Top 14 Michelangelo David Quotes

#1. When the bright angel dominates, out comes a great work of art, a Michelangelo David or a Beethoven symphony.

Madeleine L'Engle

Michelangelo David Quotes #1010125
#2. You are the masterpiece
of your own life.
You are the Michelangelo
of your own life.
The David you are sculpturing
is you
(Dr. Joe Vitale)

Rhonda Byrne

Michelangelo David Quotes #114078
#3. When they asked Michelangelo how he made his statue of David he is reported to have said, It is easy. You just chip away the stone that doesn't look like David.


Michelangelo David Quotes #139619
#4. Michelangelo didn't show David triumphant, the way every other sculptor did. He showed David before he fought Goliath - when David believed he was doomed and went into battle anyway.

James Patterson

Michelangelo David Quotes #503988
#5. Leonardo's Mona Lisa is just a thousand thousand smears of paint. Michelangelo's David is just a million hits with a hammer. We're all of us a million bits put together the right way.

Chuck Palahniuk

Michelangelo David Quotes #508230
#6. You want to become aware of your thoughts, you want to choose your thoughts carefully and you want to have fun with this, because you are the masterpiece of your own life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David that you are sculpting is you. And you do it with your thoughts.

Joe Vitale

Michelangelo David Quotes #510232
#7. You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David you are sculpting is you.

Joe Vitale

Michelangelo David Quotes #518632
#8. He was working that charm right now on the trainer who kneeled before him and touched his thigh as though it were the thigh of David, Michelangelo's glorious statue come to life right here on court.

A.G. Starling

Michelangelo David Quotes #602094
#9. To say that animals evolved into man is like saying that Carrara marble evolved into Michelangelo's David. Speech is what man pays homage to in every moment he can imagine.

Tom Wolfe

Michelangelo David Quotes #829776
#10. I'd like to speak a foreign language well enough to get the jokes. I'd like to talk with Socrates, and watch Michelangelo sculpt David. I'd like to see the world as it was a million years ago and a million years hence.

Robert Fulghum

Michelangelo David Quotes #1192389
#11. Someone once asked Michelangelo how he was able to create the amazing statue of David. He replied, "I didn't create David. He was there all along, in that massive block of marble. I just had to chip away to find him.

Lori Nelson Spielman

Michelangelo David Quotes #1229091
#12. Every great artist raises art to a science, and every great scientist raises science to an art, hence we have Michelangelo's David and Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

Robert Breault

Michelangelo David Quotes #1491496
#13. Michelangelo was asked by the pope about the secret of his genius, particularly how he carved the statue of David, largely considered the masterpiece of all masterpieces. His answer was: "It's simple. I just remove everything that is not David.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Michelangelo David Quotes #1790329
#14. Magnus believed that many old things were creations of enduring beauty. The pyramids. Michelangelo's David. Versailles. Magnus himself.

Cassandra Clare

Michelangelo David Quotes #1838438

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