Top 36 My Beautiful Princess Quotes

#1. I hate you," I say, the sentiment muffled against his heart, hoping to make it true.
"And I love you," he answers without hesitation, voice resolved and raw as he holds me tighter so I can't break away and react. "A crossroads, my beautiful princess, that was unavoidable - given our situations.

A.G. Howard

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1525139
#2. Her hair is full of icy wind and daylight. She is every princess, every queen, in the history book.

Lauren DeStefano

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1468266
#3. Cease the bickering! I am indulging the exotic whims of a beautiful princess and must not be distracted.

Jack Vance

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #951909
#4. As for the French language, it's probably one of the most beautiful in the world. I speak a little bit and I can follow conversations, but I think it will take time to improve myself.

Charlene, Princess Of Monaco

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1012785
#5. I was a beautiful vampire princess loved, worshiped and admired by all. I lived in a luxurious gothic castle and I have no idea how I ended up at this fiberglass table with you losers.

Alyson Noel

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1041362
#6. What philosopher of the schoolroom, with the mental dowry of four summers, ever questions the power of the wand that opened the dark eyes of the beautiful princess, or subtracts a single inch from the stride of seven leagues?

Robert Aris Willmott

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1048823
#7. This is how God sees you when you turn to Him. When you accept the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, you are cleansed, purified. You become His beautiful princess. Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.

MaryLu Tyndall

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1246232
#8. My entire life, I saw myself as the beautiful damsel or the graceful maiden. I was the princess searching for her knight. But with my newfound abilities, I finally discovered that, after all this time, I was the powerful witch.

Christina L. Barr

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1333475
#9. Then the great old, young, beautiful princess turned to Curdie.
'Now, Curdie, are you ready?' she said.
'Yes ma'am,' answered Curdie.
'You do not know what for.'
'You do, ma'am. That is enough.

George MacDonald

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1430143
#10. Oh, Ellie, you look beautiful. Like a Fey-tale princess.

C.L. Wilson

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1453190
#11. Behaving like a princess is work. It's not just about looking beautiful or wearing a crown. It's more about how you are inside.

Julie Andrews

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #857628
#12. She [Pansy] pushed in next to Poppy so that she could see him around the guard's elbow. She was as tall as Poppy, with shining dark-brown hair and blue eyes. An utterly lovely girl, as all the princesses were, yet Oliver thought Petunia was far more beautiful.

Jessica Day George

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1498161
#13. The moon rose above the canopy and a dreamy mist swirled around our knees as we danced, fingers entwined and hearts in sync with the universe; just a prince and his princess, a boy and a girl, learning to love in a beautiful world.

Aishabella Sheikh

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1513044
#14. I know how you are with your words, and, Will- I love all of them. Every word you say. The silly ones, the mad ones, the beautiful ones, and the ones that are only for me. I love them, and I love you. - Tessa Gray

Cassandra Clare

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1541023
#15. Her mom looked like a queen, like the star of some fairy tale.
Not a princess - princesses are just pretty. Eleanor's mother was beautiful.

Rainbow Rowell

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1548451
#16. Anyone young, famous and beautiful who dies young is forever frozen in time and fascinating to all of us.

Deb Stratas

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1657146
#17. The young princess was as beautiful as daylight. She was more beautiful even than the queen herself.

Marissa Meyer

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1712401
#18. So, there was this beautiful princess.
She was locked in a high tower( ... )She was stuck up there( ... )So the only thing was to jump.

Scott Westerfeld

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1797999
#19. Istanbul, a universal beauty where poet and archeologist, diplomat and merchant, princess and sailor, northerner and westerner screams with same admiration. The whole world thinks that this city is the most beautiful place on earth.

Edmondo De Amicis

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #1876511
#20. And then I want to come back here, light all these candles ... ' He kisses me again. ' ... and tell you a story about a lowly Irish peasant bartender who falls in love with a beautiful American princess.

K.A. Tucker

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #415700
#21. All the Disney Princess films are iconic and beautiful, so to have been a part of all that was really a wonderful part of my life. It's all fabulous, too, that I have a daughter that appreciates the whole Princess thing.

Lea Salonga

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #75679
#22. It's always been you, Caro. The first time I saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl that I'd ever seen. I thought you must be a princess like Cinderella. It's only ever been you.

Jane Harvey-Berrick

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #91516
#23. Apparently being princess wasn't all about beautiful palaces, fantastic castles, shopping, archery lessons, wearing awesome crowns and kickass underwear and being married to a hot guy who named his ship after you. Apparently there were drawbacks

Kristen Ashley

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #128617
#24. Isn't he beautiful? Hadley says longingly.
Yes, I think, but not in the way she obviously sees him. He's beautiful in the way the apple in the banned book my father read to me ages ago was beautiful to the princess.
Tempting but deadly.

Trisha Wolfe

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #129991
#25. 97. I approached the symbol, with its layers of meaning, but when I touched it, it changed into only a beautiful princess.
98. I threw the beautiful princess headfirst down the mountain to my acquaintances.
99. Who could be relied upon to deal with her.

Donald Barthelme

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #197844
#26. I'm from southern Arelon, Princess," Ahan said, reaching for some more clams. "To us, round is beautiful. Not everyone wants their women to look like starving schoolboys.

Brandon Sanderson

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #215833
#27. A long time ago in a kingdom by the sea there lived a princess as tall and bright as a sunflower.

Jeanne Desy

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #350445
#28. Mamoru, each & every one of us have stars in our hearts, & you know that the star is shining when you feel that heat ... -Usagi/Sailor Moon

Naoko Takeuchi

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #414057
#29. And the worst thing was, there were no mirrors out there in the wild, so the princess was left wondering whether she in fact was still beautiful ... or if the fall had changed the story completely.

Scott Westerfeld

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #839244
#30. There was a beautiful princess with a prince kissing her lips only the prince was totally ugly

Scott Westerfeld

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #525560
#31. But the princess had never seen the beautiful expression of her eyes; the expression that came into them when she was not thinking of herself. As is the case with everyone, her face assumed an affected, unnatural, ugly expression as soon as she looked in the looking glass.

Leo Tolstoy

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #653299
#32. Princess," he whispered against her ear. "My beautiful, beautiful princess. I want to spoil you. Pamper you. Indulge you.

Teresa Medeiros

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #673245
#33. The Story of the Volcano, An Aztec Myth
Once upon a time there was a princess named Iztaccihuatl, more beautiful than any woman, and a handsome warrior Popocatepetl, who loved her. They were to be married, and all the kingdoms rejoiced...

Elise Forier Edie

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #675593
#34. Reader, you may ask this queston. In fact, you must ask this question. Is it ridiculous for a very small, sickly, big-eared mouse fall in love with a beautiful princess named Pea? The answer is..
Yes. Of course it's ridiculous.
Love is ridiculous.
But love is also wonderful. And powerful.

Kate DiCamillo

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #694317
#35. Everything happens at the open window, the portal into another world. Our experience of life depends upon whether we stay the safe side of the window or have the courage to go through." The Beautiful Dance of Life.

Princess Mazzaloulou

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #703473
#36. Still, she stood looking fabulous like a princess should, licking her blood red lips the moment she laid her eyes on the beautiful prince. It was appetite on first sight.

Cameron Jace

My Beautiful Princess Quotes #766292

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