Top 7 Michelangelo Pieta Quotes

#1. Even Michelangelo on his deathbed thought he'd done nothing to ennoble art. He wanted to destroy his work-the Pieta! And this from the greatest artist who ever lived. Of course I am not comparing my work to Michelangelo's. But this eternal dissatisfaction of the artist is what I was talking about.

John Huston

Michelangelo Pieta Quotes #953429
#2. When a trait is universal, evolutionary biologists look for a genetic explanation and wonder how that gene or genes might enhance survival or reproductive success.

Robin Marantz Henig

Michelangelo Pieta Quotes #960734
#3. An enthusiast may bore others, but he has never a dull moment himself.

John F. Kieran

Michelangelo Pieta Quotes #1140589
#4. The pessimist's nostalgia, deteriorism goes far beyond simply whining that things used to be better and takes the bold stance that the world is actively and energetically going to hell in a handbasket. also

Ammon Shea

Michelangelo Pieta Quotes #1245195
#5. Humility involves the full knowledge of our status as creatures, a clear consciousness of having received everything we have from God.

Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Michelangelo Pieta Quotes #1302526
#6. Catch Catodon ... cast out his conation.

Gene Wolfe

Michelangelo Pieta Quotes #1648344
#7. The pain from the abuse never went away, I just embraced it to become what I am today

Timothy Long

Michelangelo Pieta Quotes #1838188

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