Top 12 Mordantly Quotes

#1. In the absence of real power blood seemed the only alternative.
though he could walk away, and had to walk away, he could not walk away with impunity. he could never be a mordantly amused or merely interested observer of the beast.

Thomas Williams

Mordantly Quotes #186968
#2. Your twenties is all about taking your childhood out on everyone that you run into.

Bill Burr

Mordantly Quotes #191769
#3. A good Christian holds secret communication with heaven. Private prayer keeps up the trade of godliness. When private holiness is laid aside, a stab is given to the heart of piety.

Thomas Watson

Mordantly Quotes #236757
#4. I have been playing a lot of keyboards, especially in the last five or six years. I suppose it gives you more scope than the guitar, although it does tend to make you write a different way.

Mick Ralphs

Mordantly Quotes #270157
#5. And you will not hurt him anymore. Not one of you. Because I am his protector. His rear guard. I am his" -Tara Reese

Lucian Bane

Mordantly Quotes #542089
#6. If the Earth is the size of a pea in New York, then the Sun is a beachball 50m away, Pluto is 4km away, and the next nearest star is in Tokyo. Now shrink Pluto's orbit into a coffee cup; then our Milky Way Galaxy fills North America.

Wayne Hays

Mordantly Quotes #672382
#7. Many things are not as they seem: The worst things in life never are.

Jim Butcher

Mordantly Quotes #884651
#8. Somebody can paint with a fine brush like Monet and do millions of little dots or somebody can splatter it up there like Kandinsky or Jackson Pollock and go "Yep, that's art." That's okay.

Patrick Wilson

Mordantly Quotes #1080977
#9. Life moves so fast. You gotta document the good times, man.

Big Boi

Mordantly Quotes #1101139
#10. Fear,' he whispered. 'There is nothing quite like it. I love how it looks, I love how it feels, I love how it smells. And I especially love the sound of it.' I felt his tongue on my cheek. 'I even love the taste of it

B.A. Paris

Mordantly Quotes #1138997
#11. I favor parking a few miles from the office and walking to work. You get the benefit of exercise and besides it is easier to get a parking space.

Paul Dudley White

Mordantly Quotes #1771167
#12. The meaning is in the content of the text and not in the typeface, and that is why we loved Helvetica very much.

Wim Crouwel

Mordantly Quotes #1804520

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