Top 100 Love Jesus Quotes
#1. Any who love Jesus will love others much more.
Mike Bickle
#2. I love Jesus. I just don't like the Christians who don't believe in what he says.
Bill Maher
#3. Because of his boundless love, Jesus became what we are that he might make us to be what he is.
Irenaeus Of Lyons
#4. Holiness is not to love Jesus and do whatever you want. Holiness is to love God and do what He wants.
C. Wagner
#5. The poor of the earth know how much we really love Jesus.
Adam LiVecchi
#6. I pledge to love Jesus more than anything or anyone. And you are next in line, God's remarkable gift to me. I promise to protect, honor, and cherish you for the rest of our lives.
Robert Wolgemuth
#7. It will be full of precious stones and jewels, and best of all, full of precious souls!-Immortal souls, saved souls that love Jesus and that you won to the Lord.
David Berg
#8. I want women to love Jesus! That is what I would give every single thing I have for, every earthly good I've got. That is the greatest desire of my heart.
Beth Moore
#9. Evangelical Christians and I can sit down and talk one on one about how much we love Jesus, and yet I'm not carried in Christian bookstores.
Anne Lamott
#10. I love Jesus Christ. I am a Christian ... I cry when I see injustice, children dying of hunger.
Hugo Chavez
#11. I desired to become a Christian, and prayed earnestly for the forgiveness of my sins. I felt a peace of mind resulting, and loved every one, feeling desirous that all should have their sins forgiven, and love Jesus as I did.
Ellen G. White
#12. Only you and I who love Jesus and have Him now before this life's death will be able to be among the special super-citizens of the Heavenly City, a special super-class of people!
David Berg
#14. IV. There is a certain kind of girl who reads Lolita at fourteen and finds religion. I painted my eyes black and sucked barroom cherries to red my tongue. There was a boy who promised Judas really did love Jesus. I learned early every kiss and betrayal are up for interpretation.
Clementine Von Radics
#15. Only if you are part of a community of believers seeking to resemble, serve, and love Jesus will you ever get to know him and grow into his likeness.
Timothy Keller
#16. My head hurts, my feet stink, and I don't love Jesus. It's that kind of morning.
Jimmy Buffett
#17. Don't believe false teaching that says you won't suffer if you really love Jesus. Jesus will end all suffering eventually, but on earth he suffered more than anyone.
Mark Driscoll
#18. In life, have but one desire, one only
to love Jesus Christ with all your soul. Let that be the one fixed idea of your entire existence.
Pedro Arrupe
#19. Love Jesus and keep Him as your friend. When all others forsake you He will not leave you nor will He allow you to perish on the last day. Whether you like it or not the day will come when you will find yourself separated from everyone and from everything.
Thomas A Kempis
#20. Love people when they least expect it and least deserve it. That is the kind of love Jesus shows to us.
Mark Batterson
#21. We love Jesus as a baby on Christmas, and Jesus risen from the grave on Easter, but somehow we miss Jesus the man, the teacher, the sage, the rebel, the subversive King, the local hero, the neighborhood friend.
Hugh Halter
#23. What offends Him and what wounds His Heart is the lack of confidence ... Your heart is made to love Jesus, to love Him passionately ... We have only the short moments of our life to love Jesus!
Therese Of Lisieux
#24. I love Jesus as much as I ever have. And I'm gay. Deal with it.
Vicky Beeching
#25. We complicate prayer as we complicate many things. It is to love Jesus with undivided love-for you, for me, for all of us. And that undivided love is put into action when we do as Jesus said, love as I have loved you
Mother Teresa
#27. Myself, I have never seen a bumper sticker saying " Hate if you Love Jesus ", but I sometimes wonder why not. It would be a good slogan for the religious Right.
Simon Blackburn
#28. Don't you love Jesus?' Well, I thought an' I thought an' finally I says, 'No, I don't know nobody name' Jesus. I know a bunch of stories, but I only love people.
John Steinbeck
#29. Loving God more than anyone or anything else is the very foundation of being a disciple. If you want to live your Christian life to its fullest, then love Jesus more than anyone or anything else.
Greg Laurie
#30. Heaven isn't a place for people who are scared of hell; it's for people who love Jesus.
Jefferson Bethke
#31. "Happy he that knows Thee, even if he knows nothing else," says St. Augustine. If we knew all the sciences and knew not how to love Jesus Christ, our knowledge shall profit us nothing to eternal life. But if we know how to love Jesus Christ, we shall know all things, and shall be happy for eternity.
Alphonsus Liguori
#32. Honestly, I love Jesus but sometimes His followers give me a migraine.
Jen Hatmaker
#33. I don't think you can love Jesus without loving His wife.
Ed Stetzer
#34. The simple fact is that only if I love Jesus more than my wife will I be able to serve her needs ahead of my own.
Timothy Keller
#35. Church wasn't designed by an architect (Technically, Jesus was a carpenter.). So why do we think of churches as buildings instead of groups of people who love Jesus?
Dillon Burroughs
#36. Honk if you love Jesus, text while driving if you want to meet up.
Barbara Kingsolver
#37. You can't go to Heaven hating somebody. Forgive now. Be compassionate now. Be patient now. Be grateful now. Love Jesus and Mary now. Accept God's will now.
Mother Angelica
#38. Some people hold back the truth because they think this is one way to show love. Others tell the truth but have no love. Jesus Christ is able to blend both truth and love, and this makes him an effective counselor.
Warren W. Wiersbe
#39. How 'bout a cheer for all those bad girls?
And all those boys that play that rock and roll?
They love it like you love Jesus,
It does the same thing to their souls.
Tom Petty
#40. Religious people love to hide behind religion. They love the rules of religion more than they love Jesus. With practice, Condemners let rules become more important than the spiritual life.
Mike Yaconelli
#41. It is even possible to be a martyr for the Faith and yet not love Jesus Christ.
Oswald J. Smith
#42. Heaven is not for people who just want to skip hell. Heaven is reserved for those who love Jesus, who have been rescued by Him and who long to praise Him.
Matt Chandler
#44. If you really want to love Jesus, first learn to suffer, because suffering teaches you to love.
Gemma Galgani
#45. I love Jesus, who said to us: Heaven and earth will pass away. When heaven and earth have passed away, my word will remain. What was your word, Jesus? Love? Forgiveness? Affection? All your words were one word: Wakeup.
Antonio Machado
#47. Something Mama liked to say: I love Jesus, but some of his representatives sure make my ass tired.
Edward Kelsey Moore
#48. Step 1 in casting vision is to make sure your people love Jesus more than they love the vision you are casting.
Matthew Carter
#49. Evangelicalism has taken the Extrovert Ideal to its logical extreme ... If you don't love Jesus out loud, then it must not be real love. It's not enough to forge your own spiritual connection to the divine; it must be displayed publicly.
Susan Cain
#50. What is the definition of "love"? Jesus answered that by depicting a man meeting material, physical, and economic needs through deeds. Caring for people's material and economic needs is not an option for Jesus. He refused to allow the law expert to limit the implications of this command to love.
Timothy J. Keller
#51. During this same year of 1896 another desire began to grow in me. I began to feel an ever greater yearning to love Jesus Crucified very much, and at the same time a desire to suffer with him and to help him in his sufferings.
Gemma Galgani
#52. I like cats. They don't care if you love Jesus.
Miss Merikan
#53. Ruth does love Jesus, same way she loves Lincoln, Robin Hood, Martin Luther King, and Nat. Handsome men who fight for justice.
Samantha Hunt
#54. I love Jesus but I drink alittle- Gladis Hardy from the Ellen Show
Ellen DeGeneres
#55. Give me 100 men that hate nothing but sin, and love Jesus Christ, and we'll shake England for God.
John Wesley
#56. Some smart folk wish to love Jesus, but prefer to ignore his bride, the Church. This goes no better for these rude people than it does when any loving husband meets a boor who condescends, ignores, or insults his beloved.
Holly Ordway
#57. I Love Jesus Christ and that is why I am on fire with the desire to give Him souls, first of all my own, and then an incalculable number of others.
Alphonsus Liguori
#58. I see Jesus in every human being. I say to myself, this is hungry Jesus, I must feed him. This is sick Jesus. This one has leprosy or gangrene; I must wash him and tend to him. I serve becuase I love Jesus.
Mother Teresa
#59. Naturally, I now love Jesus very much. Yes, I love him so damn much that I would like to crucify him all over again!
Carl Panzram
#60. if we want to love Jesus completely, ardently, and perfectly - as did Mother Teresa - then we need his Spirit of Love, and Mary Immaculate brings him to us.
Michael Gaitley
#61. If I do not love my fellow man, I can be sure of it that I do not love Jesus Christ. And I would do well if guilty of loving Jesus Christ even more than I love my fellow man, because only by this may I fully come to love my fellow man.
Criss Jami
#62. The devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices. He is also afraid when we are humble and good. He is especially afraid when we love Jesus very much. He runs away when we make the Sign of the Cross.
Anthony Of Padua
#63. Live for God. Obey the Scriptures. Think of others before yourself. Be holy. Love Jesus. And as you do these things, do whatever else you like, with whomever you like, wherever you like, and you'll be walking in the will of God.
Kevin DeYoung
#64. Obedience seems to be "proof" of sorts that we do indeed love Jesus.
Donovan Graham
#65. You can sing all you want about how you love Jesus, you can have crocodile tears in your eyes, but the consecration that doesn't reach your purse has not reached your heart.
Adrian Rogers
#66. As a church we must love Jesus, or else we have lost our reason for existence.
Charles Spurgeon
#67. With love that knew no fear, the Singer caught his torment, wrapped it all in song and gave it back to him as peace.
Calvin Miller
#68. I'd rather argue with you, angel, than laugh with anyone else."
Jesus. It took me a minute to be able to swallow the last bite in my mouth.
"You know ... I love you madly."
He smiled. "Yes, I know.
Sylvia Day
#69. OUT OF AN INFINITE LOVE, you, O Lord, have made me an heir of your kingdom and joint heir with Christ. O Good Jesus, to whom else shall I go? You have the words of eternal life. I hope, and I believe in you. Lord keep me from despair. Amen. O
Derek A. Olsen
#70. AIDS is the leprosy of the 21st Century. Where did Jesus hang out? With lepers. Jesus would love on people with AIDS.
Rick Warren
#71. Turn around and believe that the good news that we are loved is better than we ever dared hope, and that to believe in that good news, to live out of it and toward it, to be in love with that good news, is of all glad things in this world the gladdest thing of all. Amen, and come Lord Jesus.
Frederick Buechner
#72. Whether Jesus calms the storm or calms us in the storm, His love is the same, and His grace is enough.
Sheila Walsh
#73. Spirit-led Jesus followers recognize that they are imperfect Christians working with other imperfect Christians to serve a perfect Christ. When we love and give to one another, then we grow as individuals and as the family of God.136
Mark Driscoll
#74. Give your false prophet a message for me. Tell him Jesus befriended the whores and the thieves and the sinners. Tell him his Old Testament God is dead. God doesn't punish the wicked and save the righteous. God is love.
Jennifer Bosworth
#75. He is Jesus, only. God has revealed Himself to us through Jesus. Jesus is what God wanted us to know and to love. He is not Napoleon the Great. He is not Alexander the Great. He is Jesus only. He is enough. My purpose in life is to worship Jesus and, in so doing, become more Christ-like
David Paul Kirkpatrick
#76. I believe in unconditional love and equality. Jesus Christ exemplified these qualities.
Jack Canfield
#77. Singles, too, must see the penultimate status of marriage. If single Christians don't develop a deeply fulfilling love relationship with Jesus, they will put too much pressure on their DREAM of marriage, and that will create pathology in their lives as well.
Timothy Keller
#78. I knew that Jesus loved me, not because the Bible told me so but because my heart was informed by love. And later, for that same reason, I knew I was attracted to boys.
James Lecesne
#79. At best we are but clay, animated dust; but viewed as sinners, we are monsters indeed. Let it be published in heaven as a miracle that the Lord Jesus should set His heart's love upon people like us.
Alistair Begg
#80. Ah, Lord Jesus! I never knew Your love till I understood the meaning of Your death.
Charles Spurgeon
#81. You cannot find one single verse in the New Testament that calls for violence against non-believers. Jesus said to love your enemies. Muhammad said to butcher your enemies.
Robert Jeffress
#82. All good things come from love; God used the cross a symbol of His love, to paralyze and defeat all forces of evil. God is love. John 3:16
Felix Wantang
#83. The love of our Lord Jesus Christ towards sinners is strikingly shown in His steady purpose of heart to die for them.
J.C. Ryle
#84. Do not try to serve Jesus Christ with only your works - fall in love with Him!
Sunday Adelaja
#85. I have tried to understand what crucifixion must feel like. I just know that the pain must be beyond what I have ever experienced. I respect, love, and trust the One who endured all this when He didn't have to. I understand Jesus with my heart, and the rest of the world can think of Him as it will.
Marina Nemat
#86. Can You see that as soon as the day breaks I think of You? As evening comes, I am near You. I am near You at every moment. I love You, Jesus!
Gemma Galgani
#87. Please God, please suh, don't let him love nobody else but me. Maybe Ah'm is uh fool, Lawd, lak dey say, but Lawd, Ah been so lonesome, and Ah been waitin', Jesus. Ah done waited uh long time.
Zora Neale Hurston
#89. Eternity is not just looking to the future and our place with God in Heaven, but it is looking at our Eternity as if it were only moments away.
Beth Nimmo
#90. Love pays attention. Love listens to the fears and the doubts of others and treats them with respect. Love accepts others the way Jesus accepts you.
Rick Warren
#91. If ye love me, keep my commandments. This is the essence of what it means to be a true disciple: those who receive Christ Jesus walk with him.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
#92. Jesus's solution to our love affair with sin is that we be mastered by joy in a new reality, namely, God.
John Piper
#93. When we learn to read the story of Jesus and see it as the story of the love of God, doing for us what we could not do for ourselves
that insight produces, again and again, a sense of astonished gratitude which is very near the heart of authentic Christian experience.
N. T. Wright
#94. I love God and I follow Jesus but I just don't have much affinity for the organized folderol of the churches in the Western World.
Larry Norman
#95. For love doesn't stand alone, nor can it, but trails like a blazing comet, bringing with it other shining goods - forgiveness, kindness, tolerance, fairness, companionability and friendship, all bound to the love which is at the heart of Jesus's message.
Ian McEwan
#96. I'm as much of a homophobe as Jesus was. The people who are participating in homosexual behavior, they need to know that I love them.
Phil Robertson
#97. It's like a person who gets a taste of Christ, falls in love with Him, and then casts Him aside. That love never lets go, that yearning to be with Jesus, and there's no rest until the relationship is restored." Nadia
Brigette Manie
#98. Love one another, Jesus said. Sometimes it took a lifetime to learn how. Sometimes it took someone to hit rock bottom to make someone reach up and grasp hold and be lifted from the mire to stand on a firm foundation.
Francine Rivers
#99. I'm trying to imitate Jesus in the fact that he said to be like children, to love children, to be as pure as children and to make yourself as innocent and to see the world through eyes of wonderment and the whole magical quality of it all.
Michael Jackson
#100. So when Jesus says "Love your enemies," he is setting forth a profound and ultimately inescapable admonition.
Martin Luther King Jr.
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