Top 41 Magic Tree Quotes

#1. I discovered writing children's books was a way to keep living in my imagination like a child. So I wrote a number of books before I started 'Magic Tree House.' Then, once I got that, I never looked back because I could be somewhere different in every single book.

Mary Pope Osborne

Magic Tree Quotes #630495
#2. Her body became liquid, and she thought, if they could bottle him, he would make the best pain medication.

Marissa Meyer

Magic Tree Quotes #1494001
#3. I have a soft spot in my heart for tree houses, which have always imparted certain magic and practical knowledge.

Richard Louv

Magic Tree Quotes #990095
#4. ...I'm hanging onto my sanity by a thread. I'll have you up against this tree and be inside you in about one second.

Zoe Forward

Magic Tree Quotes #1031700
#5. Angus skidded to a stop and lifted his jaw as if sensing he was being watched. He looked in her direction and instantly covered his manhood as his eyes caught Jane's shocked face in the tree limbs. "Oh, lassie."
"Oh, naked man," Jane teased before she could stop herself.

Michelle M. Pillow

Magic Tree Quotes #1115532
#6. In any case, we do not and cannot understand what magic is, or where it comes from, any more than a carpenter understands why a tree grows. He doesn't have to. He works with what he has.

Lev Grossman

Magic Tree Quotes #1136366
#7. When faced with a chaotic and convoluted situation, one always thinks that it will take centuries to sort it out. Suddenly a man appears and as if by magic, the tree we thought was doomed takes on new life and starts bearing leaves and fruits and giving shade. (Shireen in Samarkand)

Amin Maalouf

Magic Tree Quotes #1174497
#8. A man walked across the moors from Razorback to Lancre town without seeing a single marshlight, head-less dog, strolling tree, ghostly coach or comet, and had to be taken in by a tavern and given a drink to unsteady his nerves.

Terry Pratchett

Magic Tree Quotes #1176527
#9. Read when you can.
Teach when you ought.
Learn when you must.
Apply when you should.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Magic Tree Quotes #1314194
#10. Without trees, mountains, fogs or rains, the Sun cannot create its own magic!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Magic Tree Quotes #1350184
#11. A racist system inevitably destroys and damages human beings; it brutalizes and dehumanizes them, blacks and whites alike.

Kenneth Clark

Magic Tree Quotes #1429066
#12. Be silent like a rock, deeply rooted and straight like a tree, bend like a reed in the wind, listen to the sounds that your ears ignore, and feel the world through your intuition. The latter will never betray you, your senses will!

Irina Serban

Magic Tree Quotes #846447
#13. For a lot of people, 4chan is their tree house - they go there to hang out. You can actually see the culture shift with time zone. Seeing how threads unwind and unravel is just a thrill, and you can't really share that magic.

Christopher Poole

Magic Tree Quotes #1495500
#14. The waving of a pine tree on the top of a mountain - a magic wand in Nature's hand - every devout mountaineer knows its power; but the marvelous beauty value of what the Scotch call a breckan in a still dell, what poet has sung this?

John Muir

Magic Tree Quotes #1498405
#15. Magic Kingdom's tree goes up on Dec. 9.

Julie Neal

Magic Tree Quotes #1515316
#16. Though storms blow and the earth shake
Limber trees may bend, but the stiff will break."

Chief Bending Tree (Mystical Mountain Magic)

Guy Brooke

Magic Tree Quotes #1527169
#17. We were not for underestimating magic - a life-conductor like the sap between the tree-stem and the bark. We know that it keeps dullness out of religion and poetry. It is probable that without it we might die.

Freya Stark

Magic Tree Quotes #1565244
#18. I loved fairy tales when I was a kid. Grimm. The grimmer the better. I loved gruesome gothic tales and, in that respect, I liked Bible stories, because to me they were very gothic.

Amy Tan

Magic Tree Quotes #1606832
#19. Anytime you feel love for anything, be it stone, tree, lover, or child, you are touched by the Goddess's magick ...

Cate Tiernan

Magic Tree Quotes #1652293
#20. It was a well-known fact that keeping track of time was not Parry Pretty's forte ... If time were Parry's pet, it would have died tied to a tree somewhere out back long ago.

S.J. Musgraves

Magic Tree Quotes #1669283
#21. Some people possess gifts, and some people are possessed by them. When that happens, the gift becomes a curse

Anton Troia

Magic Tree Quotes #1797984
#22. If you have people do some magic, impossible thing by stroking a talisman or praying to a tree, it's fantasy; if they do the same thing by pressing a button or climbing inside a machine, it's science fiction.

Orson Scott Card

Magic Tree Quotes #439245
#23. Marrying, founding a family, accepting all the children that come, supporting them in this insecure world, and perhaps even guiding them a little, is, I am convinced, the utmost a human being can succeed in doing at all.

Franz Kafka

Magic Tree Quotes #26931
#24. When deeply ashamed minds scream to the air, "But we can change! This time we can change!" the Omnimalevolent Creator calmly replies, "Good.

John Zande

Magic Tree Quotes #30198
#25. Several hundred feet ahead, Saphira and Thorn tussled, two giants in the night.

Christopher Paolini

Magic Tree Quotes #35090
#26. Only when you are able to hear the songs of a tree will you be able to understand the magnificence and magic of life.

Debasish Mridha

Magic Tree Quotes #78214
#27. Though a simple book can be written on selected topics, the central doctrines of economics are not simple and cannot be made so.

Alfred Marshall

Magic Tree Quotes #140467
#28. No man sees far, most see no farther than their noses.

Thomas Carlyle

Magic Tree Quotes #165378
#29. What I want for Christmas is to be a Japanese pop star. [Laughs] Santa can't exactly put that under the tree, but I'm hoping that some magic will happen overseas.

Candice Accola

Magic Tree Quotes #263059
#30. I never felt magic crazy as this
I never saw moons knew the meaning of the sea
I never held emotion in the palm of my hand
Or felt sweet breezes in the top of a tree
But now you're here
Brighten my northern sky.

Nick Drake

Magic Tree Quotes #294584
#31. Every man is to be considered in two capacities, the private and public; as designed to pursue his own interest, and likewise to contribute to the good of others.

Joseph Butler

Magic Tree Quotes #384856
#32. If I had to model clothes in a time period other than the 21st century, I think I'd like to model way back when they just wore skin loincloths. That would be best suited for me - better than corsets. I'm quite claustrophobic.

Lara Stone

Magic Tree Quotes #982388
#33. Eventually I would learn that the enchanting tree was one of the resort's signatures, one of those subtle delightful touches that resonate on poetic, artistic, and even spiritual frequencies.

Leslie Le Mon

Magic Tree Quotes #504059
#34. If you find yourself worrying, go outside, take three breaths, address a tree and quietly say, 'Thank you.' If you can't find a tree, a dandelion will do ... Nature is magic.

Robert Bateman

Magic Tree Quotes #506791
#35. Consciousness is the basis of both the examined and the unexamined life.

Sam Harris

Magic Tree Quotes #526536
#36. I want to be magic. I want to touch the heart of the world and make it smile. I want to be a friend of elves and live in a tree. Or under a hill. I want to marry a moonbeam and hear the stars sing. I don't want to pretend at magic anymore. I want to be magic.

Charles De Lint

Magic Tree Quotes #567639
#37. I saw the Eagle Tree for the first time on the third Monday of the month of March, which I guess could be considered auspicious if I believed in magic or superstition or religion ...

Ned Hayes

Magic Tree Quotes #584435
#38. I can become so interested in what I have that I forget the needs of my soul.

Charles L. Allen

Magic Tree Quotes #654861
#39. things like how to tell the age of a tree, the dances of the moon and tides, and the names of the clouds-like cumulonimbus and nimbosttratus-that sounded lie magic spells on his tongue.

Michelle Cuevas

Magic Tree Quotes #733263
#40. know how" to "do now.

John C. Maxwell

Magic Tree Quotes #734349
#41. And who shall say
whatever disenchantment follows
that we ever forget magic; or that we can ever betray, on this leaden earth, the apple-tree, the singing, and the gold?

Thomas Wolfe

Magic Tree Quotes #767370

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