Top 27 Mad Rogan Quotes

#1. Yes, I'm a hermit. Mostly I brood," Mad Rogan said. "Also, I'm very good at wallowing in self-pity. I spend my days steeped in melancholy, looking out the window. Occasionally a single tear quietly rolls down my cheek.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #609540
#2. One school of thought says that the best way to handle an issue like this is exposure therapy," Mad Rogan said. "For example, if you're terrified of snakes, repeated handling of them will cure it."
Aha. "I'm not handling your snake.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #341106
#3. Maybe I should drive," Troy said. "She knows what she's doing," Mad Rogan said. I sniffed. "What?" "The fragrance of a genuine compliment from Mad Rogan. So rare and sweet.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #1536075
#4. And you're not hurt? Nothing's broken?" "No." "Oh good." Mad Rogan sank a vicious punch into Adam's jaw. Adam fell to his knees, his mouth bloody. "How about now, Adam? Anything hurt now?

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #1253662
#5. Mad Rogan: "Resistance is futile."
Nevada: "You are not assimilating me!

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #1252416
#6. Mad Rogan saw me and smiled. And my mind went right into the gutter.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #1221838
#7. The next time I went anywhere with Mad Rogan, I'd bring one of those bandoliers action stars wore when they routed terrorists from jungles.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #1141860
#8. It was one thing to be attracted to bad boys, something I usually didn't suffer from. It was another to be attracted to bad men. Mad Rogan was a really bad, bad man.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #983889
#9. Speak to me."
"I hate you."
"Okay." Mad Rogan let go of me. "You're fine.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #930308
#10. I finally understood why he was called Mad Rogan. It wasn't because he was insane. It was because he drove you nuts with sheer frustration. We

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #656926
#11. I wanted you to stop." "I was encouraged by you breathlessly moaning my name." I spun on my foot. "I wasn't moaning your name. I was shrieking in alarm." "That was the sexiest throaty shrieking I've ever heard." "You need to get out more.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #1802529
#12. Had I known you were going to pull a pretty ribbon out of your sleeve like some two-bit magician, tie me up with it, and indulge your mental torture fetish in your basement, I would've shot you. Many times."
"Two-bit magician?"
"Men like you enjoy being flattered.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #1643084
#13. If you keep wiggling, things might get uncomfortable," he said into my ear, his voice like a caress. "I'm doing my best, but thinking about baseball only takes you so far." I froze.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #1567726
#14. I would ask him to forgive me, for being his mother and never knowing what was going on inside his head, for not being able to help him, for not being the person that he could confide in." When

Sue Klebold

Mad Rogan Quotes #1534716
#15. 'Spin City' was a really wonderful time for me. I made friends for life on that show. I made friends with Richard Kind, Michael Boatman, Barry Bostwick, Sandy Chaplin. We're all close. It was a really wonderful time.

Alan Ruck

Mad Rogan Quotes #1258157
#16. Can you turn so you're not pressed against me?"
"I could," he said, his voice amused. "But then you would have to lie on top of me."
My brain said, "NO." My body went, "Wheee!

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #1110363
#17. You never undertake a project because you think other people will like it - because that way lies madness - but rather because you believe in it.

John Simm

Mad Rogan Quotes #1093250
#18. To be honest, I don't usually do very much research, especially if I'm working with a director who also wrote the screenplay. They've usually done a tonne of research. And they'll tell you about it from their perspective which is better than doing your own research ...

Christina Ricci

Mad Rogan Quotes #1029596
#19. A man had no right to be this fiercely sexual without even trying.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #878643
#20. Oh. "So the best way to fight you is to strip naked and attack?"
His eyes flashed with a wicked light. "Yes. You should try it and see what happens.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #843286
#21. And let's be honest, you weren't exactly harmed. I even took you home." "You dumped me on my doorstep. According to my mother, I looked half dead." "Your mother exaggerates. A third dead at most." I stared at him. Wow. Just wow.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #580978
#22. He looked like he needed some jungle ruins to explore or some bad people to hit with a chair. Trouble was, he was the bad people.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #479455
#23. But he remembered that even if she did box his ears, he musn't box hers again, for she was a girl, and all that boys must do, if girls are rude, is to go away and leave them.

George MacDonald

Mad Rogan Quotes #381851
#24. How do we get out of this circle?" I asked him.
"We kill him," he said.
"Good. Let's kill him and go home."
"I thought you'd never ask.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #352719
#25. If you prefer, I can acquire a windowless creeper van, and we can huddle in it and eat greasy take out.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #305128
#26. Mr. Rogan," I frosted my voice over. "What I put into my body is my business." Okay, that didn't sound right.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #300692
#27. I can buy your contract." "No, you can't. Any sale of our mortgage requires my consent, and I won't consent to it." He grinned. "You don't want to work under me?" "I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer.

Ilona Andrews

Mad Rogan Quotes #224263

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