Top 15 Mad Scramble Quotes

#1. The world spins despite me, not because of me, he muttered. Last week, one of his coworkers died after twenty-five years of service. There was an email and eulogy sent by one of the managers - and then a mad scramble by everyone else to loot his office supplies.

Wesley Chu

Mad Scramble Quotes #126004
#2. Man was engaged in a mad scramble for power and knowledge, but nowhere is there any hint of what he meant to do with it once he had attained it. He

Clifford D. Simak

Mad Scramble Quotes #447745
#3. It's so cool for me to do what I love to do for a living and meet people from all over the world.

Josh Turner

Mad Scramble Quotes #142269
#4. Glorious as it had been, the city-state was obsolete.

Robert A. Dahl

Mad Scramble Quotes #338339
#5. Some adolescents are troubled and some get into trouble. But the great majority (almost nine out of ten) do not ... The bottomline is that good kids don't suddenly go bad in adolescence.

Laurence Steinberg

Mad Scramble Quotes #454269
#6. Does Raggedy Ann have a cotton crotch?

John Sandford

Mad Scramble Quotes #469413
#7. What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.

Woody Allen

Mad Scramble Quotes #486468
#8. Power broken into a thousand pieces can be hidden and disowned. If no individual or institution possesses the authority to act without of everybody else in the room, then nobody is at fault if anything goes wrong.

Lewis H. Lapham

Mad Scramble Quotes #518009
#9. God never slams a door in your face without opening a box of Girl Scout cookies.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Mad Scramble Quotes #670398
#10. Many think Jesus came to earth so you and I can have a special kind of spiritual experience and then go merrily along, as long as we pray and read our Bibles and develop intimacy with the unseen God but ignore the others-oriented life of justice and love and peace that Jesus embodied.

Scot McKnight

Mad Scramble Quotes #883037
#11. Future strong is filled with disruptive heroes. Are you one?

Bill Jensen

Mad Scramble Quotes #1250781
#12. The compassion that you see in the kindhearted is God's compassion. He has given it to them to protect the helpless.


Mad Scramble Quotes #1308358
#13. There's nothing like music to teach you that eventually if you work hard enough, it does get better. You see the results.

Chuck Todd

Mad Scramble Quotes #1332759
#14. A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them.

Carl Jung

Mad Scramble Quotes #1775923
#15. I like it when hard work pays off.

Mikaela Shiffrin

Mad Scramble Quotes #1866899

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