Top 21 Luke 6 Quotes

#1. Usury was seen above all as an assault on Christian charity, on Jesus's injunction to treat the poor as they would treat the Christ himself, giving without expectation of return and allowing the borrower to decide on recompense (Luke 6:34

David Graeber

Luke 6 Quotes #721734
#2. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked (Luke 6:35).

Michele Woolley

Luke 6 Quotes #752065
#3. Proclaiming resurrection turns the world upside down (cf. Acts 17:1-9) and holds out to the poor and lowly the hope of being vindicated while posing a worrisome prospect to those who have already received their consolation in the present life (cf. Luke 6:24).322

Ellen F. Davis

Luke 6 Quotes #767183
#4. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure . . . will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. LUKE 6:38

Norman Vincent Peale

Luke 6 Quotes #1175483
#5. Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? (Luke 6:46)


Luke 6 Quotes #1612644
#6. Jesus teaches us to bless our enemies (Matthew 5:44) To bless those who curse us (Luke 6:28). To "never avenge yourselves" (Romans 12:19). When we truly forgive someone, we need to come to the place where we can bless them and desire God's blessing also on their lives.

Greg Gordon

Luke 6 Quotes #1793290
#7. Behavior is a manifestation of what is going on inside. What a person says or does mirrors the heart. "For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks" (Luke 6:45).

Tedd Tripp

Luke 6 Quotes #670435
#8. If the Christ we follow sent out his disciples with no extra possessions (Luke 9:1-6 and 10:1-12) and warned would-be devotees that he had nowhere to lay his head (see Luke 9:57-62), then we must recognize that it is extremely difficult to live in a Christian way in a consumer culture.

Marva Dawn

Luke 6 Quotes #1471016
#9. The verb 'highly favored' (Luke 1:28) is the same as 'made us accepted' in Ephesians 1:6, referring to all of God's children. All true believers have been 'highly graced' by the Lord.

Charles Spurgeon

Luke 6 Quotes #1329003
#10. Dedicating Time and Resources With thousands, even millions within the people group of your focus, where do you commit your time? Detach from the idea that every need is a call. Pray that God would connect you to "people of peace" (Luke 10:6).

Robert S. Miller

Luke 6 Quotes #1194562
#11. Learn to pray. Pray often. Pray in your mind, in your heart. Pray on your knees. Prayer is your personal key to heaven. The lock is on your side of the veil. And I have learned to conclude all my prayers with 'Thy will be done' (Matthew 6:10; see also Luke 11:2; 3 Nephi 13:10).

Boyd K. Packer

Luke 6 Quotes #986961
#12. We just have to believe and excise our faith: The Lord answered, 'If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to thi mulberry tree, 'May you be uprooted and thrown into the sea,' and it would obey you!(Luke 17:6, NLT).

Euginia Herlihy

Luke 6 Quotes #606738
#13. I have a question." Stark looked to me. "Can you kick Chuck Norris's ass?"
Luke Stark smiled, white and lazy.
My heart thumped.
"I strive to be Chuck Norris," he replied.

Kristen Ashley

Luke 6 Quotes #472168
#14. It was about time their nose for trouble had a woman's touch.

Luke Taylor

Luke 6 Quotes #422384
#15. Speak straightly." I said. "You've come to steal something, haven't you?

Luke Taylor

Luke 6 Quotes #416348
#16. This is My Son, the Chosen One; listen to Him. Luke 9:35

Beth Moore

Luke 6 Quotes #269353
#17. I've known Dave so long that I can tell what he's going to do before he does it. I don't want to meet the person who can predict what Luke's about to do; they'd have to be crazier than him.

Cath Crowley

Luke 6 Quotes #195720
#18. We've pretended too much in our family, Luke, and hidden far too much. I think we're all going to pay a high price for our inability to face the truth.

Pat Conroy

Luke 6 Quotes #105591
#19. Does he understand now that 'what if?' isn't fair when, under a different set of circumstances, you were asked to polarise things into one moment in time, when you had to defend what you wanted at a completely different moment? Kamryn to Luke

Dorothy Koomson

Luke 6 Quotes #64208
#20. There was a point - when I was a kid - where I said I wanted to be like Luke Skywalker, with blond hair and blue eyes. My mom right there told me to never be ashamed of who I am.

Chaske Spencer

Luke 6 Quotes #42217
#21. As Luke would have it, what ends with crucifixion does not merely reappear restored. Resurrection declares and presents the unrecognizably new, even as traces of the familiar remain.

Jay Emerson Johnson

Luke 6 Quotes #35429

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