Top 11 Minouche Holcomb Quotes

#1. I moved up beside Jamie."I have to go."
She frowned at me. "Where?"
I pressed a hand to the bottom of my belly. "My bladder.It-"
Ah." She gave a small laugh. "We interrupt this life-or-death situation for a pregnancy pee break. Don't see that in the movies, do you?

Kelley Armstrong

Minouche Holcomb Quotes #124345
#2. Friends and flowers are two of God's most extravagant blessings. Nurture both. - Mimi Greenwood Knight -

Gary Chapman

Minouche Holcomb Quotes #234023
#3. If you make me your president, I'm going to put the country ahead of the party. I'm going to do what it takes to defend this nation. This nation has been great to me, and that's the only way I know to pay you back.

Lindsey Graham

Minouche Holcomb Quotes #403540
#4. Saiman picked up a coffee mug, stared at it, and hurled it against the wall. It shattered into a dozen pieces. We looked at him.
"Your date appears to be hysterical," Rene told me.
"You think I should slap some man into him?

Ilona Andrews

Minouche Holcomb Quotes #422774
#5. I'm blessed with health and energy and passion for the game of baseball, and also to help children.

Carlos Delgado

Minouche Holcomb Quotes #479808
#6. Modesty is my best quality.

Jack Benny

Minouche Holcomb Quotes #567739
#7. I grew up on a farm, and we didn't have cable and only limited radio stations, so I wasn't inundated with culture the way people in other parts of the country were. But I was really interested in it.

Chuck Klosterman

Minouche Holcomb Quotes #1260494
#8. The blood pumping through her veins when she landed a vault like that one always felt like exclamation points.

Caela Carter

Minouche Holcomb Quotes #1535676
#9. Aloud she said why not you ray you were involed in this as much as the resst of uswhy is it that bud never tried to do anything to you ?his armed tighted around her.'he knew the worst thing for me was a world without you

Lois Duncan

Minouche Holcomb Quotes #1574288
#10. (More radioactive material fell on Harrisburg, Pennsylvania as a result of Chernobyl than from Three Mile Island.)

William Tucker

Minouche Holcomb Quotes #1686272
#11. Dangerous thing, a name. Someone might catch hold of you by it, mightn't they?

Richard Adams

Minouche Holcomb Quotes #1781366

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