Top 22 Maren's Quotes

#1. Right now ... " He nuzzled her neck and she sighed, only to hear Maren's spoon banging against her tray. Alex craned her head around and smiled at the baby. "You're really pregnant?

Donna Alward

Maren's Quotes #754913
#2. Plot is character in action.

Maren Elwood

Maren's Quotes #684231
#3. Galactica has infinite possibilities. In fact, my character may be abnormal in the sense that she may be more independent than most of the women in classic space adventures.

Maren Jensen

Maren's Quotes #1823437
#4. That was totally his fault-Kenji's.. He tried to cross on red.. You ignore the signal, you'll get hurt. every kindergartener knows.. red means stop.
-Slam Dunk

Takehiko Inoue

Maren's Quotes #1638482
#5. Don't be afraid to be who you are bacause you are the only person who knows you best.

Saredo Ali

Maren's Quotes #1627781
#6. We call it "getting into a rut," which means that we accept our fate because we form the habit of daily routine, a habit that finally becomes so strong we cease to try to throw it off.

Napoleon Hill

Maren's Quotes #1502730
#7. I feel as if part of me is now made of sorrow, some new and tender organ that will pain me until the day I die. I know Maren is safe and well, and made beautiful in all ways. My grief is not for her but for myself - because I miss her . . . because she is missing from me.

Carrie Anne Noble

Maren's Quotes #1495770
#8. The road to one's fate is never an easy task. What worth would eternity be if you didn't have to work hard to obtain it?

Maren Dille

Maren's Quotes #1477739
#9. Giving subsidies is a two-edged sword. Once you give it, it's very hard to take away subsidies. There's a political cost to taking away subsidies.

Najib Razak

Maren's Quotes #1363601
#10. Writers should avoid the academy. When a writer begins to accept pay for talking about words, we know what he will produce soon: nothing but words.

Edward Abbey

Maren's Quotes #1353065
#11. Most of us will never do great things. But we can do small things in a great way.

Maren Mouritsen

Maren's Quotes #1056095
#12. There is only one way to achieve happiness on this terrestrial ball, and that is to have either a clear conscience or none at all.

Ogden Nash

Maren's Quotes #933844
#13. Those who love the young best stay young longer.

Edgar Friedenberg

Maren's Quotes #667718
#14. For the record, Maren voted hot. Drew voted cold. They both voted a la mode. Because, honestly, what's the point of pie without ice cream?

Melissa Tagg

Maren's Quotes #510771
#15. All art is concerned with the creation of an emotional reaction on the part of the beholder.

Maren Elwood

Maren's Quotes #495732
#16. meeting ever called, practically ran the PTSA,

Maren Smith

Maren's Quotes #426954
#17. She wasn't huge or anything, but she wasn't one of the super slim women or the curvy ones who looked lush and beautiful. She was just sort of in between and ... blah.
"Give a mint to know what you're thinking right now," Steele muttered.
"I'm blah," she blurted out.

Maya Banks

Maren's Quotes #410640
#18. I don't know; I still like the name Six. Maren
Elizabeth was when I was a different person, and right now Six just feels right. It can be short for something if someone asks."
Sam looks over. "For what? Sixty?

Pittacus Lore

Maren's Quotes #343699
#19. Money follows art. Money wants what it can't buy. Class and talent. And remember while there's a talent for making money, it takes real talent to know how to spend it.

Candace Bushnell

Maren's Quotes #274237
#20. Forever. Mine. With me. Wherever life takes us. I want my life to be with you. Marry me, Maren.

Maya Banks

Maren's Quotes #235069
#21. 115. Learn, then, what a hypocrite is; namely, one who lays claim to the worship of God and to charity, and yet, at the same time, destroys the worship of God and slaughters his brother.

Martin Luther

Maren's Quotes #223656
#22. Fictional characters exist in only two places, neither of which is on the printed page. They exist, first, in the mind of the writer and, second, in the mind of the reader.

Maren Elwood

Maren's Quotes #14131

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