. They show us what's missing in our lives, and how to love ourselves more completely and unconditionally. They connect us back to who we are, and to the purpose of why we're here.

Trisha McCagh

Natural They Quotes #1873793
#12. The more closely our maps or paradigms are aligned with these principles or natural laws, the more accurate and functional they will be

Stephen R. Covey

Natural They Quotes #1667
#13. Before I shall have become a man again I shall probably exist as a park, a sort of natural park in which people come to rest, to while away the time. What they say or do will be of little matter, for they will bring only their fatigue, their boredom, their hopelessness.

Henry Miller

Natural They Quotes #3247
#14. Most people are always doubtful as to whether they are happy or not, cheerful or not. This is the normal state of happiness, as doubt is a most natural thing.

Yukio Mishima

Natural They Quotes #4053
#15. Should you be unfortunate enough to have vices, you may, to a certain degree, even dignify them by a strict observance of decorum;at least they will lose something of their natural turpitude.

Lord Chesterfield

Natural They Quotes #4309
#16. No one has any license to brag because he is honest. That should be natural instinct and, besides, if you are not, they put you in jail. Honesty is merely a form of insurance.

Charles Comiskey

Natural They Quotes #5461
#17. People are all diamonds. They are already valuable, brillant and unique in their own right. Sometimes a person can do with a buff, a fluff and a polish to bring out the natural brillance and clarity that has always existed within them.

Evette Rose

Natural They Quotes #13739
#18. A mass of ignorant, culturally degraded citizens easily becomes an immense drag on the system. They become easy prey to demagogues and applaud every attempt to undermine the foundations of that "natural liberty" which they have enjoyed in the first place.

Arthur Herman

Natural They Quotes #26111
#19. But just [proposing the standard] puts companies on notice that if you're looking to construct a new natural-gas or coal facility, you really need to pay attention to these. This is what they should be designing new facilities toward as soon as this proposal hits the streets.

Gina McCarthy

Natural They Quotes #26413
#20. Human beings, in their natural state, are unpredictable, erratic, and unhappy. It is only once their animal instincts are controlled that they can be responsible, dependable, and content.

Lauren Oliver

Natural They Quotes #26954
#21. Never mind failures; they are quite natural,
they are the beauty of life, these failures.
What would be LIFE without them

Swami Vivekananda

Natural They Quotes #27240
#22. Making lyrics feel natural, sit on music in such a way that you don't feel the effort of the author, so that they shine and bubble and rise and fall, is very, very hard to do. Whereas you can sit at the piano and just play and feel you're making art.

Stephen Sondheim

Natural They Quotes #27323
#23. I know people who prepare their roles in such a way that they technically look ahead and memorize their gestures, and then they stick to it. Those that are technically proficient enough can make it seem natural, but they do that and don't really take in what other people are doing.

Viggo Mortensen

Natural They Quotes #42776
#24. It's such an awkward, strange thing that was concocted, to have auditions. Back in the old days, you'd just have a screen test, and they'd say, 'Oh, you seem natural in front of the camera,' and you'd just go do 10 pictures for Paramount or whatever.

Vinessa Shaw

Natural They Quotes #48148
#25. We should be the natural home for the millions of Britons of immigrant origin. But we're not. Because too often we've sounded like people who wish they hadn't come here at all.

Francis Maude

Natural They Quotes #48680
#26. I hated the blog hype and how fast everything was happening. It didn't feel natural to me. But at the same time, what's more natural than thousands of people sharing your music because they just really like it?

Michael Angelakos

Natural They Quotes #52193
#27. The true natural check on absolute democracy is the federal system, which limits the central government by the powers reserved, and the state governments by the powers they have ceded.

Lord Acton

Natural They Quotes #53308
#28. We're hard-wired by 200,000 years of evolution to be sensitive to the idea that someone might be watching us. They might be predators, after all. An uneasy feeling is perfectly natural if you suspect that someone has you in their ocular sights, whether it's a ghost or just some guy at the bus stop.

Seth Shostak

Natural They Quotes #54706
#29. 'Natural' is a word that has become unmoored by its meanings. If you go into a vitamin shop, things are natural, and people look at that, and they think it's good. It's no different than any other thing you swallow.

Michael Specter

Natural They Quotes #56509
#30. SMALL BOY: Where do animals go when they die? SMALL GIRL: All good animals go to heaven, but the bad ones go to the Natural History Museum. - Caption to a drawing by E.H. Shepard, PUNCH, 1929 SIMON

Sarah R. Shaber

Natural They Quotes #56949
#31. Kids are naturally curious about what they don't know, or don't understand, or what is foreign to them. They only learn to be frightened of those differences when an adult influences them to behave that way and censors that natural curiosity.

Aimee Mullins

Natural They Quotes #56984
#32. The literary man has a circle of the chosen few who read him and become his only public ... What more natural than that he should write for those who, even if they do not pay him, at least understand him?

Amado Nervo

Natural They Quotes #65087
#33. The natural world had gone badly wrong. Everything that mankind is doing on the planet had upset the delicate balance of nature. The pollution, the rampant industrialization, the loss of habitat-when animals were squeezed and cornered, they behave viciously, in a desperate effort to survive.

Michael Crichton

Natural They Quotes #65992
#34. I've been working with music videos and commercials, they are naturally very music driven and visual driven. So that feels like my natural element to be working with that.

Fredrik Bond

Natural They Quotes #73289
#35. The more humans knew, whether about themselves, society, or the natural world, the more they would make decisions based on the facts rather than on emotion.


Natural They Quotes #77127
#36. [T]he sovereignty of reason and justice is no more tyrannical than that of desire. They are principles natural to man.

Blaise Pascal

Natural They Quotes #84882
#37. People want everything to come out of a drive thru window. They want it instant and they want it fast. I succumb to that, we all succumb to that. We're in it. That's the culture. So the enemy, the powers that be, the manipulators behind the scenes play to our natural weaknesses.

Alex Jones

Natural They Quotes #85066
#38. If they who understand the utmost refinement of any art will enjoy the perfection of it in a manner superior to other men, will they not amply pay for that advantage in feeling more than other men the imperfection of it, which in the natural course of things must so much oftener fall in their way?

Fulke Greville, 1st Baron Brooke

Natural They Quotes #92674
#39. If I were to give advice, I would say to parents that they ought to be very careful whom they allow to mix with their children when young; for much mischief thence ensues, and our natural inclinations are unto evil rather than unto good.

Saint Teresa Of Avila

Natural They Quotes #93272
#40. Conservatives like to talk about 'the strivers' who share what they like to think of as Conservative values. But as I found in my Blue Collar Tories research in 2012, such people no longer see the party as their natural ally.

Michael Ashcroft

Natural They Quotes #93440
#41. The wish to acquire is no doubt a natural and common sentiment, and when men attempt things within their power, they will always be praised rather than blamed. But when they persist in attempts that are beyond their power, mishaps and blame ensue.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Natural They Quotes #96926
#42. If the wolf is to survive, the wolf haters must be outnumbered. They must be outshouted, out financed, and out voted. Their narrow and biased attitude must be outweighed by an attitude based on an understanding of natural processes.

L. David Mech

Natural They Quotes #99019
#43. I sang with a voice that was natural, and I liked the way I produced that sound. I thought of my other friends, that they were singing and dancing, but they didn't have this. I was special.

Danielle De Niese

Natural They Quotes #103611
#44. Women are always true, even in the midst of their greatest falsities, because they are always influenced by some natural feeling.

Honore De Balzac

Natural They Quotes #107634
#45. The one thing with the established and traditional media industries is that whenever something new comes along, they don't know what to make of it, and the natural reaction is to fight it or push back.

Chad Hurley

Natural They Quotes #107654
#46. These characters, they have to evolve. They're getting older on the show, these are things that happen in everyone's life. People do get married ... this is just a natural evolution. I wonder if we'll have 'Big Bang' babies in the season finale?

Kunal Nayyar

Natural They Quotes #107681
#47. Our tests, our approaches...are ridiculously inadequate. They only show us deficits, they do not show us powers; they only show us puzzles and schemata, when we need to see music, narrative, play, a being conducting itself spontaneously in its own natural way.

Oliver Sacks

Natural They Quotes #108424
#48. To how much envy and fraud and hypocrisy the state of a tyrannous king is subject unto, and how they who are commonly called [Eupatridas Gk.], i.e. nobly born, are in some sort incapable, or void of natural affection.

Marcus Aurelius

Natural They Quotes #109575
#49. Affection between adults - if they are really adult in mind and not merely grown up children - and creatures so relatively selfish and cruel as children necessarily are without knowing it or meaning it, cannot be called natural.

George Bernard Shaw

Natural They Quotes #110190
#50. Earth Citizens have minds and hearts that know the Earth is the foundation of everything they do.

Ilchi Lee

Natural They Quotes #113781
#51. WHEAT, n. A cereal from which a tolerably good whisky can be made; ... also for bread. The French are said to eat more bread "per capita" of population than any other people, which is natural, for only they know how to make the stuff palatable.

Ambrose Bierce

Natural They Quotes #115980
#52. Wood's not natural mulch for a woodland garden. Do you see forest trees shatter into a zillion pieces and fall? No. They fall, then decompose, then spread.

Janet Macunovich

Natural They Quotes #123656
#53. I think the main reason is that people binge watch because they can. We're like dogs, really. If we like something, we tend to gorge ourselves on it until there's no more left. And as bingeing becomes possible and commonplace, it's only natural that shows should start to take it into account.

D. B. Weiss

Natural They Quotes #123901
#54. What troubles me most about my lovely country is that its children are seldom taught that American freedom will vanish, if, when they grow up, and in the exercise of their duties as citizens, they insist that our courts and policemen and prisons be guided by divine or natural law.

Kurt Vonnegut

Natural They Quotes #124957
#55. True beauty is to be found in natural forms. The more we magnify, and the closer we examine, the works of Artifice, the grosser and stupider they seem. But if we magnify the natural world it only becomes more intricate and excellent.

Neal Stephenson

Natural They Quotes #125438
#56. The human race like to do things you are good at and avoid things that they are bad at. Avoiding it is the natural instinct.

Steve Redgrave

Natural They Quotes #130010
#57. When our children see us expressing our emotions, they can learn that their own feelings are natural and permissible, can be expressed, and can be talked about. That's an important thing for our children to learn.

Fred Rogers

Natural They Quotes #131145
#58. The police and the vulnerable are natural allies. That they are so is counterintuitive and strange, for they also loathe one another.

Jonny Steinberg

Natural They Quotes #133164
#59. I think that man has a fundamental obligation to extract from himself and from the earth all that it can give; and this obligation is all the more imperative that we are absolutely ignorant of what limits - they may still be very distant - God has imposed on our natural understanding and power.

Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Natural They Quotes #134460
#60. I hadn't performed by myself in a while. It feels very natural to me, and I assume people come for the very same reasons as they do when I'm with the band: to be moved, for something to happen to them.

Bruce Springsteen

Natural They Quotes #145971
#61. In the last eight weeks I had experienced two of the three best times of my adult life, assuming all visits to the Museum of Natural History were treated as one event. They had both been with Rosie. Was there a correlation? It was critical to find out.

Graeme Simsion

Natural They Quotes #146650
#62. I'm a fan of Tom's of Maine natural oral care line for those very reasons; they deliver on both healthy and environmental goodness. The beauty of it is you'll feel even more empowered knowing you're doing something good for yourself and the environmental footprint of your beauty routine.

Sophie Heyman Uliano

Natural They Quotes #152278
#63. Freedom is the natural condition of the human race, in which the Almighty intended men to live. Those who fight the purpose of the Almighty will not succeed. They always have been, they always will be beaten.

Abraham Lincoln

Natural They Quotes #153104
#64. Even extraordinary circumstances could seem perfectly natural, simply because they were as they were; and in that case the awareness of their extraordinariness only dawned when others found them extraordinary.

Harry Mulisch

Natural They Quotes #156889
#65. I just want to help other women achieve as much as they can in society without restraints being imposed on us. It's the most natural and normal thing to want to defend your rights to equal opportunities, equal pay for equal work, and everything that comes with that.

Amy Poehler

Natural They Quotes #159085
#66. Blues is a natural fact, is something that a fellow lives. If you don't live it you don't have it. Young people have forgotten to cry the blues. Now they talk and get lawyers and things.

Big Bill Broonzy

Natural They Quotes #161737
#67. Why is it that showers and even storms seem to come by chance, so that many people think it quite natural to pray for rain or fine weather, though they would consider it ridiculous to ask for an eclipse by prayer?

Henri Poincare

Natural They Quotes #163487
#68. Some folks are natural born kickers. They can always find a way to turn disaster into butter,

Katherine Paterson

Natural They Quotes #163575
#69. All those spices and herbs in your spice rack can do more than provide calorie-free, natural flavorings to enhance and make food delicious. They're also an incredible source of antioxidants and help rev up your metabolism and improve your health at the same time.

Suzanne Somers

Natural They Quotes #164320
#70. The three actors I admire the most are all dead. Humphrey Bogart, Spencer Tracy and the French actor, Jean Gabin. They're all very natural, sort of masculine without being overly macho.

Michael Caine

Natural They Quotes #167211
#71. It's a fact that children with cancer have higher cure rates than adults with cancer, and I wonder if the reason is their natural, unthinking bravery ... Adults know too much about failure; they're more cynical and resigned and fearful.

Lance Armstrong

Natural They Quotes #167293
#72. People see a hungry face, and they want to feed it; that's a natural response.

Paul Theroux

Natural They Quotes #167869
#73. I'm a natural novelist. I'm interested in the person and the group, and how they mesh. And one of the ways I don't want them to mesh is for the person to be subsumed into the group.

Jane Smiley

Natural They Quotes #168710
#74. There was my other big misconception. That if I got sober and went to a meeting they'd make me believe in God. Not true. They ask you to believe in a higher power. You need a higher power, but it doesn't have to be a super-natural entity. You have all this power inside you.

Bucky Sinister

Natural They Quotes #169859
#75. When people cannot write good literature it is perhaps natural that they should lay down rules how good literature should be written.

George Saintsbury

Natural They Quotes #173529
#76. I love when those annoyingly perfect moms brag that they ONLY give their kids all-natural shit. You know what's all-natural? Poisonous berries and 'shrooms.

Karen Alpert

Natural They Quotes #174645
#77. The Founding Fathers are not just some people that happened to get mad a long time ago and want their freedom. They were special people in addition to what their natural yearnings were.

Rush Limbaugh

Natural They Quotes #181780
#78. Natural science sharpens the discrimination. There is no false logic in nature. All its properties are permanent: the acids and metals never lie; their yea is yea, their nay, nay. They are newly discovered but not new.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Natural They Quotes #181959
#79. Half the people who studied botany were hippies who thought they could return to some natural world system. Somehow feeding seven billion people through pure gathering.

Andy Weir

Natural They Quotes #185006
#80. The ideal country in a flat world is the one with no natural resources, because countries with no natural resources tend to dig inside themselves. They try to tap the energy, entrepreneurship, creativity, and intelligence of their own people-men and women-rather than drill an oil well.

Thomas L. Friedman

Natural They Quotes #190915
#81. People doing something that seems to them natural and necessary. At least, one of them is doing what seems natural and necessary, and the other believes that the important thing is for that person to be free, to go ahead. They understand that other people

Alice Munro

Natural They Quotes #192848
#82. But now all the natural secrets have been exposed, and it is likely that the turtles have been sold to laboratory scientists who want to remove their shells so that they can wire electrodes to the turtles' skin in order to monitor their increasing terror at the loss of their shells.

Mary Gaitskill

Natural They Quotes #194325
#83. Rather, genuine compassion is based on the rationale that all human beings have an innate desire to be happy and overcome suffering, just like myself. And, just like myself, they have the natural right to fulfill this fundamental aspiration.

Dalai Lama XIV

Natural They Quotes #196991
#84. Your natural inclination is to preach and to warn other travellers of snags in the path, but isn't it better to signal to them some of the joys by the way which they might otherwise miss?

Robert Baden-Powell

Natural They Quotes #203463
#85. As the people of Shishmaref lose their natural hunting grounds to the warming sea, they are forced to buy U.S. canned goods from the only local store on the island; however, this is not their natural diet and cannot sustain them throughout the year.

Amy J. Berg

Natural They Quotes #204101
#86. Everybody can't have the life of a normal, average American person in India - they can't. So, it's about egalitarianism. It's about sharing things more equally. It's about access to natural resources.

Arundhati Roy

Natural They Quotes #206974
#87. Children are natural mythologists: they beg to be told tales, and love not only to invent but to enact falsehoods.

George Santayana

Natural They Quotes #209102
#88. Man's home is nature; his purposes and aims are dependent for execution upon natural conditions. Separated from such conditions they become empty dreams and idle indulgences of fancy.

John Dewey

Natural They Quotes #216106
#89. A widening circle of researchers believes that the loss of natural habitat, or the disconnection from nature even when it is available, has enormous implications for human health and child development. They say the quality of exposure to nature affects our health at an almost cellular level.

Richard Louv

Natural They Quotes #216204
#90. Fascism is the result of the collapse of Europe's spiritual and social order catastrophes broke through the everyday routine which makes men accept existing forms, institutions and
tenets as unalterable natural laws. They suddenly exposed the vacuum behind the facade of society.

Peter Drucker

Natural They Quotes #217392
#91. They have to stick their instruments in. They have to leave their mark. They can't just watch. They can't just appreciate. They can't just fit into the natural order. They have to make something unnatural happen. That is the scientist's job,

Michael Crichton

Natural They Quotes #222167
#92. Some writers are more natural public performers than others; personally I find it quite strange giving interviews. But everyone has parts of their job that they like more than others. You can't complain if you get to do what you love doing most of the time, can you?

Monica Ali

Natural They Quotes #224649
#93. We cannot choose, he thought, the people we're born into nor what they teach us. So that opposition exists, and appears to us as evil. It is part of life, and sorrow is its natural consequence.

Karen Fisher

Natural They Quotes #224903
#94. I don't fret much about the natural life spans of shoe companies. If stores don't do the right things, they cease to exist, and that doesn't trouble me at all.

Steve Madden

Natural They Quotes #225223
#95. Women are a sisterhood. They make common cause in behalf of the sex; and, indeed, this is natural enough, when we consider the vast power that the law gives us over them.

William Cobbett

Natural They Quotes #226258
#96. It seems natural to surround my fictional world with animals because my reality is full of them. When I'm sitting there conceiving a story, they just pop up.

Sara Gruen

Natural They Quotes #230202
#97. Many young persons believe themselves natural when they are only impolite and coarse.

Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Natural They Quotes #231516
#98. Bureaucracies have a natural tendency not to cooperate, coordinate or consolidate with each other. They won't cooperate with each other - unless they are forced to do so by political level authority.

Richard Holbrooke

Natural They Quotes #237889
#99. The mountains are exceptional places for, as the natural environment is concerned, they are the concentration of the wildest possible variety of all natural phenomena and forms. They are somehow a concentration of the truth of nature or even I'd say its essence.

Wojciech Kurtyka

Natural They Quotes #243320
#100. One of the things that people don't realize is that that natural beauty, those recreational forests, they have an economic development impact for the state as well.

Ed Rendell

Natural They Quotes #246072

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